Turner –
Almira Peirsol Turner was born in Ohio, May 20, 1831, and died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. W. H. Simons at Clark's Mills, Pa., July 12, 1909/ When twenty years of age she was converted and united with the church at Sheakleyville, Pa. In 1855 she was married to
Samuel R. Turner, who organized North Salem Church, near the birth place of
Bishop Roberts, of which he was class-leader for thirty years. Mrs. Turner was one of two of the survivors of the original class. She was a constant reader, giving much of her time to the Bible and the ADVOCATE, which has come to her home for fifty years. She and her husband were pioneer Methodists, and always gave a cordial welcome to the itinerant preachers and shared their board and roof in generous hospitality.
Submitted by
Susannah Lewis