Reverend James Rollinson
for many years pastor of the New Virginia Methodist Church died Sunday afternoon after an extended illness. He was 76 years old.
Rev. Rollinson was born in England on February 22, 1832. He spent his boyhood days there coming to the United States during the Civil War. He settled in New Virginia, Hickory Township, where he continued to reside for over 40 years, the greater portion of which time he was engaged in coal mining. He was greatly beloved by the miners and preached more funeral sermons for their families than any other minister in Mercer County. Since his ordination into the ministry he served in the capacity of a local preacher, relinquishing the New Virginia charge a short time ago to
Rev. William May of Sharon. He numbered his friends by the score his geniality and broad Christian spirit binding them to him with ties of steel. He will be sadly missed in the community in which his life work was done as well as wherever known.
The surviving family are his wife and the following children: Havilah, Thomas, Mrs. Mary Horsman, Mrs. Robert Gilmore and
Mrs. Robert Marshall. The latter resides in Leesburg.
Funeral services will be held at the New Virginia Church on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be in charge of
Revs. May and Horace
McKinney, the latter pastor of the First M.S. Church of Sharon. Interment will take place in Morefield Cemetery.
Submitted by
A. Rollinson