Hickory Twp. School Director Dies
Rollinson, 73, life-long resident of Hickory Township and a former
member of the township Board of Education, died at 3:50 P.M. Saturday at
his home, Sharon R.D.2, following a lingering illness.
A successful farmer, Mr. Rollinson was widely known in the township and
his death caused widespread regret.
was born May 9, 1864, in Shenango Township, the son of Rev.
James and Jane Johnson Rollinson. Mr. Rollinson moved to Hickory Township early in life and he
married Mary Ella
Baker 48 years ago.
was a life-long member of the New Virginia Methodist Church and served on
the official board of the church for many years. He was a member of the
Hickory Township School Board for more than 20 years and took an active
part in all civic affairs.
He is survived by his wife, two sons, Harold J.
and Clifford J.;
a brother, Thomas, and five grandchildren: James A., Suzanne, Twilia A., Clifford D.,
and Thomas L. Rollinson.
services will be held at 2 P.M. Tuesday at the family home with Rev. Lee D. Smith, Sharon, and Rev. H. G. Shilling, West Middlesex, officiating. Interment will be in Morefield
by Beth A. Rollinson