Amanda Alice McKinney Reznor

died 7 Jan 1919



Read obituary of her husband, George Reznor


Read obituary of her father, John McKinney


Read obituary of her mother, Elizabeth Jones McKinney


  Alice McKinney Reznor 

Mrs. Alice McKinney Reznor, 72, died at her home in East Market Street Tuesday morning January 7, from a breakdown caused by the deaths of her son Claud and daughter Martha (Mrs. Edward Moore) which occurred within the past few months, Funeral Thursday.

Mrs. Reznor was born in Mercer and spent her life here. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, she leaves two sons and two daughters, J.T. Reznor, President and George Reznor, Secretary of the Reznor Stove Company., Mrs. Joseph Blatt of Cleveland, Grandchildren are, George F., Sharon, Fred in France, Dorothy Reznor, Mercer, Edward McKinney is a brother.


GREENVILLE ADVANCE ARGUS, Thursday, January 9, 1919


This newspaper is in pieces, only part of Amanda Reznor's obituary survives. Part of what did follows:


She had never been strong physically, but in her keen joy in life and hrer cheery manner kept the feat well hidden. She is survived by two brothers, Thomas McKinney of Youngstown and Edward McKinney of Mercer., by the folowing children; J.T. and George Foster, who carry on their fathers business in Mercer, Mrs. Stella Webster at home and Mrs. Joseph L. Blatt of Cleveland, by 10 grandchildren, one of whom Fred Reznor is in france with the Expeditionary Force. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by her pastor Dr. John D. Duncan of the First Presbyterian Church. Interment in Mercer Mausoleum.


MERCER DISPATCH, January 10, 1919


Both obituaries submitted by Bob McKeon