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Barbours (also Barbours Mill) is an unincorporated community in Plunketts Creek Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.

Barbour's Mills. - John Barbour, a Scotchman, was an early settler. He owned a large amount of land. The first mill in the township was built by him opposite the mouth of Plunkett's creek in 1832 for the manufacture of lumber. He was a public spirited citizen and built a school house at the mouth of Bear creek, which he donated to the township. His name is perpetuated in the little town of Barbour's Mills, situated between the mouth of Plunkett's and Bear creeks. It contains a temperance hotel, a store, and blacksmith shop. The hotel used to be kept by M. D. Wells, and for a long time it was a popular stopping place for fishermen and hunters. A postoffice called Barbour's Mills was established July 19, 1839, and John Barbour was appointed postmaster. He kept the office until June 4, 18621, a period of over twenty-three years, when he was succeeded by John Harkins. The line of succession has been as follows: Bethuel Diggin, appointed June 2, 1864; Iddings Emick, July 1, 1864; Moseley D. Wells, March 24, 1865; Mary J. Fetterman, June 27, 1881; John E. Barbour, September 21, 1885; Calvin B. Barbour, September 20, 1886. He is the present incumbent.

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