Lebanon County, Pennsylvania
Looking for more the following Lebanon(and or once Lancaster) county family lines.Brightbill`s Palmyra area,Smith,Funck(Martin and Josiah)north Lebanon,McLaughin Barbara m Heisey,Krieder,Longenecker Barbara m.Martin Funck north Lebanon,Saunders,Lutz Lydia m Aaron Brightbill ,Marshal Isabel/Belle m.Josiah Funck Lawyer Lebanon.Thanks Ronnie
Ronnie Lynn Fisher ; lilwren54@comcast.net; Posted: December 22, 2003
1771-Timothy Connor indentured servant in Elizabethtown,PA.1775 Bethel,PA enlists in Continental Army.Never understood why he would enlist in Bethel? Did he live there? Was there an Irishtown near there? Circa 1783 mar. Elenor McCullough and lived in/around E-town/Mt.Joy.I am looking for Irishtown, Timothy Connor and the elusive Elenor McCullough (no luck in E-town or Mt.Joy for Elenor) Thank You-Kay Connor Blunda
Kay Blunda ; kayblunda; Posted: December 18, 2003
I'm trying to find any living relatives of Gale H. Moyer who died on Oct 11, 1998. I bought a used book at my library and inside the book were two letters written by Gale Moyer to his sister dated November 1945. I'm sure that if I can find any relatives, they would love to have these letters. Thanks.
Joe Kleponis ; kleponis@comcast.net; Posted: December 17, 2003
I am trying to find lists, if available, for the graveyards around and in Myerstown, Lebanon Co., PA. Looking for gravesites for Johannes (John)(1824-1888) and Barbara Fasnacht. Would appreciate how to access any lists. Thanks
Sandy Kummetz ; sandman@goldcity.net; Posted: December 15, 2003
I found a couple on the IGI-LDS website, Mardien Zimmerman and Luisa Drumb marriage 29 NoV 1857 has was in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., PA.
I believe they are my great-great grandparents. My 2x were Martin Zimmerman and Louisa Trumb? Drum. I found Louisa obit and has the marriage date 29 Nov 1857.
Looking for any information on Mardien Zimmerman (1823)?
I have been finding a lot of type-o's on that site. thanks,Sharman Meck Carroll
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: December 8, 2003
Is there such a document as The Lebanon Resolves? Drafted June 26 1774 if so how do I get a copy?
Michael Naughton ; mdnirish@kaltelnet.net; Posted: December 7, 2003
Mrs. Barlow is conducting a Refinance with my company and I see that she is divorce. Unfortunitely her husband passed away after the divorce took place. Mrs. Barlow has given us a copy of her Divorce Decree but there is no settlement attached. She states that one was not provided to her and that it is not necessary for the state of Pennsylvania. However, in the Mortgage world verbal confirmation is not always acceptable. I need Documentation directly from the court showing whether or not there is a settlement statement. If there is not, I still need something documented for our file that states such. Please contact me ASAP. Toll free 877-324-1354 / Direct 626-927-3790. I have the borrowers written authorization is needed. Thanks.
Deborah Marcano ; Deborah_Marcano@countrywide.com; Posted: November 19, 2003
I Looking for Frank M. Schaeffer Obit. He died June 3, 1938 in the Lebanon Co, area.Buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery Fredericksburg, Lebanon Co., PA.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.Sharmanpafamroots @aol.com
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: November 13, 2003
Looking for an obit on Frank M. Shaeffer he died June 3, 1938. He was buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Fredericksburg,Lebanon Co., Pa.Thanks,Sharman
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: November 12, 2003
Looking for Philip Schaeffer-Shaeffer-Sheaffer born abt 1834 married Elizabeth Siebert. Son John born 1855 married Sarah? Son Jerome born 1856 married Elmyra-Elmira-Elizabeth Hess. Jerome's children Elmyra, Minnie, Harvey born in Pennsylvania other children born in Illinois. Jerome born in Hanover. His wife born in Annville
N Munson ; Pinknorma@aol.com; Posted: November 12, 2003
I am seeking any information on Andrew SHARP (b. 3-24-1822 in Lebanon Co.) or his wife Mary Ann YINGST (or YEINGST)(b. 1-29-1830 in Lebanon Co.). Thanks.
Steve Ring ; swring@comcast.net; Posted: October 21, 2003
I'm interested in the FRANK SHEAFER & CATHERINE ZIEGER in the 1900 and 1910, 1930 census. In 1906 they were living in Monroe Valley.
What twp is Monroe Valley in?
Any help would be appreicated
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: October 21, 2003
I am seeking information about THOMAS & MARGARET WARNER GIBBONS. Their son JOHN was born in Lebanon 23 Oct. 1844. Thank you for any help.
Marlin Miller ; Marmil4@juno.com; Posted: October 18, 2003
Would appreciate any information on John Kochendorfer born 1773 and lived in Shafferstown. Need wife and family.
Barbara Hamilton ; bnh@iolinc.net; Posted: October 8, 2003
I am looking for information on my great great grandmotherEffie Chreiser, born 1834 in Lebanon, Penn.. She eventuallyended up in Peoria county, Ill. and married my great greatgrandfather John W. Hartman in 1852.
Jerry D. Hartman ; jahartman2@ecarthage.com; Posted: October 6, 2003
I am looking for parents of an Abraham Bausman born Nov 1, 1844, married Amanda Wertz and had a child John Bausman born 1856. Abraham was a blacksmith, entered the Civil War 1861 from Lebanon Co as a Private in Company K, 93rd Regiment. Honorably discharged 1865. Sometime after that, he moved his family to Harrisburg. Records before Harrisburg I have been unable to find. There are possible matches in Trinity Tuplehocken Reformed Congregation but not enough to positively match. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Lorie Kline ; lkline@triad.rr.com; Posted: October 6, 2003
I am looking for any descendents of a Johannes Grober & his wife Anna Maria. They would have produced a daughter named Lea on February 9th 1823. I am in possession of her Geburts und Tauf Schein. (no relation)
Cryer ; cryer@chorus.net; Posted: October 5, 2003
Hello i am looking for the information of my great great great great grandmother Catherine Detwiler she was born on December 11, 1794 in Lebanon Co. Pa. d. May 23, 1856 in Aaronsburg, Pa. she married to Andrew Corman (Cornman or Kornman) in Lebanon County, Pa. I am trying to find the name of Catherine's parents, siblings and her family tree.Thanks,Jennifer (Boone) Roberts
Jennifer (Boone) Roberts ; amrjenny@otmail.com; Posted: October 4, 2003
Looking for family information on Catherine Zieger Schaeffer. She was sister to my great great grandmother, Elizabeth Zieger Bauer/Bowers of Pottsville, Schuylkill Co., Pa.Catheirne was mentioned in my 2xgreat grandmother's obit in 1933, said" that Lizzie went to live with sister Catherine who lived in Monroe Valley after the death of her husband in 1906."
sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: September 25, 2003
This may be of help to some that are looking in Lebanon County:Last Will and Testament of Peter Bougher, 1794
In the name of God Amen. I Peter Bougher of East Hanover Township in the County of Daupin and state of Pennsylvania, being sick in body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for all his mercies and calling unto men. Tis? Appointed for all men once to die as touching worldly affairs. I do dispose of all my real and personal estate in the manner set forth hereafter mentioned? In my last will and testament.
First of all it is my will that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid out of my ______ estate. (As set forth in) my will that my beloved wife Mary Bougher as long as she remains my widow or until her death that she shall have the command of the income of my whole plantation as fully and wholly as were (I to) remain alive. During the term of five years which I the said Peter Bougher have (rented) my plantation until my younger son Adam for five years commencing the first day of April 1794 and further it is my will at the end of five years from this date that my real Estate shall be sold at public sale (or tender) to the highest bidder and all the money (arising) from said sale to be equally dispensed to and among my ( ) children hereafter mentioned with this reservation. My son Martin shall have the sum of five shillings more than any of the rest of my said children and no more; the children names and the _____ their ages is as follows to wit. Beginning at the oldest and so on to youngest:
Annairmory? Bougher, Martin Bougher, Henry Bougher, Dorris Bougher,
Margaret Bougher. Peter Bougher, Lavina? Bougher, John Bougher, and Adam Bougher.
Wach of them their heirs or assigns to have their full ninth part of all and singular the moneys arriving from said sale of my real Estate at the said (term) of five years and not sooner (without) the consent of my said wife Marry and the rest of my children______________ alive but if the all agree at any one time after my death it is my will and pleasure that the sell my said real estate. _________ _________ all ways allowing my said beloved wife Marry the (interest) off the one third of the (interest) of the money as long as she lives and it is also is my will that all my Personal estate should be (sold) by my executors in one month after my death at or sooner at the discretion of my said executors and further it is my will that my wife shall have the one (third of domain which comes from said) moveable estate and further it is my will that my said son Adam shall (cut) and haul (home) and make fit for the stove as much fire wood as she needs and all the pasture hay and (house) room that I was to get from said Adam were I still Alive for said term of five years, that is to (__ ___ _______ ________ _____) summer and winter and the (s_____) house room that I am to get from my said son Adam. _______ ______- and it is my will that my said wife shall have the one third of all __________ raised on my plantation as long as it is not sold and further it is my will that the two thirds of my moveable estate that remains in the hands of my Executors shall be equally divided among my nine children above mentioned, their heirs or assigns and further I make and order Daniel Miller and David Road my lawful executors of this my last will and testament and revoking all former wills whereof my hand and seal this twenty second day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety four.Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of witnesses:
Peter x Bougher
mark her
Annamaree + Bougher
Daniel Bradley
Daupin County
The 6th day of May 1794 Personally came before me one Joseph ------------
County aforementioned Adam Bougher and Anna Maree Bougher
=============FOLLOW ON NOTES, BELOW========================The next step is to acquire the settlement of the estate and that shows who the girls married. Then the tax records show where they lived, township. One of the girls married a Smith. He died young and left her with several small children. The orphans court records show that two of these minor children choose the man on the adjoining farm to be guardian of the children. That man was Benedict Bucher or Bougher. Look at the 1790 PA Census and you should find Martin Bougher (Bucher, Bochur, Bocher). This is Martin Booher who moved to Sullivan Co. TN in about 1799. Once you find the Smith Guy that married the daughter and you look at the 1790 census look one name above or below him and you will see Benedict (different spelling) Bougher (Bucher,Bochur, Bocher or some spelling like that) This is John Benedict Booher who moved to Sullivan County TN. John Benedict Bougher is not visible in the PA records or the church records because he did not go by the name of John. John was the first name of all his brothers as well as his father.
Harold ; halsheritage@tnaccess.com; Posted: September 15, 2003
I am looking for information on Augustine Fox (Fuchs). He would have settled in Lebanon Township around 1818. He is in the 1820 census along with his wife and 3 children.
He and his family were Catholic. I'm trying to locate information on the children who were born while he was in Lebanon Co? Were there any Catholic Churches in the area?
The family left Lebanon County for Cambria Co around 1824.
I would appreciate any advice of where to look for information...tax records, naturalization records, baptism records..anything.
Thanks Rich
Rich Gralnek ; richbeast@hotmail.com; Posted: August 30, 2003
Does anyone know the lineag of the Isaac (MIER) MYERS who Myerstown, PA. is named after. I think one of his grandsons might be an ancestor of mine. but want to back it up with info from someone who might have a little more info on the family than I do at this point.
My GGGG-Grandfather was named Abraham MYERS who married an Elizabeth.
Any info would help.
Thanks so much,C. Myers
Cherise Myers ; reese1632@hotmail.com; Posted: August 22, 2003
I am trying to find Annette Kunselman Burgert, who has information on Peter DeFrene. Her publication listed as: Myerstown, PA: AKB Publications, 2000)
Dennis DeFrain ; dcdefrain@earthlink.net; Posted: August 20, 2003
I am researching my Husbands family and I only have His gfather Russel lerch and His ggfather Theodore lerch I know they were ffrom the Palmyra area because they had a store in Palmyra. i have their birth and death dates because I found the cemetary where they are it is Gravel Hill If anyone has any info on this line it would be a great helpBeth Lerch
Beth Lerch ; blerch7@netscape.net; Posted: August 18, 2003
I submitted a query quite a while back on the subject families. Jacob Bee married Eliz Ries/Rees in 1808 at the Tulpehocken Trinity Lutheran Church near Wolmesdorf. Interspersed with this family is the name of Clarck. Does anyone have any more information on this area. I think that Jacob's father was a John Bee/.//// but I am very curious about this family. Through a lot of research, I discovered that there were Gypsies from England that settled around Womelsdorf ...does anyone know anymore about the names, etc. of this?
Beverly Thonton ; bevt@inwave/cp,; Posted: August 16, 2003
looking for imfo on george heily born abt.1819 and dau.harriet born abt,1849 thank you for any help terry trayer
terry trayer ; tdt7mm@yahoo.com; Posted: August 15, 2003
I am looking for info on my gg grandfather Edward c. Barr. He was born 1866 and lived in Annville. His first wife was Alice Lewis.
lisa geisinger ; LJG610@AOL.COM; Posted: August 12, 2003
Looking for children of Joseph V. Zimmerman; Frederick b. abt 1910; Clarence b. abt. 1906 & George b. 29 Oct. 1914. George m. 22, Mar. 1941 to Emma ?, their ch. George b. 22, Sept. 1959 and Brian b. 22 Sept. 1959 (twins). Does anyone know of this family? I need help???Thanks
Vera Heck ; vmheck@netins.net; Posted: August 11, 2003
I am looking for info on my gg grandparents. I have found William Reager (spelled Rager on 1870 PA census) of Derry Twp. Dauphin County, b. 3 Feb 1831, d. 16 Dec 1908 m. Rebecca Bender. She was born 8 Aug 1834, d. 11 Nov 1906. She was dau of Henry Bender and Eliza Hoover. Who were his parents? William b. ca 1801 and Elizabeth b. ca 1822 who were also from Derry Twp. or possibly William also b. ca 1801 and Elizabeth b. ca 1823 from Lebanon County. Both Williams from Derry Twp are buried at Union Deposit Cemetery in Derry Twp. Are they Amish?
Shirley Shope ; shirlken@altamaha.net; Posted: August 6, 2003
My grandparents lived in Lebanon, Pa. in 1910. They owned their home. Is there anywhere I can write for land records or any other information about this home around 1910?
I am searching for any realtives or any informaton on the Glick Family. The father was Charles P. Glick he worked for the Railroad his wife was Blanche Lauffer Glick, they had a daughter by teh name of Mildred Rebecca Glick she graduated from Lebanon High. She was left an orphan when her parents died. Mildred was born in 1915. She had went to several boarding houses then went to live with Mary and Ray Thompson who lived at 112 Lehaman Street in Lebanon. Any information as to what cementary they were buried at or just any information would be helpful.
Blanche Brown ; blbrown41997@aol.com; Posted: August 5, 2003
I need a random act of kindness on a look-up on Charles Bower and Elizabeth Zieger marriage C.H. Mutchler in St John' Reformed church in Jonestown.
I'm also looking for their first two children David A. Bower/ Bauer baptismal b.1 Feb 1872& Mary Elizabeth Bower/Bauer b. 12 Jul 1873.
Any help would be greatly appreicated.
Thank you,
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: July 31, 2003
Interested in contacting indivduals that can assist me in my SHAAK genealogy / history research in Lebanon Co. Currently I have over 1500 names in my data base. Need help to close some loop-holes. (Will share information).Thanks -
A. Robert Shaak ; ARShaak@charter.net; Posted: July 23, 2003
Am looking for information about the children of Daniel McAllister and his wife, Elizabeth Poffenberger. They were married at Zion Lutheran church in Harrisburg. He was son of Alexander and Elizabeth McAllister. She was child of William and Catherine Poffenberger. Their children were Katherine, Alex, Daniel, William and John. What happened to sons William and Daniel? Were the children baptized in Lebanon Co. Daniel 's father is buried at Halifax, Pa. WEre the children born in Lebanon Co? Would appreciate any information about this family. Daniel and Elizabeth are buried in Iowa. Please reply to me at my address. Thank you for your cooperation. sincerely Dorothy
dorothy swanson ; dgswan99@accessus.net; Posted: July 23, 2003
I am trying to find info on Henry Forney, born 1813 in Lebanon County, PA but given up by his parents when he was a child and placed with strangers. He ended up in Jersy Shore, PA as a young man and married Sarah Bartoe and then moved to Danville, PA to live out his life. He died 2/26/1880. He is my grgrgrgrandfather. Any help would be appreciated.
Laurie Zaparzynski ; Bailey47@epix.net; Posted: July 23, 2003
In 1906 my gg-grandmother Elizabeth Zieger Bowers husband died she went to live with her sister Catherine Zieger,wife of Frank Sheafer of Monroe Valley. I'm looking for information on FRANK SHEAFER FAMILY POSS. 1900/1910/1920 CENSUS.
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: July 22, 2003
I am looking for more information on Agustin Fox in Lebanon Twp in 1820. There is listed a male and female between 26-45, 2 females under 10 and 1 male under 10 on the 1820 census. His wife's name was Cunegundes.
Any ideas of where to look? I believe he may have come there in 1818 where he had one female and the male child and then left for Cambria Co sometime before 1823.
Are there any churches in the area?
Thanks Rich Gralnek
Rich Gralnek ; richbeast@hotmail.com; Posted: July 21, 2003
I am looking for information on the Klein/Kline family of Lebanon County. As far as I know, they mostly lived in the Myerstown and Jackson and Bethel Townships.
My gr-grandfather was Levi S. KLINE; b.19 Sept. 1856 and d.14 Feb, 1914 by suicide. Levi married Emma E. NEWCOMET; b.29 Nov. 1857 and d.7 June 1941. They are buried in Hamlin, Lebanon County.
Levi had the following children:
Isaac KLEIN - b.10 Jan. 1882, d.6 Oct. 1974. Married Mary Miller.
Irwin S. KLINE - b.18 Mar. 1884, d.17 Oct. 1966. Married Mattie Frantz.
Katie May KLINE - b.24 May 1885, d.19 Mar. 1958. Married Colonel Darkes.
Jacob N. KLEIN(my grandfather) - b.20 Aug. 1886, d.4 July 1957. Married Luella Elizabeth Woomer.
Miles KLINE - b.17 Jan. 1888, d.unknown. Married Mamie Heisey.
Lizzie KLINE - b.30 Apr. 1890, d.16 Aug. 1960. Married Peter Boyer.
Albert KLEIN - b.7 Dec. 1894, d.4 May 1981. Married Pauline Patches.
Hattie KLINE - b.12 Sept. 1896, d.30 July 1986. Married John Spangler.
Annie KLINE - b.24 Nov. 1898, d.13 Aug. 1959. Married George Gerhart.
Mary KLINE - Married John Firestine. I don't know her birth and death dates.
I'm looking for information on the parents and grandparents of Levi KLINE, his wife, and also information on their siblings and their descendants, plus the descendants of my grandfather's brothers and sisters.
You can contact me at lorie56@paisp.com.
Lorie Klein McCachren ; lorie56@paisp.com; Posted: July 15, 2003
Seeking information on a John Light who was born ca.1770-1795. He moved to Rockingham co.,VA sometime prior to 1810, where he married and raised a family. Looking for information on his birth and parentage.
Chuck Seyfert ; seyberg@pmt.org; Posted: July 14, 2003
I'm looking for any family information and descendants of FRANK SHEAFER and CATHERINE Zieger of MONROE VALLEY.They were listed in Catherine's sister obit from Pottsville, Schuylkill Co., Pa in 1933In the obit states that Elizabeth Zeiger Bowers was a resident of Monroe Valley before moving to Pottsville.Her husband died in 1906.
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: July 1, 2003
I would like to know if the Lebanon County courthouse would have Births registry for 1872? Looking for David A.Bowers born 1 Feb. 1872/73. Parents Carl Bauers/Charles Bowers and Elizabeth Zieger. Both lived in Swatara Twp.Thanks,
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: July 1, 2003
I need a random act of kindness on a Baptism look up in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church records in Jonestown, Swatara Twp.
Name is DAVID A. BAUERS/BOWERS b. 1 Feb. 1872 parents
Charles and Elizabeth Zieger Bowers
I would need a copy please and source, page no#
Thanks for anyone help in advance.
Sharman Meck Carroll ; pafamroots@aol.com; Posted: July 1, 2003
Looking for information about the Peter HIX/HICKS family. There is a Peter in the the 1830 Lebanon Co. census that fits closely with what I know about this family. According to the 1850 Clinton Co., Illinois census he was born about 1802 in Penn., was married to Mary, and had children: John, Ferdinand, George, Henry, Jessy, and Balser. The first three children were born in Penn., then two in Ohio, and the last two in Illinois. Any information or suggestions would be appreciated.
James Hamilton ; jbca@bigfoot.com; Posted: June 17, 2003
I am searching for my Grandmothers Maiden name & families, Her Fathers name was Charles Thomas EUSTON & Mothers name was Elizabeth DISSINGER. I have Charles Thomas EUSTON's family except the siblings & their families.I have nothing on the DISSENGER's. She was married to Charles Daniel EAGAN,her name was Clara Evelyn( EUSTON ) EAGAN She was born in 1879, & married in 1904. Anyone have any info???
Bobbie Owens ; randb@lexcominc.net; Posted: June 11, 2003
Can someone give me specific directions to Buchers Cemetery and Meeting House? I will be in Harrisburg next week and may want to go there to see my gggrandfather's grave. I know it is between Cornwall and Shafferstown. Thanks in advance.
Teri Howard ; teri56@bellsouth.net; Posted: June 9, 2003
Seeking Hugh Edwards who came from wales to Pa and then to Iowa.He married Eleanor Williams.
Frederick H.Richard ; frichard01@sprynet.com; Posted: June 5, 2003
Any information on George Bricker and Hannah Resley.
Please write me at Don T. Brucker
125 S. Main Str A 207
Celina Ohio 45822
Don Bricker ; ; Posted: June 2, 2003
any information on George Bricker and Hannah Resley
Don Bricker ; ; Posted: June 2, 2003
I am looking for the parents of Thomas Andrew Thompson, b.@1821 in Lebanon, according to his obituary, and Blair county death record dated Dec 27 1900.
Thomas first appears as a single freeman on the 1844 tax list of Shirley twp. Huntingdon county, so I presume his parent left Lebanon while he was a minor?
A research request to the Lebanon historical society yeild no records of Thomas in the census, orphans court, or family files.
I would like to obtain a list of Thompson families that lived in the county between 1820 and 1843 from the tax lists to compare with Thompson families on the tax list of Huntingdon co.
Jeff Thompson ; throwled@sunlink.net; Posted: May 31, 2003
I found a wonderful site if you are interested in looking for burial locations of military members. It is located atwww.abmc.gov
Pat Hardenstine ; nellers1@msn.com; Posted: May 27, 2003
I have on the Death Certi. Anna Copp as the mother of Franklin Wolf. The Census that I have mention Mary. She married Benjamin Wolf.Now what I hope to know and to find who was her families?
The Wolf was in Dauphin Co., every years then to Lebanon Co.Pa Jackson Twp. Where I have all the children of Benjamin and Mary Anna Copp/K.
Need help really do. Thanks Jamie E-mail:ritchie1953@hotmail.com
jamie ; ritchie1953@hotmail.com; Posted: May 17, 2003
Looking for any information on a William Heffelfinger who married Sarah Woolf December 29, 1861 at Reformed church of myerstown. I am especially interested in anything on Sarah's family
J. Kennel ; masttrim@comcast.net; Posted: May 14, 2003
Jacob & Mary Weber, also spelled Weaver/Weaber, had lived in N. Lebanon Twp in 1850-60. According to census a Solomon Weber, who was married to Malinda Lutz, was also listed as living with Jacob & Mary on the 1850-60 census, so I am figuring that he may be their son?? From the census I have found, Jacob probably died between 1860-70. Wife Mary appears in same Twp in 1870. Solomon & wife, Malinda are buried at Kimmerlings Cemetery, Mt Zion Rd., N.. Lebanon Twp. Solomon's dates are b.Oct 26 1842 & d.Dec 20, 1924. Jacob would have been born abt 1803 in Lebanon Co. according to the census info. Mary wife of Jacob would have been born abt 1810 in Lebanon Co. I would like to find out who Jacob's parents are to see if this family does connect with my Weber/Weaber people. If anyone has info on the family in question, please email me. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Marlene ; mwleber@dejazzd.com; Posted: May 13, 2003
Hello.I'm looking for any information on Edward Thomas and his wife Elisabeth Weitzel. Edward and Elisabeth were married on January 14, 1823 in Lebanon, PA. I believe Edward died sometime in the late 1820's or early 1830's. Elisabeth later married Samuel Yesler in 1835 in Carlisle, Cumberland County, PA. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Mike Thomas ; mthom_91@yahoo.com; Posted: May 10, 2003
I am trying to find info on Johannes Wolf who married Catherina Hoshar in the 1820's. They were from the Lebanon County or Schuylkill County area of PA.
I'm also trying to sort out who is who with these names and where they were from (but it would probably/possibly be in the same area as above).
Johannes Wolf and Susannah Clemens
Heinrich Wolf and Hannah ?
Amos Wolf and Lydia Sattazahn
I am especially interested in finding the parents of the couples above and where they were all born.
I also have several children's names of the sets of parents listed above (I think) and am trying to figure out who was born to who. (All were born in the 1830's and 1840's in the same area of PA)
Rebecca Lewina
Another Rebecca
still another Rebecca
If you can provide any help it would be greatly appreciated.
(Please list your information along with the source you received it from.)
Thank you.
E Wolf ; betlar@pipeline.com; Posted: May 9, 2003
I am searching for Glen Olander who was seeking info about John Wohleben. the email address he listed in his posting is not current.
I am researching the Hauer/Hower family and have received great help from the books by Charles C. Hower and Agnes Hower Wells "The Descendants of Hans Hauer of Neureuth, Germany" in 1973. and their follow up book "More Howers"
They have listed Maria Elizabeth Hauer born in 1776 in Lancaster Co. they write in their first book "According to Nyman family history, Elizabeth Hower was married 3 times, first to (George)? Woolever, (this must bee you man) secondly to ___ Holenbeck and thirdly John Nyman.' supposedly she had one child by each of her first 2 husbands.
If the research is correct, Elizabeth is the sister of Christian Hower, my wifes Great Great Great grandfather
Another listing is Elizabeth Hauer b.1769 in Tulphocken, Berks Co. who would have been Maria Elizabeth's cousin. so there must have been a tie between the two areas. I am from Reading, Pa.
I have quite a bit of information also to share expecially about Elizabeths brothers side of the family and I would love to share information with you.
John Stefl
John Stefl ; JohnD710@AOL.com; Posted: May 4, 2003
Does anyone know if the Wolf Union Church in Bethel Township, Lebanon Co. has any records dating from the 1700's? I am trying to prove a birth date of Christian Brechbiel of Apr. 30, 1743, married (Elizabeth Kreider) May 4, 1766, died Mar. 12, 1786. These dates are widely used but I cannot prove that they are correct. The Brechbiel family along with the Wolf family gave land for the Cemetery at Wolf Union Church and much of his family is buried there, including some of his children. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Johnson ; zebadoo@bellsouth.net; Posted: May 4, 2003
Lawrence G. NOLL (Nov 1857-after 1930)
Lawrence G. NOLL (Nov 1857-after 1930) & Clara E. ______ (Sep 1859-after 1930) were married ca 1876, and subsequently lived in the Annville area of Lebanon Co. In some of the Census records, Lawrence's occupation was listed as "Veterinary Surgeon". Reportedly they had at least a dozen children. The names of their children, found so far in the Census records , were -
1) Charles A. NOLL (Nov 1880-?)
2) Webster Cyrus NOLL (17 Feb 1882-26 Aug 1971)
3) Gertrude G. NOLL (Oct 1886-?)
4) Warren G. NOLL (27 Jan 1890-? Aug 1972)
5) Ralph E. NOLL (24 Feb 1894-? May 1982)
6) Sarah/Sadie C. NOLL (Dec 1896-?)
7) Esther N. NOLL (Mar 1899-?)
8) Paul D. NOLL (21 Feb 1902-? Jan 1979)
9) Ruth M. NOLL (ca 1905-?)
Can someone please help me with the names of the other children in this family?
Is there a published biography for Lawrence G. NOLL?
When did Lawrence G. NOLL die, and where was he buried?
Who were Lawrence G. NOLL's parents, and his other NOLL Family ancestors?
Thank you very much for any/all information.
Tom A. Foreman ; taf@epix.net; Posted: April 30, 2003
Looking for info on birth of HARRY WILLIAM CHUBBUCK, apparently born in Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA c1880. Do not know if Chubbuck family lived a long time in Lebanon or if this family was there only at the time of Harry William Chubbuck's birth. Any help or leads you can give me?
Anne Miller ; amillwk@dellepro.com; Posted: April 26, 2003
I am looking for the information of Detwiler family tree from Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.
Jennifer (Boone) Roberts
Jennifer (Boone) Roberts ; amrjenny@hotmail.com; Posted: April 18, 2003
Am interested in finding out about the family of Joseph A. Rudman (born in Austria). Joseph and his wife, Johanna Pozek (born in Austria-she's my great-grandfather's sister), had several children born in Cornwall, Lebanon County, PA - Joseph L. (born 11/4/1894 in Cornwall), Anthony (born 12/18/1897 & died 2/18/1899 in Cornwall), Teresa (born 5/4/1899 & died 5/4/1899 in Cornwall), and possibly, Frank A. (born 6/15/1902). Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!
Cathy Kocher ; ceekay15@aol.com; Posted: April 18, 2003
I am interested in information on Louisa Bauman(Bowman) and William Rinoehl that were married at Tabor Reformed Church, Feb 25, 1830.
Doris Aultman ; cinderella__73@hotmail.com; Posted: April 16, 2003
I'm looking for the parents of ANNA(NANCY)CATHEIRNE BOHNYBorn 1May1832 in Lebanon Co., Pa. Found her in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran marriage notices in Jobnestown .Can help would be greatly appreicated.
Sharman Meck Carroll ; PAFAMROOTS@AOL.COM; Posted: April 16, 2003
Looking for information on Benneville Heck b. about 1827, m. Effiah (Effie) b. about 1839.
Nancy McCurdy ; nmack7@juno.com; Posted: April 15, 2003
Looking for information on parents of Samuel H. Epler, b. 3/23/1838, d. 8/3/1916, m. Elizabeth Houtz.
Nancy McCurdy ; nmack7@juno.com; Posted: April 15, 2003
I am searching for any info on ancestors of Jacob Forney, born abt 12/25/1809 in Hummelstown?? Lebanon Co, PA. Married Margaret Schaeffer on 3/12/1833 in Jonestown, PA. They moved to Indiana sometime between their marraige in 1833 and the birth of my Great-Grandfather in 1873. ANY info would be greatly appreciated.
Max Dellinger
63 EMS T16 Ln
Leesburg, IN 46538
Max Dellinger ; mdllngr@mchsi.com; Posted: April 11, 2003
b. 1863 or 1864
d. in Texas around 1920
m. Florence Fisher in Brooklyn, NY
Roy Gingrich ; royboy3@juno.com; Posted: April 11, 2003
I would like to correspond with other descendants of Martin, Matthias, Henry, Margaret Hess, to share family info on these ancestors.
patricia ; phegenart@aol.com; Posted: April 5, 2003
The Records of Trinity Tulpehocken Reformed Congregation, Jackson Twp., Lebanon Co. show a marriage between Maria Mueller and Adam Hammacher on 2 March 1817. Can anyone provide more information? Her parents? His? Where is Jackson Twp.? What cemeteries would be likely used by Trinity Tulpehocken? Thank you.
Jan ; jdurst1998@aol.com; Posted: April 5, 2003
I am in search of descendants of Valentine and Christine Dale their children: Isabelle Jane Dale christening Aug. 1, 1854 or 55 , William John Dale born 1864 died 1888 at age 24 years. Isabelle Dale married Lucien Ellsworth Potter. William John Dale married Flora May their son: Joseph Charles Dale. The surname Dale may have been Diehl. The Dales could have been Amish, Mennonites or Dunkards. I have not been able to find a paper trail of the Dales. Please respond to mav656@msn.com Thank you.
Mavis Walker ; mav656@msn.com; Posted: March 30, 2003
We are still searching for any information on Andras Golian or Goljan family, Wife, Dorottya, sons, Imre, Marton,Andras, who were in the area of Lebanon, Pa. in July 1911. They came from Slovakia, Hrinova area. Left Pa. about 1911-1914 and came to Missouri.If anyone can find any information on this family, it would be greatly appreciated. May be something on some old census records or city directories. Grandfather supposedly worked in some coal mines there, but we do not know which one. Thank You. John and Georgia Golian.
Georgia Golian ; londonlady@areatech.com; Posted: March 25, 2003
I am searching Robert Lewis who was located in Hanover Twp. 1780's tax records. By 1800 he was in Northumberland Co. He had at least 2 sons - Robert, Jr. and Thomas. This family was Scots-Irish and Presbytarian. I'm looking for anyone who may have information on any Lewis family of that time in Hanover Twp.Thank you
Beth Mulac ; bmulac@charter.net; Posted: March 20, 2003
I have recently inherited some photos and came across a few with the surname NACE or RACE. One of the pictures has the following written on it: "taken at the home of Mr & Mrs Herman Nace/Race RD 2 Annville PA the people with the white hair Aug 31/41"
This is a picture of my grandfather, uncle, great-grandmother, an unknown man & woman (believed to be Mr & Mrs Nace/Race) and 3 unknown girls.
Two of the girls have a white section of hair at the forehead with the rest of their hair being dark. It is very possible that this is a very uncommon hereditary condition that you are born with and it is passed from generation to generation.
If any knows of this family, I would like to contact them.
Toni Darwin ; tadarwin@earthlink.net; Posted: March 14, 2003
I am looking for the Basore, Basehore, Beashore, Boeshor and the Shally family in the 1830 or 1840 census.I'm most interested in John Basehore and Maria (Shally) Basehore.They may be found in the Bethel Twp. Can you help me?
thank you
William H. Basaore
William Harrison Basore ; basorecreek@cs.com; Posted: March 8, 2003
I am trying to find the name of the county home (for orphans) that operated in Lebanon around 1845 and where the records for that home are at the present if they still exist. My great-great-grandfather, Patrick Gleason, was adopted from this home by a Dutch couple with the last name of Alwine. Patrick also had two brothers, Michael and Henry, that were adopted by others. Patrick came from Ireland around 1845 with his family. It is our understanding that the father died aboard ship. The mother remarried shortly after she arrived here, however her new husband would not accept her children and she put them in the county home. We do not know the name of Patrick's parents and are hopeful that if we can find the records of the county home, the names might be found in the paperwork. Some of our relatives are traveling to Ireland in the fall and are trying to find more information so they can look up the correct names and families in Ireland. Any help would be most appreciated.
Julie Crayton ; grcrayton724@aol.com; Posted: February 15, 2003
There is a family in the Hill Church records named Thomas Morgan and wife Anna. Son William born 1780 and son Thomas born 1782. Who is this family? Do they stay or leave Lebanon County before 1800. Does anyone have the parents of Thomas MORGAN married to Anna?
christine forker ; landcmacbean@earthlink.net; Posted: February 10, 2003
I am trying to find the family of Thomas Morgan with wife Anna Scull. I believe they married in Lancaster County Caernarvon Twp and she from the Schull Scull Reading Pa family. Two sons are born and are located in the records of the Hill Church page 247 son William born July 20 1780 and THOMAS MORGAN born Nov 4 1782. I need this MORGAN family and any history that anyone may have about their lives in Lebanon County. If the name Lebanon County did not come except in 1813 what was it called in reference to LANCASTER, PA? Please help with the history of the county too.
christine forker ; landcmacbean@earthlink.net; Posted: February 9, 2003
I am very confused about the townships of Lebanon and Dauphin Cos. I have read the history of these....If I am presently looking for information about the Bee/Bea family who lived in Heidelberg Twsp(Dauphin County) in the 1800 census(also the 1790 census), what county would I be looking for? I think I found the father, John(whose name was spelled Bee 1790 then Bea in 1800). His son, Jacob,(I am assuming this) married Margaret Ries in 1808 at the Trinity Tulpehocken Reformed Church, Jackson Twsp, Lebanon County during that time period. There were also Ries families and I think, some interrelated ones like Clarck, Forney. Any help would certainly be appreciated.
Beverly Thornton ; beverly.thornton@worldnet.att.net; Posted: February 3, 2003
If any one would know where a copy of the referance book "Genealogy of the Kreiser Family" published 1999 can be obtained I would appreciate them contacting me thank you Bill Lucas
Bill Lucas ; bilucas@aol.com; Posted: January 28, 2003
I am looking for any information on John Jacob Mease born Nov 1,1836 in Lebanon County,PA., or anyone that may have been a relative of his. His father or grandfather came from Germany, possibly from the Saxony Alsace Lorraine area. It is probably part of France now. He later moved to Illinois. He may have been a Seventh Day Adventist preacher.
Frances Schrock ; jfschrock@msn.com; Posted: January 26, 2003
I am trying to find an Obit for Otho W. Shifflette or Shifflett b:September 17, 1898 or 1899 in VA and d:September 1970
Lived in Palmyra, PA. Was married to Barbara E (Trobaugh)Shifflette/Shifflett
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Donna Baer ; jdbaer@blazenet.net; Posted: January 25, 2003
I am researching Samuel McDonough/Donough Family. He was married to a Salome (Sarah). They baptized most of their children in Zion Union Church in Womelsdorf. I have a record for Thomas, Eva, Elizabeth, Barbara, Peggy A., and Samuel. I am trying to find evidence that they had a son, Benjamin born bet. 1825-1827. This Benjamin lists his birth in Lebanon County, PA. Benjamin married a Catharine Bachman. They lived in Reading, Berks Co, PA.
Desiree Otto ; Breeze0422@aol.com; Posted: January 23, 2003
Hi! I am looking for any info on the RUPP line of Lebanon.I have a Jacob Rupp 1804-1861 md. Barbara then Mary and they had the following children. Peter 1829-1889 md. Sarah Nye 1834-1891, Susana 1842-1923 (I believe she md. George Deaven III) and they also had a Lydia. I have conflicting mothers for Jacob. I have his mother as being Juliana Ream ----- but I also have Jacob 1776-1851 as being md. to a Catherine with the following children Jacob 1804-1864, David 1813-1893 Noah and Catherine. If anyone has info that may help me out on this I would appreciate it. I do know quite a few of them are buried in Moonshine----there is no Catherine or Juliana buried there but there is a John 1776-1851. Thank-you Nancy Shultis
Nancy Shultis ; nanrick76@chilitech.net; Posted: January 19, 2003
I am responding to a listing posted by Joyce Richards in 1998, hoping that information I have on the above named person will be helpful. I am an Ursprung, directly related to "Anette's" adopted family. Ms Richards did not leave a working Email address, so I could not respond directly to her.
Carolyn ; resass@pennswoods.net; Posted: January 18, 2003
Looking for more information on some of the children (and their spouses) of Jacob Bricker (1767 - 1840) and Catherine Schneider Bricker (1771 - 1823) of Schaefferstown (and later, after her decease, the Borough of Lebanon). This is an update query Among those children of Jacob and Catharine for which questions remain were: Miss Bricker (1796 - ?) married a Mr. Loesher, vital statistics of both unknown Catharine Bricker (1798 – 1882), married a Jonathan Miller, date of marriage unknown Elizabeth Bricker (1800 - 1875), married a William Bair, date of marriage and his death unknown Enoch Bricker (1803 - 1835), married a Sara Seyler in 1830, her vitals unknown Lydia Bricker (1807 - 1877), married a George Books or Bux in 1830, his vitals unknown David (1808 - ?) Leah Bricker (1809 - 1885), married a William Gerret in 1830, his vitals unknown Jonathan (1812 - 1885), married a Henrietta Musser, date of marriage & her birth unknown There were also sons Jacob and Samuel S., and daughter Sarah or Sally, but my information for them is sufficient. Thanks!
Dale Bricker ; dbricker@cyburban.com; Posted: January 15, 2003
I am hoping you might be able to help me find any information on this family I was looking at the census records for 1840 and I found John Cavender, I was wondering if you have a death and or marriage for John Cavender and his wife, in the 1850 census I found the Micheal, Eliza, James, and Catherine all separeted, and I was wondering if you have records of the other child Lydia, who I couldn't find in census I can only assume the parents passed away since the children were separetedat such a young life or if you have any thing that would tell me what church they were with.: 1840 County: Dauphin Roll: M704_456 Township: Londonderry Page: 245 Image: 114 of John CavenderGeneration No. 11. JOHN1 CAVENDER was born Abt. 1800. He married UNKNOWN. Notes for JOHN CAVENDER:Found in the Londonderry Daulphin county census with all of the children and wife no name just listed as women 30/40Cavender, JohnView Image Online State: Pennsylvania Year: 1840 County: Dauphin Roll: M704_456 Township: Londonderry Page: 245 Image: 114 Children of JOHN CAVENDER and UNKNOWN are:2. i. MARY JANE2 CAVENDER, b. July 25, 1826; d. April 08, 1893, Mahoning, Armstrong County Pa ?.ii. ELIZA CAVENDER, b. May 03, 1829.Notes for ELIZA CAVENDER:Cavender, Eliza View Image Online ? can't view census State: Pennsylvania Year: 1850 County: Montgomery Roll: M432_800 Township: Plymouth Twp Page: 12 Image: 203 i found my g ggradfather living with a yocum family in the 1850 census an Erastus Hocum age 32 and Rachel age 62 1850 Census ( on the census his name is spelled right and he is living with the Yocum family)Cavender, Micaael age 11 State: Pennsylvania Year: 1850 County: Westmoreland Roll: M432_836 Township: Ligonier Twp Page: 13 Image: 370 Notes for JAMES CAVENDER:Cavender, James View Image Online age 16 pauperState: Pennsylvania Year: 1850 County: Mifflin Roll: M432_797 Township: Oliver Twp Page: 337 Image: 327 living with:Caster, Nancy View Image Online age 47State: Pennsylvania Year: 1850 County: Mifflin Roll: M432_797 Township: Oliver Twp Page: 337 Image: 327 Caster, Nancy age 47 '' child age 11 Cavender, James age 16 pauperJames Beshnip ? age 4 pauper not sure of spelling of the namev. CATHARINE CAVENDER, b. May 06, 1836, Dauphin Co, Pa; d. June 1929, Mahoning, Armstrong County Pa ?; m. MCMACKEN.Notes for CATHARINE CAVENDER:Cavender, Catharine View Image Online State: Pennsylvania Year: 1850 County: Mifflin Roll: M432_797 Township: Lewistown Borough Page: 259 Image: 176 John Ross age 32 LabororJane E age 35Margaret age 7Hannah age 5Joseph age 3William age 1Catharine Cavender age 14Elizabeth Rosenberry age 213. vi. MICHAEL CAVENDER, b. August 01, 1839, Dauphin Co, Pa; d. Bef. 1914, Mahoning, Armstrong County Pa ?.Generation No. 22. MARY JANE2 CAVENDER (JOHN1) was born July 25, 1826, and died April 08, 1893 in Mahoning, Armstrong County Pa ?. She married ISREAL FONNER. He was born November 01, 1824, and died November 26, 1888.Notes for MARY JANE CAVENDER:FONNER, MARY J. State: PA Year: 1860 County: Cambria County Record Type: Federal Population Schedule Township: 4 W Johnstown Page: 721 Database: PA 1860 Federal Census Index ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes for ISREAL FONNER:Household: 1880 censusName Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Israel FONNER Self M Male W 57 PA Coal Miner PA PA Mary FONNER Wife M Female W 49 PA Keep House PA PA J. C. FONNER Dau S Female W 25 PA Seamstress PA PA Lily FONNER Dau S Female W 19 PA Seamstress PA PA Michael FONNER Son S Male W 17 PA Coal Miner PA PA Maybell FONNER Dau S Female W 13 PA Home PA PA John CULBERTSON Other S Male W 21 PA School PA PA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Mahoning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania Family History Library Film 1255096 NA Film Number T9-1096 Page Number 313B 3. MICHAEL2 CAVENDER (JOHN1) was born August 01, 1839 in Dauphin Co, Pa, and died Bef. 1914 in Mahoning, Armstrong County Pa ?. He married (1) LOUISE ELLE STARKWELL September 01, 1864 in Mahoning Armstrong Co, Pa. Notes for MICHAEL CAVENDER:1850 Census ( on the census his name is spelled right and he is living with the Hocum family)Cavender, Micaael age 11 State: Pennsylvania Year: 1850 County: Westmoreland Roll: M432_836 Township: Ligonier Twp Page: 13 Image: 370 Page: 13 Image: 370 Erastus Hocum age 38Rachel Hocum age 621880 censusHousehold:Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Michael CAVENDER Self M Male W 41 PA Coal Miner PA PA Abagail CAVENDER Wife M Female W 36 PA Keep House PA PA John C. CAVENDER Son S Male W 11 PA PA PA Aravila A. CAVENDER Dau S Female W 9 PA PA PA Maud M. CAVENDER Dau S Female W 7 PA PA PA Anna I. CAVENDER Dau S Female W 1 PA PA PA Source Information: Census Place Mahoning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania Family History Library Film 1255096 NA Film Number T9-1096 Page Number 313A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael CAVENDER Household Male -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: Birth Year <1839> Birthplace PA Age 41 Occupation Coal Miner Marital Status M Am looking for information regarding the Kneasel family from Jonestown and Lebanon. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, looking how the Jonestown and the Lebanon Kneasel's are connected.Thanks in advance for any and all help.Wanda Kneasel
Shirley Coffey ; coffey2go@Aol.com; Posted: January 10, 2003
Wanda Kneasel ; timandwanda@comcast.net; Posted: January 5, 2003
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