Lebanon County, Pennsylvania
am looking for family of Daniel clauser born 1820 inPenn
Barbara Bryant ; Barbof Sd@aol.com; Posted: December 31, 2000
Hello,I have a friend who was adopted. We know his parents names, and where he was born. That is all. I am trying to put together his genealogy for him. We are not trying to find his family or contact them in any way. I have put together the genealogy of my own family back to <1000 but I had many family members to point me in the right direction.My friend was born Thomas Timothy Stoudt, born January 18, 1972. He was born in Lebanon Hospital, Lebanon, PA. His parents were Wayne Stoudt and Lorraine or Elaine ?. They also have children named Timothy and Tammy. I am guessing they were born around 1950-1955 and that THEIR parents, Tom's grandparents, would have been born around 1935, give or take. I just want to get started by finding out who his grandparents are. There is a lot of Stoudt/Staut information on-line, but I don't have enough "up-front" information to get started. If you can help, please let me know.Thank you! Happy New Year!
Teresa Lane ; terrylane@earthlink.net; Posted: December 30, 2000
Searching for parents of George Hicks (1773-1852) and parents of his wife, Elizabeth Romich (1781-1847) of Annville. Information or/and suggestions greatly appreciation.
Eileen ; frex@datasync.com; Posted: December 21, 2000
Jacob Fox(Fuchs) married Christina Jane Herrington(Harrington) in Lebanon Co. in 1816. In a Bible record of this marriage it says they were both from Londonderrytwp Lebanon Co, PA. His father was supposedly namedJacob Fuchs and her father was Thomas Harrington. I would like any information like any information regarding this couple. She was con-firmed in the Jerusalem Lutheran Church in Annville in Oct. 1816. This couple mayhave moved to Dauphin Co. because her obituary says she moved to IL from Dauphin Co.
Mack Fox ; Malcomfox@mcleodusa.net; Posted: December 18, 2000
Seeking any information on Mathias GROW/GROH/GAU who died in Bethel Township in 1771/2. He married Ann SCHRIEBER.Interested in children on this union.
Tom Rorabaugh ; rorabaug@msue.msu.edu; Posted: December 14, 2000
Looking for information on a Levi HESS born in Lebanon County, (year unknown, (dies about 1891) was married to an Anna HELT. Both are reported to be burried in the Steelstown Cemetery, but I could not find any stones there with their names on. They had a son Levi A. Hess, Lebanon Co. born 2 Feb 1864, died 26 April 1929 in Derry Twp, Dauphin County. Levi A. HESS may have had a sister Alice, who married a Michael BETZ and lived in Gravel Hill area. Levi A. HESS may also have had two other sisters, names unknown. Levi A. HESS married a Mary Barbara MILLER (1866-1955). Does anyone know who Levi HESS's parents are? Anyone know anything about any HELT'S from Lebanon County. Appreciate any assistance anyone could be.
Frank Hess ; Fhess518@aol.com; Posted: December 13, 2000
Hi -I am looking for information on (Emanuel) Frank WERT/WERDT. He was born ABT 1862 in the area of Washington Twp., Schuylkill Co., PA. He was listed in the 1870 census as Emanuel, but a later document listed him as Frank E. He and his brother, Alfred J. WERDT, lived in Lebanon, Lebanon Co., PA as of 1918. Any help in finding information on Frank would be greatly appreciated!Gregory
Gregory Phillips II ; gphillips2@address.com; Posted: December 9, 2000
Looking for John V. Zinzer who was from Hershey PA in early 1960's. Was in US Air Force in late 50's and early 60's. May have had career in Air Force. Any infor contact direct at dailyracing@aol.com. Thanks
Ray ; dailyracing@aol.com; Posted: December 8, 2000
My great grandmother was born in Pennsylvania around 1842. Her name was Mary Ann(Anne)O'Hara. She married Henry Near @1860 and moved to Middlesex, Ontario, Canada and died December 4, 1885 in Nissouri, Canada buried in North Nissouri cemetery. Mary Ann(ANNE)'s parents came over from Ireland before she was born. She was the youngest child. The father's name is only known as "Parvis" which is a nickname for something else. He was born in Ireland in 1811. Her mother's name was Catherine, I don't know her maiden name or how to find it out. I also don't know anything about the other children. I would appreciate any help in trying to track these people down. They are my Mother's great grandparents and the last link in her family tree. Thank you for your trouble.
Lorna Kidder; JOMAKI@ATLANTIC.NET; Posted: December 6, 2000
Please view an 1841 Birth/Baptismal Certificate of my 2ndGreat-Grandfather, Joseph Shaunessy, It was taken with a digital camera and is dificult to read but the first page (and soon the large image page will have a complete transcription)
I'm still looking for Catherine Shaunessy(Josephs Mothers) maiden name. May be GRATH.
Bill Jones ; Yazjones@yahoo.com; Posted: December 6, 2000
Solomon RITZ was born ca 1780-85; married in Washington Co., MD. to Mary WISE. They both died very young leaving 3 children as orphans, including my gr. gr. grandfather, Daniel RITZ. Have been searching for Solomon's parents. Suspect Solomon and his parents had been living in PA. in a county such as Lebanon Co. and when Solomon reached adulthood he moved to MD. Hoping someone researching the RITZ name they might have come across my Solomon's name. There are many, many RITZs in PA. so wouldn't surprise me if someone might have come across his name in wills &/or estate papers.
Would appreciate any information.ThanksCarolyn
Carolyn RITZ FRAZEE ; DavidOF@wesnet.com; Posted: December 3, 2000
I am researching the descendants of Samuel Brighton Boughter b.1/4/1834. The descendants I have were all born in Lebanon Co. according to my records and many still live there. If you know anything about this family, please email me!
Samuel Brighton BOUGHTER b.1/4/1834 married Louisa Ann ____(1st marriage)
Daughter Priscilla C. 9/18/1858-8/22/1922 m. Albert KLINE 9/27/1854-1/14/1890
daughter Annie Jane 4/9/1879-12/9/1955 m. John Henry GARMEN 3/24/1881-8/10/1932
daughter Catherine Priscilla 3/26/1902-10/1/1988, m. Roger WAGNER 10/27/1902-8/20/1983. Children: Elva Mae, Mary, Charles, Richard, Paul, John Aaron and Adam.
Samuel Brighton's second marriage Mary A.E. SHIRK 2/4/1837-4/25/1911
son Samuel Brighton BOUGHTER 6/24/1868-4/26/1950 m. Alice SCHAFFER 12/3/1862-5/25/1952
Son Samuel James 12/27/1891-2/20/1975 m. Mary Lawerence HEDDINGER (Daughter of Isaac HEDDINGER and Susan LEHR)
Children Samuel Brighton, Joseph Henry, May, Russell, William, Mary, Catherine, Calvin, Anna, Ruth, Alice, Helen, Robert, Warren, George and Blanche.
Thank you - looking forward to meeting some cousins.
Sandra Cogan ; jnscogan@bellatlantic.net; Posted: December 2, 2000
Looking for the parents of John Craig b. 1769 d. 1801 John was a tanner in Campbelltown and attended Derry Presbyterian Church. Married Jean Boyd and had 5 boys.
John Craig ; Catfish67@earthlink.net; Posted: November 30, 2000
I am looking for any information regarding the Walter or Walters family of Buffalo Springs, Lebanon County. Specifically, parents of Jacob Walters. Who was married to Margaret Trion. I do know of at least one son, Franklin, who was maried to Anna Kauffman. Any information would be gratefully appreciated.
Kathy Price ; klprice2000@yaho.com; Posted: November 29, 2000
Iam interested in the GASSERT family. John GASSERT, born abt. 1774 in Germany, supposedly came to the U.S. in 1792 on the Christianna (I cannot find the ship in that year). Married Julianna Zimmerman. He died 21 Feb. 1855 in Lebanon. Son John GASSERT, born 1796, Cornwall Twp. Lebanon. Married Maria SCHOTT Jan 1821, Salem Lutheran Church. The son John had a brother George, who was a prominent architect, builder, and councilman in Lebanon for many years. He was the contractor and builder of the Bethany Orphan's Home in Wolmesdorf. He superinted the erection of the Salem Lutheran Church on 8th near Willow. I would greatly appreciate any information and help. Will be happy to share all I do have.
Nancy Carlson ; nc04720@navix.net; Posted: November 29, 2000
Jacob LEAMAN in 1735 aquired 194 acres in then Lancaster, later Berks, now Lebanon Co. Jacob d. in 1742 leaving sons Jacob, m. Margaret KITZMILLER, George, m. Elizabeth bLEISTEIN, David, m Mary MATTERN and daughters Elizabeth, m john KITZMILLER, Margaret, m. Stephen BOYER and Barbara. I have information to exchange with anyone researching these lines.
Earl R. Layman ; elayman814@aol.com; Posted: November 29, 2000
I am interested in any information on the FERRYMAN name in Lebanon Co. and the surounding area. The earliest date I have isfor the marriage of Frederick FERRYMAN and Maria NOLL (KNOLL) in 1836 at the Trinity Tulpehocken Church. He died 30 June 1877 in Lebanon. Son Frederick lived and died in Lebanon. Some of the grandsons moved to Omaha NE about 1895. Any information willbe greatly appreciated, and I will be happy to share what I have.
Nancy L Carlson ; nc04720@navix.net; Posted: November 29, 2000
I am looking for any information on John G. Hoh in Lebanon Co, PA. He lived near Annville.
His wife was Mary Elizabeth Smith, dau. of David Smith and Louisa Heileg.
children I know of married into these families: Breidenbach,Sexauer,Shonk,Long,Reed.
Anyone have any information?
Pat ; lphoh@shawneelink.net; Posted: November 27, 2000
I am looking for any information on the above surnames in Labanon County. Many were listed in the mid-1800's and I believe they are related to those in Berks and Schuylkill Counties. The following were listed in the 1850 Census:
John (2)
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Daniel Loss ; dloss@DelSysPharma.com; Posted: November 27, 2000
I have my 2GreatGrand Fathers Birth/Baptismal Certificate dated 28 April 1841, his name was Joseph Shaunessy. Born inLebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pa. His parents are mentioned and their names are "John Shaunessy and Catherine, daugher of John and Q?????? Grath??" unfortuneately Cath.'s parents are at a fold in the document and are almost gone, but I can make out some of their names with much difficulty.Does anyone have any info on these?
The Reverand performing the "Act of Baptism" was the Rev. ASteinback.
Joseph married Lucy Forney WEIKERT 13 MAR 1866 had 8 children Maud Lucy ,George Auther,Ida Bell ,Bessie Wirt, Mable J ,Claude S,Maggie May, and Ralph A.
Maud Lucy married William Henry WILSON and are my Grandma Hazel R Jones' parents. WEIKERTS were from Adams Countyand WILSONS from I think York County.
Thanks Bill
Bill Jones ; yazjones@yahoo.com; Posted: November 27, 2000
I am trying to verify/confirm Christian Ensminger, b June 8, 1762, died March 6, 1836 served in Revolutionary War in Capt Baltzer Orth Company from Lebanon Twp during 1782 or earlier. Are there any records that would confirm this or suggestions as to how to find his records.
He married Regina Wunderlich February 17, 1790.
Pat Decker ; pdecker03@yahoo.com; Posted: November 25, 2000
Looking for Information about a local Newspaper that was Printed in Fredericksburg, PA (Northern Lebanon County). The Newspaper was printed from about 1894 to 1895. The Paper was printed by George W. Ettele. The name of the paper was the Fredericksburg Herald.
I am looking for existing Issues available to view and copy of this Newspaper. I have check most major libraries in the area with no luck. Any Informatio would be Appreciated.
Michael L. Strauss ; Straussm17@aol.com; Posted: November 23, 2000
Family notes say our direct ancestor Samuel Beaver (b. approximately 1807) and his wife Lucinda Susineley (b. approximately 1813) was from Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Samuel and Lucinda had the following children: John, Mary Ann, Barbara E., Hannah, Rose A., Joel, Edward and Levi. I would be greatly interested if anyone has a tie to this family or any information about them in Pennsylvania. The Beavers eventually migrated west and our ancestor Mary Ann is buried here in Kansas. Her obit was a two-liner in the local newspaper and the only info we have of her is the "Lebanon" note about her in her husband's biographical sketch in a county history.
Catherine Green ; jdgreen@southwind.net; Posted: November 18, 2000
I am looking for any information on Brownsweiger. My grandfather & G-mother Michael Brownsweiger & Elsie Mitchell Brownsweiger lived in the Bunker Hill Area/Lebanon, operated a Speakeasy. Anyone having any information -Michael's parents names, or Elsie's. He was born around 1887 died 1939. She 1892 died 1976. We have been hitting a brick wall. It is as if the name never existed. With such a colorful background someone out there should know something, about them. They are buried at Ebenezer, however we have nothing from there on backwards in the line. Any information would be appreciated. Just send us an e-mail tinabrownsweiger@MSN.com Thank you.
Scott Brownsweiger ; tinabrownsweiger@MSN.com; Posted: November 15, 2000
Looking for any information on the Imboden's of Annville. Starts with John Sweigart Imboden buried at Hill Lutheran Church. Alot of info is out there, however alot of conficting information. Have not found two sources that match, including published books, pamphlets and individual research. Would like to view any information you have especially the children of John Sweigart Imboden.
Lori Nalley ; 72654.71@compuserve.com; Posted: November 14, 2000
I am looking for information about the family of Mary Magdalena Miller (m. Dewees). She married Jacob Dewees who died in 1824 and left her with several small children. In the 1850 census she is living with her daughter and her son in law HOWE in Penn twp, Berks Co. One of her sons, William M. Dewees is my ggggrandfather. He married Carolina Phillips. We know nothing of the Miller line, and I have unconfirmed information that Daniel, one of William's brothers, was reared by a Miller family in Lebanon Co. Daniel was a blacksmith, married Susanna Wolf and moved to OH in 1854. I am wondering if Mary moved home for the support of her family when her husband died. Any information which would lead to knowing Mary's line is greatly appreciated.
Kyle Hassler ; khassler@nv.cc.va.us; Posted: November 13, 2000
I am looking for any ancestral information about Henrietta Mast Bashore/Boeshor (m. Dewees) b. Aug 17 1845 in Bethel Twp; d. Sept 18, 1922, Penn twp, Berks Co. She is buried in Belleman's Cemetery Berks Co. and was married to Cyrus P. Dewees. They are my gggrandparents. There is erroneous information in a book documenting the 'Bishop' Mast line that Cyrus Dewees married Anna Mast. This is incorrect and I have documentation (family bible and U.S Census records) that Cyrus (1844-1933) married Henrietta, who was the daughter of Anna Mast (m. Boeshor/Bashore). The mix-up probably came when the farm passed from David Mast to his daughter Anna Mast Bashore/Boeshor (I assume widowed at the time), and subsequently to Cyrus Dewees and his wife Henrietta.In the 1850 census, Anna is living with her parents, David and Barbara Mast, and her name was recorded as Anna Bashore. Living with them is Henrietta Bashore age 3. I am assuming that Mr. Bashore was deceased after a short marriage to Anna Mast and that Anna moved home to her parents' farm. If this is so, then Mr. Bashore was probably born around 1820-25 and died between 1845-1850. Since Henrietta was born in Bethel twp, I am assuming that is where he is from.Following the census records, Henrietta and Anna continue to live with David and Barbara Mast. David died first (~1855) and the farm passed to his daughter Anna. In the 1860 census, Anna's and Henrietta's surnames are recorded as Mast. Anna died in 1868 and in the 1870 census, Henrietta Dewees is living on the farm with her husband Cyrus Dewees, her grandmother, Barbara Mast, and son Hiram Dewees(age 5).Any information which would help identify Henrietta's father is greatly appreciated. I think I may even have a picture of him.
Kyle Hassler ; khassler@nv.cc.va.us; Posted: November 13, 2000
I am trying to find info on my 4 grt grd father Hans Georg Kueffer who we believe changed his name to Cooper sometime after arriving in America from Switzerland with his parents Hans Dubbendorfer Kueffer and Lisbeth Keller. He had a brother Rudolff and sisters Anna Katharina and Elsbeth. I have found him in Hampshire County Va Now W.va. in 1790. All help appreciated.SincerelyEllis Cooper
Ellis Cooper ; ellrose@magiccablevisionpc.com; Posted: November 9, 2000
I am searching for any information on the Carper and Nungesser families. A man named Nicholas Carper (Koerper, Kerper,Kerber,Coerper) came over on the ship Samuel in 1732. I am told that he is buried in a Salem UCC church cemetery. I am looking for someone to confirm this and, if possible to take a photo of his grave. He married a Margaretha Marsteller. I have proof that a son, Fredrich Kerper (spellings vary) is buried in Campbellstown, Salem Church Cemetery. He is buried with his wife Margaret. As I have stated before I am looking for someone who would possibly take a photo of these graves for me. I would appreciate anyones help. Email me at Mtkaiy3@aol.com. Please put in the subject line Leb. Cty Post. I thank anyone in advance for their help.
Tina Erb ; mtkaiy3@aol.com; Posted: November 3, 2000
I am looking for the Ancestors of Christian Frederic Ginther b.12-31-1764,
Hebron,Lebanon, PA. His parents were-Peter Ginther, b.1-12-1740 in Lebanon
or Lancaster, PA. m. 6-29-1762, by Rev. Stoever, to Maria Catherina Williams
b. 1-13-1744, Conestoga, PA. Maria Catherina d.2-24-1790, Lebanon, PA. this
all I know of her. Peter Ginther (Guenther)'s parents were: Peter Ginther
b.1710, Wurrtemberg Germany and Susanna ROS (Stoes) b.1710 in Lancaster or
Lebanon, PA. Both of them died in 1741 or 1742, before Peter II was 2 years
old. Peter was raised by "strangers in the Lutheran Church".(but was of
Moravian Religious background), in SE PA. I am at a loss as to how to
proceed here! Not only, do I not know anything further about Peter I and
Susanna's families, I do not have a clue as to who PeterII was raised by.
Karin Williams; kwk_95422@yahoo.com; Posted: November 3, 2000
I am searching for relatives of Charles Rutzler, came to Germantown Pa around late 1800's from there to Newark NJ
Children: Frank, Alma, Carrie,William, Viola, Louise. Alma, married into Fleming family of Phili. Frank was my grandfather from Kearny, NJ
Evelyn A. McGoldrick; emme@ptdprolog.net; Posted: November 3, 2000
Seek information on the identity of the parents of Charles H. Shaeffer born 17 August 1857 in Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania. Father thought to be William Shaeffer according to Charles Shaeffer's death certificate. Charles, of South Annville, first marriage thought to be to Agnes Mounze of South Annville Twp. on 14 September 1878. Second marriage was to Mary Ann Hess born 27 April 1856 of Lebanon Co., and married before 1884 in Lebanon Co.. Charles is thought to have had an older brother Henry Shaeffer born 1855. Both boys are thought to be living in the home Henry Marguart (blacksmith) according to the 1870 Census (South Annville, Lebanon co.). Charles H. Shaeffer died 11 August 1932 in Noblesville, Hamilton Co., Indiana.
Larry Horton ; larry_horton@hotmail.com; Posted: November 2, 2000
I am trying to locate some information on my ancestor, John G. Hoh.
The biography I have says he moved to Lebabon from Annville,PAShould have been married before 1861 to Mary Elizabeth Smith since that is the time first childwas born.
I would like to know if anyone knows anything about this person.
Pat ; lphoh@shawneelink.net; Posted: November 1, 2000
Seeking any information regarding Jacob Bee who married Margaret Ries on May 22 1808 at the Trinity? Tulpehocken Reform Church. Two of their children, Eliz and Isaac were baptized there(John should have been). They had a large family, Jacob, Daniel, Mary, Benjamin besides the two listed above who all ended up until the 1850's in Huntingdon Co. Does anyone have any information regarding the parents of Margaret Ries. My email is bevt@inwave.com
Beverly Thronton ; bevt@inwave.com; Posted: October 31, 2000
Seeking any info about Hannah Barton who married George Hollenback in 1772 in Lower Paxton, Lebanon County, PA. The only info I have to go on is the following taken from "Portrait & Biographical Record of Kane and Kendall Counties, Ill" dated 1888. "In 1772 George Hollenback was married at Lower Paxton, Lebanon County, PA to Hannah Barton, a daughter of Widow Elizabeth Barton, whose husband, Jacob Barton, a Privateersman in the French War of 1756, was lost a sea not long after, leaving his widow with an infant family of two daughters and four sons. Mrs. Barton resided in Camden, NJ and being in straitened circumstances, soon after her husband's death removed to what is now the interior of PA, where her daughters married and three of her ons fell in the border Indian Wars of PA. Does anyone have any information about either Elizabeth BARTON, her three sons, or two daughters?
Catherine ; cats14818@yahoo.com; Posted: October 29, 2000
Am looking for information on Lewis Lengel (also spelled Louis Lengle). He was born in Schuylkill Co. somewhere between 1852-1856. He was married to a Clara Etter at least by 1880 as they are listed on the census record together. They lived in Pine Grove Township. They moved to Lebanon County sometime by 1910. I am trying to find out who is parents may be. He is listed on the 1870 census as a farm hand at the age of 15 for Edward Bachler and in the 1860 census at the age of 6 under Daniel and Mary Ann Wert or Wirt. Lewis and Clara had many children: Charles, Earl, Elsie Maude, Raymond (my great grandfather) Lucy, Sallie, Elmer, John, Roy and Ruth.
Dawn Morin ; ddmorin@bcn.net; Posted: October 26, 2000
Seeking information regarding the family of Michael Starasinic who was married to Johanna Potocnic. We are seeking Marriage records for Michael and Johanna as well as a Birth record for their son Michael Starasinic who was born circa February, 1893 in Corwall, PA.
F. Starsinic ; Star6208@aol.com; Posted: October 22, 2000
I'm looking for information on the name Bottenhorn, some family members spelled the name Bodenhorn. The earliest information is that they lived in Annville, Lebanon Co.any help would be appreciated.
Gretta email plpe2@yahoo.com
Gretta ; plpe2@yahoo.com; Posted: October 21, 2000
Looking for information on Samuel (b 1801) and Magdalena (b 1798)JOHNS who lived in Lebanon and Jefferson Counties.
Terri ; tleigh68@aol.com; Posted: October 20, 2000
I am very interested to find any information about Francis Fields, married to Don Fields, and who in the 1970's, lived in Annville. She was doing genealogical research, I believe, on TWADDLE ancestors from Lanarkshire, Scotland. She had contacted my great-aunt in Vancouver, British Columbia. Does any genealogy society or researcher have any information about this woman, living or deceased?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Janet Mauza
Abbotsford, BC
Janet Mauza ; b.e._mauza@telus.net; Posted: October 18, 2000
Looking for descendants of James Francis Barry family. James was born November 8, 1848 and settled in Lenanon, Lebanon Co., PA. He was married to Rose Connell. Their children were:
John Joseph Barry, b.10-26-1872. Married Ella Evans.
Mary Barry, b.8-4-1876
Charles Barry, b.9-24-1886
Daniel Patrick Barry, b.1-19-1876. Married Tillie Gates
James J. Barry, 1878. He married Bertha (unknown)
Thomas Barry
William Barry, 7-3-1890
Aloysius Barry, b.6-26-1881. Died in infancy
Anyone with information on any of these people please contact me directly at Jlm3534@aol.com
Thank you.
Jack L. McGriff ; Jl,3534@aol.com; Posted: October 11, 2000
Aaron BUNCE II was b. 20 Nov 1760 in Lebanon, CT, to Aaron & Jerusha BUNCE. Aaron m. Elizabeth GROSS dau. of Simon GROSS about 1786; and d. 1 Oct 1831 in Genesse Co., NY. I am trying to determine if Aaron II had other wives and locate the children of Aaron II. I believe he may have fathered my Merritt BUNCE b. 1804.
Barbara Linton ; bjl848@yahoo.com; Posted: October 10, 2000
I am searching for a Kochenderfer/Kochdorfer family thatlived in Lebanon Co. before 1900. Sometime before 1930 theymoved to West Virginia. The only names that I have are James Noble, Christian, and Christian Jr. I would appreciatehearing from anyone who might know anything about this family.Thank you.
Bobbie ; bobbie@infohwy.com; Posted: October 8, 2000
Looking for information on Jacob and Sarah WALTZ, who are listed in the 1850 Census in Union Twp. They had the following children listed in 1850 (I know there were more later):
Rebecca Age 15
Daniel age 12
George age 7
Sarah age 5
John age 3
I am very sure that they later had more children, including Alfred born in 1858.
Any further info would be greatly appreciated.
Amy Waltz ; ajwrjw@aol.com; Posted: October 7, 2000
I am wondering if anyone can tell me what cemeteries there are in and around Mt. Gretna, Lebanon Co.? I am tracing the last names of Dettra, Felker/Voelker & Kline. I would appreciate any information or suggestion. Thank you.
Susan D. Prettyman ; Momof5girls@aol.com; Posted: October 5, 2000
I am looking for some help in tracing the family of George Dettra and his wife Katherine Voelker. George originally came from Montgomery County.I believe she came to the US about 1840-1850 with her three brothers George J. b. 1832, Lorenz, & Richard. It is believed that the brothers changed the spelling of their last name to Felker. George & Kate Dettra settled in Mt. Gretna, Lebanon County, on a farm and had at least three children named George, Harry, & Erma. I would appreciate any help with either surname. Thank you.
Susan Prettyman ; Momof5girls@aol.com; Posted: October 4, 2000
Nicholas Ensminger b July 22, 1732/d April 28, 1781 near Lebanon PA (Buried at Hill Church, Salen Church?)Married: May 18, 1754 Elizabeth (Philippi) d/o John(Volksberg, Alsace to PA 1750). B November 3, 1734/d August 31, 1803.
Father: Peter Ensminger b 1694/d 10/1739 (Cocalico Twp, Lancaster Co PA. Married 1719 to Catherine (Trautman) d/o Christopher Trautman. B 1700.
Were these two counties together at one time?
Pat Decker ; pdecker03@yahoo.com; Posted: October 3, 2000
I am seeking any information that can be found on my gggrandparentsJohn Finney McKim and Mary Kratzer. I would love to have any informationavailable on their parents or siblings. Briefly, this is the only informationthat I have on them.
John Finney McKim was born either August 28th or October 30th, 1827 in AnnvilleTownship, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. He was a school teacher and a painter.His wife, Mary Kratzer was born April 8th, 1825 in Longonderry Township, LebanonCounty, PA. John and Mary were married Dec. 24, 1848 by Rev. Searc Eggers.
Mary died August 8th, 1868 at the age of 43. Joh died Nov. 1, 1869 of paint poisoningat the age of 42. They had five children which my ggrandfather John Kratzer McKimwas the youngest. I would greatly appreciate any information on this family that can be found. Thank you!
Susie Lynn ; blynn@ktis.net; Posted: October 2, 2000
I recently found this in the 1880 census for Lebanon COunty.
Jacob Getz 66 should probably be 60
Eliza 58 wife
Leah 20 daughter
William 15 son my Grandfather
Henreitta 13 daughter
Grant Batdorf 2 G. son
Mason Fitting 3/12 Feb. G son
Abraham Kreiser 40 or 70 Brother in-law
Emma Koons 12 niece.
Does anyone know who the parents of Grant, Mason or Emma are? Thank you.
Cindy Pelfrey ; pelfrey@paonline.com; Posted: October 2, 2000
Seeking info re John (Johannes) WOHLEBEN (alternate spellings noted above) b abt 1754 Tulpehocken territory (could be either Berks or Lebanon Cty, but more likely Berks), possibly married 1790s to Maria Elizabeth HAUER/HOWER (b 1776 vicinity of Fredericksburg PA). Have much info to share.
Glenn Olander-Quamme ; gquamme@aol.com; Posted: September 28, 2000
I found this posted on another list, thought I would pass it on..
o I have a photo album from Pennsylvania that turned up in Abbeville, South Carolina. Noah's Ark, an Abbeville antique andused book store that was in business for many years, frequentlybought lots of furniture and books at estate sales up and down the eastern seaboard, and this album probably came to Abbevillein someone's grandmother's trunk.
The photographs are not identified but when I acquired the album I went through it and found that most of the photos were from Lebanon, Pennsylvania. I estimate that they are from the 1880-1890 period and probably reflect three, and maybe four, generations of a family. At least one of the 36 photographs was made by Leaman & Lee, Photographers, 621 Penn St., Reading, Pennsylvania, and at least one was made by J. W. Graeff,Photographer, 849 Cumberland St., Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
I will send the gilt-tooled leather album, at no cost, to a public or private museum or library that collects, preserves, and exhibits photographs. The curator or archivist should write me a letter on the institution's letterhead stationery asking for the album. I would appreciate also a copy of the institution's acquisition policy. If I receive more than one request, I will determine to whom to give it based on the organization's mission statement, conservation standards, and accessibility to the public. (For example, if someone later proves that these photos are from their family, the institution would have to agree that the family could copy the photographs,at the family's expense.)
Rose-Marie Williams rmew@wctel.net
Iris ; IrisLillie@aol.com; Posted: September 25, 2000
I am looking for any information on the Alleman family from Lebanon/Dauphin Counties. Leonhardt and Anna (Mayer) Alleman lived in Bellegrove with their 5 children. Leonhardts father was John Frederick Christian Alleman. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreicated.
Jill A. Baer ; jillyogi@aol.com; Posted: September 23, 2000
I am searching for connections to Daniel North (b - Unknown, d-3/7/1793). He was married to (1) Anna Margaret ?? (2) Elizabeth Grace (3)Maria ??. He and Anna had 3 children - Catherine (b-abt 1760, d-unknown)who married Henry Huber 7/30/1782 (b-unknown,d-unknown) in Christ's Lutheran Church; George (b-1762,d-8/1830)who went to Murleys Branch Allegany County Maryland; and Jacob (b-1/7/1764 in Lebanon County, d-9/4/1823 in Mifflin Twp Cumberland County PA). Daniel and Elizabeth had John Daniel (b-7/16/1755, d-3/7/1793) who married Elizabeth Umbach 3/6/1795. Daniel and Maria had John who married Elizabeth Kapp (b-unknown, d-unknown. Any help on dates, locations or information would be appreciated.
Paul North
103 Nansue Drive
Tipton, IN 46072
Paul North ; PaulNCSA@TiptonTel.com; Posted: September 22, 2000
My father's name is David Email Behm. He was born August 21, 1929 to Oliver Amos Behm and Katherine, E. Schies. All were born in Lebanon, PA. Oliver's birthdate is October 1, 1909 and his father's name is Rudolph B. Behm, born 1878. Oliver's mother's name is Mame J. Blouch with a birthdate of 1880 according to Oliver's birth certificate. Rudolph and Mame were born in North Londonderry, PA. Katherine's birthdate is November 28, 1914. Her father is Herman Schies, born September 19, 1892. Her mother was Ida Lengel, born 1892,all according to Katherine's birth certificate. All the above mentioned persons are deceased. I am working on my family history, so I can share my history with my children and grandchildren. I was not given information about my father's side of the family due to circumstances surrounding his conception and birth. Might someone on this sight have any further information? I believe Rudolph's father's name is Rudolph and might have been born in the year 1845. I will appreciate any information I can get.
Kathleen Behm
Kathy Behm ; kbehm@sisna.com; Posted: September 20, 2000
This name may be spelled Eigness, Eignus, Eignas or other.Mathias Eigness entered US in 1817 or 1818 and settled in Lebanon Co. I am interested in communicating with anyone who is researching this name of knows anything about it.
Lillie Pell ; llpell@airmail.net; Posted: September 12, 2000
Hello there,I am in search of the families of Light - Licht.
Mine goes from Mary Ann Light married John Baumgardner . Mary's father was Jeremiah Light. I have a copy of his will. In his will Jeremiah's Mother is Elizabeth ???? But, Elizabeth who???
Then I found a few more will - well "Letters of Adminstration" one on Felix that was married to a Catherine then another on a Abraham that was married to an Elizabeth.
In Jeremiah's will it states that Mary would get all of the monies that belonged to her Granfather John Light of Lebanon Twp., Lebanon County, PA. So, i'm asking was Abraham John's son. Was Jeremiah Abraham's son then Mary came into the picture???
Please is there ANYONE out there who can help me figure this one out??
Where could I go to find any and all deeds and will of John Light?
Any and All help will be appreciated.
Sincerely, Bea
Bea ; beair@acsworld.net; Posted: September 9, 2000
Who were the parents of William (b. 1805/07) and Catharine Wilhelm Smith (b. 1807)of Bethel Twp, Lebanon Co.? They are buried at St. Johns Lutheran Church in Fredericksburg. Their children John (b. 1835), William, Reuben, Uriah, Jacob, Emma, and Caroline are buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Fredericksburg.
Sylvia Talmage ; jtalmage@usit.net; Posted: September 9, 2000
JOHANN DANIEL BRUNNER b 22 Jan 1754 d 18 Dec 1805 and ELISABETH GIERING BRUNNER b 22 Jan 1757 d 16 Oct 1812, both buried Bethel Moravian Church in Swatara Township, Lebanon County. Searching for information on this family.
Jane Stratton-Boast ; JaneGSB@aol.com; Posted: September 8, 2000
Any info out there on Reverend A. Rumic (per handwritten notes); might be Romig or Roemig. I have ancestors who were married by him (Amanda Louser & Daniel Bedger) and would love to see any notes he had written regarding marriage ceremonies. Thanks.
Laurie Mercer ; LAMercer76@aol.com; Posted: September 8, 2000
Seeking any info about the family of George Gramlich in Schaefferstown, Heidleberg Twp., in the late 1700's. George's wife was Magdalene. George and Magdalene had two sons baptized in Schaefferstown, Jacob, Sept. 1776 and John, Nov 1774.Thanks, any small clue will be very much appreciated..
Nancy Lambert ; geniebug@prodigy.net; Posted: September 7, 2000
My great grandfather was born in Pa in 1879--William Border.He was a steel worker. I can find him in the 1910 census for Lebanon (city). In 1920 I only find his wife, Cora and two children, Elizabeth and Russell. They lived at 308 Partridge in Lebanon. Does anyone have a connection for William? Also in 1910 there is a son Harry ~11 yrs old. He doesn't show up in 1920.
Rex Border ; borderr@newtec.wsmr.army.mil; Posted: September 5, 2000
Looking for any info. on Robert and/or Lillian Boyer,of Lebanon Pa. They were long time residents of Lebanon and both died there They had several children Charles-Robert-Harry-George-Lillian.
Chuck Boyer ; jojo05@webtv.net; Posted: September 3, 2000
Looking for fellow descendants of Samuel R. (1845-1886) and Elizabeth (1844-1911) BENTZ, nee Blantz. Both born in Lancaster County, PA. Came to Lebanon County between 1870 and 1880. First settled in Cornwall Township, then Lebanon City. Children included Frank, Clayton, Milton, Addison, Henry, Edward, William, John, and Isabella. Been looking for 5+ years now. Would love to talk with somebody.
Eric J. Bentz ; ejbentz@aol.com; Posted: September 2, 2000
A group in Palmyra is looking for a person who has knowledge of Palmyra and is able to speak to a group or have a question and answer session. Contact me personaly.
Roxanne Seibert ; rlseibert@paonline.com; Posted: August 30, 2000
I am searching for any information on the Rudegeairs of Lebanon Co. My great grandfather was George Rudegeair, probably from Alsace-Lorraine, France. Any help at all will be appreciated.
Cheri Mitchell ; MITCHELLWS@HOME.COM; Posted: August 26, 2000
Have recently returned from visit to Lebanon and Dauphin counties researching the Felty family. I have a list of burial sightings in Shoop's, Wenrich, Church of God, Linglestown, United Church of Christ (Formerly Reformed Church) in Campbelltown. Will share.
email: rgilill369@aol.comGil
Gil Gililland ; rgilill369@aol.com; Posted: August 25, 2000
John Adam HEILMAN was baptised 24 Feb. 1715, in Zutzenhausen, Germany and died Sept/Oct 1770, Lebanon Co. He was buried in Hill Church Cemetery. His parents were John Jacob HEILMAN and Anna Maria Catharine. John Adam married Maria "Mary" Catharine STEGER, daughter of John Barnard STEGER. She was born 25 March 1709 and died 12 May 1787. John Adam and Mary's daughter Anna Elizabeth was born 2 March 1742 in North Annville, Lebanon Co. She died 18 April 1817, in Franklin Co. PA. and was buried at Salem Reformed Church Cemetery. Anna Elizabeth married ? Yetter and Henry Miller (c. Jan. 1770). Anyone that is working on these families and would like to trade info, please contact me.
Viola Mullen ; clearforkviola@yahoo,com; Posted: August 25, 2000
Viola Mullen ; clearforkviola@yahoo.com; Posted: August 25, 2000
Seeking any information concerning George and Magadalena Gramlich in Schaefferstown, Lebanon Co.Records show a George and Magadalena Gramlich had two sons baptised at Lutheran church: John Gramlich, born Nov 22, 1774 and Jacob born Sept. 10, 1776.
Nancy Lambert ; geniebug@prodigy.net; Posted: August 25, 2000
Searching for John/Johan/Johanes LOUSER/LAUSER, born Lebanon Cty in 1796, christened 2 Jan 1797 at St Lukes Evang church in Schaefferstown. Married Catharina DARKES. They had fifteen children: Johan George, Maria, Johan Andrew/Andreas, unnamed son, Johan Salomon, Johanus, Johanus George, Elizabeth, Catharina, Mary Maria, Johan Heinrich, Amanda (married Daniel BEDGAR/BEDGER in Gunstown PA Aug 1860, Sarah, Johan Adam, and Carl/Earl. We are descended from Amanda & Daniel. Several children were christened at Zion Church in Leb. Any info would be greatly appreciated. And I will gladly share info.
Laurie Mercer ; LAMercer76@aol.com; Posted: August 24, 2000
I am looking for anyone doing research of the Eisenhauer family. Also possibly Olewine. I am also looking for the obituaries of Ray Brown , Dorothy Beam or Mays and Christine Seyfert. I just found out they past away and I don't know when.I hope there is someone out there who is doing this research.
Theresa ; rachaele@talon.net; Posted: August 19, 2000
Looking for information about John Graeff, born 1821 in bavaria, but living in lebanon PA in 1850s/1860s. John married Christinia Schwindell and started a family in Pa before moving on to NY and later MO. His children born in Lebanon are Fredrick 1853, Theodore 1855 and Henritta 1857. Any info about these folks would be greatly appreciated.
Ron Bechtold ; bechtolds@erols.com; Posted: August 17, 2000
I am just starting out and am looking for information on my great granfather's parents (Spannuth) Also I am looking for my grandmothers parents (rudy) Any information would be helpful
Carey ; kr_92376@yahoo.com; Posted: August 16, 2000
I am looking from information about a Blouch family reunion in Lebanon County. I was told by my father that he thought there was someone at the reunion that had done research of our family. I would like to do research on my genealogy (father's side). His name is David and his siblings names are Richard, William, Doris, and Mary. I think my grandfather's name was Paul, but I am not sure (may be my great-grandfather's name). Any information would be greatly appreciated for myself and to pass along to my children some day. Thank you.
Joan Crum ; dcrum@pa.net; Posted: August 9, 2000
I there anyone in the Lebanon County area, that can help me find the children of Jonathan Weidman and wife #1: Maria Guthman? I understand that they were attending Tulpehocken Trinity Reformed Church, Jackson Township, Lebanon County, until the death of Maria[ about 1851]. Any information on his wife Maria Guthman would be appreciated as well!
Janice Weidman-Nicholas ; Butte52506@AOL.com; Posted: August 7, 2000
I am trying to find information about John Jacob Dewees and married Maria (Mary) Magdelena Miller. Some of the information below has been verified through census records, but I do not know anything about the Miller family or some of John and Mary's children. William M. is my gggg grandfather. Any dates of marriages, birth, deaths, and church information is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
John Jacob DeWEES b.1786; d.1824 & Maria Magdelena MILLER b. 1786wed Apr 12 1807
son Jacob b. Jun 6 1808; d. Sept 14 1886 & Catharine Shafer
dau Elizabeth b. Jul 1 1809; d. Nov 21 1894 & William Howe (in the 1850 census Mary (age 64)is living with Elizabeth (40) and William (44)
dau Catherine b. Apr 1 1811; d. 1813
dau Lydia b. Aug 2, 1812; d. Jun 4 1872 Bern, Berks (2nd wife) & Gabriel Dundore b.Dec 15 1799; d. May 29 1827
son Benneville b. Aug 21 1814
son Joshua b. Jun 29 1816
son Daniel b. Dec 11 1817
son William M. b. Oct 29 1820; d. Dec 24 1908
son Johnathan M. b. Jan 24 1822; d. 1825 IInfant died at birth
Kyle Hassler ; khassler@pmsoldier.belvoir.army.mil; Posted: August 1, 2000
I wondered if there is anybody else working on the Getz family in Lebanon area. Dauphin in some of the earlier dates.
Cindy Pelfrey ; pelfrey@paonline.com; Posted: July 29, 2000
Searching for the names of the children of William Ramsey and his wife Eleanor Shay Ramsey.Dick Fisher
Richard Fisher ; Dick Fisher Jr @cs.com; Posted: July 29, 2000
Searching for decendents of BLAINE BICKELMANof Lebanon.His fathers name I believe was MASON BICKELMAN.
He was married to a woman from Pittsburgh and had2 daughters.Any help would be appreciated.........BILL
WILLIAM PHILLIPS ; wilphl61@pgh.net; Posted: July 28, 2000
Seeking parents of Eve/Eva WOLF/WOLFE born Feb. 19, 1776 in Lebanon Co., PA.
Mary Ned ; maryned@hotmail.com; Posted: July 28, 2000
I am looking for information on a family who lived in Lebonon, Lebonon County in 1934. The name was Alford Barnes Churchill and his wife was Jean Thompson Churchill. On Jean's mother's death certificate she was the informant and she gave this as her address. If anyone has any information about this family I would appreciate hearing from you.
Edwyna ; bidhigh@fair.net; Posted: July 28, 2000
My second great-grandmother maiden name was Amanda Bennthum.One of her sons was Nelson Bennethum Blythe. The Federal Census of 1850, 1860 lists a Nelson Bennethum in Millcreek Twp., in 1850, Amanda was also listed with him as a young child. I believe he was a school teacher in 1850, but in the 1860 census he is listed as a laborer. I have no further information on this man, his wife or heritage.Does anyone know anything that may help? Thank you. JD
Judith Devon ; wjones@vermontel.net; Posted: July 25, 2000
looking for relations to Charles Augustus Haehnle(1862-1884)--parents Charles Ludwig and Dorothea(Dientsbach) Haehnle. Moravian minister. thanks!
karen Ifert ; KIfert@aol.com; Posted: July 24, 2000
Does anyone know where I can find historical information on Yellow Springs that was a coal mining village on the mountain in northwest Lebanon County. It is now a ghost town with only ruins remaining and is just off the Appalachian Trail. Thank you.
John Zwierzyna ; kzwie@msn.com; Posted: July 22, 2000
Martin Meyer was born in Lebanon County, Pa 4 Apr 1805 and married Mary "Polly" Wolfe (born 1806-1868).. Martin died in 1863 in Lebanon. They had a very large family - most remained in Pa. Two sons moved to Indiana and a biography on their son, Levi, said that the family had lived in the same place in Lebanon for generations!!?? Levi Meyer, born 1843 in Lebanon married Christina Shalley, daughter of John and Elizabeth, both from Lebanon, Pa.
Any help would be appreciated.
Pat Bauman ; maine1@bright.net; Posted: July 20, 2000
I am looking for specific information pertaining to Louis Soulliard or Louisa Fraulinger Soulliard. They lived in Lebanon around 1860's. Thank you, Wendi Soulliard
wendi soulliard ; gun2brdh@excite.com; Posted: July 17, 2000
My g-grandfather Lloyd Capp died about 1931. My grandfather (Vernal Benton Kapp) was 14 at the time. Lloyd's wife (Naomi Brandt Capp) was left to raise their sons. None of the sons passed any information about their father's family to their children (my father's generation), so for a long time, I have been stuck with very little information to begin researching the Capp family in Lebanon County. I recently found information about the Long/Lang family history in Lebanon County.
Wilhemina Loretta Long, daughter of Sabrina Clark and George Lang, born 8 Dec. 1843 (Lebanon), died 18 Apr. 1921 (Jonestown) was married to Levi Capp. Unfortunately the online family tree (http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/) (Julia Heilman Ellison file) that I found this information in does not list whether or not Levi and Wilhemina had any children. Does anyone know if they had children and if so, was Lloyd one of them?
Thanks in advance.
Jeff Kapp ; jeffkapp@uic.edu; Posted: July 16, 2000
Bixler/BickslerI'm looking for info on WILLIAM BIXLER's childrenand siblings.
I need info on Mary BIXLER married EDWARD TOBIAS? Needthere burial place.They had no children.
I need info on KATE BIXLER married HARRY WALTERS?Need there children and burial place.
I need info on ANNIE BIXLER married AMOS KURTZ?Need there dates,children and burial place?
I'm also looking for info on ELIZABETH EISENHAUER.She is buried behind WILLIAM BIXLER. Maybe asister?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Terry Bicksler ; jbixler@bellatlantic.net; Posted: July 16, 2000
I am looking for the parents of William Hoover, born Sept. 27, 1808. I have reason to believe the father was Henrysince William gave all his sons the middle initial of "H".Williams's grandson Charles F. and his family were the owners of the Hoover Furniture and Funeral Home in Harrisburg. I would be delighted to find descendents ofthis family. It is told that we belong down Pres. Hoover'sline.
Nancy Schweitzer ; nancydon@greater.net; Posted: July 15, 2000
Seek information of Jacob Breckbill (1774-1839) and wife Elizabeth Krall Breckbill (1776-1849).
Buried in Somerset, Ohio, but children were born in Dauphin County, PA. 1. Jacob (mine), 2. Joseph ,
3. Nancy, 4. Christian, 5. John. The elder Jacob and wife may have moved to Somerset, Ohio in the 1830's or so.
My Jacob spelled his name, Brechbill, not as his father did. He would be my mother's great-grandfather.
Sheila McLeod; ggsfmcl@inetnebr.com; Posted: July 13, 2000
My Great grandmother was Rachel C. Shindel Spohn. She lived with her son William G. Spohn when she died in Baltimore. Her parents were Jeremiah and Annie Baxter Shindel. She was the widow of Charles F. Spohn. Her other children were Catherine,wife of David Chambers of Dover,Pa. Anna, wife of Norman Caswell, Columbia. Elsie, wife of Harry K. Peters, Lancaster. Richard E., Lancaster. Laura, wife of Milton Mulligan, Harrisburg. Charles F., Lancaster. and William with whom she had lived, in Baltimore, Maryland. Her sisters and brothers were Mrs. Amos Hoover ,Lancaster; George Shindel, Conestoga, Pa. and Oliver Shindel, West Chester, Pa. She was born Dec. 8,1876, and was 82 when she died, so she died abt. 1958. Any information would be appreciated. I am looking for any further information on her father and his ancestors. Thank you. Donna Gordner
Donna Gordner ; jagordner@losch.net; Posted: July 12, 2000
Need help finding the parents of Sophia VISHERING (could have been changed to FISHER) who married George Jerick HOCK/HOUTZ/HOKE. They came from Germany in 1733. Their dau. Sophia HOCK m. Christian GISH.
Nancy Leeg Jankowski ; leeg@thegrid.net; Posted: July 12, 2000
I am looking for the parents of Daniel Miller, born 1820. Anneville, Lebanon, the son of John Miller. Daniel married 1.) Louisa N. Cormeney (Carmoney) and 2). Lydia Kreider. His son by Lydia was Reuben B. Miller, born August 31, 1853.Reuben married Mary Ellen Matter, b. 1854. I would appreciate any further information on any of these people . Thanks.V. Loehr
V. Loehr ; Ducheselsp@aol.com; Posted: July 11, 2000
I am searching for the parents of both Abraham Bowman (Baumann) and his first wife, Margretha (Rebecca) Siegrist. They were married in Lebanon County on 2 Feb 1826. Abraham was born 15 May 1800 and Margretha was born 21 Jan 1802. Any information on the ancestry of this couple would be appreciated! Thanks.
Kristin Bane ; klbane@myway.com; Posted: July 10, 2000
Seeing as Lebanon co. was or is part of Lancaster co,wondering if anyone can help me here? Hello researcher's, I'd like help please on the Ressel family ,many still live in the Lancaster area.Ressel name's of known decendancy;1-Michael Ressel md- Fanny Warfel (think could be Francis)2-Martin S.Ressel md-Catherine Shultzch- John md-Mime had 10 children 1 was a JohnAnne md-?Herr then Harry? no childrenMary md-Chris Smith 2boy's 2girl's?Emma md-James Swain 2girl's 1 sonSamuel Ressel(""""""""")(possiblechildren of Sam were/arePete,Dorothy,Jeanne,Virginia,Lillian &Elizabeth)3- Henry Cal Schultz Ressel md -Daisy May Francis BrockHenry Clay Shultz Ressel b-1882-d-1968Daisy May Francis Ressel b-1886-d-1960children;Daisy May Ressel md Walter LooseBeatrice Ressel md ?(died)Violet E.Ressel b1910 d-1992 my grannymd Zona J.Rose sr.Bertha Ressel md Henry S.ShowalterHenry Ressel md Virginia? had Donna ResselPaul Ressel (died)Pauline Ressel md Luther RoweEvelyn Ressel md Willie BrennerGladys Ressel md Donald DunlapIf any name's are recongnized ,please let me know.Thanks,and I can be reached online at;Thanks Morningstar nacomah@aol.com
Dawn"Morningstar"McNabb ; nacomah@aol.com; Posted: July 8, 2000
This is my first time for a query to lebanon co. penn. Need all the help I can receive on Friend who operated a bakery in Myerstown in approximately 1820-1830. I obtained an obit on my ggrandfather Oliver Friend in cass co illinois. It stated his father was a baker in Myerstown. Brothers of Oliver were Ezekel and William. Would like to know the given name of the baker.ThanksDarlene Reed
darlene reed ; ruthsreed@yahoo.com; Posted: July 1, 2000
Does there still exist a First Reformed (Tabor) Church in Lebanon? My wife's great grandfather, Joel D. Felty, was baptised there in 1828 by the Reverend Henry Kroh. One of his sons Harry C. Felty was a deacon in 1920. In 1920 it was on 10th Street in Lebanon.
Feel free to email me at rgilill369@aol.com.
Gil Gililland ; rgilill369@aol.com; Posted: June 29, 2000
Thru the help of the Lebanon Cty Historical Society, I learned that Grant Uhrich was born in 1868 in Lebanon. He married a Mary Stutzman on Nov. 24, 1888 in Lebanon. His parents were Henry and Mary Uhrich and hers were Andrew and Susan Stutzman( both families of Lebanon). Also, he is listed in the 1897 Lebanon City Directory - living on 5th St. and employed as a boltmaker. He supposedly lived into his thirties. There are no death or burial records found to date. Any leads? Thanks.
Rick Uhrich ; Riclewu@aol.com; Posted: June 24, 2000
Looking for information on a Thomas G. Boeshore who had a son Franklin Benjamin Boeshore born 9-18-1888 possibly in the Annville area. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Rick Huber ; r616a@aol.com; Posted: June 21, 2000
I am currently researching the Spancake family that originated in Schuylkill Co. and moved to Lebanon Co. during the 1800's. I would appreciate any information on this family. My grandfather was Charles Oscar Spancake born on Jan. 13, 1890, died Oct. 30,1966. His parents were John Adam and Lizzie (Goodman) Spancake. John Adam also known as Adam, was born May 18, 1855 and died May 8, 1891. John Adam was the son of Leonard Spancake and Elizabeth of Schuylkill Co.
Patricia Stroman ; patrinki@hotmail.com; Posted: June 18, 2000
I am requesting any information on my great grandmother, Elizabeth Thomas, who was born in Johnstown, PA., in the mid 1800's. She had a twin sister, Dollie Thomas. I have no other information at this time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jan Walz ; lockbstr@aol.com; Posted: June 13, 2000
I am interested in locating the graves of slaves who lived in Lebanon County in the 18th and 19th centuries. These would probably not be marked, but often local lore and church histories mention the burial of slaves in local cemeteries, or outside of the cemetery walls. Any information is appreciated. I am also interested in slave data from Lebanon County (slaves who were owned by Lebanon County residents) in the 18th and 19th centuries, for inclusion on my website. Thanks.
George F. Nagle ; gnagle2919@aol.com; Posted: June 13, 2000
I am interested in the origin of the name of the location near Mount Gretna known as "Governor Dick Hill," or "Governor Dick Mountain." There was a slave owned by the Grubb family at Cornwall Furnace named Governor Dick, and I was wondering if the hill (mountain) was named for this slave, and why. Any sort of information regarding this is greatly appreciated.
George F. Nagle ; gnagle2919@aol.com; Posted: June 13, 2000
My great-grandmother's DAR records show that George Dissinger was buried in the Reform Cemetery in Schaefferstown. I am curious if anyone is familiar with this cemetery. I reviewed the graveyard listings on the Lebanon County web page, but did not see it there. Perhaps it goes by a different name? George Dissinger was a revolutionary war veteran, born in Germany in 1747 and died in 1816. Am trying to learn more about him and his family.
Becky Ewing ; rrewing@zoomnet.net; Posted: June 11, 2000
I'm interested in find any information of my great great grandfather whose last name was either Ihm or Ihms. I believe that his first name may have been Joeseph and he had a son named John. I believe John had a sister but I do not know her name. They lived in Lebanon area around 1865 gice or take 10 years.
Paul ; pwihms@juno.com; Posted: June 9, 2000
Im searching for Bomberger From the Idiantown Gap area My gggrandfather
owened the land where the national cemetary is now his name was Adam
Bomberger hae was married to amanda Reigert and they had a son Elias (my
ggrandfather) Any info would be appreciated.
Beth Lerch; booboo68@freewwweb.com; Posted: June 7, 2000
I am currently trying to find information on John S Walmer 1831-1871
wife Magdalena Gerberich 1844-1913 and John Franklin Walmer their son
1874-1950 his wife Annie Schaffner 1877-1962. They are all buried at
Walmers Cemetary,but I dont know of siblings to either John. I recently
found George Washington Walmer who is John F brother. I would like to
establish Who the paarents of the elder John Walmer ,I have Magdalenas
family back to the 1600 to Bavaria Germany.
John F would be my greatgrandfather.any info on this line would be
Beth Lerch; booboo68@freewwweb.com; Posted: June 7, 2000
I am interested in the ancestors and descendents of the SCHIRATO/SHIRATO and BRUDER families that settled in Lebanon, PA.
Michele Yannuzzi ; yannuzzigmp@crosspaths.net; Posted: June 3, 2000
Interested in pre USA history of any of the Lautermilch families.Also interested in ethnic orgins of persons with the orginal Lautermilch name or any of its changes in spelling.
Max K. Lowdermilk ; mkmax2@bigplanet.com; Posted: May 31, 2000
I am researching my paternal lineage LANG. I have very little information considering my grandmother DOROTHY HELEN LANG, died in 1937. What I do know is that she was originally from the Lancaster County area born approx. 1903. Her father was Wilhelm and mother Henriette/Henrietta.
My grandmother moved from Pa to Brooklyn NY when she was in her late teens. She may have had a younger sister, name unknown, died in her early 20's.
If anyone has any kind of information would be greatly appreciated.Thank You In Advance,
Cynthia Gerhardt
Cynthia Gerhardt ; Sindee37@aol.com; Posted: May 29, 2000
JOHANN HENRICH JUENGST (JOHN HENRY YINGST) Lebanon Daily News, Lebanon, PA, 1971: Looking for any LEACH's found in the late 1700 andup through the early 1800 IN Lebanon County.Here is what little I have on mine:Descendants of John Leech1 John Leech b: Abt. 1810 in maybe PA. d: Abt. 1840 in Erdman, Rush Twp., Dauphin Co., PA..+Elizabeth b: Abt. 1810 in PA. m: Abt. 1830 UNKNOWNd: Unknown Maybe in Erdman, Rush Twp., Dauphin Co., PA..... 2 Elizabeth Leach b: Abt. 1831 in Dauphin Co., PA d: Unknown in Numidia, Columbia Co., Pa./ information from Clio Smith........ +William John Hand b: Abt. 1825 in PA. m: Abt. 1849 in Dauphin, Rush Twp. or Blythe Twp., Schuylkill Co., Penn. d: Unknown in Numidia, Columbia Co., Pa. / information from Clio Smith.... 2 Catherine Leach b: August 1833 in Dauphin Co., PA d: 1911 in Onega, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas........ +Michael Haber b: Abt. 1828 in Alsces Loran, Germany m: Abt. 1857 in Schuylkill or Dauphin Co., Penn. d: Bef. 1900 in Onega, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas.... 2 Adam Leach b: Abt. 1836 in Rush township, Dauphin Co., Penn. d: Unknown.... 2 Joseph "Joe" Leach b: September 29, 1840 in Erdman, Rush Twp., Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania d: July 24, 1933 in Florida City,Dade Co Fl. ( b) Oak Park Cem. Mausoleum/ Wood........ +Elizabeth "Mizabel" Gard b: July 16, 1843 in Schuylkilll County, Pennsylvania m: August 13, 1862 in Dauphin Co. or Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania d: September 01, 1921 in Winter Haven ,Polk Co.Fl., - Oak Park Cem. Mausoleum/ WoodANY help would be welcomed!!! THANKS! Seeking the mailing address for the Brendle Museum in Schaefferstown, PA. Please email me directly, as I am not a subscriber to the list, at BobbyTrap@aol.com. I have information relating to the family of Thomas Brouwer or Brewer, of Annville, PA. Thomas was b. Oct 19, 1785 and married to Mary Strow on July 18, 1815. Both lived in Annville, PA, and died there and had eight children: 1. Matilda (died in infancy); 2. Thomas b. 1818 and married Sarah Anspach; 3. John b. 1820 and married Mary Wendling; 4. Jacob b. 1822 and married Elizabeth Summers; 5. Benjamin b. 1825; 6. Israel b. 1826; 7. Guidion b. 1827 and married Lydia Umberger of Lebanon County; and 8. Mary Ann b. 1829. I have more information about Guidion. I would like to know the burial place for Abraham U. and Ellen R. Gantz. In the 1900 this couple was found with four children in East Hanover Township. Abraham was a miller. In 1910 the family was found in North Annville Township. Abraham's occupation was a grain, feed and coal merchant. Abraham was born in 1849 and Ellen in 1854. Any additional information on this family would be appreciated. I am researching my wife's family, the Felty family, whose roots are in Lebanon County. I am planning a visit to the area in the near future. Before I embark on my trip, I need to know the locations of some of the following: North Annable(Anville Twnsp) Derry Twnsp Campbelltown Hill Evangelical Lutheran Church (1756) Weinrich Church (1821) Zion Lutheran Church (1804) Reform Church, Campbelltown, 1860Some of these locations might lie in Dauphin County. I know that Lebanon County was formed in part from Dauphin, but I can't seem to get the dates straight.I am also interested in where I might research marriage licences, wills, land deeds, etc. Any and all help greatly appreciated. Thanks, Gil I just started researching my family roots and am very interested in finding information on my grand Franklin?Gingrich He died when my father was 5 years old.My familyall lived lebanon county most of there lives.My grandmothersname was Pearl Gingrich/Billman she later remarried.I knowafter my grandfather died my father and bother&sisters wheresent to a home till she remarried.I would love to she aPicture of my grandfather or any onformation on him.I alsohad a Greatgrand mother who lived in Shafferstown and greataunt who lived next to her they lived at the entrance toMiddlecreek she was 91 and had a wooden leg I believe this was my grandfather mother any information the two of themwould be great. I am seeking the parentage of Abraham Smith b. @ 1769 Lebanon, PA, married Maria Thomas b. 1771. Maria was daughter of Theodorus Thomas b. @ 1727 in the Palatine, Germany, d. in May 1790 in Lebanon Township, Dauphine, now Lebanon County, PA. Searching for a James JOHNSON, m. to Catherine, James musthave been born prior to 1790, one known son named Thompson, b. 1811. Thompson migrated from PA to OH, married in OH, then to MI. James and Catherine are listed on Thompson'sdeath certificate as his parents, any help here, will certainly be appreciated. Please contact me directly at:fritzbil@softcom.net. Thanks, Fred I'm looking to confirm if the late Frank Kitchen, of Lebanon County, PA. is the same Frank Kitchen whom used to be an ironworker in New Jersey. Mr. Kitchen was married to Doris, whom I believe may still be living in PA but cannot confirm. Thank you, Brynda My great-great grandparents William Cooper d. 30 Aug 1877 and his wife Harriet Pearson Cooper d. 4 Nov. 1911 are said to be buried in Lebanon, PA. I would very much like to find where they are buried and inscriptions on tombstones.Any help greatly appreciated. I am trying to establish birth/death dates for a Simon Grady/Crady from the Shaefferstown area of Lebanon County. I found his name on the base of an old broom makers vise bench which was manufactured by W. Buggles ( any info on him would be appreciated. I am located in Florida. Thanks Can someone please tell me where the records of Jonestown and the area nearby before the formation of Lebanon County are now kept? Would Jonestown have been in Dauphin or Lancaster County then?I am looking for the will or inventory of Johann Wilhelm KURTZ in Sep 1801. Death date 27 May 1799. He was buried at Zion Lutheran Church. Is there an address where I can write for a copy of these records? Any information on any of family from Newmanstown,Millcreek Twp.Lebanon Co . Searching for any information on the immigration of JOHANN JACOB SCHOTT/SHUTT (2/12/1748-7/8/1821) born in Zweibrucken, Germany and his wife Elizabeth Berrier/Berger (1754-1821) born in VA. who settle in NC in 1772. I am looking for Meily J. Attick, his wife Sallie M. Vance; I know of one daughter Eleanor Vera Attick. Any information, please contact me. My Wetzel ancestry came from Lebanon and Berks Counties in Pennsylvania. I have listed my lineage below along with the census records I have collected. What I am now interested in doing is finding out more about John and Sarah Wetzel and if Frederick Wetzel, listed as living next to John and Sarah Wetzel on the 1840 census was his father. Hi.I am looking for Jacob Bright born in 1783 to Michaeland Barbara Winters Bright. All I know about Jacob is thataccording to his father's he will he had learned a trade.Michael is the son of John and Margaret Schaeffer Brightof Schaefferstown,Lebanon Co. PA.Jacob's parents and brothers and sisters except for his brother John had all moved to Allegheny Co. PA. abt. 1811.any help in finding the family of Jacob would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Does anyone have any info on a Jacob Henry Sharp family. His family was in Lebanon Co., PA in the late 1800's. Henry was born 1871, PA., Married Elizabeth M. Ail., born 1872. They had the following children: Myrl, Henry Jacob, William, Theodore & Catherine. thanks DonDHBethard@aol.com In researching the family of Elias Mader (1827-1872). His wife was Caroline Rudy. I have the family from Elias to the present day but can get no further back. I did have a slim lead about Maders being buried at Schoop's Church. I don't know where that is or where to get the records. Any information on Schoop's Church or the Mader name would be appreciated. Helen Maiman I am looking for the ancestry Amos Deininger born about 1830 likely in Lebanon co. pa. Or lancaster co. pa. He married Lydia Blanch, she was born Jan-3-1832 died July-4-1866 . I am descended from Amos's son Samuel born Jan-4-1854 died 3-8-1918, he married Lizzie Reist and had children Harvey 1-30-1881-12-23-1904: Samuel born 10-19-1887 died 1-28-1908: Peter 1884: Barbra B-1886: Katie b- Aug-1890: Sallie b-Nov-1893: Mary b- Sept 1899: Lydia July 28-1888-8-28-1888: Amos b-7-23-1889-9-28-1889: William b-4-3-1879-3-12-1890 If you have any of this ancestry or are descended from the same line, drop me a note. And please post what you know so that other can join in our search. Thanks Ed parents of jacob good b.abt.1825 marr.1846 to elizabeth barry b.abt.1825 need birth dates too I am searching any data and/or descendants of Dr.Cyrus H. Leslie. He began his working life as a mechanic in Annville and became a doctor after the Civil War. He was born in Annville Jan. 24,1841 Died Jly 5,1933 Plmyra, buried Palmyra Cem. In 1967 while working in Hershey as a traveling entertainer a lady there befriended me, knowing of my deep interest in Civil War history, by giving me a doxen century illustrated Monthly Magazines from the 1880's with Civil War articles. Dr leslie owned these and he wrote notes in the margins about battles he was in , etc. I later got his War and pension records and a newspaper facsimile of his death. Would like to know more about him; glad to share data with any descendants..anyone have photo of his grave, of him during life? Thank you! I am looking for the family of Harold W. Forry b. 10 August 1896
Lebanon, Pa. He was married to Carrie. and died 24 December 1977 in
Harrisburg, Pa..His father was William Forry of Lebanon. and all three
are buried in Tulpehocken Church Cemetery.
Any information on this family will be appreciated. Thank you. I would very much like to find any family history for this name with particular interest of Mr Paul robert Thomasco. He would now be in his late 70s. His mothers name was Linda Thomasco and she lived at 823 church street Lebanon. I believe he is still as resident in Lebanon. I am looking for any information about my great great grandparents, Henry M. and kesiah elizabeth Stump Eby. They were married in Lebanon in 1856 and pioneered out to Ft. Crook Nebraska in 1858. Henry had a brother named John. I think they are the sons of Heinrich and Catherine(Catharina?) Eby. Any new leads would be greatly appreciated. Am researching Peter HECKMAN and family (born 9/13/1754, LEBANON COUNTY)who married Salome REINHART. He was a Revoluntionary War soldierHe went to Centre County from either Berks or LEBANON County. His children were: Peter, Jr., m. Anna Marie HAAG, John, m. Elizabeth KLECKNER,Jacob m. Susannah ACHE/AUGHEY, Michael m. Catherine EMERICH, Frederick m. Elizabeth MILLER, George, Elizabeth m. William NESS/NEES, Salome m. Joseph KINSEL am seeking any info on robert taylor born scotland 1781 settled in newmarket forge near annville, died 1822. married nancy martin 1808. does anyone know where he is buried? any info about him would be helpful.thanks. From records of Quitopahilia or Hill Church: John Bindtnagel and his wife had children Anna Sabina b. 1733, Johannes b. 1735 and John Martin b. 1736. Who was John Bindnagel's wife? I believe her surname was Meiley, Meyle, Meyly or some variant spelling. Thanks. I have a mysterious "Mary Frenlock" that I cannot findany information on. This is all I have on her:married George Julias Petruska probably in late 1900 toearly 1910s. Had a son Albert Petruska on 30 Oct 1914.She probably died between 1940-50. I am postingin the Lebanon, Co. board, because her husband died in Lebanon in January of 1970, and I thought that she mayhave died there, too.Thanks, in advance, for any help. Hi! I am looking for information on a Samuel Bowman who had a son named John F. Bowman born 1895 in or around Palmyra. I believe this Samuel Bowman to be the Samuel G. Bowman who is buried in the Gravel Hill Church Cemetery, but I need proof. Samuel G. Bowman is married to an Emma Farling, so if anyone has any information on either Samuel G. or Emma Farling, I would much appreciate your help! Thanks! I am still looking for a record of Samuel Walter and Mary B. Flickinger Walter. It is said that Samuel Walter died in 1865 in Kleinfeltersville, Lebanon Co., PA. Could someone tell me what county Hill Reformed Church, Cleona was located in 1748? I am searching for the website person for the Ancestors of Dannielle Nichole Hasrdenstine. I believe it is Patricia L Hardenstine. I have information for her. EMANUAL UHLER was born ca 1791 to JOHAN MARTIN UHLER. His baptism record does not show the mother. Was she ANNA ELIZA YEAGLEY or ANNA ELIZABETH STROH? I have the marriage record of JOHAN MARTIN and ANNA STROH but I can not find the record of marrigare to ANNA ELIZA YEAGLEY. when and where did they marry? Looking for Samuel Shutter b. Feb. 18,1816, Lebanon,Pa. m. 1840 in Lebanon to Nancy Ann Layman b. Feb 18, 1822 in Pa. I am at a brick wall trying to find any info on Grant Uhrich- 1880's to 1890's - of Lebanon, Pa. looking for information from anyone whoattended this church in Bellegrove,Pa.inyears past,anything related to pastors,mem-bers,Sunday School picnics or other factsabout the church.The church is celebrating its 150th year in 2000 and we are writing a history of the church. Looking for anything on EMANUEL LERCH. I've been told he came to Logansport, IN from Jonestown, Lebanon County, PA. I have record of him owning land in Indiana and raising his family in Indiana, but nothing that ties him into Lebanon County other than family history. If anyone can help, I would be grateful. Thank you! Looking for any information about the Rank's, starting with Rebecca and going back. She was born 8/10/1888 in Jonestown. Father was Cyrus and Mother was Ida Bowman.Thank you - Penny Wayne I am inquiring about a church that was in the Palmyra area. My great grandmother and great great grandparents went to this church. The church was the Second Evangelical United Brethern Church. I would like any information on this church, and would like to know if there were files kept in that church, and where they might be located. Thanks for any help and God Bless! Looking for Veteran Groups responsible for taking care of Veteran Grave sites in Lebanon Co. Cemeteries. Located a relative in Kimmerling Cemetery that had a GAR insigna and would like more information on this subject. Searching for information on Levi Wolf(e) born in Oct. 1831, Lebanon County, Lehigh Township. He later ended up in IN. Searching for his parents or any other relatives. Also looking for Catherine Wolf and Jacob Layer. There was a Samuel Hughes b Mar 27, 1809 and his father was Jacob Hughes. His birth was recorded at the Jerusalem Evangaelilcal Lutheran Churhc, Annville, Lebanon, Pennsylvania...Does anyone know about this family? Searching for a Christian Hughes, possibly a brother Samuel born close to this date....Christian named his first son Jacob....nice clues. Any help appreciated...Thanks Jonathan HIBBARD was born 12 Apr 1833 in Pennsylvania. He died 12 Jun 1899 in Lucas Co, OH. On his death certificate it states that he was born in Richland Co, PA. While there is no Richland Co in PA, there is a town of Richland in Lebanon Co, and I'm hoping that perhaps this is the place of his birth. I do not know the names of his parents or of siblings. By 1859 he had moved to Fulton Co, OH, where he married Sarah Elizabeth VANARSDALE. Many records are found in the Bindnagle Church for the name Boltz, and there are other records that seem to be for the same family, that are reported to come from the Quitapohila Lutheran Church. As the location for the Bindnagle church seems to be near or on Quitapohilla Creek, I wonderedif the 2 entities might be the same church at different times. Could anyone tell me if this is correct? Thanks. Jim Hannum I would like to find out as much as possible about my family. My dads' name is Gregory Klinger and My mom's name is Susan Klinger (maiden name Boyer). I am starting off with my dad's side and eventually work with my mom's. My dad's mom is Annabelle Loose, formerly Annabelle Stickler. My dad's side is really closed mouth about his dad so I would rather not go there and ask. Annabelle's mother (my great grandmother) is Alice Stickler. My dad was born June 2, 1952. The other birthdates I do not know. Looking for any information on Peter W. EnsmingerBorn 9-12-1874 Lebanon Co.PA, married Cora I. Stoneof Neosh, KS Can anyone give me directions to Klopp's Union Cemetary near Hamlin? I have a James McLINDSAY (my only McLINDSAY except my own immediate family) He was living with a Henry R. Brewer family in Franklin County PA in 1850. I have no idea why he was there or who the Brewer family is. I am guessing that he was from Scotland or Ireland. He would have been born in 1835. I also think he is the same James M. Lindsay who was enlisted in the war on 8-5-1862. It says he enlisted at Green castle and he wa a miller. He was in the Chambersburg hospital in 9-20-62. He is buried at Lutheran Reform Cem. Fort Laudon, Peters Twp, B-Grave 27. Can you help me? Looking for information on IRWIN FRANKLIN SCHAUER (b. circa 1885 in Lebanon County, d. 1930 in York). Also looking for information on his father JOHN SCHAUER (d. aft. 1930), who lived in Lebanon near the time of his son's death. Hi! Does anyone have historical information on the immigration of Swiss families to Lebanon Co. (formerlyLancaster and Dauphin) in early 18th century? Threesurnames of ours are either definitely of Swiss origin(Brechbill), strongly believed to be Swiss (Light) orSwiss according to family lore (Wolf). All settled inand around Bethel. Any help would be appreciated. From Pennsylvania German Marriages, Tabor 1st Reformed.Johannes Jager, Catharina Dubs, married 2 Feb 1817.Looking for children born to this marriage.Sincerely, I am searching for information on any of the people in the following paragraph. It was excerpted from the book:History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvaniapublished in Chicago, by Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. Searching for ancestors of Jacob Palm from Cumberland Co. in the early 1800s. I suspect he is related to the Palmsfrom Palmyra, Lebanon Co., and was a descendant of Dr. John,but would like to confirm with dates, etc. Also any info on the other surnames listed, all associated with the area fromShippensburg to Hanover to Palmyra to Reading. Looking for any info on a John Schnader born 798 in Lebanon?He married a Catherine Killian (b. 1802).They had a son Daniel Schnader that served in the Civil War with C Company, 79th PA Infantry. Searching for any info. My father is Russell Henry Border Jr. of Myerstown. Has no data. We are tied to the Edris family of this area which also only lists a marriage to a Mr. Border. Any help will be appreciated. Henry GAMBER b. 12 May 1796 married Mary ENSMINGER on 12 March 1826. I am looking for a family that was in Lebanon/Lancaster counties late 1700's. Rebecca (Barbara) Kuhner (also spelled Keener or Kuhurt in different documents) was married in the Hebron Moravian church Nov 13, 1799 to Conrad Bremer by Rev. J. C. Fritz. They moved to Tuscarawas County, Ohio shortly thereafter. I am trying to find who her parents were. Is there anyone who is aware of a family with this (these) surname in this area during this time period? Isaac Schnebeli owned land in Bethel Twp, Lebanon Co. (early Lancaster County) M. to Catharine Rohrer. He had children 1. Barbara b.1748 m. Hans Snavely 2.Maria b.1750 m.Ulrich Knegi 3. Isaac b.1753 M. Anna Snavely 4. Heinrich b. 1755 m. ? 5. Catharine b.1757 m. Joseph Knegi 6. Jacob b. 1760 m. Elizabeth Hershey 7. Johannes b. 1763 m. Elizabeth Long 8. Magdelena b.1766 m. John Miller. ANYONE ELSE RESEARCHING BRANCHES OF THIS FAMILY? I have ancestor Jacob moving to Manheim, Lancaster County. d. 1840. I'm putting together SHAAK Genealogy & Historical datasupporting various SHAAK Families in Lebanon Co.I have over 1500 names !! but I still need help, Please contact me, will share data. Thanks--Bob SHAAK Collinsville, IL 618-345-9967. Matthew,Matthews,Mathew,Matthay,Matthae, George Matthew,wife Maria(Polly) w/ l known son John Henry Matthewb11/9/1804,d 12/23/1884 m to C. Margaret Hippert. Tombstone in burial records of Frieden's church Meyerstown lists George and Polly as Parents of John Henry- would like to be able to locate the parents or siblings if any to John Henry Matthew (lived in Millcreek Twp.) Lebanon Co.,Pa- Catherine Schlegel resided in Lebanon after marrying John HartmanShe was born in Reading 3/21/1896 and died in Lebanon 11/2/1985. Don't have much info on parents Henry Schlegel b.6/25/1850 d.10/19/1937and Mary Ganster b. 11/27/1866 d. 11/2/1922.They had four other children Rosie, Emma, Anna, Henry Jr. Any other info is greatly appreciated.I'm stuck. Thanx Jen5volley@aol.com Anyone who has info on these individuals, please e-mail me!! (Most line from Lebanon Co.area)I have info of John Georg Mies b. 1704 d. 1774 direct decendant line with marriages and children. Too much info to list, info includes birth ,death, baptisms, marriage dates; locations; occupations; and some pictures including John George Mies home (fort)and maps of the old country (Germany) and emigration info. Anyone with info in these lines please e-mail me so I can fill in blanks and help on your family tree quest. I'm really interested in any info from Germany.Keep watch on this query cause I only have a trial membership to aol.com. I will post my new e-mail address. My E-mail address until 4/14/00 is jen5volley@aol.com. Within the year I will also be submitting the tree to Family Tree Maker.com. I'm researching the Strohman family of Lebanon Co. and would like info on the marriage of Jeremiah Strohman to Mary A. or E. Mark or Marks on June 7, 1873. I'm trying to locate where she came from, her family and relations, etc. Can anyone help??? Searching for any information on Jacob Layer and Catharine Wolfe; both born in PA, believed to be Lebanon County. Jacob would have been born approximately 1805 and Catharine approximately 1807. They had 5 children born in PA; Isaac, Samuel, Jacob, Catherine, and Rebecca. Rebecca was born in approximately 1838. Their next child was born in IN in approx. 1840. If anyone has census records or any other records that would help in locating this family, I would certainly appreciate it. I would love to have birth information and marriage information on both Jacob and Catharine. Thanks a million! Seeking info on Elias (b. Jan. 1, 1773) and Maria GIBBENS KRIEG who lived in Shafferstown, PA; their 8 children were baptised in the Evangelical Lutheran Church now known as St. Luke's Lutheran Church from 1797 to 1819. Elias is supposedly buried in the Shafferstown cemetery tho' no headstone was erected. Came from Germany. Spelling changed from KRIEG to GREEK when family emigrated to Ohio. Chilren: Joseph, John, George, Rosina, Fredrick, Henry, Elias, Levi, Maria (Polly), Lucy, Anna Maria, Minerva, Kitty, Mollie. Levi and Fredrick emigrated to Ohio, Joseph to Indiana. Any leads appreciated. SEARCHING FOR PARENTS OF MY GRANDMOTHER....ADDRESS OF WILLIAM M. STILL is in New Benton I am looking for my GGGgrandfather, JAMES GRAY, that was married in Lebanon
Co. PA. to Magdalene Edwards at Trinity Tulpehocker Reformed Church on 17
March 1839. I received this info from a 1860 census report! Looking for information on John Weaver 1813-1893, married Sarah Weirich 1827-1893. John ran a Grocery store located at 534-536 N 9th St Lebanon.Children-Catherine 1851-1910 married Milton Behney, lived in the Hebron section of LebanonPeter P. 1853-1894, married Alice Spangler, 1858-1940, lived in Lebanon City.At least one more son, unk, had a child named Irvin or Irwin who lived in the Mt Gretna Lebanon area early 1970's.Any Help appreciated.Bill I'm looking for information and old pictures of theHEILMAN family and mansion. The house is still standingnear Greble, PA.I posted a query a couple of days ago. But I havea new E-Mail address now. Thanks Terry Bickslerjbixler@bellatlantic.net Terry Bicksler R.D.#2 Box 195Fredericksburg,PA 17027 (717)933-5112
Johann Henrich Juengst came to America in 1766 according to evidence quoted as follows "At the Court House at Philadelphia, Tuesday, 23d day of September, 1766. Present: Samuel Mifflin, Esquire. (Johann) Henrich Juengst was imported on the Ship Chance, Charles Smith, Master, from Rotterdam but last from Cowes, and did this day take and subscribe the usual Qualifications." Read a transciption of the text at: http://home.rmci.net/dyingst/lebnews.htm.
No record of John Henry's death has been found. However, he appears in the 1810 Lebanon Co. Census, but not in the 1820 Census. So, he probably died between 1810 and 1820. A Widow YENGHT (YINGST?) is listed in the 1820 Census but not in the 1830 Census. This may have been Catherine; if so, she died sometime between 1820 and 1830.
The DAR, in "ABSTRACT OF GRAVES of REVOLUTIONARY PATRIOTS" states that John Henry YINGST was buried at the Tabor Ref. Cem., Lebanon, PA. The First Tabor Reformed Church displays a plaque titled"IN MEMORY OF REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIERS INTERRED HERE AT TABOR". The name, Johann Henrich JUNGST, is listed on this plaque. See
Walter Josiah YINGST -- "The Yingst Historian" started compiling JUENGST / YINGST / YIENGST / YEINGST names and data some time before his death in 1973. Walter was born in Lebanon Co. PA and was buried in a family plot in the Hill Church Cemetery at Cleona, Lebanon Co.
Walter Josiah put names and related information into several lists. He apparently passed the lists around before his death looking for any additonal information. I acquired my copy in 1989 during a visit to PA and have had numerous inquires about names contained in the lists. For that reason, I decided to put them into a database. Please check
HENNE der JUNGESTE - Berchman's Son
Johan Henrich JUENGST'S (John Henry YINGST) ancestry has been traced back to Henne der JUNGESTE, b. 24 December 1399, Niedernetphen, Westfalen, Preussen, Germany. Henne was the son of one BERCHMAN. The lineage back to Henne is detailed in "Geschichte der Familie JÜNGST" (History of the Family JÜNGST), by Dorothea v. CHAMISSO. A copy of a document from the German Archives on Page 9, written in "Old German" and translated to "Modern German", states, in part: "Ich, Henne Berchmanns Sohn, den man nennt den Jungesten, Schöffe zu Netphen, un ich, Heinrich, Rupels Sohn von Nieder Netphen...". English translation: "I, Henne, Berchmann's son, whom one calls the youngest, lay magistrate at Netphen, and I, Heinrich, Rupel's son from Neider (Lower) Netphen..." For additional details, see: HENNE der JUNGESTE - Berchman's Son http://home.rmci.net/dyingst/henne.htm.
Please feel free to email me with questions or if you have additional information to add to my YINGST/JUENGST family data.
Donovan Yingst ; alidonyin@qwest.net; Posted: May 29, 2000
Verna Leach Bice ; jbice@brazosport.cc.tx.us; Posted: May 28, 2000
Bobby Troup ; BobbyTrap@aol.com; Posted: May 23, 2000
Joanne Fekete ; feketej@rcn.com; Posted: May 19, 2000
GANTZ Family
Bob Greiner ; rcgrein@home.com; Posted: May 16, 2000
FELTY Family
Gil Gililland ; rgilill369@aol.com; Posted: May 14, 2000
Thank-you, Mary Gingrich
Mary Ann Gingrich ; Monarck88@aol.com; Posted: May 4, 2000
SMITH Family
Elaine Merrell ; lmerrell@ct1.nai.net; Posted: May 2, 2000
Fred Johnson ; fritzbil@softcom.net; Posted: May 1, 2000
Bryndalinne White ; Bry@flashcom.net; Posted: April 28, 2000
Gail Swain ; gswain@coastalnet.com; Posted: April 26, 2000
GRADY Family
W.L. Harrison ; whwufpaker@aol.com; Posted: April 22, 2000
Ella Winsbro ; ellawins@att.net; Posted: April 13, 2000
Mary M.Good born mar 1849? maybe [noll]died 1917 [no dates]
marr Joseph M Good born mar 1849? died 1922 marr about 1872
James F.Prussman b1850?marr 1891?wife Fammie born jan1868?
3 children ?Mable b.apr1887,Willie b.jun1891,Annie b.mar1900
John Kreutz and wife Sybilla
Douglas H.Good ; yeich-good@msn.com; Posted: April 9, 2000
According to Annette Burgert's book "18th Century Emigrants: The Western Palatinate" vol. II, Johann Jacob Schott had a 1/2 brother LUDWIG SCHOTT who came to America in 1754 on the ship PHOENIX, married 1) Catharina Shwab; 2) Eva Lobkugler, attended the Salem Lutheran Ch. and is buried in Lebannon Co. PA. His will is in Dauphin Co. PA. He had a son George Schott.
Any information on this SCHOTT/Shutt family and knowledge of JOHANN JACOB SCHOTT, who traveled to the Moravian settlement of NC, would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
B. ZIMMERMAN ; BEZIM@AOL.COM; Posted: April 8, 2000
Marilyn Blair ; marilynkblair; Posted: April 8, 2000
William Andrew, my great great grandfather eventually moved to South Dakota and then to North Dakota. It appears he also spent some time in Indiana on his way to N.D.
One thing I have been unable to prove thus far is that my Wetzel's are related to the Indian fighting Lewis Wetzel as my grandfather told me.Lewis did not marry but we are supposed to be related through one of Lewis' older brother.
5)My grandfather was Harry Wetzel b. July 22, 1901 d. Jan. 22, 1985.
m. Francis Werner b. June 15, 1898 d. December 6, 1981
4) John Henry Wetzel b. June 3, 1869 m. Sept 6, 1893 d. Oct. 5, 1948
m. Ida Mae Miller
3)William Andrew Wetzel b. April 6, 1846 Berks Co., Pa Tulpehoccan, Pa. d. Jan. 4, 1907 in Beulah, ND
m. Catherine Wohleber b. Oct. 4, 1843 d. Jan.3, 1907
2)John Wetzel b. abt 1815
m. Sarah b. abt 1819-1821
1) possibly Frederick Wetzel as he was living near John in the census
as was of the right age
5) Catherine Woheleber b. Oct. 4, 1843 d. Jan. 3, 1907 (wife of William Andrew Wetzel (3) above)
4) Peter Wohleber III b. Nov. 12, 1802 in Berks Co., Tulpehockan twp, Pa. d. April 18,1875 buried in Lafayette, Indiana, Springdale cemetary
m. Catherina Weidel b. Oct. 5, 1812 in Swatara twp, now Lebanon Co., Pa. d. Jan. 26, 1859 buried in St.Johns, Mt Aetna, Pa.
3)John Peter Wohleber b. 1773 d. 1834
m. Anna Margaret Nushack
2)John Peter Wohleber b. 1747 d. April 10, 1815
m. Margaret Elizabeth
1)Johannes Wohleben came to America in Nov. 2, 1744. Had a tiny daugher. Wife probably died enroute - bought land from Penns in Tulpehocken marriedAnna Margaretha Wuerst on March 26, 1745
>>YEAR COUNTY NAME AGE FEMALE /AGE MALE/AGE>>1840 Lebanon twp, South Ward, Lebanon County John 20-30> Female 20-30> Child under 5 under 5> Frederick 40-50 40-50> Female 50-60>1850 Berks,Tulpehocken twp John 35 > Sarah 29 > Maria 12 > Sarah 6 > Wm 3>1860 Lebanon County, Meyerstown Jackson twp John 45> Sarah 41> William 13> Jacob 7> Franklin 3>1870 Lebanon County, Jackston twp William 23>> Catherine Wolever(wife)23> Franklin 4> Mary 2> John 1 mo.> Peter Wolever 65
Full names of children of William and Catherine Wetzel of the 1870 census listed above:John Henry Wetzel b. June 03, 1869 Lebanon County, PaFranklin Pierce Wetzel b. July 07, 1865 Mt. Aetna, PaMary Jane Wetzel b. December 26, 1867 Mt. Aetna, PaWilliam Wilson Wetzel b. August 23, 1872 Harrisburg, Pa.Ida Catherine Wetzel b. September 20, 1874 Harrisburg, Pa.Lewis Andrew Wetzel b. March 18, 1887 Fowler, IndianaRoberto Lorenzo Wetzel b. March 12, 1889Sarah Maude Wetzel b. June 25, 1891Edida Edwin Wetzel b. November 09, 1878Charles Peter Wetzel b. December 22, 1883Twin #1 Wetzel don't know if male or femaleTwin #2 Wetzel don't know if male or female
I also found an IGI record of a Sarah Bohny marrying a John Wetzelon February 12, 1837 in Jonestown, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church,Lebanon, Pennsylvania. This potentially fits with the 1840 and 1850 census records as far as the age of the children and a possible expected age for the parents.
There was a Frederick Wetzel married to Lisa Honer on May 25, 1794in Berks, Pennsylvania that would also fit.
Kay Wetzel Smith ; Kaydsmith@hotmail.com; Posted: April 7, 2000
Susan Patterson ; spattern@bellatlantic.net; Posted: April 7, 2000
SHARP Family
Donald H. Bethard ; DHBethard@aol.com; Posted: April 6, 2000
MADER Family
Helen Maiman ; hmaiman@prodigy.net; Posted: April 4, 2000
Ed Weaver ; Edoubleu7@aol.com; Posted: April 4, 2000
GOOD Family
douglas h good ; yeich-good@msn.com; Posted: April 1, 2000
Randy T. Scott, Jacksonville, Fl; rscott@leading.net; Posted: April 1, 2000
FORRY Family
Lillian Forry; l.forry@worldnet.att.net; Posted: April 1, 2000
I would also like to know the nature of two local businesses:
Big Berthas, and D & D Speciality Manufacturing co.
Thank you, in anticipation of your help
steve perrin ; steve.perrin@talk21.com; Posted: April 1, 2000
EBY and STUMP Families
Sara Harvey ; sarabell59@hotmail.com; Posted: March 29, 2000
Any help or suggestions, greatly appreciated!
Nancy Tweedietjt5@calinet.com
Nancy Tweedie ; tjt5@calinet.com; Posted: March 29, 2000
carol j. taylor ; cjtlondon@yahoo.com; Posted: March 28, 2000
Irene Brunet ; Hoosrene@aol.com; Posted: March 27, 2000
Nicole Gaucher ; anti@bitstream.net; Posted: March 24, 2000
Kristin Bane ; klbane@myway.com; Posted: March 24, 2000
Samuel and Mary had the following children:
1. Dallas b. 1847 married Mary C. Krumm in 1872 by a Rev. Schultz.
2. John b ? married Anna Kelso
3. Martin b ? married Agnes Gamber
4. Adam b. 1858 lived and married in IL
5. Elias b. 1860 lived and married in IL
6. Sarah b ? married George Leininger and died in 1916.
Mary B. Flickinger was born 1823 and died February 1898. It was stated in the Flickinger Family History that she went to Franklin Co. to live near her brother and sister. I have received word that Franklin Co. has no record of death for Mary. She may have married a second time.
Could someone check the Census for 1860 for Heidelberg Twp. for Kleinfeltersville and see if Samuel is listed? Or could someone tell me if death records are available for 1865, I don't have a month or day. I am desperate to find the parents names and birthdate of Samuel. Thank you so much for your help.
Margie Walters ; khirbet@tir.com; Posted: March 23, 2000
Cab anyone expand on the below family?
Flender, Elisabetha Child's Birth/Baptism Date : 15 Jan 1748
Location : Hill Reformed Church, Cleona
County : Lebanon
State : Pennsylvania
Father : Johannes Flender
Mother : Mrs. ??? Flender nee Maria A. WALTERS?
Mother's Comments : Wife
Flender, Johannes Child's Birth/Baptism Date : 15 Jan 1748
Location : Hill Reformed Church, Cleona
County : Lebanon
State : Pennsylvania
Father : Johannes Flender
Mother : Mrs. ??? Flender nee MARIA A. WALTERS?
Mother's Comments : Wife
Any info is appreciated. Thank you, Terry
Terry Flinders ; tflinder@columbus.rr.com; Posted: March 21, 2000
WOLF and SNACK Families
Madolin Sparks ; sparkynmad@cs.com; Posted: March 17, 2000
EMANUEL married a lady by the name of BLACK. Where and when did this take place? Did she die? He married 2nd NANCY HARRY. When and where did this take place?
Thank you Margaret Jones
Margaret Jones; mjones@ipeg.com; Posted: March 14, 2000
victoria ; sunflowerplace@aol.com; Posted: March 12, 2000
Rick Uhrich ; Riclewu @ aol.com; Posted: March 12, 2000
GLENN L BLAUCH ; glennlor@webtv.net; Posted: March 10, 2000
LERCH Family
Janie Lerch ; sheba@netnitco.net; Posted: March 6, 2000
Penny Wayne ; PenDen@aol.com; Posted: March 5, 2000
Mary Jane Seibert ; mseibert@webtv.net; Posted: March 3, 2000
Bill ; WJLAT107@aol.com; Posted: February 29, 2000
WOLF and LAYER Families
Sharon Collins ; rzgrdn@rapidnet.com; Posted: February 27, 2000
Sue Collins ; BColl30038@aol.com; Posted: February 22, 2000
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate any info on this famliy.
Daniel Powers ; PowersArt@aol.com; Posted: February 22, 2000
BOLTZ Family
Jim Hannum ; HANNUM.J@GHC.ORG; Posted: February 21, 2000
Heather Klinger ; Romantico_999@Yahoo.com; Posted: February 21, 2000
Jerry Ensminger ; Jetdog115@aol.com; Posted: February 15, 2000
EDRIS Family
Rex Border ; borderr@newtec.wsmr.army.mil; Posted: February 14, 2000
V. McLINDSAY ; gg4you4170@aol.com; Posted: February 13, 2000
Christy Young ; kyoung@innernet.net; Posted: February 13, 2000
My name is Jane Torres and I'm researching the HENNING family. JohnJacob Henning and wife "Eliz," are originally found in the Lancaster areaof Lancaster Co., PA. Later Jacob lived on a farm in Bethel Township,Lanc. Co. near Williamsburg (now Jonestown, Lebanon Co.). Jacob andElizabeth had sons Mathias, Jacob, Conrad, Daniel, and three unknowns,also said to be males.
Jacob m. a second time to Anna Maria (Mary) LESH/LOESH and hadJohn, Sophia, Johann Adam, Thomas, and Benjamin. Jacob d. in 1768/69.
I am interested in any and all descendents of John Jacob Henningas I am trying to establish my Jacob Henning of Montgomery Co. > Darke Co.Ohio as a son of Mathias Henning. The known children that I have forMathias Henning are Barbara, Mary (Polly), George, and David.
For further information on my search for this Henning family,please see my Henning web page at:
Thanks! --Jane Barr Torres
Jane Barr Torres ; jetorres@indiana.edu; Posted: February 5, 2000
Diane Wolfe ; dwink@startext.net; Posted: February 2, 2000
Steve Yeager ; swyeager@yahoo.com; Posted: January 28, 2000
George SIMMONS, a farmer by occupation was born near the line of Dauphin and Lebanon Counties, Penn. He married Miss Elizabeth ECKERT, daughter of John ECKERT, of the same locality. To them were born six children: Catherine, John, Jacob, George, Samuel and Elizabeth. About 1824, the father moved to and settled in Cumberland county.
Perry Abbott ; peabbott@aol.com; Posted: January 27, 2000
Kathy Berger ; bergers4@yahoo.com; Posted: January 26, 2000
Mark Stotzer ; mark@stotzer.com; Posted: January 25, 2000
Rex Border ; Borderr@newtec.wsmr.army.mil; Posted: January 25, 2000
John GAMBER b. 3 Sept 1834
married Susan MESSENGER on 13 March 1861
Mary Ida GAMBER b. 2 July 1864, married Albert Smith
HUNTER on 07 June 1883 in Wilson KS
Pat Decker ; pdecker@jccc.net; Posted: January 23, 2000
Joyce Glover ; jglover@cookeville.total-web.net; Posted: January 21, 2000
Darlene Moyer ; darmoyer@hometownu.com; Posted: January 19, 2000
A. Robert SHAAK ; bobgen@apci.net; Posted: January 17, 2000
Wanda M. Gartner ; ; Posted: January 17, 2000
Jennifer Andrews ; Jen5volley@aol.com; Posted: January 15, 2000
John Hartman only child b. 3/31/1897(lebanon)m.(Catherine Schlegel) 1918 d.5/8/1958. His parents are Frank Hartman b. 8/30/1874 d. 5/2/1959and Irene ? b.?/?/1876 d.8/9/1939. Frank was a warden at the city jail and also was a cigar maker in a cigar factory in Lebanon. Frank had 2brothers Titus and Micheal and two sisters Annie John QUARRY and Mrs. Sarah J.R.KLINE. Their parents are Titus Hartman b.8/8/1823 d.1/25/1898 and Maria A.? b. 4/28/1836 d. 11/21/1920.Maria A. ? had three sisters Mrs. William SCHULTZ,Mrs. Ephrain REITENOVER,and Mrs. John MOSER. What was their maiden name?? and their names??Help me fill in the question marks and any other info. Thanx
Jennifer Andrews ; jen5volley@aol.com; Posted: January 15, 2000
Other families in Mies Line:
Ondrejiska(Andrews),John B. 7/24/1914 d.4/15/1976 married Lillian Bell Mease b.4/2/1918 d.12/4/1999 four children
Southhall, Lillie Bell B.4/27/1897 D.12/8/1963 married Landis Ross Mease b.2/22/1896 d.8/30/1917 one child
Parks, Mary Jane (England) married Noah Southhall England
Ross, Mattie D. 10/19/1918 married Charles Harvey Mease b.12/18/1870 d.3/16/1910 three children
Satazahn, Elizabeth b. 8/15/1850 d.4/22/1917 married Allison Mease b. 11/22/1847 d. 12/5/1911 nine children
?, Elizabeth b. 1/24/1828 d.12/1902 married David Mease b.2/1/1824 d.9/1904 six childrenWalborn, Anna Maria married Phillip Mies(2nd Marriage) b.3/24/1781 d.1/12/1845Boeckel,Magdalena b.9/3/1787 d.7/13/1821 married Phillip Mies (1st Marriage)eight childrenFaber, Maria Barbara b. 1751 d. 9/26/1805 married John Heinrich Mies b. 1/24/1752 d. 6/17/1816 11 children
Baldt, Anna Margaretha Juliana b.9/17/1714 in Ampthausen,Wittengenstein, Germany d. 5/17/1778 married John Georg Mies(Miess)b.11/20/1704 in Berghausan Wurtemburg, Germany d. 4/20/1774
**Other family names involved are Redelmeyer,Brunner,Meily,Koppenhaver,Xander,Grosch,Holderman,Felde(Felty),Dups,Poor(Power),Dixen,Kern,Conrad,Sebold,Walborn,Zehrung,Achi,Hauck,Stine,Keller,School,Bardt,Kreiser,Bohr,Boeshore,Daubert,Rice,Redford,Sterling,Schriver,Boyer,Hess,Klick,Rehrer,Hoster,Stein,Burgner,Walmer,Kreider.
Jennifer Andrews ; jen5volley@aol.com; Posted: January 15, 2000
Brad Stroman ; bscpa@hotmail.com; Posted: January 13, 2000
LAYER Family
Sharon Collins ; rzgrdn@rapidnet.com; Posted: January 10, 2000
Janet Lee Ramser Burd ; cburd5@home.com; Posted: January 6, 2000
Jeanne G. Eckman ; realtorje@aol.com; Posted: January 6, 2000
GRAY Family
Any help or suggestions on where I can find this info will be greatly
appreciated !
Thanks in advance for your help!
Sandra; geegee412@aol.com; Posted: January 5, 2000
Bill Logan ; WJLAT107@aol.com; Posted: January 4, 2000
Terry Bicksler ; jbixler@bellatlantic.net; Posted: January 2, 2000
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