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1876-7 Johnstown City Directory


     The city of Johnstown, Cambria county, is beautifully located between the ranges of the Allegheny and Laurel Hill mountains, and at the confluence of the Conemaugh river and Stony creek. The advantages derived by the inhabitants from its situation are of considerable importance. The atmosphere is salubrious, and free from all malarious poisons and epidemic fevers that so often prevail in manufacturing cities of low situations. The citizens are supplied with pure water from mountain springs at but a trifling cost. Johnstown, in the past, like many of the cities in our manufacturing regions before the dawn of railroads and manufacturing, existed simply as a back woodsman village, containing a few log houses, a trading post and lodging place for the pioneer teamsters, who acted in the capacity of common carriers and freight lines for the transportation of merchandise from the seacoast cities to the borders of the far west, then the western boarders of the far west, then the western borders of Pennsylvania and the eastern part of the State of Ohio. Later the construction and completion of the Pennsylvania Canal provided more rapid facilities for transportation, as the fast augmentation of trade demanded.

     The city was laid out as a village in the year 1800, by Joseph Johns, Esq. Little importance seems to have been attached to the place till about the year 1832, at which period the western division of the Pennsylvania Canal was extended to this place, connecting with the Allegheny and Portage Railroad, which was completed about the same time. The large quantities of freight reshipped furnished employment to a large force of laborers and teamsters, and the village had grown in population, and numbered about 1,200 souls.

     During the year 1848 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company made a survey of the line for their road, and located it along the Conemaugh valley. This new enterprise, opening a direct route between the eastern cities and the west, was looked upon by the inhabitants of Johnstown with but little favor, and as an innovation upon their industries that would destroy their business and be fatal to the future of their village. As subsequent events have demonstrated, these fears were groundless, and this enterprise was but the power that would give a new impetus to their trade and commerce.

     The mountains adjacent to Johnstown abounding in coal and iron ore, the Cambria Iron Company was organized in the year 1852, for the purpose of manufacturing iron rails, and began operations in 1853. In the fall of 1854 the Company became involved, and the works were leased to Messrs. Wood, Morrell & Co. These gentlemen possessing both skill and capital, at once entered upon an extensive scale of improvement and enlargement of the facilities of the works, and commenced operations with success. In the year 1857 the works were almost entirely destroyed by fire, but they were at once rebuilt, with increased facilities, and commenced a rapidly increasing trade. During the year 1862 the Cambria Iron Company was reorganized, with Charles S. Wood as President, E. Y. Townsend, Vice President, and D. J. Morrell, General Superintendent. These gentlemen, with their associates, who became members of the Board of Directors of the Company, constituted the firm of Wood, Morrell & Co., which had operated the works successfully for seven years, and still conducts a mercantile business at Johnstown. Additions and enlargements have been made to the original works from time to time, till they now rank as the largest rail mill in the United States. There are employed at the mills 2,500 and in the coal and ore mines about 1,500 men. The productions are from 1,800 to 2,000 tons of iron and steel rails per week, and the mill has a puddling capacity of about 1,000 tons per week. Since the year 1875 the Company has been making Bessemer steel, producing 200 tons per day. The rails manufactured here have acquired a standard reputation, and fine a ready market. The firm of Wood, Morrell & Co. owns a store, for the sale of every description of supplies, that is a mammoth emporium. This store is patronized by a population of about 18,000 connected with the different departments of the Company’s works, and also has an extensive trade from other sources. The Company owns about 40,000 acres of land located throughout the different adjoining counties, and also the Blair Iron Company, located at Hollidaysburg, Pa., operating four stacks, with a capacity of 700 tons of pig iron per week.

     The city of Johnstown proper contains a population of about 10,000 and the adjoining boroughs of Conemaugh, Woodvale, Millville, Cambria, Prospect, Coopersdale, East Conemaugh and Franklin are separate boroughs, and only separated from Johnstown by streets and streams of water, and have a population in the aggregate of 10,000. If consolidated with the city of Johnstown they would swell its population to 20,000. There are nearly 5,000 names included in the following directory of these places, and the population, estimated from this source, will nearly reach this number.

     Aside from the works operated by the Cambria Iron Company there are a number of manufacturing establishments that are conducted on an extensive scale; foundries and machine shops, planning mills, tanneries, woolen factories, brick works, &c., that give employment to a large force of workmen.

     The brick and cement works of A. J. Haws is one of the most extensive establishments of the kind in the State. The business was established in the year 1852, and grew in importance until it now furnishes employment for 45 men. The invested capital is about $70,000. The works are located in Cambria borough, at the west end of the Penn iron bridge, and have a capacity to manufacture fire brick, furnace brick and floor tiles at the rate of 5,000 per day. The clays and fire sands used here are of a better quality and variety than those used in any other works in the United States. The machinery combines all the latest improvements, including two patent machines for making tuyeres, and for pressing and forming Bessemer steel converter bottoms. The machinery is run by three 20 horse power engines, with one 10-horse power engine for running a stopper, nozzle and sleeve machine. There is also manufactured here sewer pipe of all sizes from eight to one and a half inches.

     The Weekly Tribune was finally permanently established, by James M. Swank, in December, 1853, although a paper had been published by that gentleman and others periodically from the same material for many years previous, and as a campaign organ in 1848. On June 11, 1856, John M. Bowman purchased the establishment from Mr. Swank, and continued to edit and publish the paper until the 20 th of March, 1858, when James M. Swank again became connected with it, and the paper was published under the firm name of Bowman & Swank until March 8, 1861, when Mr. Swank again retired, and Mr. Bowman again became sole editor and publisher, and continued so until June 5, 1863, when Cyrus Elder, Esq., became associated with him as editor, which association continued until October 7, 1864, when James M. Swank purchased the material and good will, and published and edited the paper, with Cyrus Elder, Esq., as associate, until October 5, 1866, when Mr. Elder retired and Mr. Swank remained in entire control of the editorial department un January 7, 1870, when the office was purchased by George T. Swank, the brother of the founder of the paper, and has remained under his management until the present time. The Tribune is now published daily and weekly, the weekly being the oldest as well as the largest paper in Cambria county.

     The Voice and Echo is a weekly paper published by J. F. Campbell, Sr. This paper is well edited, is a first-class country newspaper, and has an extensive circulation in Cambria county.

     The Johnstown Democrat, edited by H. D. & L. D. Woodruff, is published by these gentlemen weekly. This paper publishes all the official business of the county in its columns, and is well patronized.

     The Johnstown Freie Presse is published every Wednesday, by Mr. George S. Lechner. It is an independent family and local newspaper, and is the only German newspaper published between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg.


CHARLES BUTLAND, Chief of Police.
CHARLES BUTLAND, High Constable.
JAMES ROBB, Street Commissioner.
DAVID PEELOR, Borough Surveyor.
HENRY KRATZER, Weigh Master.
WM. G. LAYTON, Market Master.
J. H. FISHER, Borough Assessor.
HENRY H. KUHN, Borough Solicitor.
Borough Auditors.
First Ward.
Second Ward.
Third Ward.
Fourth Ward.
Fifth Ward.
Sixth Ward.
D. J. MORRELL, President.
J. H. FISHER, Clerk.



Finance, Tax, Assessments and Appeals. -- Joseph Layton, James McMillen, James Morley, Patrick Graham, Frederick Border, John Bloch.

Streets, Alleys, Gas and Lights. -- Alexander Kennedy, Joseph Layton, Perry C. Bolsinger, S. W. Miller, John Hannan, Louis Wehn.

Police, Watch, Public Safety and Nuisances. -- James McMillen, John Peden, John Hannan, T. M. King, J. B. Carter, Max. Heubach.

Ordinances, Rules, Printing and Publishing. -- John Streum, Thomas S. Davis, John Peden, Patrick Graham, John Hannan, --- McFeeters.

Accounts and Claims. -- S. W. Miller, James Morley, Perry C. Bolsinger, W. W. Pike, J. B. Carter, Louis Wehn.

Markets, Weigh Scales, Fire Engines and Borough Property. -- James Morley, Alexander Kennedy, Thomas S. Davis, W. W. Pike, John Streum, Max. Heubach.


Headquarters Market House.


Headquarters Market House.

Assistance Fire Company, No. 1, engine house Washington head of Market.

R. H. NIXON, Vice President
JOHN H. DIBERT, Treasurer.
D. N. JONES, Chief Director.
SAMUEL M. MILLER, Pipe Director.
WM. HESLOP, Hose Director.


Baptist, Franklin near Main.
Church of Christ, Rev. W. A. Watkins, pastor, Main.
English Evangelical Lutheran, Rev. R. A. Fink, D. D., pastor, Franklin near Main.
Episcopal, Rev. G. C. Rafter, pastor, Locust near Market.
First Methodist Episcopal, Rev. H. C. Beacom, pastor, Franklin and Locust.
German Evangelical Lutheran, Rev. C. Taubner, pastor, Locust and Jackson.


Cambria Iron Company -- E. Y. Townsend, President; Charles S. Wurts, Vice President; John Kille, Secretary and Treasurer, office 218 south Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa.; D. J. Morrell, General Manager, Johnstown, Pa.; George A. Bates, Assistant General Manager; Daniel N. Jones, Chief Engineer; Alexander Hamilton, Superintendent of Rolling Mills; John E. Fry, Superintendent of Steel Works; Thos. M. Collins, Superintendent of Blast Furnaces; Wm. Grist, Superintendent of Coke Yards; E. H. Hughs, Superintendent of Railways; John Fulton, General Mining Engineer; James Morley, Superintendent of Mines; Jehu Roberts, Superintendent of Farms; James Cooper, Superintendent of Transporation; Thomas T. Morerell, Chemist; Cyrus Elder, Solicitor.

Johnstown Water Works Company -- D. J. Morrell, President; J. M. Campbell, John Lowman, James J. McConaughy, John dibert, Board of Managers; H. J. Roberts, Treasurer; James Potts, Secretary; James Williams, Superintendent; Wm. L. Shryock, Clerk; office, Broad street.

Johnstown Gas Company -- D. J. Morrell, President; James Williams, Superintendent; John S. Buchanan, Treasurer; Wm. L. Shryock, Secretary; office, Broad street.

First National Bank, 198 Main street -- Daniel J. Morrell, President; Howard J. Roberts, Cashier.
Cambria County Bank, 266 Main street -- M. W. Keim & Co.

Johnstown Savings Bank, 120 Clinton street -- Daniel J. Morrell, President; Frank Dibert, Treasurer; James Cooper, David Dibert, C. B. Ellis, A. J. Hawes, F. W. Hay, John Lowman, T. H. Lapslouty, Daniel McLaughlin, James McMillen, James Morley, Lewis Plitt, H. A. Boggs, Conrad Suppes, George T. Swank, W. W. Walters, Directors; Cyrus Elder, Solicitor.

Johnstown Building and Loan Association, office 171 Main street -- W. C. Lewis, Secretary.


Associate Judges..
County Commissioners.
J. A. KENNEDY, Commissioners' Clerk.
N. P. FREIDHOFF, Treasurer.
JAMES M. SINGER, Register and Recorder.
BERNARD McCOLGAN, Prothonotary.


Baptist, Rev. T. R. Jones, pastor, Horner, w. w.
Catholic, Church of the Holy Name, Rev. J. Boyle, pastor, Julian.
First Congregational, Rev. J. Hughes, pastor, High, e. w.
Disciples, Rev. F. J. Wilfling, pastor, High, w. w.
Presbyterian, Rev. J. N. McGonnigle, pastor.
Welsh M. E., Crawford and Julian.


Ash (Hornerstown), from Bedford south to City limits.
Bedford, from junction of Main & Clintons. & southeast to City limits.
Broad, 4th north of Main, from Market east to Clinton.
Cherry (Hornerstown), from Bedford to the river.
Chestnut, 4th south of Main, from Stony Creek east and west.
Clinton, 4th east of Market, from Portage south to Bedford.
Court, 1st east of Market, from Locust south to Main.
Dibert (Kernville), 1st south of Haynes, from the river w. to City limits.
Franklin, 2d east of Market, from Pearl south to Stony Creek.
Grant (Kernville) 3d west of Morris, from Dibert south to City limits.
Haynes (Kernville), 1st south of Water, from the river w. to City limits.
Hickory (Hornerstown), from Bedford to Sandyvale Cemetery.
Jackson, 4theast of Market, from Bedford south to Stony Creek.
Levergood, 4th east of Market, from Bedford south to Stony Creek.
Lincoln, 1st south of Main, from Walnut east to Franklin.
Locust, 2d north of Main, from Walnut east to City limits.
Main (Hornerstown), from Bedford south to City limits.
Main, from Conemaugh river east to City limits.
Market, between Franklin and Walnut, north and south to City limits.
Morris (Kernville), from Water south to City limits.
Napoleon (Kernville), 1st west of Morris, from Water s. to City limits.
Oak (Hornerstown), from Bedford south to City limits.
Pearl, 5th north of Main, from Market east to Portage.
Poplar (Hornerstown), from Bedford to the river.
Sherman (Kernville), 3d west of Morris, from Haynes s. to City limits.
Somerset (Kernville), 2d east of Morris, from Water east to the river.
South (Kernville), 2d south of Haynes, from the river w. to City limits.
Spruce (Hornerstown), from Bedford to the river.
Stony Creek, from the point along the north bank of Stony Creek river.
Pine (Hornerstown), from Bedford, south to City limits.
Union, 2d west of Market, from Conemaugh south to Stony Creek.
Vine, 2d south of Main, from Stony Creek east to Franklin.
Walnut (Hornerstown), from Wood to Sandyvale Cemetery.
Washington, 3d north of Main, from Walnut east to Clinton.
Water (Kernville), along the north bank of the Stony Creek river.
Wood (Hornerstown), from Bedford south to City limits.

East Conemaugh.

Adam, 1st from Borough line, from Railroad south to Main.
Center, from Portage to the river.
Church, from Railroad east and southeast to Hoover.
Coal, 5th east of Borough line, from Railroad southeast to City limits.
Peter, 2d from Borough line, from Adam southeast to City limits.
Portage, 1st south of the river, from Washington east to City limits.
Prosser, from Church east to City limits.
Haynes, 4th east of Borough line, from Railroad s. e. to City limits.
Hoover, 3d south of the river, from Singer east to Church.
Railroad, 2d south of the river, from Borough line east to City limits.
Singer, 3d east of Borough line, from Railroad, s. e. to City limits.

Date Created: 30 Jul 2003
Last Updated: 15 Apr 2008
Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors

Cambria County FB
