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1876 Johnstown City Directory |
Sabarger John, works C. I. Co., head Peter, Conemaugh. Sagerson Robt., saloon keeper, Main, Minersville. Sagerson Robt., works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Sailor Geo., A., machinist, 223 Locust. Sailor Catharine, widow, 223 Locust. Saller Joseph, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Saly Peter, laborer, Chestnut, Cambria. Sample Mrs. widow, Franklin borough. Samuels Ebenezer, works C. I. Co., 63 Haynes. Samuels Susan, widow, 63 Haynes. Saunders Thomas, laborer, Chestnut, Cambria. Sanderson Margaret, widow, Franklin borough. Sanderson Wm., grocery, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Sargent James, works C. I. Co., Furnace, Millville. Sargent John L., works C. I. Co., Furnace, Millville. Sargent Smith, Furnace, Millville. Sarlouis Andrew, miner, 70 Morris. Sarlouis Peter, teamster, Chestnut, Cambria. Sauers Andrew, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Savering August, works C. I. Co., 160 Somerset. Sarver Andrew J., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Saxon William, laborer, Third, East Conemaugh. Scamlan Patrick, works C. I. Co., Broad and Fourth. Schafer Daniel, engineer, Franklin borough. Schaefer George, saloon, Clinton and Washington. Schaefer Lewis, laborer, Potts and Chestnut. Schalhamer Francis, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Schalhamer Patrick, stone mason, Portage near Clinton, Conemaugh. Schaller Joseph, weaver, Coal, Conemaugh. Schiffhauer Anna, clerk, Washington. Schiffhauer Jacob, plumber, Washington. SCHILL F., physician, 256 Locust. Schimmele Martin, butcher, 165 Portage. Schlagol August, 182 Market. Schmitt Andrew, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Schmit George, barber, boards Market. Schmitt George, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Schmitt George, Jr., works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Scmitt John, works C. I. Co., Stony Creek near Vine. Schmitt John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Schmitt Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Schmitt Wm., laborer, Broad, Cambria. Schnable David, 55 Napoleon. Schnell August, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Schnell Edward, works C. I. Co., Broad and Second. Schnell Fidell, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Schrader Harry, clerk, boards 161 Vine. Schramm Fred., 222 Washington, Minersville. Schramm Jacob, works C. I. Co., 222 Washington, Minersville. Schwaderer Ferdinand, saloon, Iron, Millville. Schroh Peter, works C. I. Co., Depot, Conemaugh. Schry Charles, clerk, Woodvale. Schuller Mary, widow, Railroad, Conemaugh. Schultz Charles, carpenter, 123 Chestnut. Scott Martin, miner, Portage, Conemaugh. Scott Mary E., widow, Prospect, Millville. Scritchfield Daniel, laborer, 104 Somerset. Seavers William, works C. I. Co., 32 1/2 Somerset. Sedelmyer Anthony, book keeper, 22 Market. Sedelmyer F. X., clock maker, Portage, Conemaugh. Sedlmeyer Joseph, post office clerk, boards 22 market. Sedlmeyer Joseph, miner, 22 market. Seeger Anthony, of Seeger & Wehn, Bedford Pike. Seeger & Wehn, brewers, Adams near Bedford. Seeley James, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville. Seeley Samuel, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville. Seibert Charles, laborer, Coal, Conemaugh. Seibert Conrad, works C. I. Co., Coal, Conemaugh. Seibert Geerhart, laborer, 192 Napoleon. Siebert John, works C. I. Co., 37 Haynes. Selfert Michael, tailor, 356 Bedford. Seifert Thomas, railroader, Haynes, Conemaugh. Seigh Daniel, works C. I. Co., 114 Vine. Seigh Jacob, carpenter, Iron, Millville. Seigh John, works C. I. Co., 57 1/2 Vine. Seigh John H., works C. I. Co., 57 1/2 Vine. Seigh John W., works C. I. Co., 118 Vine. Seigh Theodore, carpenter, 81 Stony Creek. Seigh William T., fireman, 114 Vine. Sell Leroy A., laborer, boards River and Napoleon. Seninger Joseph, works C. I. Co., Railroad and Second, Cambria. Sensebaugh James, miner, 135 Furnace, Millville. Settlemayer Isaac, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Severing Fred., works C. I. Co., 195 Morris. Shaffer -----, widow, Iron, Millville. Shaffer Christina, widow, south end Bedford. Shaffer Frank, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Shaffer David F., clerk, Railroad, East Conemaugh. SHAFFER GEORGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Haynes and Napoleon, residence 74 Haynes. Shaffer George A., works C. I. Co., 174 Morris. Shaffer Henry, saloon keeper, 109 Morris. Shaffer Jacob, laborer, Bedford near Adams. Shaffer Jerry, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Shaffer John V., saloon, 160 Washington. Shaffer Philip F., dry goods, groceries, &c., Railroad, East Conemaugh. Shank Hiram, laborer, south end Bedford. Sharkey John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Sharley Felix, laborer, Union, Minersville. Sharmin Henry, works C.I. Co., 178 Sherman. Sharp Geo., carpenter, Huber, Conemaugh. Sharp John, patent medicine manufacturer, 34 Morris. Shaffer John J., brakeman, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Sharp Joseph C., tinner, 169 Napoleon. Sharrah James, brakeman, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Sharretts Edward, laborer, 38 Benton. Sharretts Jacob R., painter, 38 Benton. Sharretts William C., works C. I. Co., 38 Benton. Shay Samuel, teamster, head of Haynes, Conemaugh. Shea Jeremiah, laborer, Broad, Cambria. Sheahen Hall, works C. I. Co., Branch, Cambria. Shean Patrick, laborer, Minersville. Shearer Andrew, works C. I. Co., 6 River. Shearer Rev. David, 163 Morris. Shearer Frank, brakeman, 10 River. Shearer John, laborer, 189 Sherman. Shearer Michael, watchman, 6 River. Sheehan Jerry, works C. I. Co., 170 Furnace row, Millville. Sheerer Wm., blacksmith, Franklin borough. Sheets Jacob, laborer, Portage and Clinton, Conemaugh. Sherbine Daniel, First, East Conemaugh. Sherer Henry W., shoemaker, 55 Morris. Sherer Joseph, carpenter, Haynes, Conemaugh. Shey Henry, works C. I. Co., Singer, Conemaugh. Shoemaker Anthony, works C. I. Co., Broad and Second. Shoemaker George, works C. I. Co., Broad, Conemaugh. Shoemaker Ignatius, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Shoemaker James, spinner, boards 316 Main. Shoemaker John, clerk, boards Mansion House. SHOEMAKER JOSEPH, proprietor Mansion House, Franklin and Broad. Sholtice Philip, works C. I. Co., Potts. Shomo James S., rail straightener, Bedford near Adams. Shomo John W., works C. I. Co., Bedford near Adams. Shomo Joseph, retired, Bedford near Adams. Shomon Charles F. A., laborer, Bedford and Adams. Shook David, telegraph operator, Franklin borough. Shoop Eli, carpenter, 171 Franklin. Shotz Elizabeth, widow, 125 Union. Shotz John, miner, 125 Union. Shry Henry, carpenter, 124 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Shry Joseph, works woolen mill, 154 Maple ave., Woodvale. Shryock J. Wm. L., secretary Gas Company, Lincoln avenue. Shugro Michael, laborer, 106 near Spring, Millville. Shultz Charles, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Sibel John, works C. I. Co., head of Coal, Conemaugh. Siebert John, blacksmith, Portage, Conemaugh. Silk Bryan, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Silman John, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Simmons John, works C. I. Co., 98 Spring, Millville. Simpson Lewis W., puddler, Haynes and River. Singer Aaron, works C. I. Co., 51 Somerset. Singer Elizabeth, widow, 71 Main. Siter Edward H., works C. I. Co., 159 Vine. Singer F. H., clerk, W. M. & Co., 318 Main. Singer James B., blacksmith, 71 Main. Skelley Michael, brakeman, East Conemaugh. Slagle David, works C. I. Co., 85 Vine. Slane John, miner, Railroad, Cambria. Slater Emanuel, laborer, Grant near South. Slater Wm., painter, 57 Union. Slaughter John works C. I., Co., Iron, Millville. Sleep Wm., hotel, Portage and Clinton. Slick Charles C., laborer, Railroad, Conemaugh. Slick George R., works C. I. Co., 335 Bedford. Slick Harry, clerk, Bedford. Slick Well. R., clerk, 335 Bedford. Slick Wm., puddler, river and Napoleon. Slick Wm. A., works C. I. Co., 172 Morris. Sloan J. W., attorney, 64 Franklin, boards Hulbert House. Sloan John, miner, Church, Conemaugh. Sloan Philip, miner, 29 Walnut. Slosser Henry, tanner, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Smith Abraham, car inspector, Franklin borough. Smith Andrew, works C. I. Co., 123 Millville. Smith Charles, 68 Sherman. Smith Conrad, singer, Conemaugh. Smith Conrad C., works C. I. Co., 60 Market. Smith Ebenezer, shoemaker, 146 Franklin, res. 162 Vine. Smith Ellen, widow, Adams, Conemaugh. Smith George W., plasterer, 102 « Somerset. Smith Henry, clerk, Railroad, Conemaugh. Smith James, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Smith John, boarding house, Prospect. Smith John R., tinner, boards 85 Haynes. Smith Jos. S., laborer, 322 Main. Smith Josiah, works C. I. Co., Pearl. Smith Larry, works C. I. Co., 136 Furnace, Millville. Smith Louis, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Smith Michael, miner, Middle, Prospect. Smith Mary, widow, Front, Cambria. Smith Nicholas, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Smith Patrick, works C. I. Co., Second, Cambria. Smith Philip, works woolen mill 24 maple avenue, Woodvale. Smith Russell, tinner, boards Haynes. Smith Samuel, laborer, Franklin borough. Smith Valentine, works C. I. Co., 123 Furnace, Millville. Smith Wm., conductor, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Smith William, works C. I. Co., Huber, Conemaugh. Smith Wm., car inspector, 27 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Smith Wm. R., painter, 162 Vine. Smithberger Charles, puddler, Grant near Dibert. Snedden Charles, engineer, Beech, Woodvale. Snell Charles, electrician, 283 Main. Snowden Wm. E., fireman, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Snyder Andrew, hostler, Franklin and Broad. Snyder George R., painter, Franklin and Broad. Snyder Jacob, miner, Coal, Conemaugh. Snyder John, engineer, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Snyder Joseph, works C. I. Co., 339 Railroad. Snyder Joseph, Jr., ore digger, 339 Railroad. Snyder Simon, miner, Coopersdale borough. Somers John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Sones Samuel, laborer, Franklin borough. Southwell, Wm., weaver, 231 Broad. Southwell William W., works C. I. Co., 84 Market. Speck Rev. David, 25 Napoleon. Speedy Ben. F., of T. G. Stewart & Co., 94 Vine. Speicher William J., carpenter, west end Morris. Spenger John, butcher, 132 Market, Stony Creek. Sperlein John, teamster, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Spiker John, laborer, First, East Conemaugh. Splaun Timothy, works C. I. Co., lower end Main, Minersville. Spots Frank, laborer, Third, East Conemaugh. Spring Marshall, works C. I. Co., boards Mansion House. Springer Joseph, laborer, Minersville. Springer Josiah, laborer, Minersville. Springer Thomas, saloon, Chestnut, Cambria. Springer Stewart, works C. I. Co., Union, Minersville. Stahl John P., teamster, boards 73 River. Stakmen Conrad, works C. I. Co., Grant near Dibert. Stambaugh John, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Stauilaus M., tailor W. M. &*amp; Co., chestnut, Cambria. Stanton John, puddler, near head of Main. Stark John, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Stark Samuel, works C. I. Co., Walnut Cambria. Statlar James A., works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. STATLER GEORGE, photographer, Clinton and Main, residence 121 Court. Statler George W., photographer, 121 Court. Stearn John, brakeman, Iron, Millville. Stearns John A., laborer, 82 Somerset. Steel George, works C. I. Co., Depot, Conemaugh. Steigerwald Wm., barber shop, 114 Clinton, res. 124 Locust. Steikerwalt Michael, laborer, Adams, Conemaugh. Steimberg Henry, spinner, boards 316 Main. Steiner John, laborer, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Steiner John, works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria. Stem Sarah, widow, 72 Dibert. Stem Wm. D., works C. I. Co., 19 Napoleon. Stemmer John A., saloon, south end Bedford. Stenger John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Steurm John, Jr., student, Locust. Stevenson George, painter, 157 Morris. Stevenson Samuel, laborer, 74 Vine. Stewart Ellen, widow, 58 Napoleon. Stewart James, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Stewart james S., clerk, Woodvale. Stewart T. G., of T. G. Stewart & Co., Baltimore. STEWART T. G. & CO., wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 174 Main. Stewart Thomas, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Stewart Watson, works C. I. Co., Pearl. Stewart Wm. A., T. G. Stewart & Co., 56 Napoleon. Stinely John, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Stivich Joseph, dry goods and groceries, Chestnut and Fourth, Cambria, residence Braddock's Field. Stivich Joseph, Jr., clerk, Chestnut, Cambria. St. Mary's Convent, Clinton and Locust. Stock Casper, works C. I. Co., 18 Walnut. Stonebraker Joseph H., blacksmith, 69 Somerset. STONEBRAKER WASHINGTON , 41 Somerset, res. 59 Haynes. Storey Wm. S., conductor, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Storey H. W. , agent P. R. R., Railroad, East Conemaugh. Stork Edward D., laborer, 108 Sherman. Storek John, puddler, Horner. Storm Maria, widow, 133 Sherman. Storm Joseph S., laborer, 133 Sherman. Stormer George, carpenter, Railroad, Conemaugh. Stormer John, grocer, Railroad, Conemaugh. Stormer Joseph, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Conemaugh. Stormer Peter, blacksmith, Adams, Conemaugh. Stormer Wm., carpenter, Railroad, Conemaugh. Story Henry, house and sign painter, 89 Franklin, residence Main and Bedford. Stouder John, laborer, 123 Somerset. Strabert Simon, works cement mills, Iron, Millville. Stramel Wm., barber, 32 Somerset. Strautmeyer Harry, cigar manufacturer, 88 Franklin. Strayer Elizabeth, widow, Locust near Market. Strayer Franklin, teacher, Locust near Market. Strayer John G., works C. I. Co., 185 and 183 Morris. Strayer J. J., carpenter, Youder township. STRAYER JOSEPH S., justice of the peace, 128 Market. Strayer Lewis, teacher, Franklin borough. Stremel Augustus, city barber shop, 142 Washington. Stremel Henry, Sherman near South. Stremel William, barber, 32 Somerset. Steum John, of Fisher & Co., Locust. Strick Joseph, coal miner, Huber, Conemaugh. Stross David, works C. I. Co., Singer near Railroad, Conemaugh. Stroup Daniel, brick layer, 169 Vine. Strous Michael, 10 laborer, Millville. Strouss Wm., miner, 126 Napoleon. Stull Benjamin F., school teacher, Franklin borough. Sturn Francis N., laborer, 124 Somerset. Stump Jacob, engineer, 128 Somerset. Stump Jacob, butcher, Somerset, Kernville. Stump Henry T., works C. I. Co., 128 Somerset. Stutzman Abram F., dry goods and groceries, Main, Millville, residence Coopersdale borough. STUTZMAN G. W., grocer, Main, Millville, residence Coopersdale borough. Sullivan Cornelius, miner, Iron, Millville. Sullivan Daniel, works C. I. Co., boards Prospect. Sullivan James, works C. I. Co., Prospect. Sullivan Michael, laborer, Minersville. Suppes Charles H., miller, 110 Walnut. Suppes max M., machinist, 27 Morris. Suttner George, works C. I. Co., chestnut, Cambria. Sutton Elizabeth, widow, Clinton near Portage. SWAN SAMUEL M., PHYSICIAN, 168 Vine, res. 122 Walnut. Swanger Jacob, laborer, Water, Millville. Swank Daniel, potter, 122 Morris. SWANK GEORGE T., editor and proprietor Tribune and Postmaster, Franklin, residence 57 Walnut. Swank Hiram, of Swank & Co., 122 and 124 Napoleon. Swank J., of J. & H. Swank, Main and Bedford. Swank J. & Co., pottery works, 118, 120, 122 and 124 Morris. Swank J. & H., hardware, Main and Bedford. Swank Jacob J., potter, 128 Napoleon. Swank John, potter, 118 Morris. Swank Morrell, clerk, Main and Bedford. Swank Nancy M., widow of George, 57 Walnut. Swank Neff, painter, 135 Napoleon. Swank Samuel, potter, 119 and 121 Napoleon. Swartz Henry, butcher, boards Goose Island. Swartzman Henry, butcher, boards 211 Pearl. Swartzman John, hotel, Portage, Conemaugh. Swatman Thomas, laborer, head of main, Conemaugh. Sweeney Ann, widow, Railroad, Conemaugh. Sweeney Rev. James W., 134 Morris. Sweeney John, works C. I. Co., 83 Spring, Millville. Sweeney Thomas, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Sweeny Amon, works C. I. Co., opp. School house, Minersville. Sweeny Edward, works C. I. Co., 85 Spring, Millville. Sweeny Michael, school teacher, Front, Cambria. Sweeny -----, widow, Front, Cambria. Swegler John, 171 Main. Sweitzer Lewis, works C. I.Co., 64 Water, Millville. Sweitzer Wm., works C. I. Co., Portage and Clinton. Sweeney Wm., works C. I. Co., 77 Spring, Millville. Sweng George, laborer, Adams, Conemaugh. Symons James, miner, Iron, Millville. Taney Adam, brick layer, 73 Market. Taney John M., clerk, 73 market. Tantlinger Daniel, works C. I. Co., 171 Napoleon. Tantlinger Wm. H., works C. I. Co., 61 Haynes. Task John, laborer, Minersville. Taylor Charles H., 126 Furnace row, Millville. Taylor Francis, works C. I. Co., 175 Napoleon. Taylor Franklin, clerk, Prospect. Taylor Jemina, widow, 116 Union. Taylor John T., plasterer, Lincoln near Franklin. Taylor Mary, widow, Prospect, Millville. Tesh Frederick, butcher, Pearl and Franklin. Tesh Wm., butcher, 63 Water. Test Jane, widow, 141 Market. Tham John, teamster, Hornerstown. Theis Henry, laborer, Lincoln. Thoburn John, blacksmith, 86 Morris. Thom John, laborer, Lincoln. Thomas Alexander, laborer, River, Millville. Thomas Ann, widow, 12 Market. Thomas Daniel J., miner, 38 1/2 Market. Thomas David H., miner, Iron, Millville. Thomas Edward, works C. I. Co., 73 maple avenue, Woodvale. Thomas Edward, laborer, 52 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Thomas George J., grocer, 150 Franklin, residence 132 Morris. Thomas George S., machinist, 121 Chestnut. Thomas Griffith, works C. I. Co., River, Millville. Thomas Henry, works C I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Thomas Henry, miner, Iron, Millville. Thomas James, miner, Iron, Millville. THOMAS JOHN, dry goods and groceries, 248 Main. Thomas John, miner, Iron, Millville. Thomas Wm. H., clerk, 132 Morris. Thomas Wm. J., engineer, 73 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Thompson C., cigar maker, Bedford. Thompson Wm., brakeman, Franklin borough. Thompson Simon C., cigar maker, 331 Bedford. Thompson Wm., H., saloon, 214 Main, residence Market. Thomson William, saloon, 134 Market. Thornley Ann, widow, Point. Timlin John, works C. I. Co., 113 Furnace. Timlin Patrick, laborer, 113 Furnace, Millville. Tinkcom Wm. P., clerk, 20 Main. Tittle Charles L., moulder, Singer near Railroad, Conemaugh. TITTLE CYRUS P., clerk, lower office C.I. Co., res. 259 Broad. Tittle James, carpenter, 136 Franklin. Tittle John, cabinet maker, 259 Portage. Tittle John, works C. I. Co., 159 Main. Tittle John, Sr., machinist, 259 Board. Tittle John S., book keeper, Main. Tommins Robert, works C. I. Co., 184 Napoleon. Toohey Lawrence, works C. I. Co., 74 Spring, Millville. Toohey Michael, grocer, Church and Railroad. Toole Timothy, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Trabert John W., school teacher, Locust alley. Tradenick Richard H., engineer, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Trainer Charles, laborer, boards 195 Broad. Travis Arthur, works C. I. Co., 109 Union. Trawatha Sebastian C., works C. I. Co., 68 Napoleon. Traywater Anna, widow, 90 Spring, Millville. Tredennick Joseph, miner, 78 Union. Trees Samuel, laborer, Hornerstown. Treese George, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Treese Harry, laborer, boards Iron, Millville. Trefts Albert A., laborer, 355 Bedford. Trefts Elizabeth, widow, 355 Bedford. Trefts Jacob M., laborer, 355 Bedford. Treftz Adam, of Jacob Treftz & Sons, 63 Water. Treftz Charles, of Jacob Trefts & sons, 63 Water. TREFTS JACOB & SONS, butchers, 148 Franklin. Treftz Jacob, of Jacob Treftz & Sons, 63 Water. Tremellen Wm., miner, Stony Creek near King. Trent George, coal hauler, 59 Sherman. Trexler Edward J., cigar maker, boards 113 Clinton. TREZIST MRS. EDWARD, milliner, 165 Main. Trimbah John, miner, rear of Huber, Conemaugh. Tross Henry, 68 1/2 Morris. Tross John W., laborer, 39 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Tross Wm. P., laborer, 131 Sherman. Tuohey Michael, works C. I. Co., boards 226 Washington, Minersville. Turner John, laborer, Iron, Millville. Turner Sashnell A., puddler, Hornerstown. Townsend E. Y., president Cambria Iron Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Unverzagt Daniel, shoemaker, 164 Washington. UNVERAG GEORGE, dry goods, 263 Main, residence 138 Locust. Unverzagt William C., slater, Apple alley. Updegraff Henry, works C. I. Co., River, Millville. Updegrave Wm., dry goods and groceries, 123 Clinton and Locust. Upperman Charles, works C. I. Co., 11 Walnut. Uptegraff James M., conductor, 59 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Varner George, laborer, Franklin borough. Varner Stephen R., grocer, 278 Main, residence 55 Haynes. Van Valtenberg T., works woolen mill, boards 24 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Vaughn Frank, works C. I. Co., 91 Spring, Millville. Vaughn Leander, works C. I. Co., 91 Spring, Millville. Velasco Aquiline, clerk, boards 227 Main. Vernon Jason, barber, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Vickroy George W., turner, 180 Morris. Vierling Henry, of Kimpel & Vierling, 322 Railroad. Vincent James, miner, on the Point. Vivis Albert, upholsterer, 108 Union. Voegtly Charles A., school teacher, head of Singer, Conemaugh. Voegtly Jeranus, school teacher, head of Singer, Conemaugh. Voegtly Julius, engineer, head of Singer, Conemaugh. VOICE AND ECHO, J. F. Campbell, Sr., publisher, Clinton and Washington. Von Jerry, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale, borough. Von John H., works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Von Samuel, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Vonaet Casper, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Von Alt George, laborer, Singer, Conemaugh. Von Alt Henry, saloon, 228 Washington. Von Alt Henry, works C. I. Co., Coal, Conemaugh. Von Alt John, barber shop, 108 Clinton, res. head of Main. Wagoner George W., clerk, 146 Market. Wagoner Wm. H., coach maker, 75 Somerset. Wagner Alexander, miner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh. Wagner Ansatina, widow, 188 Somerset. Wagner August, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Wagner George, works C. I. Co., Board, Cambria. Wagner Solomon, shoemaker, Pine, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Wagner Wm., miner, Coopersdale borough. Wagner Wm., shoemaker, Railroad, res. Haynes, Conemaugh. Wagner Wm. H., coach maker, 75 Somerset. Wahl Conrad, laborer, Sherman near South. Waibel Joseph, works C. I. Co., Third, Cambria. WAKEFIELD, A. N. druggist and physician, 240 Main, residence 71 Morris. Walker Alex., brakeman, Fourth, East Conemaugh. Walker George W., miner, 133 Walnut. Walker Donald, miner, 118 Somerset. Walkinshaw John, train dispatcher, Second, East Conemaugh. Walkinshaw Robert, works C. I. Co., 115 Chestnut. Wallace John, farmer, River near Dibert. Walls A. L., works C. I. Co., 172 Somerset. Walters Ellen M., widow, 139 Main. Walters George, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Walters Jacob, laborer, 167 Main. Walters James M., salesman, 139 Main. Walters Walter, miner, 118 Furnace row, Millville. Walters Walter W., physician, 142 Vine. Walter Wm. H., policeman, 46 1/2 Market. Waltz Andrew, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Wander Daniel, works C. I. Co., 175 Sherman. Ward Catherine, widow, Cambria. Ward James, works C. I. Co., Cambria. Ward John, miner, Railroad, Cambria. Ward John, works C. I. Co., near Main, Minersville. Ward John, works C. I. Co., Cambria. Ward Morris, miner, Railroad, Cambria. Ward Rollin C., dry goods, groceries, &, First, residence Railroad, East Conemaugh. Ward Thomas, works C. I. Co., near Main, Minersville. Ward Thomas, works C. I. Co., Cambria. Ward Wm. T., works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Warden William, blacksmith, 74 Napoleon. Warn Wm., miner, 65 Vine. Warner Pius, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh. Warry John, miner, Church, Conemaugh. Warry John, works cement mills, Prospect, Millville. Warry Joseph, miner, Church, Conemaugh. Wart Rose, widow, Huber, Conemaugh. Wassaman Fred., chair maker, Portage. Waters John, tinner, Morris. Waters John, works C. I. Co., Branch. Waters Josiah, tanner, 178 Morris. Waters Thomas, works C. I. Co., Church, Conemaugh. Waterman Ezra, telegraph repairer, Franklin borough. Watkins Benjamin, works C. I. Co., 19 Morris. Watkins George, works C. I. Co., 120 Furnace row, Millville. Watkins Thomas, machinist, 68 Conemaugh. Watkins Wm., heater, 347 Bedford. Watkins Rev. Wm. H., boards 50 Morris. Watkins Wm. W., works C. I., Co., 121 Maple ave., Woodvale. Watson David, teamster, boards 73 River. Wayne Albert, wagon maker and painter, boards 71 River. WAYNE W. HARRY, of Dibert, Wayne & Co., and editor Cutting Box, Locust and Adams. Weakland John, laborer, 127 Vine. Weakland Michael, laborer, 127 Vine. Weaver Isaac, miner, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Weaver Samuel E., sup't W., N. & Co., 123 Locust. Weaver John, miner, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Weaver Walter S., clerk, 123 Locust. Webb James J., tailor, 121 Chustmut. Weddle Henry M., laborer, 116 Union. Weekly Jacob, spiner, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Weh William, works C. I. Co., Depot. Wehn Caper, shoemaker, Clinton near Portage, Conemaugh. Wehn Charles, of Seeger & Wehn, Adams near Bedford. Wehn Charles A., printer, 167 Main. WEHN LOUIS, boots and shoes, 143 Clinton.. Wehn William, clerk, Clinton. Weick Wm., works C. I. Co., boards Portage, Conemaugh. Welnacker J., works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Weis Jacob, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Weismiller Chris., laborer, head of Main, Conemaugh. Weismiller F., plasterer, Adams, Conemaugh. Welch Michael, laborer, 53 Main. Welfull John, miner, head of Main, Conemaugh. Welsh Thos., works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Wendel Chas., works C. I. Co., 99 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Wendel David, works C. I. Co., 134 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Wernicke Fred., works C. I. Co., head of Haynes, Conemaugh. Wert John, watchman, Center, Conemaugh. Wertz John, dentist, boards Hulbert House. WERTZ JOHN W., DENTAL PARLORS, 93 1/2 FRANKLIN, BOARDS HULBERT HOUSE. West Emery, book keeper, W. M. & Co., Peter, Conemaugh. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., Mrs. H. M. Ogle, agent, 215 Main. West Wm., brakeman, Third, East Conemaugh. When George, tailor, 167 Main. When Louis, boots and shoes, 143 Clinton. Whennell Henry, machinist, 82 Market. Whipkey Noah, works C. I. Co., boards 126 Somerset. White Conrad, works C. I. Co., Grant near Dibert. White Hugh, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. White James, tanner, River near Dibert. White James E., tanner, Somerset. White John L., machinist, 123 Vine. White John C., works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. White John, works C. I. Co., 123 Vine. White Mary, widow, 336 Broad. White Oscar A., clerk, 36 Somerset. White Samuel, works C. I. Co., 36 Somerset. White Thomas, miner, Railroad, Cambria. White William E., works C. I. Co., 36 Somerset. White Wm. R. B., works woolen factory, 28 King. Whiteman Joseph, plasterer, Haynes. Whittisheim C., roller, alley near head of Main. Widdman Jacob, grocery and saloon, Railroad, Conemaugh. Widman John, laborer, boards Haynes, Conemaugh. Wiegand August, proprietor Kernville Hotel, 60 Morris. Wiegand Paul, miner, 60 Morris. Wier Elizabeth M., widow, 113 Union. Wier Franklin P., engineer, 113 Union. Wier John C., works C. I. Co., 113 Union. Wighand Lewis, works C. I. Co., 48 Napoleon. Wike Wm. W., engineer, Chestnut, East Conemaugh. Wilcox Wm., moulder, head of Main. Wild August, laborer, 83 Union. Wild Jacob, dry goods and groceries, Main and Clinton. Wild Julius, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Wilkins John, laborer, Point. Willhelm W., flour and feed, 71 Market. Williams Amelia, widow, Stony Creek near Williams Charles, works C. I. Co., Board, Cambria. Williams Charles R., miner, boards Iron, Millville. Williams David, miner, 21 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Williams David H., laborer, 88 Conemaugh. Williams Elizabeth, widow, 80 Union. Williams Harry H., clerk, Main. Williams Hugh, miner, Iron Millville. WILLIAMS JAMES, superintendent Water and Gas works, office Broad, boards Main. Williams John, miner, Stony Creek near King. Williams John J., miner, 79 Union. Williams John, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Williams John J., rag merchant, River, Millville. Williams John E., works C. I. Col, 89 River. Williams Richard, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Williams Robert J., miner, 37 market. Williams Thomas W., laborer, 45 Main. Williams Wm., works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Williams William P., miner, 112 Union. Williams Wm. J., miner, 79 Union. Williams Blair E., laborer, 86 Morris. Willower E. H., saloon and boarding house, 146 and 148 Washington. Willower George, works steel works, opposite Company's store, Washington. Wilmott Henry, miner, boards head of Main, Conemaugh. Wilson Alex., brakeman, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Wilson Alice, widow, Market and Vine. Wilson Charles, works C. I. Co., Market and Vine. Wilson Catherine, widow, 62 Walnut. Wilson Constantine W., brakeman, 124 Union. Wilson Herman H., works C. I. Co., 130 Market. Wilson James, miner, Main, Conemaugh. Wilson James M., teamster, Portage, Conemaugh. Wilson John, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Wilson John C., physician, Franklin borough. Wilson Joseph, laborer, 53 Union. Williams Joseph, works C. I. Co., 112 Furnace, Millville. Wilson M. W., 254 Main. Wilson Martha C., dress maker, 78 Market. Wilson Robert, Jr., miner, Main, Conemaugh. Wilson Robert J., agent, 111 Vine. Wilson Robert, miner, Main, Conemaugh. Wilson Smiley, machinist, 142 Vine. Wilson Thomas, miner, Main, Conemaugh. Wilson Wm., miner, Huber, Conemaugh. Wise Harry, miner, Third, East Conemaugh. Wise Michael, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Wisegarver John, policeman, for W. M. & Co. Wisegarver John C., clerk, Potts. Wisegarver Thomas B., works C. I. Co., 29 Napoleon. Wisegarver Sheridan C., works C. I. Co., 89 1/2 Main. Wissel Matthias, miner, Coal, Conemaugh. Wissel Valentine, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Wisemann Frederick, chair maker, Portage, Conemaugh. Wisemann Henry, stone cutter, Poratge, Conemaugh. Wisinger Sylvester, puddler, south end Bedford. Wineberger Leonard, gunsmith, south end Bedford. Wineman George, express driver, Market. Wineman Geo. W., carpenter, 34 Market. Wingard Levi, laborer, Horner. Wirth Conrad, works C. I. Co., 21 Walnut. Witt Chas., laborer, Lincoln. Witt Chas. H., teamster, Lincoln near Franklin. Woelfel John, miner, Coal, Conemaugh. Wolf Adam, 34 Somerset. Wolf W. C., painter, 108 Franklin. Wolford Conrad, works C. I. Co., alley back of Morris. Wolford Wm., works woolen mill, Beech, Woodvale. Wolheim M., watchman, head of Haynes, Conemaugh. Wolheim M., watchman, head of Haynes, Conemaugh. Wolpert Rev. Richard, assistant pastor St. Joseph Catholic Church, Huber, Conemaugh. WOOD, MORRELL & CO., general merchants and manufacturers, 123 Washington. Wood James, miner, alley near head of Main. Woodruff Edward C., printer, Singer. WOODRUFF H. D. & L. D., proprietors "Democrat," , 218 Main. Woodruff H. D. of H. D. & L. D. Woodruff, Singer, Conemaugh. Woodruff L. D., of H. D. & L. D. Woodruff, 30 Napoleon. Woodvale Flouring Mills, Frank McMillen, superintendent, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Woods George, works C. I. Co., boards Prospect, Millville. Woods John H., works C. I. Co., boards Prospect, Millville. Woods Robert, works C. I. Co., Prospect. Woods Wm., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Worley Albert Q., shoemaker, Dibert near Somerset. Wunderligh Edward, blacksmith, Minersville. Wurts Charles S., vice prest. Cambria Iron Co., Philadelphia. Wyant Alexander, brakeman, Franklin borough. Wyke Wm., hostler, boards European House. Yawn Josua, laborer, Horner. Yeager Christ., works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Yeagert John, watchman, Bedford. Yeagle Conrad, stone mason, 93 Haynes. Yeagley A., of a. & B. L. Yeagley, 265 Locust. YEAGLEY A. & B. L., physicians, 271 Locust. Yeagley B. L., of A. & B. L. Yeagley, 273 Locust. Yost Charles, plumber, 167 Portage. Yost Henry, heater, Portage, Conemaugh. York Joseph, laborer, Water, Millville. Young Andrew C., butcher, 211 Pearl. Young Emanuel, butcher, 16 Morris. Young Emil, jeweler, 110 and 112 Clinton. Young George A., butcher, boards 211 Pearl. Young John H., butcher, 16 Morris. Young Joseph, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Young Joshua L., works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Young Louis, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Young Malinda, dress maker, 182, residence 180 Somerset. YOUNG, O. J., attorney at law, 89 Franklin, res. Main. YOUNG S. & SON, dealers in meat, 23 Morris. Young Samuel E., book keeper, Lincoln near Franklin. Young Sarah, dress maker, near Main and Market. Young Simon, of S. Young & Son, 129 Somerset. Young William, Coal, Conemaugh. Young William, laborer, Adams. Young William, works C. I. Co., 58 Walnut. Young William F., of S. Young & Son, 129 Somerset. Younker Mary, widow, 41 Morris. Zachriah Richard, miner, Iron, Millville. Zane Jacob, machinist, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Zane Redner, boss railroad shops, Railroad, East Conemaugh. ZANG E., leather, shoe findings and boot and shoe manufacturer, 120 Clinton, residence Feeder. Zeitman Hannah, widow, head of Coal, Conemaugh. Zeigler Justice, carpenter, 175 towpath, Millville. Zimmer George, works C. I. Co., 5 Prospect, Millville. Zimmerman Andrew, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. ZIMMERMAN CHARLES, notary public, and proprietor Zimmerman House, 251 Main. Zimmerman Charles, Jr., livery stable, Locust near Clinton, residence Main. Zimmerman Edward A., artist, Cherry, Fourth ward. Zimmerman Frederick, soap maker, Depot, Conemaugh. Zimmerman House, 251 Main. Zimmerman jacob, attorney, 337 Bedford. Zipf John, works C. I. Co., head of Haynes, Conemaugh. Zipp George, laborer, head of Main, Conemaugh. Zubrode George, laborer, Coal, Conemaugh. Zupper Michael, works C. I. Co., Basom near Clinton. |
Date Created: 31 Jul 2003
Last Updated: 15 Apr 2008
Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors
Last Updated: 15 Apr 2008
Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors