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1876 Johnstown City Directory

-- M --

Maben Henry, hostler, boards Mansion House
Mabs John W., shoemaker, 65 Morris
Mack Michael, laborer, Prospect
Macklin Mrs., widow, Stony Creek near Walnut
Madden Patrick, engineer, Walnut, Cambria
Magehan Mary, widow, 38 Maple avenue, Woodvale
Magehan Wm., engineer, 33 Maple avenue, Woodvale
Maginley James, miner, boards 316 Main
Maher Wm., clerk, boards Jackson
Maier C., laborer, boards Clinton and Washington
Mahoney Michael, works C. I. Co., 22 Washington, Minersville
Mahoney Michael, laborer, Church, Conemaugh
Maier Conrad, laborer, Conemaugh
Maier Jacob, barber, Clinton and Railroad
Mailey Ann, widow, Main, Conemaugh
Mainhart David, brick layer, 96 Market
Melatt Andrew, laborer, 73 Sherman
Maley John, miner, Third, East Conemaugh
Maley Michael, policeman, Union, Minersville
Maley Patrick, works round house, Main, Conemaugh
Maloney John, works C. I. Co., 104 Spring, Millville
Maloney Michael, works C. I. Co., 194 near Spring, Millville
Maloy Frank S., school teacher, Adams, Conemaugh.
Maloy James, engineer, Railroad, Cambria.
Maloy John, works C. I. Co., Broad and Third, Cambria.
Malzi Ellen, widow, Portage, Conemaugh.
Malzi Jacob, butcher, Railroad near Adams, Conemaugh.
Malzi William, butcher, Railroad near Adams, Conemaugh.
Manda Henry, miner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Manges Daniel, works C. I. Co., Portage.
Manges George, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Mangus Joseph J., laborer, Iron, Millville.
Manger Jos. C., works C. I. Co., 227 Washington, Minersville.
Mangues Gabriel, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Mangues Samuel, laborer, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Mangus Cyrus, laborer, Third and Pine, East Conemaugh.
Mangus David, laborer, Potts alley.
Mangus Hiram, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Mangus Jacob, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Mangus Wm., works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria borough.
Manoy Mary, widow, Adams, Conemaugh.
MANSION HOUSE, Franklin and Broad.
MARBOURG ESTHER L. W., physician, 135 Market.
MARBOURG HEZEKIAH W., physician, 135 Market.
Mardis R. W., works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Markey Patrick, works C. I. Co., Second and Broad, Cambria.
Markferding Jos., works C. I. Co., 352 Main.
Marsh Benj, carpenter, boards 101 Somerset.
Marsh David, carpenter, 156 Somerset.
Marsh Jacob, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Marsh Ephraim, works C. I. Co., south end Bedford.
Marsh Noah, works C. I. Co., River, Millville.
Marsh Uriah, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Marsh William, laborer, 46 Somerset.
Marshall Nathan, cooper, Portage, Conemaugh.
Marshall Thomas, lumber dealer, boards European House.
Maron Owen, works C. I. Co., 164 Furnace row, Millvalle.
Martin Albert A., works C. I. Co., 111 Main.
Martin Edward, works C. I. Co., 58 Water, Millville.
Martin George, 127 Sherman.
Martin Henry, miner, 76 Sherman.
MARTIN LUTHER, proprietor Merchant's Hotel, 273 and 275 Main.
Martin Thomas, miner, Prospect, Millville.
Martin Wm. D., engineer, Third, East Conemaugh.
Martz Joseph, shoemaker, Franklin borough.
Martz William, laborer, HOrnerstown.
Maser William, laborer, Sherman near South.
Masters John, miner, head of Locust, Conemaugh.
Masters Joseph, clerk, Coopersdale borough.
Masters Joseph, agent, Coopersdale borough.
Masters Samuel, clerk, 362 Bedford.
Masters Sarah, widow, 223 Washington, Minersville.
Masterton John, clerk, 74 Franklin.
Masterton William, clerk, 74 Franklin.
Masterton William, dry goods, 74 Franklin.
Mattes August, works C. I. Co., 311 Railroad, Cambria.
Mattern John, shoemaker, Bedford near Adams.
Mauk John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Maurer Jacob, works C. I. Co., Lincoln near Franklin.
Mayer Augustin, shoemaker, Locust and Adams.
Mayer Conrad, saloon, Chestnut, Cambria.
Mayer George, cigars, tobacco &c.;, 346 Railroad.
McAbee David, clerk, bords Hulbert House.
McBride John, teamster, 194 Pearl.
McBride Roger, laborer, Branch, Cambria.
McCabe Barnard, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria.
McCabe B., railroader, Chestnut and Third, Cambria.
McCabe John, works C. I. Co., Main Minersville.
McCabe Patrick, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria.
McCable Thomas, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
McCable Mrs., widow, Iron, Millville.
McCable Thomas, works C. I. Co., Union, Minersville.
McCafferty Chas., laborer, near Bridge, Cambria.
McCaffrey John W., works C. I. Co., Branch, Cambria.
McCaffrey Patrick, laborer, Branch, Cambria.
McCall Michael, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
McCann Bridget, widow, Railroad, Conemaugh.
McCann Jas., works C. I. Co., Railroad, Conemaugh.
McCann Michael, shoemaker, Railroad, Conemaugh.
McCann Michael, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville.
McCann Michael, works C. I. Co., boards Prospect.
McCartney Ann E., widow, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
McCartney Elias B., blacksmith, Locust, residence Third, East Conemaugh.
McCartney J., brakeman, Locust and Third, East Conemaugh.
McCarty Mary, widow, lower end Main, Minersville.
McCauley Michael, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
McCallgon John, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
McClaren John, laborer, Franklin borough.
McClaren Samuel, works C. I. Co., 70 Water, Millville.
McClay Sarah, widow, 159 Main.
McCLELLAND & CO., furniture, 81 Franklin.
McClelland Geo., tinsmith, Levergod.
McClelland Wm. D., of McClelland & Co., 185 Sherman.
McCloskey James, works C. I. Co., 19 Walnut.
McCloskey John, works C. I. Co., near Bridge, Cambria borough.
McClosky Henry, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria.
McClure Alva, printer, Morris.
McConaughy James B., tannery, Iron and Conemaugh river, Millville, residence 131 Walnut.
McConaughy John M., clerk W., M. & Co., 130 Walnut.
McConlogue Daniel, works C. I. Co., 122 Furnace row, Millville.
McConnell Hugh, works C. I. Co., boards Branch, Cambria.
McConnell W., works C. I. Co., Water, Millville.
McCool David, spinner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
McCormick James, works C. I. Co., 349 1/2 Bedford.
McCormick Scott, engineer, Franklin borough.
McCoy Charles, works C. I. Co., Coal, Conemaugh.
McCoy Peter, Coal, Conemaugh.
McCoy Thomas, works C. I. Co., Coal, Conemaugh.
McCreary Henry, teamster, Adam, Conemaugh.
McCreary John, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
McCreight Charles, laborer, 4 River.
McCreight James B., policeman, 4 River.
McCrery Paul, grocer, Market near Vine.
McCue Cornelius, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
McCue James, works C. I. Co., Second and Railroad, Cambria.
McCue Owen, works C. I. Co., 179 Main, Minersville.
McCullough Edward, works C. I. Co., 94 Spring, Millville.
McCullough Frank, laborer, 195 Broad.
McCullough Simon, laborer, boards 195 Broad.
McCune James, salesman, south end Bedford.
McCune John, engineer, Franklin borough.
McCune Sarah, of Gocher & McCune, south end Bedford.
McCurdy Emery, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
McCurdy John, plasterer, Coopersdale borough.
McDermott John, saloon, 196 Washington.
McDermott Mary A., widow, Railroad, Cambria.
McDermott Matthew, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
McDermott Thomas, clerk, boards Branch and Front, Cambria.
McDill Catharine, widow, Walnut, Cambria.
McDivitt Wm., works C. I. Co., 237 Washington, Minersville.
McDowell Hamilton, conductor, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
McDonald Peter, works C. I. Co., 145 Market.
McDonald Elizabeth, saloon keeper, Branch, Cambria.
McElcarr Ninrod, laborer, Lincoln and Franklin.
McElker Nimrod, works C. I. Co., 74 Market.
McFeaters John, south end Bedford.
McFeaters John C., school teacher, Hornerstown.
McGafferty Hugh, laborer, boards Railroad, east Conemaugh.
McGarry George W., plasterer, 132 Morris.
McGarry George W., Jr., plasterer, 132 Morris.
McGarvey Horner A., works C. I. Co., 177 Napoleon.
McGarvey Stephen, works C. I. Co., 170 Napoleon.
McGeary Frank, works C. I. Co., Church.
McGeary Henry, laborer, Minersville.
McGee B., laborer W. M. & Co., Prospect.
McGee Barnet, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
McGee Michael, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
McGee Thomas, clerk W. M. & Co., Market.
McGinley Chas., works C. I. Co., opp. school house, Minersville.
McGoldrick Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
McGoldrick Wm., works C. I. Co., Prospect.
McGough Philip, laborer, Franklin borough.
McGowan Wm., works C. I. Co., Second, Cambria.
McGrath James, laborer, 122 Market.
McGrory Hugh, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
McGrory John, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
McGuire Henry, laborer, 15 Walnut.
McGuire Hugh, laborer, 15 Walnut.
McGuire James, laborer, Chestnut, East Conemaugh.
McGuire John, miner, Chestnut, East Conemaugh.
McGuire Lawrence, laborer, 15 Walnut.
McHugh D. A., engineer, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
McHugh Henry, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
McHugh James, miner, Main, Conemaugh.
McKee Charles A., works C. I. Co., 81 Vine.
McKee Harry, works C. I. Co., 81 Vine.
McKee Thomas, carpenter, 75 1/2 Somerset.
McKee William, clerk, 75 1/2 Somerset.
McKee Wm., book keeper, 81 Vine.
McKeever Alfred, tailor, boards Mansion House.
McKeever Alex., brick layer, 112 Somerset.
McKeever Charles H., machinist, 110 Morris.
McKeever Henry, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
McKeever James R., brick layer, 122 Somerset.
McKeever Samuel, brick layer, 112 Somerset.
McKeever Samuel, Jr., brick layer, 112 Somerset.
McKELVEY & CO., dealers in groceries and dry goods, Coopersdale borough.
McKelvey James, tinner, Haynes.
McKelvey James, of McKelvey & Co., Coopersdale borough.
McKernan Patrick, laborer, Chestnut, Cambria.
McKernan Thomas, works C. I. Co.l, Chestnut, Cambria.
McKinney James, laborer, Sherman near South.
McKINNEY JOHN A., clothing, 227 Main.
McKinney Owen, laborer, Sherman near South.
McKim Robert, store keeper P. R. R., near round house, East Conemaugh.
McLAUGHLIN D., attorney, 97 Franklin, res. 21 Napoleon.
McLaughlin D. G., foreman steel mill, 69 Levergood.
McLaughlin J., laborer, Coopersdale borough.
McLellan John L., conductor, 28 Napoleon.
McLaughlin Patrick, works cement mill, boards near end Bridge, Cambria.
McLaughlin Wm., laborer, River, Cambria.
McLear Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
McLeester D. M., engineer, Franklin borough.
McLeester Hugh, conductor, Second, East Conemaugh.
McLeester Isaac, carpenter, Franklin borough.
McMann Michael, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
McMahon James, miner, Walnut, Cambria.
McMeans Robert, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
McMeans Thomas, works C. I. Co., boards 38 Market.
McMillen F. H., sup't Woodvale flouring mills, Main and Walnut.
McMillen Jacob A., plasterer, 133 Market.
McMillen James, plumber, 89 Main.
McMILLEN JAMES, general superintendent Wood, Morrell & Co., Walnut and Main.
McMillen Robert N., of Beam & McMillen, boards 133 market.
McMonagle Hugh, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
McMonagle Hugh, Jr., works C. I. Co., boards Prospect.
McMullen H. A., carpenter, Railroad and Singer, Conemaugh.
McMullen Henry C., cooper, Railroad and Singer, Conemaugh.
McMullen Robt., bar tender, Railroad and Singer, Conemaugh.
McMullen Wm., teacher, Railroad and Singer, Conemaugh.
McMurer Patrick, laborer, Chestnut, East Conemaugh.
McNamarra Morris, constable, boards Mansion House.
McNara Neil, shoemaker, near Bridge, Cambria.
McNeelis Edward, works C. I. Co., 36 Iron, Millville.
McMulty William, laborer, 38 King.
McNutt Scott, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
McPheaters Scott, works C. I. Co., boards 65 Levergood.
McPherson Wm., of Wm. McPherson & Co., 139 Clinton.
McPherson Wm. & Co., grocers, 139 Clinton.
McPike Daniel, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
McPike Rose, Walnut, Cambria.
Meagher Thomas, works C. I. Co., Fifth, Cambria.
Meenser Joseph, stone mason, Railroad and Singer, Cambria.
Mellinger George, works C. I. Co., 351 Bedford.
Meloy Hugh, carpenter, 133 Morris.
Meloy Matthew, works C. I. Co., River, Cambria.
Melvil James, laborer, Broad, Cambria.
Melvin Martin, works C. I. Co., 114 Furnace row, Millville.
Melvin Michael, works C. I. Co., 114 Furnace row, Millville.
Mennett John, miner, Huber, Conemaugh.
Menoher Samuel, carpenter, 180 Somerset.
Menoher William C., carpenter, 147 Morris.
Mentzer Anthony, laborer, Church, Conemaugh.
MERCHANTS' HOTEL, L. Martin, Prop'r, 273 and 275 Main.
Messenger Noah S., laborer, Bedford near Adams.
Metz Ceylon H., carpenter, 332 Bedford.
Metz Airewine, grocer, 296 Main, residence 334 Bedford.
Metz Henry, laborer, Lincoln.
Meyer Andrew, driver, Broad and Second.
Meyer Christian, tailor, Iron, Millville.
Meyer Philip, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Meyer Wm., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Meyers Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Nichaels Charles, laborer, 191 Sherman.
Michaels H. B., laborer, Franklin borough.
Michaels Henry, laborer, south end Bedford.
Michaels Stephen, works C. I. Co., 236 Washington, Minersville.
Michaels Thomas G., laborer, 102 Somerset.
Michael Thomas W., miner, 160 Main.
Michael Wesley P., laborer, 49 Somerset.
Mickey August, works C. I. Co., near Broad, Cambria.
Mickey John L., painter, 191 Grant.
Mildren Jacob L., works C. I. Co., 177 Locust.
Miller Adam, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Miller & Co., foundry, Railroad.
Miller Cyrus S., carpenter, 26 Morris.
Miller Daniel, works C. I. Co., 104 Spring, Millville.
Miller Daniel, Jr., works C. I. Co., 104 Spring, Millville.
Miller David H., laborer, Hornerstown.
Miller David M., minister, 136 Main.
Miller Edmund B., conductor, Third, east Conemaugh.
Miller Forward S., wool sorter, 77 Napoleon.
Miller Frederick, clerk W. M. & Co., 87 Main.
Miller Geo., clerk W. M. & Co., Conemaugh.
Miller George, engineer, 86 Conemaugh.
Miller George, laborer, 35 Stoney Creek.
Miller Harry F., carpenter, 162 Vine.
Miller Henry R., carpenter, Iron, Millville.
Miller Hugh, laborer, Franklin borough.
Miller John, laborer, head of Main, Conemaugh.
Miller John, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Miller John, laborer, 104 Spring, Millville.
Miller Joseph C., puddler, 90 Conemaugh.
Miller Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Miller Martin, laborer, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
MILLER P. R., Agent Singer Sewing Machine, 158 Main, residence, 155 Morris.
Miller Mrs. S. J., widow, 39 Stony Creek.
Miller Sarah, widow, 77 Napoleon.
Miller Sarah, widow, Apple alley.
Miller Samuel, works C. I. Co., boards Merchants' Hotel.
Miller Samuel W., justice of the peace, Hornerstown.
Miller Stewart, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Miller Valentine, shoemaker, Grant near Dibert.
Miller Wm., of Miller & Co., Singer, Conemaugh.
Miller Wm., works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Millheiser George, tinner, Adams.
Milligan James J., slater, boards Mansion House.
Melvin Thomas, works C. I. Co., 114 Furnace row, Millville.
Minahan Patrick, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Mineely John, works C. I. Co., Main, Millville.
Mincer Joseph, stone mason, Railroad and Singer, Conemaugh.
Minich Michael, works C. I. Co., 292 Main.
Mining Wm., works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Mintmier Wm., works C. I. Co., Potts.
Mirolitz Joseph, laborer, Chestnut, Cambria.
Mitchell ----, works C. I. Co., above Railroad, Cambria.
Mitchell Charles W., laborer, Franklin borough.
Mitchell Henry, HOrnerstown.
Mitchell Thomas, car inspector, Franklin borough.
Mitchell Wm. D., moulder, Railroad, Cambria.
Mock Joseph, teamster, Frnaklin borough.
MONTGOMERY A., books and stationery, 207 Main.
Monzert Frederick, cooper, Church, Conemaugh.
Moody James E., tanner, Somerset.
Mooney Grace, widow, Prospect.
Mooney Matthew, cigars and tobacco, Main near Clinton.
Moore Charles, works C. I. Co., Main, Conemaugh.
Moran John, laborer, C. I. Co., 176 Minersville.
Moran Michael, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
Moran Peter, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
Moran Thomas, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
Morburgh Mrs., widow, 118 Market.
Morgan Richard, of R. Morgan & Son, 94 Conemaugh.
Morgan Thomas E., of R. Morgan & Son, 94 Conemaugh.
Morgan Thomas, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Morgan Wm., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Morgenroth N., clerk, 241 Main.
MORLEY JAMES, civil and mining engineer, 104 Main.
MORRELL DANIEL J., of Wood, Morrell & Co., general manager Cambria Iron Co., and prest. First Nat. Bank, 84 Main.
Morrell Fritz, gardener, Walnut and Lincoln.
Morrell Thomas T., chemist, 118 Locust.
Morris David, works C. I. Co., 81 Spring, Millville.
Morris Harriet, widow, 81 Spring, Millville.
Morris John T., laborer, 166 Somerset.
Morrison S. J., widow, 20 Morris.
Morison John, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville.
Moses Andrew, merchant tailor, 104 Clinton, res. 232 Locust.
Moses Charles S., clerk, Locust.
Moses Matthew, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Moses Willis A., tailor, Locust.
Mossman John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Moyer Absalom, brakeman, First, East Conemaugh.
Moyer Conrad, dairyman, 31 Morris.
Moyer David, engineer, Franklin borough.
Moyer George, Engineer, Franklin borough.
Moyer Wm., laborer, Franklin borough.
Mucklcarr Wm., boards Washington, Minersville.
Mullen Andrew, teamster, boards Iron near Bridge, Millville.
Mullen Edward, laborer, near Portage, east end Conemaugh.
Mullen John, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Mullen Patrick, laborer, Portage, east end Conemaugh.
Mullen Peter, miner, Portage, Conemaugh.
Muller John, grocer, 272 and 274 Main.
Munk Herman, teamster, Railroad and Adams, Conemaugh.
Munsart Frederick, Shook maker, 339 Railroad.
Murdock Mary, widow, 142 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Murets Judson, shoemaker, Coopersdale borough.
Murn John, tailor, boards 145 Market.
Murphy Dennis, laborer, Franklin borough.
Murphy Bridget, window, east Portage, Conemaugh.
Murphy James, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
MURPHY JAS. J., clothing and gents' furnishing goods, 109 Clinton, residence, 115 Court.
Murphy John, works C. I. Co., 83 Vine.
Murphy John, miner, Walnut, Cambria.
Murphy John, miner, Branch, Cambria.
Murphy Michael, clothing, 255 Main, residence 82 Market.
Murphy Miles, laborer, Franklin borough.
Murphy Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Minersville.
Murr Charles, cigar manufacturer, 158 Washington.
Murr Godfrey, 150 Washington.
Murr Mary, dress making, 192 Main.
Murran John, tailor, boards Market.
Murray Edward, fireman, Portage, Conemaugh.
Murray James, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Conemaugh.
Murray James, works C. I. Co., 86 Spring, Millville.
Murray John, works C. I. Co., middle Prospect.
Murray John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Murray Michael, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Murray Owen, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Murray Patrick, miner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Murray Robert, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Murray Thomas, fireman, Portage, Conemaugh.
Murray Patrick, miner, Broad, Cambria.
Murray William, W., works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Murray Wm., laborer, Chestnut, Cambria.
Murta Joseph, works C. I. Co., Coal, Conemaugh.
Murtha James, miner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Murtha Owen, works C. I. Co., Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Murton John, miner, Portage, Conemaugh.
Murton Robert, miner, Portage, Conemaugh.
Murton Thomas, miner, Portage, Conemaugh.
Myer Barbara, widow, Walnut, Cambria
Myers Andrew, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria
Myers August, shoemaker, Locust and Adams, Conemaugh
Myers Chauncey F., laborer, Adams, Conemaugh
Myers Henry, laborer, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh
Myers John, laborer, Franklin borough
Myers Josiah, works C. I. Co., 59 Morris
Myers Josiah, laborer, Adams, Conemaugh
Myers Matthias, laborer, Adams, Conemaugh
Myers Thomas, laborer, Franklin borough
Myers Thomas, stone mason, 110 Union
Myers Wm. F., grocer, 163 Main
Myers Wm. F., works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville
Myers Windel, driver, Railroad, Cambria
Myles Wm. L., of Lewis, Myles & Co., Lincoln

-- N --

Nallan Michael, works C. I. Co., 93 Spring, Millville.
Nannsteiel Constantine, laborer, Depot, Conemaugh.
Nangle John, works C. I. Co., Branch, Cambria.
Nary Austin, peddler, opposite school house, Minersville.
Nary John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Nary Thomas works C. I. Co., Branch, Cambria.
Nathan A. & Bro., notions, 223 Main.
Nathan Adolph, of A. Nathan & Bro., boards Hulbert House.
Nathan Simon, of A. Nathan & Bro., boards Hulbert House.
Nathanson Lewis, of M. H. Nathanson & Co., 235 Main.
Nathanson M. H. & Co., merchant tailors, 235 and 237 Main.
Nathanson Morris H., of M. H. Nathanson & Co., 7 Morris.
Navin Mary, widow, Church, Conemaugh.
Neary Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Neff Wm., works C. I. Co., Locust and Adams, Conemaugh.
Nelius Christ., miner, head of Peter, Conemaugh.
Nelson John, puddler, Hornerstown.
NESMITH R. D., sup;t. Woodvale woolen mills, Woodvale borough.
Nevell Fred., wagon maker, boards 178 Main.
Nicholls Stephen, blacksmith, Iron, Millville.
Nichols Thomas, ticket agent P. R. R., boards Hulbert House.
Nicodemus George, works C. I. Co., boards 123 Morris.
Nightengale Patrick, laborer, Railroad, Cambria.
Nimmey Samuel J., tanner, 67 Sherman.
Nimmey Wm., tanner, 69 Sherman.
Nipple Andrew, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Nitch George, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Nixdorf John, oysters, 214 Main.
Nixon Robert H., clerk, 4 Main.
Niz Robert, train dispatcher, boards First, East Conemaugh.
Noe Andrew, laborer, Haynes, Conemaugh.
Noe Conrad, Huber, Conemaugh.
Noel Joseph, shoemaker, King.
Nolan Archie, teamster, Main, Minersville.
Nolan Jacob, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Nolan Katherine, widow, head of Coal, Conemaugh.
Nolan Wm., laborer, Iron, Millville.
Nolan Katherine, widow, head of Coal, Conemaugh.
Nolan Wm., laborer, Iron, Millville.
Noon David, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Nores Sarah, dress maker, 145 1/2 Market.
Normington Washington, spinner, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Nugent John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Nusser Adam, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Nutter, Cunningham & Co., grocers, Portage near Clinton.
Nutter Eben T., of Nutter, Cunningham & Co., Portland, Maine.

-- O --

Oakley James, works C. I. Co., River, Millville.
O'Brian Edward, foreman, Franklin borough.
O'Brien Wm., works C. I. Co., 66 Water, Millville.
O'Brien Wm., candy store, Iron, Millville.
O'Callaghan James, laborer, 121 Lock.
O'Connell Larry, works C. I. Co., near Spring, Millville.
O'Connell Patrick, saloon, 190 Washington.
O'Donnel Sarah, widow, Main, Minersville.
O'Donnel Betty, widow, Prospect.
O'Donnell John, miner, Portage, Conemaugh.
Ogle Chas., messenger, 215 Main.
Ogle J. Earl, clerk, 215 Main.
OGLE MRS. H. M., agent W. U. Telegraph Co., 215 Main.
O'Hara Thomas, works C. I. Co., 142 Pike's Peak, Millville.
O'Keefe James, laborer, Minersville.
Oldham Nathan J., water guager, 30 Morris.
Oliver Joseph, miner, 17 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
O'Mara Cornelius, works C. I. Co., 163 Furnace row, Millville.
O'Neil Edward, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
O'Neil John, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
O'Neil John, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
O'Neill Patrick, brakeman, Third, East Conemaugh.
Ontreter Peter, works round house, Franklin borough.
Oris Lewis, watchman, Franklin borough.
Orms Edward, laborer, Apple alley.
Orms John C., miner, Hornerstown.
Orms Norris, machinist, Hornerstown.
Orr William, shoemaker, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Orth George, baker, Huber, Conemaugh.
Orth William, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh.
Osborn Edgar, works woolen mill, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Osborn Edward, works C. I. Co., 168 Furnace row, Millville.
Osthiem Henry, laborer, 117 Sherman.
Ott Charles, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Conemaugh.
Ott Fred. W., pattern maker, Hornerstown.
Otto George, laborer, Prospect, Millville.
Ott John, pattern maker, Hornerstown.
Otto Sylvester, works C. I. Co., boards Prospect, Millville.
Otto Wm., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Overmeyer Rosa, widow, Third, Cambria.
Owen Edward L., groceries, 61 Sherman.
Owens Andrew, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Owens Edward, of Owens & Son, 126 Market.
Owens George, works C. I. Co., 92 Spring, Millville.
Owens Henry, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Owens james, Iron, Millville.
Owens Noah, works C. I. Co., 80 Spring, Millville.
Owens & Son, crocers, 126 market.
Owens Wm., of Owens & Son, 126 Market.
Owens Wm., grocer, 122 Market.
Owens Wm. R., works C. I. Co., 112 Spring, Millville.

-- P --

Paff George, works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria.
Page Samuel, laborer, Second, Conemaugh.
Painter David, brick layer, boards 73 River.
Painter James M., works C. I. Co., 51 Dibert.
Palliser Christopher, stone mason, west end Napoleon.
Palmer George, works C. I. Co., 165 Somerset.
Palmer Joseph, works C. I. Co., Napoleon near Dibert.
Palmer Margaret, widow, First, East conemaugh.
Palmer William A., heater, 141 Somerset.
Parfit Thomas, works cement mill, 124 Furnace row, Millville.
Park Mrs. widow, 33 Napoleon.
Parke John, marble works, 139 Franklin, res. 318 Bedford.
Parker Ann, widow, 6 Morris.
Parker Furgeson, clerk, boards Hulbert House.
Parks Geo., engineer, Locust and Third, East Conemaugh.
Parker John T., brick maker, west end Napoleon.
Parks Mary A., widow, 11 Morris.
Parks Rebecca, widow, First, East Conemaugh.
Parks Simeon H., brick maker, west end Napoleon.
Parsons Aubrey R., blacksmith, 129 Walnut.
Parsons John W., clerk, 129 Walnut.
PARSONS ROBERT, tailor, 129 Market.
Pascoe Lewis, miner, 91 Main.
Patterson Thomas, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Patton Wm. J., works C. I. Co., 64 Market.
Patterson Wm. S., clerk, 57 Sherman.
Patterson Wilson, drayman, 213 Broad.
Patton James, works C. I. Co., 64 Market.
Patton Mary, widow, Portage near Clinton.
Patton Samuel, works C. I. Co., 64 Market.
Patton Wm. P., furniture, Bedford and Feeder alley.
Paul George S., laborer, Franklin borough.
Peake George, brick business, 178 Washington.
Peake Robert, works C. I. Co., 129 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Pearson John, clerk, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Peck Wm., works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Peden Able, carpenter, 81 Morris.
Peden Edward, carpenter, 146 Morris.
Peden Henry, farmer, 144 Morris.
Peden John, carpenter, 85 Morris.
Peden Keesey C., printer, Morris.
Peden Samule, clerk, Morris.
Peden Samuel A., carpenter, 85 Morris.
Peelor David, civil engineer, 140 Main.
Peelor Harry S., civil engineer, 140 Main.
Peer Charles, teamster, boards 331 Bedford.
Pendry John, of Pendry & Son, Clinton.
Pendry John, Jr., of Pendry & Son, Clinton.
Pendry & Son, undertakers and furniture dealers, Clinton and Washington.
Pendry Thomas, chair maker, Clinton.
Penglaze John, miner, Iron, Millville.
Penrod G., carpenter, Portage, Conemaugh.
Penrod Geo., cooper, boards Portage, Conemaugh.
Penrod Isaac, stone mason, Portage, Conemaugh.
Penrod Jacob, works C. I. C., 224 Washington Minersville.
Penrod James D., cooper, 85 Main.
Penrod Samuel, cooper, Portage, Conemaugh.
Penrod William painter, 93 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Pepler Christ., works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Peregrine Simon, machinist, 108 Vine.
Perry Barbara, widow, Iron, Millville.
Perry Margaret, widow, Iron, Millville.
Peters Charles, machinist, boards 121 Union.
Peters Edward, butcher, 121 Union.
Peters Samuel, works C. I. Co., 64 market.
Peterson Jacob, blacksmith, Sherman near South.
Peterson John, cigar maker, boards 133 Clinton.
Petrikin A. B., clerk, W. M. & Co., Park.
Petrikin Albert B., clerk, Potts.
Petrikin David P., machinist, Potts.
Petrikin Henry B., works C. I. Co., 124 Chestnut.
Petrikin Thomas J., Potts.
Pfarr Adam, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Pfarr Andrew, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Pfarr Eve, widow, Chestnut, Cambria.
Pfarr John, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Pfeifer A., grocery and boarding, 288 Main.
Pfister Echart, painter, Bedford.
Pfoerr J. A., grocer, Broad and Sixth, Cambria.
Phaller Andrew, laborer, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Phile Eckhart, brewer, Hornerstown.
Phillippi George W., clerk, 80 Napoleon.
Phillips Hibbard S., sup't Johnstown Schools, 33 Stony Creek.
Phillips John, Sr., contractor, 190 Main.
Phillips John, Jr., engineer, 190 Main.
Phillips Peter, works C. I. Co., 190 Main.
Phillips Robert, blacksmith, 93 Main.
Pitt Rev. J., Franklin borough.
Pickney John, miner C. I. Co., bds. Branch, Cambria.
Piff Conrad, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Pike James, tinner, boards 155 Morris.
Pike W. W., stoves and tinware, 142 and 144 Franklin.
Piper Mary W., widow, 122 Chestnut.
Platt Edward, wks. woolen mill, east end Maple ave., Woodvale.
Plitt Lewis, boards Hulbert House.
Post John, laborer, Church, Conemaugh.
Post Louis Laborer, boards Iron and Bridge, Millville.
Post William, works C. I. Co., boards Iron and Bridge, Millville.
POST OFFICE, Geo. T. Swank, postmaster, Franklin.
Potter George E., telegraph operator, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Potter Joseph, works C. I. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Potter Joseph F., works C. I. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Potter Robt., works C. I. Co., 163 Somerset.
Potter Thomas, moulder, 10 Walnut.
Potts Charles W., engineer, 119 Walnut.
Potts George G., student, 119 Walnut.
Potts James, attorney, 119 Walnut.
Potts James P. P., miner, 32 Market.
Potts John K., clerk, 119 Walnut.
Potts Thomas, plasterer, 32 Market.
Poverz Margaret, widow, Furnace row, Millville.
Powell Ivan, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Preston Anthony, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Price James B., works C. I. Co., 55 Haynes.
Price John D., laborer, Locust and Potts alley.
Price John J., miner, 36 Walnut.
Price John W., works C. I. Co., 136 Market.
Price Joseph, works C. I. Co., 120 Chestnut.
Price Mary E., widow, 55 Haynes.
Price William, works C. I. Co., boards 78 Conemaugh.
Priest James, works C. I. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Priest Nicholas, works C. I. Co., boards Portage.
Priest Nicholas, laborer, boards European House.
Priest Nicholas, laborer, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Pringle Daniel, Franklin borough.
Pringle Jacob, laborer, Franklin borough.
Pringle William, laborer, Franklin borough.
PRITCHARD HENRY, proprietor Japan Tea Store, and dealer in groceries and prvisions, 137, residence 81 Market.
Proctor Fred., miner, head of Main, Conemaugh.
Proctor Samuel, laborer, 119 Furnace, Millvale.
Prosser Cyrus, miner, 106 Union.
Prosser David, farmer, 128 Union.
Prothro Rev. ----, boards Hulbert House.
Prunkard Henry D., works C. I. Co., 52 Iron, Millville..
Pudy Robert, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Pugh John, spinner, 22 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Pugh T. G., works woolen mill, 21 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Pugh T. G., works woolen mill, 24 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Purse -----, widow, Washington and Market.
Purse Mary J., 353 Main.
Purse Mary M., saleslady, W. M. & Co., res. 116 Market.


QUIGG WM. W., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 66 residence 97 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Quigley John, miner, Kailroad, Cambria.
Quinn Christy, laborer, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Quinn James, miner, Portage, Conemaugh.
Quinn James, of Geis, Foster & Quinn, 315 Main.
Quinn John, miner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Quinn John, works C. I. Co., Fifth and Broad.
Quinn Michael, puddler, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Quinn Michael, policeman, Huber, Conemaugh.
Quinn Michael, Jr., works C. I. Co., Huber, Conemaugh.
Quinn Miss Ellen, saleslady, 133 Franklin.
Quinn Patrick, works C. I. Co., boards E. Howe's, Cambria.
Quinn Patrick, laborer, Railroad and Haynes.
Quinn Patrick, miner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Quinn Rose, widow, 140 Franklin.


Raab Conrad, saloon, 188 Washington.
Raab George, saloon, 147 Clinton.
Rabb Emma, boarding house, 23 Morris.
RADCLIFF THOMAS, rags and paper, highest cash prices paid for old rags, &c., 196 Main, boards Mansion House.
Rafferty Bernard F., flagman, 18 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Rafferty Bernard, laborer, 18 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Rafter Rev. George, pastor Episcopal Church, boards Hulbert House.
Rager Benjamin, laborer, Furnace row, Millville.
Rager George, laborer, Franklin borough.
Railroad House, near Depot, East Conemaugh.
Rainey Samuel, works C. I. Co., 80 Market.
Ramsey Anna, widow, 114 Morris.
Ramsey Miss Lizzie, milliner, 82 Franklin, res. Morris.
Randolph Geo. F., book keeper, W. M. & Co., 130 Main.
Randolph Richard, clerk, 116 Locust.
Rankin Joseph, laborer, Napoleon between Dibert and South.
Rapp George W., blacksmith, 182 Napoleon.
Rapp William H., carpenter, 182 Napoleon.
Ratigan Patrick, works C. I. Co., 56 Water, Millville.
Raush George, works C. I. Co., Singer.
Raush John, works C. I. Co., Singer.
Rayman Alexander, constable, 138 Morris.
Reader John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Reagan Mary, widow, Franklin borough.
Ream Elizabeth, widow, Front, Cambria.
Ream Ephraim, carpenter, Third, East Conemaugh.
Ream Frank, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria.
Ream Fred., brewer, south end Bedford.
Ream John, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria.
Reavel Alex., works C. I. Co., Haynes, Conemaugh.
Recke A. & A., bakery and confectionery, 286 Washington.
Recke Albert, of A. & A. Recke, 286 Washington.
Recke Alexander, of A. & A. Recke, 286 Washington.
Recke Max, baker, boards 286 Washington.
Redden Michael, laborer, Railroad, Cambria.
Reece David, laborer, Point.
Reed George W., wagon maker, Napoleon and South.
Reed George Y., engineer, Feeder, Conemaugh.
Reed Jacob, watchman, 84 Haynes.
Reed Ottinger, marble cutter, 73 Market.
Reed Samuel S., works C. I. Co., Napoleon and South.
Reed William S., wagon maker, Napoleon and South.
Rees David D., miner, Market and Stony Creek.
Rees David G., tailor, 48 market.
Rees David L., miner, 119 Chestnut.
Rees James W., clerk, W. M. & Co., 59 Main.
Rees John D., laborer, Union and Conemaugh.
Rees Lewis, miner, 59 Main.
Rees Margaret D., widow, Union and Conemaugh.
Reese ------, 117 Vine.
Reese George, laborer, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Reese James, miner, 75 Union.
Reese John D., laborer, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Reese John G., laborer, 165 Grant.
Reese Margaret, widow, Main and Union.
Reese Mary Ann, widow, 27 market.
Reese Morgan, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Reese Robert, works C. I. Co., 69 Market.
Reese Samuel, conductor, 144 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Reese Wm., miner, Iron, Millville.
Reese Wm., laborer, boards Iron near Bridge, Millville.
Reich L., Washington House saloon, Portage, Conemaugh.
Reighard David, works C. I. Co., opp. school house, Minersville.
Reighard Elizabeth, widow, Minersville.
Reighard Joseph, brakeman, Franklin borough.
Reighard Levi, works C. I. Co., opp. school house, Minersville.
Reighard Mary, dress maker, 167 Main.
Reightbower Frank, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Reiking Henry, works C. I. Co., Main and Adam.
Reily Thomas, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Reinbolt George, laborer, Walnut, Cambria.
Reinhart John, works C. I. Co., Third, Cambria.
Repp Sylvester, laborer, alley near Stony Creek.
Resan Anthony, blacksmith, 35 King.
Ressler John, fireman, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Reynolds Archibald, works C. I. Co., South near Morris.
Reynolds James, car inspector, bds. Second, East Conemaugh.
Reynolds Richard, works C. I. Co., 67 Water, Millville.
Rhoads Ella, widow, Hornerstown.
Rhoads Geo., laborer, Hornerstown.
Rhoades Samuel S., works C. I. Co., Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Rhodes John, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville.
Rhodes William, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville.
Rhodes William T., works C. I. Co., 35 Market.
Rhein Con., works C. I. Co., 100 Spring, Millville.
Ribblitz Alexander B., shoemaker, Franklin borough.
Ribblitz Samuel, laborer, Franklin borough.
Rich George, works C. I. Co., River, Millville.
Rich William V., laborer, Stony Creek near Market.
Richards John, blacksmith, 2 Conemaugh.
Richards Thomas, miner, River, Millville.
Richards William H., works C. I. Co., Prospect Millville.
Richmeyer Susan, widow, head Locust, Conemaugh.
Riddle John B., brakeman, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Ridout Lewis, tanner, River near Dibert.
Rieths Martin, laborer, Hornerstown.
Riffle Augustine G., hostler, 183 Locust.
Riffle Isadore, cement maker, Broad, Cambria.
Riffle John C., livery, pearl and Franklin, res. 183 Locust.
Riffle Joseph, laborer, Broad, Cambria.
Riffle Peter M., works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Riley B. C., works C. I. Co., 99 Spring, Millville.
Riley Edward. works C. I. Co., Second and Broad, Cambria.
Riley Peter, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Riley Timothy, works C. I. Co., Minersville.
Rinebolt Geo., laborer, 199 Napoleon.
Rinebolt John, works C. I. Co., 76 Spring, Millville.
Ringler James, laborer, 165 Morris.
Ringler Mary, widow, 165 Morris.
Rippel Barbara, widow, Huber, Conemaugh.
Rippel Geo., works C. I. Co., Huber, Conemaugh.
Rippel Leonard, works C. I. Co., Huber, Conemaugh.
Ripple Levi J., of Crofford & Ripple, 117 Morris.
Rish Jacob, works C. I. Co., 8 Walnut.
Rish William, works C. I. Co., boards Coal, Conemaugh.
Rish Wm, laborer, boards head of Main, Conemaugh.
Rist Martin, vinegar manufacturer, Singer, Conemaugh.
Ritter John, works C. I. Co., bds. Broad, Cambria.
Ritter Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Rittroeger Fred., painter, head of Main, Conemaugh.
Ritz Lewis, works C. I. Co., Depot, Conemaugh.
Robb Barbara, widow, Portage, Conemaugh.
Robb Benjamin, brick maker, 73 Morris.
Robb James, brick maker, 58 Morris.
Robb Samuel, works C. I. Co., 27 Napoleon.
ROBERTS HOWARD J., cashier First National Bank, and borough treasurer, 112 Main.
Roberts Harriet, widow, east end Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Roberts Henry, stone mason, Broad and Fourth, Cambria.
ROBERTS I. EDWARD, fire insurance agent, 114 market, res. 66 Main.
Roberts Jehu, sup't farms C. I. Co., River.
Roberts John, carpenter, Franklin borough.
Roberts John D., of John Dibert & Co., Vine.
Roberts Miss Miranda, sales lady, Lincoln avenue.
Roberts Robert, works C. I. Co., Beech, Woodvale.
Robinson Thomas, works C. I. Co., boards 57 Maple avenue Woodvale.
Robinson Robert P., auctioneer, 96 Haynes.
Robison Wm., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Robison William F., works C. I. Co., 96 Haynes.
Roden Christopher, laborer, 95 Spring, Millville.
Rodgers Frank, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Rodgers Hugh, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Rodgers John, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Rodgers Michael, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Rodgers Newton, miller, boards 316 Main.
Rodgers Patrick, grocer, Iron, Millville.
Rodgers Wm. sewing machine agent, 41 1/2 Locust.
Roedl Adam, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Roedl Tenissa, widow, Portage, Conemaugh.
Rohter Adam, carpenter, 64 Napoleon.
Rohves Herman, hostler, boards Mansion House.
Roidle Adam, teamster, Portage, Conemaugh.
Roland Adam, clerk W. M. & Co., Adams, Conemaugh.
Roney Michael, works C. I. Co., broad, Cambria.
Rose George, machinist, boards Mansion House.
Rose Harry, laborer, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Rose Nelson, laborer, Water, Millville.
Rose Noah, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Rose Westley J., of Jacoby & Rose, Vine and Franklin.
Rose W. Horace, attorney, 64 Franklin, residence 131 Main.
Rosenberger Christ., works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria.
Rosenberger Martin, works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria.
Rosensteel Curt., A., book keeper, boards Maple ave., Woodvale.
ROSENSTEEL WM. H., tanner, Maple avenue and First, Woodvale.
Rosensteel Wm. H., Jr., tanner, 6 Maple avenue and First, Woodvale.
Ross, Charles, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Ross Joseph, works C. I. Co., Minersville.
Ross Joseph, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Ross Wm. A., teamster, Portage, Conemaugh.
Ross Wm., Jr., teamster, Portage, Conemaugh.
Roth Casper, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Roth Emil, clerk, W. M. & Co., Conemaugh.
Roth John, laborer, Hornerstown.
Roth Peter, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Conemaugh.
Rowley Geo., machinist, 12 Furnace, Millville.
Royer John L., clerk, Locust and Walnut.
Royer Samuel J., U. S. revenue collector, 93 Franklin, res. Walnut and Locust.
Rubrity Peter, grocery, Franklin borough.
Ruckser John, works C. I. Co., Coal.
Rude Samuel, works C. I. Co., 178 Main, Minersville.
Rude Wesley, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
Rumery Morris D., of Nutter, Cunningham & Co., res. Portage near Clinton, Conemaugh.
Russell James, street commissioner, Franklin borough.
RUTH CHARLES S., book binder and book seller, 124 Clinton.
Ruth Joseph, cabinet maker, Feeder.
RUTLEDGE IRVIN, fire and life insurance agent, 174 Main, res. 59 Walnut.
Ryan Hugh, moulder, Hornerstown.
Ryan John, grocer and postmaster, Branch and Front, Cambria.
Ryan John, laborer, Prospect, Millville.
Ryan Mary, widow, Prospect, Millville.
Ryan Michael, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Ryan Patrick, laborer, Minersville.
Ryan Wm., clerk W. M. & Co., Spring.
Ryckman Elizabeth, Branch, Cambria.

Date Created: 4 Nov 2003
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2008
Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors



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