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1876 Johnstown City Directory |
Gaffney John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Gageby George W., machinist, 264 Locust. Gageby John S., moulder, Jackson. Gageby Joseph, machinist. Jackson.V Gageby Robert B., blacksmith, Jackson. Gallagher Bridget, widow, Prospect. Gallagher C., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gallagher Hugh, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gallagher J. S., of T. & G. Gallagher, 249 Main. Gallagher James, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gallagher John, works C. I. Co., Second, Cambria. Gallagher John, laborer, Front, Cambria. Gallagher Taylor, of T. & G. Gallagher, Morris and River. GALLAGHER T. & G., dealers in Groceries, Flour, Gain, Feed, &c.;, 247 and 249 Main. Gallagher Wm., works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Galbrearth Alonzo H., works C. I. Co., 42 Somerset. Galbreath John, U. S. distiller store-keeper, 42 Somerset. Galbreath Wm., works C. I. Co., 134 Franklin. Gannon Wm., works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Garnener Geo. A., shoemaker, Lincoln avenue. Gard James, miner, head of Main. Gardner John P., clerk, Lincoln. Gargen John, works C. I. Co., towpath, Millville. Garhardt John, shoemaker, Hornerstown. Garhardt Peter J., stone mason, Hornerstown. Garper John, carpenter, Second, Cambria. Garrigan Ellen, widow, Ridge alley, Conemaugh. Garriet Peter, works C. I. Co., Adams, Conemaugh. Garrity John, works C. I. Co., Prospect. Garrity Patrick, laborer, Prospect. Garrity Michael, laborer, Church and Railroad. Garver Joseph, cabinet maker, near Railroad. Garvey Michael, laborer, 167 Franklin. Garvey Patrick, works C. I. Co., 169 Franklin. Garvey Thomas, works C. I. Co., 169 Franklin. Garvy Barney, laborer, Walnut, Cambria. Gates Joseph, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Gates Thomas, fireman, Franklin borough. Gatens Charles, peddler, Prospect, Millville. Gatens John, peddler, Railroad near Singer, Conemaugh. Gathagan Harrison, laborer, head of Locust, Conemaugh. Gay Margaret, widow, Iron, Millville. Gay Thomas D., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Gebhart John, laborer, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Geddes George, 37 Stony Creek. Geer James H., draughtsman, 119 Union. Gehring John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Geick Henry, works C. I. Co., Huber, Conemaugh. Geis, Foster & Quinn, grocers, 113 and 115 Conemaugh. Geis John, of Geis, Foster & Quinn, 315 Main. Geis Miss Maggie, clerk, 315 Main. Geiser Andrew, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh. Geiser Geo., stone mason, Huber, Conemaugh. Geiset Esther A., cigars &c.;, 69 Morris. Geist Lewis, 69 Morris. Geist Thomas A., cigar maker, 69 ® Morris, Kernville. Gellespie Henry, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gellespie Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gellespie Robb, works works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gellespie Wm., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Geobert Christian, works C. I. Co., 26 Market. Gerhardt August, cigar manufacturer, 133 Clinton. Gerhardt Conrad, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Gerhardt John, saloon, 154 Washington. Gerhardt John, shoe shop, Bedford and Main. Gersting August, works C. I. Co., Potts. Gethlein Peter, miner, Adams, Conemaugh. Ghrist Charles W., works C. I. Co., 119 Market. Christ Frank, engineer, 128 Locust. Christ Wm. C., superintendent coke yard, 128 Locust. Gibbs George C., printer, Portage, Conemaugh. Gibson James, works C. I. Co., near Spring, Millville. Gick Albert, laborer, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Giddings E. W., trader, boards Morrison House. Giffin Jacob, teamster, Second, East Conemaugh. Giffen Jacob, works round house, Franklin borough. Gilbert Frank B., revenue collector, 136 Locust. Gillinger George, works C. I. Co., 31 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Gillinger John, laborer, 29 Maple avenue, Woodvale. GIVEN H. W., DEALER IN GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, &c.;, Iron, Millville. Given Samuel, clerk, Iron, Millville. Given Wm., laborer, Iron, Millville. Glass Andrew, policeman, Potts alley. Glass Jacob A., engineer, 49 Main. Glass Margaret, widow, alley back of Market. Glauber Edward, baker for Jacob Fend. Glauber Michael, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Gleichert Jacob, cooper, Portage, Conemaugh. Gleissner George, coke filler, Hornerstown. Glenn Hugh, works C. I. Co., 145 Pike's Peak, Millville. Glick Albert, cigar maker, boards 331 Bedford. Glick Allan, cigar maker, boards Bedford. Glock Christ, works C. I. Co., Prospect. Gobert Henry, laborer, 68 Sherman. Gocher George, carpenter, Bedford. Gocher Margaret, of Gocher & McClure, south end Bedford. Gocher & McClure, confectioners, south end, Bedford. Gockley Aaron, laborer, Stony Creek near Bedford. Gochnour Aaron, carpenter, Franklin borough. Goughnour Jane L., widow, Franklin borough. Gochnour Adam, laborer, Lincoln. Gochnour Benjamin, cooper, Third, East Conemaugh. Goebert William, works C. I. Co., 18 Market. Goemer Jacob, brewer, Walnut, Cambria. Goetheold Mainsman B., machinist, Cambria. Goff James, laborer, Railroad near Singer, Conemaugh. Goff Peter, works C. I. Co., Huber and Coal. Goggin Daniel, works C. I. Co., lower end Main, Minersville. Gogan James, laborer, Minersville. Gohn John R., stone mason, 159 and 161 Morris. Golall Joseph, miner, Portage, Conemaugh. Golde John, salesman, 20 Walnut. Goldman Michael, works C. I. Co., Broad and Eighth, Cambria. Goltstein Emil L., engineer, 120 Locust. Goldshine Henry, laborer, Horner. Gonraugh Conrad, laborer, 57 Morris. Good Daniel W., brakeman, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Good David, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Good George W., brakeman, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Good Joseph A., brakeman, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Goodwin John, miner, 120 Union. Goodwin Jonathan, miner, 12 Walnut. Gordon Susan L., dress maker, Market and Locust. Gordon Martha J., widow, 164 Locust alley. Gordon Wm. H., works C. I. Co., 164 Locust alley. Gore Henry, works C. I. Co., Branch, Cambria. Gore John, engineer, 65 Napoleon. Gore John, clerk, 244 Locust. Gore John A., works C. I. Co., 65 Napoleon. Gore John M., clerk, 248 Locust. Gore Thomas, teamster, 244 Locust. Gore Winfield S., engineer, 65 Napoleon. Gore Wm. H., laborer C. I. Co., Branch, Cambria. Gossard Joseph, laborer, Franklin borough. Gossard Christian, laborer, Franklin borough. Gossard John, laborer, Franklin borough. Gossard Westley, laborer, Franklin borough. Gossner Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Gottsche Marcus, wks. Woolen mill, bds. Maple avenue, Woodvale. Goudy Elizabeth, weaver, 57 Haynes. Goudy Morgan W., conductor, 6 Main. Goughnour Alex., laborer, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Goughnour Harriet, widow, Singer near Railroad, Conemaugh. Goughnour Hiram, fireman, Third, East Conemaugh. Goughnour Philip, engineer, Pine, East Conemaugh. Gouldon Ellen, widow, Union, Minersville. Grady John, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Grafe Oscar, brewer, Horner. Graham John T., works C. I. Co., 72 Spring, Millville. Graham P., cigars and tobacco, 127 Franklin and Locust. Graham Patrick, cigars, Morris west end. Graham Robert S., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Grant Wm., miner, Huber, Conemaugh. Grather Fred, laborer, Singer, Conemaugh. Gray Charles, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gray George W., works C. I. Co., 96 Spring, Millville. Gray Jessie, widow, Franklin borough. Gray Robert, miner, Iron, Millville. Gready John, laborer, Iron, Millville. Gready Mary, saloon, Iron, Millville. Greavel Alex. J., works C. I. Co., Haynes, Conemaugh. Greavel Wm., fireman, Haynes, Conemaugh. Gregg A. M., time keeper, C. I. Co., Millville. Gregory Chas., works C. I. Co., boards Portage, Conemaugh. Gregory R. C., laborer, boards, European House. Gregory Stephen, carpenter, Millville. Green Adam, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Green Catherine, widow, Millville. Green Mathias, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Green Patrick, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Green Wesley, photographer, 347 Locust. Greenwood Daniel, laborer, Railroad and Haynes, Conemaugh. Greenwood George, laborer, near Railroad and Clinton. Greer Asbury, clerk, 39 Napoleon. Grey Mrs., widow, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Grey Charles, miner C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Gribble Benjamin, miner, 62 ® Conemaugh. Griest Wm. P., laborer, 23 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Griffin Daniel, laborer, east Portage, Conemaugh. Griffin Jacob, laborer, Second, East Conemaugh. Griffin James, 82 Walnut. Griffin Michael, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Griffis ----, widow, Iron, Millville. Griffis David, works C. I. Co., 15 Iron, Millville. Griffith David, works C. I. Co., 116 Chestnut. Griffith David S., plasterer, 61 Somerset. Griffith Joshua N., works C. I. Co., 61 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Griffith Lemuel D., works C. I. Co., 349 Bedford. Griffith Nelson, laborer, 70 Vine. Griffith N. B., school teacher, Coopersdale borough. Griffith Obadiah, plasterer, 186 Somerset. Griffith Uriah A., flour and feed, 86 Franklin, res. Morris. Griffith Wesley J., laborer, alley near Main. Griffith William, farmer, 43 ® Napoleon. Griffiths John F., miner, 65 Main. Grizey Frank, works C. I. Co., boards Second, Cambria. Grimsly Levi W., laborer, 181 Morris. Grimsly Thompson, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh. Grogan John, wks C. I. Co., bds. 226 Washington, Minersville. Grosch Casper, miner, Huber, Conemaugh. Grove Jacob, laborer, 87 River. Grove John W., cigar maker, boards 69 Morris. Gruble Mrs., widow, Potts. Habercorn Frederick, laborer C. I. Co., Railroad, Conemaugh. Hacker John, laborer, 48 Somerset. Haelpig Fred., laborer, Hornerstown. Hager Casper, Washington. Hager Casper, shoemaker, 202 Washington. Hager George, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Hager George, shoemaker, Iron, Millville. Hager George A., shoemaker, 262 Washington. Hager James, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Hager Walter, shoemaker, 262 Washington. Hagerty Charles, laborer, 27 Walnut. Hagerty Dennis, works C. I. Co., lower end Main, Minersville. Hagry John, works woolen mill, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Hahn Wm., butcher, 151 Somerset. Hahn Conrad, butcher, Washington and Walnut, residence 151 Somerset. Hahn John, works C. I. Co., Peter, Conemaugh. Hale Abraham, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Hale Esther, widow, Minersville. Hale Solomon, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Hale Wm., works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Hamilton Alexander, Jr., works C. I. Co., 122 Locust. Hamilton Alexander, sup't rolling mill, 122 Locust. Hammer August, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Hamilton Charles W., works C. I. Co., 80 Morris. Hamilton George E., clerk, 131 Walnut. Hamilton George W., works C. I. Co., 52 Market. Hamilton Jacob, clerk W., M. & Co., 324 Bedford. Hamilton James A., works C. I. Co., 122 Locust. Hamilton James D., janitor, Broad near Franklin. Hamilton John, pattern maker, 80 Morris. Hamilton John H., works C. I. Co., 55 Maple avenue. Hamilton Joseph, brakeman, 161 Franklin. Hamilton Patrick, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Hamilton Thomas F., works C. I. Co., 122 Locust. Hamel Peter, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Hanahan John, works C. I. Co., Prospect. Hanahan John, Jr., works C. I. Co., Prospect. Hanahan Patrick, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Hanahan Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Hanay Barney, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. HANCUFF H. S. MANUFACTURER OF WAGONS, HORSE SHOEING PROMPTLY DONE, BLACKSMITHING OF ALL KINDS, 59 River, residence 69 Morris. Hancuff Henry S., of Lavely & Hancuff, 69 Morris. HANNAN JOHN, grocer, 83 and 85 Franklin. Harenberg Fred., works C. I. Co., Depot, Conemaugh. Harker John S., machinist, 349 Locust, Conemaugh. Harkins Mary, widow, Front, Cambria. Harkins Sylvester, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Harlan Nicholas, works C. I. Co., Church, Conemaugh. Harmoney Benjamin F., laborer, 10 Walnut. Harnick John, works C. I. Co., 71 Union. Harprath Henry, machinist, boards 46 Somerset. Harris Allen, machinist, boards 23 Morris. Harris David A., clerk, Coopersdale borough. Harrold Jacob A., school teacher, 14 Market. Harris Charles F., clerk, boards Mansion House. Harris John D., laborer, 80 Conemaugh. Harris John J., laborer, 35 Walnut. Harris John T., policeman, 88 Market. Harris Henry, miner, Iron, Millville. Harris Henry T., miner, Lincoln. Harris Moss M., clerk, 117 Union. Harris Thomas D., works C. I. Co., 28 King. Harris Thomas T., works C. I. Co., 58 Vine. Harris William J., miner, 80 Conemaugh. Harris William T., miner, Lincoln. Harshbarger David, farmer, 184 Somerset. Harshbarger D. W., saloon, Clinton and Locust. Hartigan Dennis, works C. I. Co., towpath, Millville. Hartmann Aug., works C. I. Co., Third, Cambria. Hartman Jacob, miner, 25 Walnut. Hartnett Michael, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Hartzbarger William, laborer, 65 Somerset. Hartung Conrad, 87 Haynes. Hartzell Cornelius C., brick layer, Pearl. Hartzell George, tanner, 55 Vine. Hartzell Napoleon, brick layer, 134 Morris. Hassinger Henry, works bone mill, Portage, Conemaugh. Hassinger James, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Hassinger John, bone mill, Portage, Conemaugh. Hassinger John G., gas maker, 39 Market. Hassinger Samuel, works C. I. Co., Napoleon near Dibert. Hauber Charles, butcher, Depot, Conemaugh. Haugh John, laborer, River, Millville. Haughey Michael, bar tender, Front and Branch, Cambria. Haughey Peter, saloon, Front and Branch, Cambria. Haunsman Henry, brewer, Bedford. Haus George, works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria. Haus Henry, laborer, boards European House. Hausdurfer R., works C. I. Co., Haynes, Conemaugh. Hawker Jacob, laborer, Beech, Woodvale. Hawker John, laborer, Beech, Woodvale. Hawthorne Wm., tinner, Vine. Hawthron Wm., tinner, Potts. HAWS A . J., fire brick and hydraulic cement works, 127 Main, Cambria. Haws John L., brick maker, 170 Grant. Haws Lavina, widow, River, Millville. Haws Wm. H., clerk, 131 1/2 Walnut. Haws Charles, works cement mill, River, Millville. Hay Barclay, laborer, Third, East Conemaugh. Hay F. W., of F. W. Hay & Son, 116 Main. HAY F. W. & SON, stoves, tin ware and house furnishing goods, 280 Washington. Hay George M., of Baily & Hay, 78 Franklin. Hay Harry M., of F. W. Hay & Son, 116 Main. Hay John, engineer, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Hay John B., book keeper, 21 Morris, Kernville. Hays Austin, blacksmith, Second and Locust, East Conemaugh. Hayes John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Hayes Michael, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Hayes Thomas, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Haynes John F., brick layer, 24 Morris. Haynes Joseph W., laborer, boards 24 Morris. Hays Ned., laborer, near Spring, Millville. Hays Patrick, laborer, near Spring, Millville. Head Joseph, works C. I. Co., 69 Water, Millville. Hecker Frederick,laborer, boards Broad, Cambria. Hecker John, laborer, Broad, Cambria. Heckman George, works C. I. Co., Broad and Fourth, Cambria. Hedderick Henry, laborer, Lincoln near Franklin. Hedrick Wm., farmer. Heepner John, stone mason, Hornerstown. Heepner Nicholas, blacksmith, 338 Main. Heidengfelter John, Sr., miner, 51 Vine. Heidengfelter John, Jr., miner, 51 Vine. Heidenthall B. F., works C. I. Co., Clinton near Portage. Heider Harmon, engineer, Prospect. Heilmann John, laborer, south end Bedford. Heiple Jeremiah, jeweler, Morris and River. Heiser George, grocer, 222 Washington. Heit Lewis, miller, Woodvale. Hearl Wm., works C. I. Co., Railroad and Singer, Conemaugh. Heldt George, brewer, Railroad. Helfrich Catherine, widow, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Helfrich Frederick, laborer, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Helfrich Nicholas, laborer, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Hellriegel Charles, barber, Portage, Conemaugh. Hellriegel Charles, cooper, Portage, Conemaugh. Helsel Hiram, laborer, Locust alley and Potts. Helsel Michael, cooper, south end Bedford. Helstein Francis, Portage, Conemaugh. Henbach Max, brewer, south end Bedford. Henderson G. W., works tannery, Maple avenue, Woodvale. HENDERSON JOHN, undertaker, store and res. 117 Clinton. Henderson Lot, porter, Hulbert House. Hendricks Jane, school teacher, Walnut near Vine. Hendstler Miss Minnie, milliner, Adams. Henger Rudolph, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Hengstler Magdalena, widow, Adams, Conemaugh. HENNING JOHN H., photographer, 203 Main, res. Franklin. Herdman John, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Herold John H., laborer, Franklin borough. Herrington Cornelius, works C. I. Co., Minersville. Herrington Lily E., school teacher, 242 Locust. Herrington Miss E. A. L., school teacher, 242 Locust. Herrington Wm. M., works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville. Hershberger Wm. S., shoemaker, bds. Railroad, East Conemaugh. Herzog Thomas, works C. I. Co., 345 Locust. Heshline Geo., laborer, head of Main, Conemaugh. HESLOP ALF., painter, Morris and River, res. Grant and South. Heslop Charlotte, widow, 88 Vine. Heslop Gale, painter, 84 Vine. Heslop Joseph, teamster, east end Huber. Heslop Wm., painter, 33 King. Hess Alexander, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Hess David R., contractor, Coopersdale borough. Hess George, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Hess Hannah, widow, Coopersdale borough. Hess Jacob M., laborer, 131 Morris. Hess James S., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Hess John, enginer, Coopersdale borough. HESS SOL J., clothier and dealer in gents' furnishing goods, hats, capts, etc., 241 and 243 Main. Hess Wm. B., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Hesselbein Christopher, laborer, Adams, Conemaugh. Hesselbein Henry, laborer, Adams, Conemaugh. Hesselbein Henry, Jr., laborer, Adams, Conemaugh. Hesselbein John, laborer, Adams, Conemaugh. Hessler Andrew, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Hessler John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Hesson Bridget, widow, Prospect, Millville. Hesson Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Hetrick Charles, laborer, Iron, Millville. Hetzinger Philip, saloon, 214 Washington. Hetzlein John, miner, Coal, Conemaugh. Heverlien Wm., laborer, 69 Sherman. Hevern Andrew, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Hibb Edward, teamster, Portage, Conemaugh. Hibbot Samuel, cabinet maker, First, East Conemaugh. Hickey Michael, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Hicks Edwin, photographer, 203 Main. Hidenthall Benj. F., works C. I. Co., 95 Maple ave., Woodvale. Higgins B. F., works C. I. Co., Water, Millville. Higgins Frank, laborer, Water, Millville. Higgins Michael, brakeman, Franklin borough. Hildebrande Samuel, laborer, Franklin borough. Hill Daniel, laborer, 66 Morris. Hill Elizabeth, widow, Franklin borough. Hill Daniel, waiter, Morris, Kernville. Hill John, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Hill John E., heater, 149 Somerset. Hill Joseph, works woolen mill, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Hilstein Herman, laborer, 354 Main. Hilton Calvin, teamster, Portage, Conemaugh. Hime Peter, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Hinchman Benjamin, brick layer, 341 Main. Hinchman Benjamin F., blacksmith, Napoleon and South. Hinchman Joseph, brick layer, 341 Main. Hinderer John, works woolen mill, 87 Maple ave., Woodvale. Hiner Edmond G., engineer, 121 Somerset. Hiner Franklin, works C. I. Co., 121 Somerset. Hiner Joseph, clerk W., M. & Co., Somerset, Kernville. Hiner William, laborer, 121 Somerset. Hines Mary, widow, 58 Water, Millville. Hines Peter, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Hinkel Henry, laborer, Hornerstown. Hinkel Henry, works C. I. Co., 64 1/2 Napoleon. Hipp Edward, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Hipp Mangus, wks. C. I. Co., Railroad nr. Haynes, Conemaugh. Hirsch John, butcher, Broad, Cambria. Hirschberger George, hostler, Franklin borough. Hirtzinger Fred., butcher, boards Bedford. Hite Charles, printer, 69 Haynes. Hite David W., printer, 69 Haynes. HITE H. J., flour and feed store, Railroad and Clinton, residence 102 Morris, Kernville. Hite J. C., works C. I. Co., Napoleon near Dibert. Hite John L., laborer, 23 Stony Creek. Hite Lewis, works C. I. Co., 112 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Hite Sarah, widow, 69 Haynes. Hite T. W., clerk, Napoleon, Kernville. Hochstein Charles, grocer, 67 Morris. Hochstein Henry, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Hochstein William, miner, 63 Somerset. Hocker Henry, works C. I. Co., 73 Spring Millville. Hoerle Anna, widow, 316 Main. Hoerle Frank, printer, 216 Main. Hoerle Geo., cabinet maker, 60 1/2 Napoleon. Hoesr Peter, tailor, boards Mansion House. Hoerle Lewis A., carpenter, 127 Somerset. Hoff Lawrence, works C. I. Co., Minersville. Hoffman Benj. F., hack driver, Market and Vine. Hoffman Conrad, barber shop, 166 Washington. Hoffman Conrad, laborer, 129 Sherman. Hoffman Frederick, laborer, Hornerstown. Hoffman Frederick, barber, 143 Market. Hoffman George, laborer, 107 Sherman. HOFFMAN GOTTFRIED, barber and hair dresser, 231 Main. Hoffman Josiah C., machinist, shop 60 Haynes, res. 50 Moris. Hoffman Killian, 50 Morris. Hogan Daniel, laborer, Minersville. Hogan Isabel, widow, Front, Cambria. Hogan John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Hogan Michael, works C. I. Co., Minersville. Hohan Charles, works C. I. Co., Prospect. Hohmann George, H., music store, 556 Main. Holeman Creger, laborer, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Holland Levi, blacksmith, 159 Franklin. Hollfelder George, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Hollfelder John, ore digger, Portage, Conemaugh. Hollfelder N., works C. I. Co., alley near Main, Conemaugh. Hook Leonard, works C. I. Co., boards Iron, Millvile. Hoon David, works C. I. Co., alley near Iron, Millville. Hoover Jacob, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Hoover Samuel, laborer, 123 Sherman. Hoover William, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale. Hopkins D. H., prop. Railroad Hotel, East Conemaugh. Hopkins William, miner, 92 Conemaugh. Horace Henry, Lincoln. Horan Patrick, works C. I. Co., 238 Lucust. Hornberger Levi, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Horne C. A., of N. & C. A. Horne, 111 Clinton. Horne N., of N. & C. A. Horne, 111 Clinton. Horne N. & C. A., millinery and notions, 111 Clinton. Horner Allison, works C. I. Co., Hornerstown. Horner Annanias, laborer, boards Bedford near Adams. HORNER BENJAMIN F., planing mill and dealer in all kinds of carpenters' material, 40 Morris. Horner Benton, works C. I. Co., 117 Chestnut. Horner David J., carpenter, Bedford. Horner D. E., tinner, Fourth ward. Horner Franklin, carpenter, Third, East conemaugh. Horner Isaac, teamster, Franklin borough. Horner Jacob, carpenter, Franklin borough. Horner Jacob, heater, Hornerstown. Horner Jonathan, laborer, Hornerstown. Horner Robert, works C. I. Co., boards Portage, Conemaugh. Horner Sylvester, moulder, 36 Market. Horner Wm. F., puddler, rear of Lutheran Cemetery. Hornick Christ., laborer, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Hornick Christopher, Stony Creek near Bedford. Hornick Lena, widow, Basom near Clinton. Hornick Miss Mary, saleslady, boards Goose Island. Honrigan Jerry, works C. I. Co., 167 Furnace row, Millville. Horrell Irwin, clerk C. I. Co., Somerset. Horrocks Jonathan, miner, east end Huber, Conemaugh. Horrocks Thomas, miner, east end Huber, conemaugh. Horton Joseph, laborer, head of Haynes, Conemaugh. Hoskins Joseph, miner, boards Iron, Millville. Hostetter Jacob, car inspector, Second, East Conemaugh. Hough Jerry, works C. I. Co., River, Millville. Hough Mary A., widow, River, Millville. Hough Wm., works C. I. Co., River, Millville. Houlabin Dennis, works C. I. Co., lower end Main, Minersville. Houser A. Frank, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Hoverkorn George, machinist, Haynes near Railroad, Conemaugh. Hoverkorn John, laborer, Haynes near Railroad, Conemaugh. Hoverkorn John, works C. I. Co., 70 Water, Millville. Howard Alexander, works C. I. Co., Potts. Howard Frank. works C. I. Co., 96 Conemaugh. Howard James F., works C. I. Co., 85 Market. Howard James, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Howard Henry C., works C. I. Co., 96 Conemaugh. Howard L. G., pump maker, 18 Haynes. HOWE EDWARD, saloon and boarding, Front and Railroad, Cambria. Howard Richard, works C. I. Co., boards east Howe, Cambria. Howells William, miner, 82 Conemaugh. Howlett James, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville. Howlett John, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville. Howlett Wm., works C. I. Co., Water, Millville. Hudson Henry, engineer, Railroad and Haynes, Conemaugh. Huffman Henry, teamster, Alley near Union. Hugan John T., works C. I. Co., Water, Millville. Huber Wm. R., pattern maker, 131 Vine. Hubner Adam, moulder, Feeder, Conemaugh. Hubner J., clerk, Singer. Huber Jacob, Singer. Huber Nicholas, of Miller & Co., 142 Main. Hughes E. H., civil engineer, River. Hughes Edward, works C. I. Co., Stony Creek near Franklin. HUGHES JOHN D., merchant tailor, 164 Main, res. 111 Chestnut. Hughes Margaret, widow, Iron, Millville. Hughes' Orphans, 142 Locust. Hughes Peter, miner, Railroad, Cambria. Hughes Torrence, works C. I. Co., Prospect. Hughes Wm. J., miner, 57 Maple avenue, Woodvale. HULBERT HOUSE, J. H. Benford, prop., 106 and 108 Clinton. Hummel Adam, gunsmith, 24, residence 26 Napoleon. Hummer August, works C. L. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.. HUMPHREYS JOHN J., agent Adams Express Co., 236 Main.. Humphreys John W., miner, 58 Conemaugh. Hunt Julia A., clerk, Post Office, 55 Morris. Hunt Susanna, widow, 166 Napoleon. Husberger Casper, laborer, 43 Somerset. Huston Joseph, carpenter, 62 Market. Hutchinson J. E., physician, Franklin and Locust, bds. Hulbert House. Hutchinson Samuel, porter, Merchants' Hotel. Hutzen Christ., stone mason, Morris. Hutzein Hiram, hooker, west end Morris. Hutzen Josiah, laborer, west end Morris. Hutzen Moses, west end Morris. Hutzen Sarah, widow, west end Morris. Hutzler Thomas, miner, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh.
Incics Jacob, works woolen mill, 50 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Incics Wm., works woolen mill, 50 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Ingle Joseph, laborer, Third, East Conemaugh. Insacho John, miner, Third, East Conemaugh. Inglehart Henry, blacksmith, Hornerstown. Inscho David, works C. I. Co., boards 110 Furnace row, Millville. Irons Charles W., machinist, 139 Market. Irvin Jerry, works C. I. Co., 16 Iron, Millville. Ivens Stedhen, Prospect, Millville. Ivey John, works C. I. Co., 86 Union. Ivey Wm., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Jackson John, works C. I. Co., Center, Conemaugh. Jacob Louis, works C. I. Co. Broad, Cambria. Jacoby Ephraim, carpenter, Conemaugh. Jacoby J. W., of Jacoby & Rose, 73 Levergood. JACOBY & ROSE, planing mill, Levergood and Apple alley. James Benjamin F., laborer, Main and Market. James Ebenezer, grocer, Main and Market. James James, engineer, south end Bedford. James James T., miner, Stony Creek. James John, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. James John, miner, 51 Main. James John W., miner, 51 Main. James Reese, works C. I. Co., 109 Vine. James Thomas, works cement mill, Iron, Millville. James Thomas B., works C. I. Co., 82 Spring, Millville. James Wm., machinist, 34 Iron, Millville. Jeckies Theodore, watchmaker, 112 Clinton. Jelly John T., brick layer, 135 Walnut. Jelley Richard, shoemaker, 135 Market. Jenhorst John, tailor, Peter, Conemaugh. Jenkins David, laborer, 82 Union. Jenkins Frank, works C. I. Co., 113 Chestnut. Jenkins John, works C. I. Co., 78 Spring, Millville. Jenkins John S., retired farmer, 50 Vine. Jenks Thomas, miner, Church, Conemaugh. Jennings John, laborer, head of Main, Conemaugh. Johnston John M., roller, Napoleon and South. Johnston William, works C. I. Co., 194 Pearl. Johnson Richard, miner, Pott near Locust. Johnstown Ale Brewery, east end Portage, Conemaugh. Johnstown Brewery, Adams near Bedford. JOHNSTOWN MECHANICAL WORKS, Daniel G. Morrel, president, W. B. Bonacker, sup't, Portage, Conemaugh. JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK, 120 Clinton. Johnstown Water and Gas Co., Broad. Jones Daniel W., chief engineer C. I. Co., 121 Locust. Jones David, clerk, 135 Vine. Jones David S., auditor C. I. Co., 125 Vine. Jones David R., miner, 118 Union. Jones David W., miner, on the Point. Jones Ellen, widow, 111 Union. Jones Enoch, laborer, alley near Iron, Millville. Jones Evan, tailor W., M. & Col, Vine. Jones Evan P., works C. I. Co., 111 Union. Jones Isaac, pattern maker, 168 Morris. Jones James, laborer, Adams. Jones John, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Jones John, miner, Adams. Jones John, machinist, 26 King. Jones John C. F., works C. I. Co, boards Iron, Millville. Jones John A. C., salesman, Pittsburgh. Jones Lewis R., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Jones Mary, widow, Portage, Conemaugh. Jones Mary, widow of Joseph, 11 Walnut. Jones Phoebe, widow, 83 Vine. Jones Miss Annie, clerk, boards 119 Clinton. Jones Richard, of King & Jones, Portage and Center, Conemaugh. Jones Richard, miner, 34 King. Jones Robert, laborer, Railroad, Cambria. Jones Thomas, shoemaker, Walnut and Lincoln. Jones Thomas, clerk, 53 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Jones Thomas H., works C. I. Co., 4 Prospect, Millville. Jones Thomas J., miner, Point. Jones Wm. S., grocer, 67 Market. Jonson Joseph, blacksmith, 76 Napoleon. Jordan George, clerk, 191 Washington. Jordon James, miner, River, Millville. Jordon John, grocery, 194 Washington. Joy F. A., tinner, Conemaugh township. Judy Aquilla, laborer, 35 Walnut. July Daniel, works C. I. Co., 35 Walnut. Judy Theodore, works C. I. Co., 35 Walnut. Kaamele Frank R., machinist, 122 Market. Kabner George, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Kaefer Henry, laborer, 37 King. Kaffenberger Wm., shoemaker, Main. Kagarise Anna, widow, 77 Somerset. Kalor Charles, laborer, 107 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Kane Ann, widow, 92 Spring, Millville. Kane Ann, widow, Walnut, Cambria. Kane George, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Kane John, laborer, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Kane Wm., brakeman, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Kauffman Jonas B., engineer, 84 Napoleon. Karl Alexander, wks. woolen mil, bds Maple ave., Woodvale. Karl George, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh. Karney Frank, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Karney Mrs. E., widow, 167 Franklin. Karnes John, works C. I. Co., 78 Union. Karney John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Karns Joseph, puddler, 78 Conemaugh. Karr John, saloon, 336 Railroad. Kasley George W., laborer, 232 Washington, Minersville. Kasley Wm., works C. I. Co., 232 Washington, Minersville. Kast Charles, saloon, 103 Clinton. Kauffman John M., works C. I. Co., boards 126 Somerset. Kayser Fred., laborer, Hornerstown. Kalanquin Julius, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Kear Jacob, works C. I. Co., boards 145 Market. Kearney Bart., machinist, 124 Napoleon. Kearney Edward, laborer, 124 Napoleon. Kearney Bernard, conductor, Franklin borough. Kearney John T., brick layer, 124 Napoleon. Kearney Zephaniah, laboerer, Portage near Clinton, Conemaugh. Kearn Hartman, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Keasel John, stone mason, Chestnut, Cambria. Keating Thomas, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Kebler Rev. Joshua, Coopersdale borough. Kebler, Leonard, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Keedy Thomas P., laborer, boards Iron, Millville. Keelan Bernard, works C. I. Co., River, Cambria. Keelan John, laborer, Furnace row, Millville. Keelan Peter, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Keene Charles, works C. I. Co., head of Peter, Conemaugh. Keene Henry, works C. I. Co., 85 Union. Keener Nathaniel N., school teacher, 103 1/2 Somerset. Kehlstadt Emil, printer, 140 Clinton. Kehner Henry, works C. I. Co., 78 Sherman. Kehsler Fabian, stone mason, head of Singer, Conemaugh. Keiber John, laborer, Franklin borough. Keiber Peter, laborer, Franklin borough. Keifer Casper, shoemaker, Railroad and Adams, Conemaugh. Kelfline August, laborer, 105 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Keiper George, clerk, Portage, Conemaugh. Keiper John, carpenter, Portage, Conemaugh. Keim M. W., of M. W. Keim & Co., 5 Morris. KEIM M. W. & CO., Cambria County Bank, 266 Main. Kelly Cyrus M., works C. I. Co., Water, Millville. Kelly James, Washington, Minersville. Kelly James, laborer, Front, Cambria. Kelly John, laborer, 34 Benton. Kelly John, moulder, Minersville. Kelly John, car inspector, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Kelly Lackey, works C. I. Co., Middle Prospect. Kelly Mary, widow, Broad, Cambria. Kelly Patrick, works I. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Kelly Patrick, works C. I. Co., Minersville. Kelly Patrick, works C. I. Co., 90 Spring, Millville. Kelly Peter S., hotel, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Kenly Samuel, blacksmith, 240 Washington. Kennedy Alex., shoemaker, South near Sherman. Kennedy Hirum J., machinist, South near Sherman. Kennedy J. H., clerk W. M. & Co., Bedford pike. Kennedy John, clerk W. M. & Co., boards Hulbert House. Kennedy Samuel, brick maker, rear U. P. church, Franklin. Kenny Michael, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Kephart John, laborer, Coopersdale borough. Kephart Thomas, works C. I. Co., 82 Spring, Millville. Kepper George, machinist, Potts. Kepple Aaron, saloon, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Kerman Ann, widow, Broad, Cambria. Kern George, brakeman, boards Railroad, East Conemaugh. Kern Joseph, clerk, 65 Vine. Kernan Wm., puddler, 23 Stony Creek. Kerr John, Spinner, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Kerr Robert, laborer, First, East Conemaugh. Kerther Henry, laborer, 6 Walnut. Keuhue Fred., shoemaker, Haynes. Kidd John A., laborer, 106 Vine. Kidd Joseph, blacksmith, 136 Vine. Kidd Joshua, blacksmith, 136 Vine. Kille John T., secretary and treasurer C. I. Co., Philadelphia. Kilgore David A., works C. I. Co., 16 Market. Kilgore James B., laborer, 16 Market. Kilgore Wm. A., book keeper W.M. & Co., 327 Bedford. Kimmel John, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Kimmel Thompson, turner, 137 Vine. Kimpel Christian, of Kimpel & Viering, 318 Railroad. Kimpel & Viering, furniture and undertakers, 320 and 322 Railroad. King Andrew M., clerk, 283 Main. King D. S., of King & Jones, 35 Maple avenue, Woodvale. King James, saddles and harness, 220 Main, res. 233 Broad. King John M., liquors, 283 Main. King & Jones, livery, Clinton near Portage Conemaugh. King Mrs. L. J., milliner, 281 Main. King Wm., works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria. Kingston Thomas, painter, head of Locust, Conemaugh. Kink Louis, laborer, 162 Washington. Kinley Samuel, blacksmith, 114 Chestnut. Kinney John, brakeman, First, East Conemaugh. KINNEY JOHN T., druggist, 264 Main near Walnut. Kinney Catherine, widow, 70 Vine. Kinney Patrick, miner, Coal, Conemaugh. Kirby Daniel, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Kirby John, laborer, Adams and Locust, Conemaugh. Kirkbride M., clerk, boards Hulbert House. KIRLIN THOMAS W., watches, clocks and jewelry, 84 Franklin, residence 161 Vine. Kirtley Johnston, brakeman, Franklin borough. KIST LEONARD, hotel, Railroad, East Conemaugh. Kinter Charles, blacksmith, 103 Somerset. Kinter Robert, blacksmith, 101 Somerset. Kinter Samuel, blacksmith, 101 Somerset. Kintz John, store keeper, Chestnut, Cambria. Kleinmeyer C., laborer, head of Coal, Conemaugh. Kleinmeyer C., Jr., coal miner, head of Coal, Conemaugh. Kleinmyer John, watchman, Huber, Conemaugh. Klink John, laborer, Front, Cambria. Klug P., saloon, Railroad, Conemaugh. Knable George A., clerk, 78 Haynes. Knavel Jerome, laborer, alley back of Morris. Kneebone John, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Knobelespies Fidel., works C. I. Co., Railroad and Second, Cambria. Knoll Nicholas, south end Bedford. Knowles Benjamin, miner, 13 Iron, Millville. KNOX THOS. E., barber and hair dresser, 88 1/2 Franklin. Kobe Joseph, laborer, Second, Cambria. Koch Adam, works C. I. Co., 162 Somerset. Koeing Arnold, laborer, boards Clinton and Washington. Koehler Joshua, works C. I. Co., Third, Cambria. Koehler Wm. J., bar tender, Locust. Kohr F., works C. I. Co., Railroad near Haynes, Conemaugh. Kohler Mrs. E., saloon, 133 Franklin, residence Locust. Kohler John C., brakeman, 191 Locust. Kohr Rev. T. H., pastor U. B. Church, 125 Broad. Kollner Andrew, teamster, Walnut, Cambria. Knorr Jacob, stone mason, 100 Main. Kookn Jane, widow, 235 Broad. Koontz Alex., works C. I. Co., head of Main, Conemaugh. Kopf Rev. Otto, pastor St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Huber, Conemaugh. Koplin David, wagon maker, Singer, Conemaugh. Kopelin Mary M., widow, 73 Franklin. Kopelin O. C., carpenter, 73 Franklin. Kopelin, R. W., fireman, 73 Franklin. Kost Albert, works C. I. Co.. Kost Joseph, brewery, Church, Conemaugh. Kost Joseph, Jr., miner, Church, Conemaugh. Kost Marcus, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Conemaugh. Kotz Theodore, works C. I. Co., Third, Cambria. Kough George, works woolen mill, 109 Maple ave., Woodvale. Kramer Wm. A., clerk, 312 Main. Krapp Nicholas, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Kratzer John, works C. I. Co., Coal, Cambria. Krebs Albert, baker, 140 Washington. Krebs Frederick, baker, 140 Washington. Krebs Frederick, Jr., clerk, boards 140 Washington. Krebs Fred. H., clerk, 140 Washington. Kredel George D., laborer, Haynes, Conemaugh. Kreesminer Michael, stone mason, Hornerstown. Kress Charles F., of Lambert & Kress, Singer, Conemaugh. KRESS FRED. W., dry goods, 277 Main, residence 260 Locust. Krieger Christian, grocer, 137 Clinton. Kroft Sebastian, works C. I. Co., head of Haynes, Conemaugh. Krueger Anthony, book binder, boards 124 Clinton. Kuckuch Christian, laborer, Adams near Railroad, Conemaugh. Kuehne Fred., shoemaker, 104 Haynes. Kugle John C., laborer, Portage, Conemaugh. Kuhn Jacob, machinist, Broad, Cambria. Kihn Henry H., attorney, 195 Locust, residence 135 Main. Kulp Tilghman H., brick layer, 73 Main. Kunkel Christian, saloon, 180 Washington. Kuntz Adam, carpenter, boards 19 Napoleon. Kuntz Adam, brick layer, 83 River. Kuntz Barbara, widow, 73 River. Kuntz Chauncey F., brick layer, 119 Somerset. Kuntz Edward B., laborer, Hornerstown. Kuntz Ephraim M., of Kuntz & Son, 126 Morris. Kuntz John W., puddler, 99 1/2 River. Kuntz Joseph, of Juntz & Son, 126 Morris. Kuntz Samuel, puddler, 95 River. Kuntz & Son, carpenters, 125 Morris. Kurtz Ann M., hotel, Chestnut, Cambria. Kurtz Frank, butcher, Chestnut, Cambria. Kurtz George, grocery, Clinton and Main, res. Bedford. Kurtz Ignatius, laborer, bds Washington House, Portage, Conemaugh. Kurtz John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Kyle Michael, miner, Franklin borough. Kyle Samuel, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.. Lackey Henry, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Lackey Peter, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Larock John, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh. Laird Wm., laborer, 22 Morris. Lambaugh Charles A., brick layer, 72 Market. Lambert Augustus, of Lambert & Kress, 187 Locust. Lambert Hiram, works C. I. Co., 86 Spring, Millville. Lambert John, laborer, 57 Water, Millville. LAMBERT & KRESS, brewers, east end Portage, Conemaugh. Lambreske S., works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria. Lamison Frank, works C. I. Co., 160 Front. LAMISON JOHN, heater, 160 Grant. Lamison Maxel, works C. I. Co., 160 Grant. Landis John D., laborer, Portage and Washington. Lame James A., timekeeper, 132 Locust. Lane Wm., laborer, Iron, Millville. Lardin Joseph, sexton, 72 Market. Larking Patrick, works C. I. Co., Branch, Cambria. Larmore Joseph, barber, 88 1/2 Franklin. Launce Oscar, plasterer, Franklin borough. Lawrence Edward, laborer, Conemaugh. Lautzell A., coal miner, Huber, Conemaugh. Lavley Aaron, stone mason, 200 Morris. Lavely Daniel, works C. I. Co., 67 Somerset. Lavely David, of Lavely & Hancuff, 61 River. Lavely & Hancuff, blacksmith, 59 River. Lavely John, works C. I. Co., 115 Furnace row, Millville. Lavers E. C., school teacher, boards 43 Morris. Lawrence Samuel, works C. I. Co., 182 Main Minersville. Layton David, teamster, Depot, Conemaugh. Layton George, butcher, boards 151 Somerset. Layton John H., blacksmith, 39 Morris. Layton Jordan, catcher, Hornerstown. Layton Joseph, blacksmith, 28 Somerset. Layton Wm., blacksmith, 223 Broad. Layton Wm. G., market master. Layton William G., carpenter, Hornerstown. Laymen James, laborer, alley near Main. Laymen John, 198 Napoleon. Leber Edward, works C. I. Co., 42 Benton. Lechan Rudolph, wagon maker, 20 Market. LECHNER GEORGE S., editor Freie Presse, 140 Clinton, residence, Railroad. Lecky Lewis, engineer, Iron, Millville. LEE J. K., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 132 Main. Lee James, laborer, Franklin borough. Lee Lewis, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Lee Samuel, works C. I. Co., 116 Furnace. Leff Moses, engineer, First, East Conemaugh. Lehman Zachariah, works C. I. Co., South near Morris. Lehmer August, soap boiler, Portage, Conemaugh. Leibfried Charles, works C. I. Co., Ridge alley, Conemaugh. Leightenberger G., cabinet maker, 166 Locust alley. Leightliter Samuel, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria. Leitenberger Fred., works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Leitenberger Fred., Sr., laborer, Walnut, Cambria. Leitenberger George G., clerk, 112 Vine. Leitenberger John, shoemaker, 129 Franklin, res. 112 Vine. Leitenberger L. F., baker, 268 Washington. Lemon Mrs. widow, Dibert and Somerset. Lemon Reuben, Maple avenue, Woodvale. Lenhart Harry, carpenter, 64 Haynes. Lenhart Henry J., machinist, 96 Conemaugh. Lenhart Milton, harness maker, 64 Haynes. Lenhart Samuel, harness and saddles, 145 Clinton, res. 64 Haynes. LEVERGOOD J. C., marble works, 354 Bedford. Levergood Jacob, tanner, 355, residence 344 Bedford. Levergood Martin M., of Fockler & Levergood, 37 Morris. Levergood Peter H., tanner, 65 Levergod. LEVERGOOD W. H., stoves and tinware, 294 Main, residence Levergood. Lewis A., works C. I. Co., alley near Iron, Millville. Lewis Andrew, 131 Market. Lewis Ann, widow, 65 Main. Lewis Daniel W., miner, 33 Iron, Millville. Lewis David, machinist, 33 Iron, Millville. Lewis Elizabeth, widow, 84 Conemaugh. Lewis Evan, pattern maker, Main, Minersville. Lewis George, miner, Locust alley near Union. Lewis Henry R., salesman, 35 Napoleon. Lewis John E., miner, 84 Conemaugh. Lewis Jonathan, of Lewis, Myles & Co., Millville. Lewis Jonathan, works C. I. Co., 33 Iron, Millville. Lewis John W., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. LEWIS L. S. & CO., painos and organs, 214 Main. Lewis Levy S., of L. S. Lewis & Co., 35 Napoleon. Lewis, Myles & Co., dry goods and groceries, 144 Main. Lewis Thomas, miner, 68 Vine. Lewis Thomas J., miner, River, Millville. LEWIS W. C., insurance agent, 171 Main. Lewis William D., miner, 66 1/2 Conemaugh. Lewis William J., 41 Market. Lewis Wm. S., surveyon, Lincoln. Lichan Rudolph, wagon maker, 20 Market. Lightner Jacob, miner, Broad, Cambria. Lightner James, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Lightner Wm., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville. Likan Joseph, blacksmith, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Limberger Frank, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Limberger Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Lindsay Marshall, teamster, Locust alley. Lininger Solomon, switch tender, 109 Main. LINTON JOHN P., attorney, Main and Franklin, residence 176 Locust. Linton Robert P., groceries, Railroad, residence Second, East Conemaugh. Lisert Martin, laborer, Broad and Fourth, Cambria. Litener Daniel, laborer, Broad, Cambria. Litzell Peter, works C. I. Co., boards 6 River. Litz John, blacksmith, 102 Morris. Litz Thomas R., works C. I. Co., 83 Market. Litz William W., laborer, 102 Morris. Litzinger Charles, drayman, Locust, Conemaugh. Litzinger John, laborer, European House. Litzinger Robt., policeman, 114 Franklin. Livingston & Co., groceries and dry goods, 115 Morris. Livingston Wm. L., of Livingston & Co., 115 Morris. Livingstone David, works Braddock's Field, Main, Minersville. Llewelyn David J., of Lewis Myles & Co., 81 Union. Llewelyn John T., 119 Vine. Llewelyn Thomas, works C. I. Co., 119 Vine. Locher Mathias, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria. Lock John, laborer, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh. Logue James, works C. I. Co., boards Branch, Cambria. Logan John W., marble cutter, 58 Market. Logan Martin, works C. I. Co., Railroad and Front, Cambria. Logan Samuel, marble cutter, 58 Market. Lohr William, potter, 120 Napoleon. Lonergan Michael, laborer, Haynes near Railroad. Long John, laborer, 235 Broad. Long Frank, laborer, Prospect, Millville. Long Samuel, butcher, 106 Somerset. Long Simon, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville. Long Wm., laborer, Prospect, Millville. Lonsinger Charles, works C. I. Co., Minersville. Lonsinger Henry, works C. I. Co., Minersville. LOUTHER VALENTINE, boots and shoes, 289, res. 211 Main. Love Thomas, Vine and Walnut. Lovitt Thomas, machinist, Adam. Lower Wm., works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough. Lowerditch George, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria. Lowerditch Michael, Jr., laborer, boards Chestnut, Cambria. Lowman John, physician, boards Stony Creek near Franklin. Lowman Webster B., 169 Main. Lucas David, head of Locust. Lucas David, works M. W. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale. Lucas Emmet, carpenter, Peter, Conemaugh. Ludwig Henry G., clerk, 362 Main. LUDWIG JOHN, wholesale liquor, dealer, 276 Washington, residence 362 Main. Luckhardt Adolph, jeweler, 259 Main. LUCKHARDT LOUIS, jeweler, 259 and 261 Main. LUTHER CHARLES O., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 212 Main, res. near head Locust, Conemaugh. Lutz Conrad, works C. I. Co., 88 Sherman. Lutz Conrad, laborer, 68 Morris. Lybarger John, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh. Lyden John, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Lynch James, laborer, Railroad, Conemaugh. Lynch Michael, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville. Lynch Owen, miner, Church, Conemaugh. Lynch Samuel M., printer, 30 Napoleon. Lynch Wm., works cement mill, Main, Millville. Lynn Wm., works C. I. Co., Prospect. Lynett John, works C. I. Co., 68 Water, Millville. Lysett John, policeman, Fifth and Railroad, Cambria. |
Date Created: 30 Jul 2003
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2008
Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2008
Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors