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1876 Johnstown City Directory


-- OF --


NOTE. -- The names of the residents in the above boroughs are compiled together, but are distinguished from each other by the full name or an abbreviation of the borough following each name.

To find a name you must know how to spell it.

-- A --

Aaron Mrs., grocer, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Abele Romanus, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Abler Andrew, Portage, Conemaugh.
Abler August, works cement works, Huber, Conemaugh.
Abler John, works C. I. Co., Portage, Cambria.
Ack William, works C. I. Co., 130 Furnace, Millville.
Adair Alexander, express agent, boards Merchants' Hotel.
Adams Charles, works C. I. Co., Potts.
Adams Mrs. Elmira, postmistress, Coopersdale borough.
Adams George, laborer, Coopersdale borough.
Adams George W., laborer, Minersville.
Adams John, laborer, Franklin borough.
Adams Thomas, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Adams Wm, engineer, Franklin borough.
Adams Wm. E., book keeper, 49 Morris.
Adams Wm. H., laborer, Minersville.
Adunger Jacob, works C. I. Co., 25 Iron, Millville.
Ahrens Charles, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
AKERS ALVAR, of Akers & Baumer and nurseyman, 248 Pearl.
AKERS & BAUMER, butchers, 94 Franklin.
Alberter Anthony, miner C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Alexander Blair, telegraph operator, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Alexander C. J., widow, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Alexander James, hostler, 337 Broad.
Algeir M., works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria.
Allen Andrew, works C. I. Co., 89 Spring, Millville.
Allen Joseph, tanner, 71 Sherman.
Allen Michael, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Allen Thomas, laborer, Prospect, Millville.
Allendarfer Henry, laborer, Potts.
Allison J., works C. I. Co., Haynes, Conemaugh.
Allison Wm., works C. I. Co., 75 Spring, Millville.
Allmunn Rev. George, Board, Cambria.
Alt August, tailor and clothes repairer, Locust near Clinton.
Alt Henry, works C. I. Co., Singer, Conemaugh.
Alt John, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Alter Wm. A., tinsmith, Conemaugh and Walnut.
Altoona Steam Dye Works, Franklin and Stony Creek.
Aman Peter, shoemaker, Chestnut, Cambria.
Anawalt John, carpenter, 140 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Anderson John J., works C. I. Co., 71 Water, Millville.
Andre Joseph, laborer, First, east Conemaugh.
Andrew Ann, widow, River, Millville.
Andrew Charles, wool sorter, head of Peter, Conemaugh.
Andrew John, miner, Point.
Andrew L. E. R., printer, Market.
Andrews Azariah, miner, 89 Market.
Andrews Charles W., moulder, Main near Union.
Andrews Mrs. L., hair tonic, 131 Market.
Andrews Wm, miner, Peter near Adams.
Andrie Augustus, works cement mill, Board, Cambria.
Angel John, school teacher, Third, Cambria.
Ankeny Joseph, clerk, 72 Morris.
Apple John, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Apple Lass, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Arnold George W., bricklayer, 74 Somerset.
Arnolds John B., jeweler, 159 and 261 Main.
Arthur John, works C. I. Co., boards 97 Spring, Millville.
Arthur John, 60 Somerset.
Arthur John, Jr., carpenter, 57 Somerset.
Arthur Samuel, carpenter, 72 Somerset.
Arthur Wm. H., printer, 57 Somerset.
Arthurs John, brakeman, Fourth, east Conemaugh.
Arthurs Sylvester B., lime merchant, 132 Napoleon.
Ashbridge J. S., grocer, 93 Franklin.
Ashbridge James, grocer, Potts.
Ashbridge John, clerk, 25 Stoney Creek.
Ashbridge John, Sr., spinner, rear of 25 Stoney Creek.
Atkinson Horace B., fireman, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Atkinson John, station keeper, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Attig John, engineer, Third, east Conemaugh.
Ault George, works C. I. Co., Third, Cambria.
Austin Frederick, works cement mills, Main, Minersville.
Axmacher Charles, carpenter, Chestnut, Cambria.
Axmacher John, carpenter, Chesnut, Cambria.
Axmacher Theodore, carpenter, Chestnut, Cambria.

-- B --

Baake Ferdinand, basket maker, Bedford, south end.
Bader Charles, works C. I. Co., 102 Vine.
Bader Conrad, stone mason, 113 Sherman.
Bader John, stone mason, 34 Somerset.
Bader peter, laborer, 114 Sherman.
BAILEY & HAY, plumbers, 162 Main.
Bailey Samuel C., of Bailey & Hay, 79 Vine.
Bailey Thomas, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Bailey Wm, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Bair Benjamin, laborer, 37 Iron, Millville.
Baird David, machinist, 75 Napoleon.
Baker Catharine, 112 Walnut.
Baker Nicholas, laborer, head of Haynes.
Baker Wm., laborer, boards 226 Washington, Minersville.
Baldwin George H., machinist, 138 Vine.
Baldwin Robert H., engineer, 138 Vine.
Baltzer Henry, sawyer, Horner.
Banfield George, civil engineer, 39 King.
Bannatt Richard, grocer, 66 Walnut.
Bantly Gottlieb, hardware, 121 Clinton.
Bantly Herman, clerk, boards 121 Clinton.
Barber George, student, 144 ® Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Barber James, laborer, 142 ® Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Barber Matilda, widow, 144 ® Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Barber Thomas, works woolen mill, 144 ® Maple ave., Woodvale.
Barbera peter, nuts, etc., 110 Franklin.
Barclay Miss Dorinda, 84 Spring, Millville.
Barclay Eliza, widow, Spring, Millville.
Barclay John M., works C. I. Co., 121 Market.
Barclay Lowman, roller, 56 Vine.
Barkhamer Michael, car inspector, Franklin borough.
Barkley George, works C. I. Co., 178 Napoleon.
Barkley Robert, puddler, 86 Haynes.
Barly David, works C. I. Co., middle Prospect.
Barnes Charles, wagon maker, 178 Main.
Barnes Henry B., plasterer, 117 Somerset.
Barnes James, carpenter, 57 Vine.
Barnes John F., clothing and attorney, 91 Franklin, res. 111 Main.
BARNETT JEREMIAH, WAGON MAKER, shop 40 Haynes, residence 45 Somerset.
Barnett John, laborer, 48 Somerset.
Barnett Wm., miner, 88 Union.
Barnhart George, laborer, Second, east Conemaugh.
Barnhart Isaac, puddler, 137 Morris.
Barnhart Jacob, engineer, River, Millville.
BARNITZ J. F., agent Elias Howe Sewing Machine, 280 Main.
Bartley Frank, works C. I. Co., 87 Spring, Millville.
Barr John, laborer, Hornerstown.
Barry Johanna, widow, 226 Washington, Minersville.
Barry John, laborer, Main, Minersville.
Best John, works C. I. Co., Haynes, Conemaugh.
BATES GEORGE A., assistant general manager C. I. Co., Main.
Bathurst Henry A., repair shop, 194 Main.
Batzel Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Baurley Wm. H., brewer, Bedford.
Baumbach Reinhart, laborer, Railroad, Cambria.
Baumer Herman, of Akers & Baumer, Ebensburgh.
Baumer Herman, laborer, 128 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
BAUMER LEWIS, of Akers & Baumer, Main and Adams.
BAUMER LEWIS, confectioner and grocer, 96 Franklin, res. Main.
Baujonn Emil, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Baujonn Theopilus, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Bayler Erastus, laborer, 182 Main.
Bayler Leah, widow, 182 Main.
Bayler Levi E., butcher, 182 Main.
BEACOM HENRY C., pastor Methodist Church, 77 Franklin.
Beacom James, clerk, 77 Franklin.
Beam Abram L., works C. I. Co., 76 Market.
Beam Charles, miller, boards 110 Walnut.
BEAM & CONRAD, druggists, 140 Market.
Beam David, laborer, Franklin borough.
Beam J., gristmill, Railroad, Conemaugh, res. 8 River, Kernville.
Beam James, laborer, Franklin borough.
Beam John, laborer, Franklin borough.
Beam John, miller, 81 River.
Beam John T., works C. I. Co., alley back of Morris.
Beam Joseph C., of Beam & McMillin, 133 Market.
BEAM L. T., physician for the treatment of chronic diseases as a specialty. Post Office box 574. Office 142 Market.
BEAM & McMILLIN, physicians and surgeons, 133 Market.
Beam, Wm. C., medical student, boards 144 Market.
Beaner Jonathan, potter, west end Morris.
Bechner Fred., laborer, north Vine.
Beck Andrew, works woolen mill, 154 Maple ave., Woodvale.
Beck Charles, works woolen mill, 154 Maple ave., Woodvale.
Bedner Valentine, laborer, 86 South.
Beecher Jane, widow, 22 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Beemish Daniel, works C. I. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Beemish Peter, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Began Patrick, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Behil John, works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria.
Belzner John, 150 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Bender Richard, cooper, Adams, Conemaugh.
Benford Albert, clerk W. M. & Co., Potts.
Benford F. A., clerk Hulbert House.
BENFORD J. H., proprietor Hulbert House, 108 Clinton.
Benford James, carpenter, 60 Napoleon.
Benford John H., carpenter, Potts.
Bennett Benjamin, laborer, head of Haynes, Conemaugh.
Bennett Henry, works C. I. Co., 76 Spring, Millville.
Bennett Wm., laborer, 19 Maple ave., Woodvale.
BENSHOFF J. Q. A., books and stationery, 206 Main, residence 76 Somerset.
Benshoff John J., works C. I. Co., 358 Bedford.
Benson -------, widow, Iron, Millville.
Benson Eliel, justice and weigh master, Broad and Second, Cambria.
Benson James, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Benson Perry, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Benson Ruben, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Benson Thomas, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
BENTON JOHN, hardware, cutlery, iron, nails, glass, putty, horse shoes, etc., 108 and 120 Main, residence 44 Morris.
Berg Philip, works C. I. Co., Stony Creek near Vine.
Berkenbush Chas., works C. I. Co., 86 Sherman.
Berkenbush Geo., works C. I. Co., 86 Sherman.
Berkenbush John, clerk, 86 Sherman.
Berkey Hiram J., works C. I., 79 Spring, Millville.
Berkey John, works C. I. Co., 188 South.
Berky Miss Lavina, tailoress, 96 Conemaugh.
Berkey Peter, retired, 61 Somerset.
Berkeybile David A., shoemaker, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Berkeybile Geo., engineer, Third, east Conemaugh.
Bedkeybile J., 71 Napoleon.
Belin Joseph H., clerk C. I. Co., Stony Creek township.
BERLIN WM., druggist, 232 Main, residence 86 Market.
Berrlman Francis, miner, 14 Iron, Millville.
Berringer Andrew, teamster, Iron, Millville.
Berringer David, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Berringer Geo., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Berringer John, works C. I. Co., 65 Water, Millville.
Berry A. C., clerk, Locust.
Berry John, clerk, Locust, Conemaugh.
Best John, brick layer, 101 Sherman.
Betz John R., carpenter, 158 Somerset.
Betz Joseph, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Betzler Joseph, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Bheam Samuel, laborer, 134 ® Vine.
Biershenk Adam, saloon, 250 Washington.
Biffinger Mrs. Barbara, widow, Portage, Conemaugh.
Bigley Mary, widow, Prospect.
Bilestine George, shoemaker, Hornerstown.
Binden Mrs. John, widow, 156 Washington.
Bingaman L. F., carpenter, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Bishoff Charles, works C. I. Co., Depot, Conemaugh.
Bishop Joseph, works C. I. Co., boards Portage, Conemaugh.
Bishop Joseph, works C. I. Co., boards European House.
Bissikummer Hannibal, works C. I. Co., 108 Napoleon.
Black Henry, works C. I. Co., head of Peter.
Blanke George, laborer, head of Singer.
Blakely John, works C. I. Co., 79 Spring, Millville.
Blauch A. W., of Blauch & Stutzman, 51 Somerset.
Blauch Jacob W., clerk, 167 Somerset.
Blauch & Stutzman, dry goods, groceries, etc., 3 Morris.
Blaugh Abram W., dry goods merchant, 59 Somerset.
Bletso Wm., laborer, 92 Spring, Millville.
Blimmel George, works C. I. Co., Broad and Fourth, Cambria.
Bloch Henry, carpenter, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Bloch Henry, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
BLOCH JOHN, undertaker, 316 and 318 Railroad.
Block Christian, laborer, Potts.
Block Henry, cigar maker, near Point.
Block John, works C. I. Co., Centre, Conemaugh.
Block Mary, widow, Potts.
Blouch David, engineer, west end Napoleon.
Blough Frederick, engineer, boards Coal, Conemaugh.
Bodley Mark, miller, 20 Napoleon avenue, Woodville.
Boecher Charles, miner, boards Cinder, Millvale.
Boggs H. A., book keeper C. I. Co., 113 Cambria.
Boiler Fred., laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Bolar Gibson, laborer, Washington, Minersville.
Bole David B., laborer, 89 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Bole George, laborer, 89 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Bole John J., engineer, 89 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Boles S. C., salesman, Dibert, Wayne & Co.'s.
Boletz Joseph, works C. I. Co., head of Peter.
Bolsinger Frank, clerk, 134 Washington.
Bolsinger Perry C., clerk, 134 Washington.
Bolsinger William, carpenter, 32 Market.
Bolster George, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Boltz Joseph, works C. I. Co., 55 Water, Millville.
Bombaugh Fred., works C. I. Co., Railroad and Second, Cambria.
Bonacker William B., sup't mechanical works, 27 Morris.
Bone John R., miner, Iron, Millville.
Booheimer Lawrence, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Bope Adam, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Border F., groceries, 90 Franklin, residence 281 Locust.
Bosler Geo., wks. woolen mill, east end Maple ave., Woodvale.
Bosley Samuel, carpenter, 52 Somerset.
Bossart William, clerk, 71 Morris.
Bossart Martin, of Martin Bossart & Co., 74 Morris.
Bossart Martin & Co., dry goods, Main and Franklin.
Bostert Gustave, of Dopp & Bostert, 359 Bedford.
Botting James, works C. I. Co., head of Main, Conemaugh.
Bouser George, brick maker, Coopersdale borough.
Boucher Patrick, works C. I. Co., Union, Minersville.
Bowden John, laborer, near head of Locust, Conemaugh.
Bowden Wm., laborer, head of Main.
Bowden Robert, works cement mill, Prospect, Millville.
Bowers Wm., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Bowers Henry, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Bowman John M., editor, 36 Napoleon.
Bowser John R., works C. I. Co., River, Millville.
Boxler Joseph, saloon, 929 Railroad.
Boxler Sebastian, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Boxler Xavier, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Boyd James K., carpenter, Lincoln near Franklin.
Boyd Wm. P., machinist, boards 23 Morris.
Boyer Henry, Third, east Conemaugh.
Boyer Henry, catcher, Hornerstown.
Boyer Henry, Hornerstown.
Boyer Leonard, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Boyer John, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Boyer Emanuel, works C. I. Co., Bedford near Adams.
Boyer George, heater, Bedford near Adams.
Boyer Martin, laborer, 166 Grant.
Boylan John, miner, Railroad, Cambria.
Boyle Allen, works C. I. Co., Napoleon and Haynes.
Boyle Anna, widow, Main, Minersville.
Boyle Charles, miner, Front, Cambria.
Boyle David, works C. I. Co., 199 Main, Minersville.
Boyle Dennis, brakeman, boards Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Boyle Dennis, works C. I. Co., Main and Union, Minersville.
Boyle Edward, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Boyle John, works C. I. Co., Coal and Huber, Conemaugh.
Boyle John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Boyle Mary, widow, Main, Conemaugh.
Boyle Oliver, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Conemaugh.
Boyle Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Boyle Patrick, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Boyle Patrick, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Boyle Robert, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Boylen Peter, works cement mill, Broad and Fourth, Cambria.
Boyles James, works C. I. Co., lower end Main, Minersville.
Bracken Barney, teamster, First, east Conemaugh.
Bracken John R., carpenter, Napoleon near Dibert.
Bracken Jonathan, carpenter, Coopersdale borough.
Bracken Thomas, works C. I. Co., 187 Napoleon.
Braddocks P. J., agent, Adam, Conemaugh.
Bradley Edward, clerk, 54 Market.
Bradley Hugh, works C. I. Co., 54 Market.
Bradley Peter, laborer, Walnut, Cambria.
Brady Edward, stone mason, Railroad, Conemaugh.
BRADY JOHN., grocer and justice, Franklin and Locust.
Brady Martin, stone mason, Potts.
Brallier Frank, loom mender, 30 1/2 Morris.
Brallier Sarah, widow, 30 Morris.
Brannan Patrick, works C. I. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Brazil John, laborer C. I. Co., 110 furnace, Millville.
Brean Margaret, widow, Portage near Clinton, Conemaugh.
Brehm Henry, puddler, 93 River.
Breniser Mary E., widow, 127 Walnut.
Roepek Conrad, laborer, 132 Sherman.
Briber Edward, miner, 40 Napoleon.
Brickner Michael, shoemaker, boards 141 Clinton.
Bridges Frank L., engineer, Railroad near Singer, Conemaugh.
Bridges Robert, laborer, Second and Branch.
Bridges Robert, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Bridges Samuel, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Brim John, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Brindle Albert, stone mason, Haynes, Conemaugh.
Brindle Jacob, teamster, Railroad near Haynes, Conemaugh.
Brindle Margaret, widow, Huber, Conemaugh.
Briney Abraham, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Brinker A. D., of A. D. Brinker & Co., 117 Court.
Brinker Reuben C., of A. D. Brinker & Co., Morris and South.
Brinker Thos. H., of A. d. Brinker & Co., South and Morris.
Brixler Barbara, widow, Flats, Millville.
Brixler Chas., works C. I. Co., Flats, Millville.
Broderick Michael, laborer, Minersville.
Broderick Patrick, works C. I. Co., furnace row, Millville.
Broderick Wm., works C. I. Co., Minersville.
Broderick Wm. , Jr., laborer C. I. Co., Minersville.
Brooks James, miner, Hornerstown.
Brooks Joseph, coal miner, Huber, Conemaugh.
Brotch Penrod, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Brown August, works C. I. Co., 106 Jackson.
Brown D. O., of T. G. Stewart & Co., Baltimore.
Brown Daniel, engineer, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Brown Frank, baker, boards near head Locust, Conemaugh.
Brown Henry, grocer, 63 Morris.
Brown Henry H., works C. I. Co.,66 Somerset.
Brown Jacob, works C. I. Co., Adams near Railroad, Conemaugh.
Brown John, moulder, boards 10 Walnut.
Brown Jno. H., law student, Singer and Brown'say., Conemaugh.
BROWN JNO H., attorney-at-law, 64 Franklin, residence Singer, Conemaugh.
Brown Joseph, watchman, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Brown Joseph G., carpenter, 66 Somerset.
Brown M. A., harness maker, 66 Somerset.
Brown Magdalena, widow, Walnut, Cambria.
Brown Mrs. widow, alley at head of Main.
Brown Oliver, works C. I. Co., 61 Water, Millville.
Brown Robert H., lumberman, 122 Main.
Brown Samuel, works C. I. Co., Singer, cor. Brown's alley, Conemaugh.
Brown Thomas, miner, south end Bedford.
Brown William, laborer, C. I. Co., Coal, Conemaugh.
Brown William, Jr., works C. I. Co., 67 Vine.
Brown William, Sr., watchman C. I. Co., 67 Vine.
Brownsteder Frank, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
BRUBAKER A. S., Sup't Millville Schools, boards 43 Morris.
Brubaker George S., painter, 62 Haynes.
BRUBAKER JOHN H., blacksmith, shop 42 Haynes, res. 146 Somerset.
Bryan David R., works C. I. Co., Pearl.
Bryan E., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Bryan H., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Bryan John, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville.
Buchannan Frank, drug clerk, Main.
Buchannan e. B., clerk, boards Second, east Conemaugh.
Buchannan John s., U. S. liquor gauger, 77 Main.
Buchannan Robert, laborer, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Buck L. W., tinner, Conemaugh township.
Buckley Dennis, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Buckley Timothy, brakeman, boards Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Buckley Michael, laborer, Franklin borough.
Buckley Michael, works C. I. Co., lower end Main, Minersville.
Buckley Rosa, widow, Franklin borough.
Buckley Timothy, laborer, Furnace row, Millville.
Burchhart Peter, milkman, Broad, Cambria.
Burgess Wm. H., works cement mill, Main, Minersville.
Burgoon Susan, widow, Pine, east Conemaugh.
Burggraf A., groceries, 116, residence 118 Clinton.
Burggraf Casper, clerk, 118 Clinton.
Burk John, laborer, Franklin borough.
Burk Stephen, laborer, middle Prospect.
Burkey Joshua C., carpenter, 70 Morris.
Burket David, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Burket Elizabeth, widow, Coopersdale borough.
Burket George, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Burket Isaac, engineer, Washington near Walnut.
Burket John, works C. I. Co., 228 Washington, Minersville.
Burns John, works C. I. Co., 57 Water, Millville.
Burns John, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Burrell Henry, laborer, 201 Napoleon.
Burrell Joseph, laborer, 201 Napoleon.
Burtnett James, teamster, Portage, Conemaugh.
BUTGAND CHARLES, chief of police, Market House, residence 10 Morris.
Butler Caleb, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Butler David, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Burler Lovicy, widow, 112 Morris.
Butler Sarah, widow, 80 Somerset.
Butler Thomas, miner, Third, east Conemaugh.
Butler Wm., works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Butler Wm. P., works C. I. Co., 80 Somerset.
Byerly Susan L., widow, 328 Bedford.
Byers, Jeremiah, works C. I. Co., 68 Market.
Byroade Otho W., works C. I. Co., 176 Somerset.
Byron James P., of Wm. Byron & Sons, 67 Napoleon.
Byron Ralph A., of Wm. Byron & Sons, 67 Napoleon.
Byron Wm., of Wm. Byron & Sons, 67 Napoleon.
BYRON WM. & SONS, woolen factory, Sherman and Dibert.

-- C --

Cable John, works C. I. Co., 72 Spring, Millville.
Cackly B., bar tender, boards 250 Washington.
Caddy Charles, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Caddy James, miner, 60 Vine.
Caddy Philip S., miner, Iron, Millville.
Caddy Thomas H., miner, Iron, Millville.
Caddy Wm., miner, Point.
Cadman Wm., assistant chemist C. I. Co., 69 Main.
Cadogan Wm., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Cadogan David, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Cahoe Daniel, works C. I. Co., 96 Spring, Millville.
Caldwell Samuel S., works C. I. Co., boards 23 Morris.
CALDWELL WM., dry goods and groceries, 298 Main, worker Bedford, residence Levergood.
Callahan J., work C. I. C., boards 110 Furnace row, Millville.
Callahan John, works C. I. Co., 77 Market.
Callahan Thomas, works Woolen mill, boards east Portage, Conemaugh.
Callihan Ebenezer S., works C. I. Co., 40 Market.
Cambria City Post Office, Front and Branch.
CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY, Mills, Millville borough, office 123 Washington.
Cambria Library Association, 114 Market.
Cammer John, works C. I. Co., Coal, Conemaugh.
CAMPBELL CURTIS G., drug clerk, 82 Walnut.
Campbell Grace, clerk, 86 Market.
Campbell J. F., Jr., local editor Voice and Echo, Market.
CAMPBELL J. F., Sr., publisher Voice and Echo, Clinton and Washington, residence 75 Morris.
Campbell James, works C. I. Co., 74 Spring, Millville.
Campbell James A., moulder, 82 Walnut.
Campbell, Jacob M., 82 Walnut.
Campbell John, clerk, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Campbell John, county commissioner, Railroad and Coal, Conemaugh.
Campbell John A., clerk, Railroad and Coal, Conemaugh.
Campbell John B., printer, 75 Morris.
Campbell Mrs. Margaret, 74 Spring, Millville.
Canan Charles H., carpenter, 128 Vine.
Canan Moses H., salesman, Stony Creek near Franklin.
Canan S. Dean, salesman, 284 Main, residence River.
Canan Sarah, widow, 128 Vine.
Cane Patrick, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Canon Sarah, widow, 43 Market.
Canny Michael, laborer, Coal, Conemaugh.
Canny Anthony, laborer, Coal, Conemaugh.
Cany Chas., laborer, Coal, Conemaugh.
Cargo Robert, tailor, 28 Market.
Carlin Miles, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Carmichael Samuel, laborer, 324 Main.
Carn Anthony, farmer, Walnut, Cambria.
Carney George W., works C. I. Co., 66 Conemaugh.
Carney James, works C. I. Co., 169 Furnace row, Millville.
Carney Theodore M., works C. I. Co., 66 Conemaugh.
Carpenter Abram L., works C. I. Co., 16 Walnut.
Carpenter J. F., 165 Vine.
Carpenter John, conductor, boards Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Carrel John, works C. I. Co., Bedford near Adams.
Carrel Thomas A., laborer, 82 Vine.
Carrell George, carpenter, Bedford near Adams.
Carrell Wm. H., Bedford near Adams.
Carrol Patrick, laborer, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Carter -----, 73 Napoleon.
Carter John B., cabinet maker, South and Morris.
Carter John W., works C. I. Co., 36 Market.
Carter Mary E., dress maker, Morris and South.
Carthew John, works cement mills, Prospect, Millville.
Carthew John, miner, 77 Union.
Carthew Wm., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Cartuff E. B., works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Corville John, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Cassidy Thos. P., engineer, boards Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Cassey John, laborer, Minersville.
Canfield Edward, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Canfield John A., laborer, Main, Minersville.
Cavanaugh John, works C. I. Co., 88 Spring, Millville.
Cavanaugh John, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Cehnder Thomas, works C. I. C., broad, Cambria.
Certhu John, miner, on the Point.
Champeno Henry, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Champeno John, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Chappel John W., miner, Walnut and Chestnut.
Chase Lewis, tanner, river near Dibert.
Chase Lewis A., laborer, near Haynes, Kernsville.
Chfflaur John, works C. I. Co., Third, Cambria.
Chrissinger Wm. M., fireman, beds. Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Christ Wm., laborer, Grant near South.
Christanz Louisa, widow, Pine.
Clark Charles, laborer, Hornerstown.
Clark Geo., laborer, Hornerstown.
Clark Geo., works C. I. Co., 134 Furnace, Millville.
Clark Henry, miner, Iron, Millville.
Clark James, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Clark John B., grocer, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Clark John H., east Conemaugh.
Clark Lawrence R., works C. I. Co., 59 Morris.
Clark Lewis, laborer, Hornerstown.
Clark Millard, works C. I. Co., 137 Furnace, Millville.
Clark Oliver, laborer, Hornerstown.
Clark Owen, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Clark Patrick, works C. I. Co., coal, Conemaugh.
Clark William, works C. I. Co., 69 Water, Millville.
Clark William, laborer, Hornerstown.
Claymeyer William, works C. I. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Clayton Charles, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Cliff Lemuel, works woolen mill, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Clinger James, laborer, 56 Somerset.
Clinger, John F., teamster, 58 Somerset.
Clinger Thomas A., teamster, 58 Somerset.
Clites Andrew, laborer, 73 Somerset.
Clossin James, carpenter, Railroad near Haynes, Conemaugh.
Coad John, saloon, Washington and Market.
Coal Joseph, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Cobaugh Charles, engineer, Pine, east Conemaugh.
Cobaugh Daniel, laborer, Franklin borough.
Cobaugh Johnston, fireman, Franklin borough.
Cobaugh Peter A., clerk, 126 Somerset.
Cobaugh Philip, brakeman, Third, east Conemaugh.
Cobaugh Susannah, widow, 126 Somerset.
Cobaugh Winfield S., brakeman, Third, east Conemaugh.
Cobert Frederick, 74 Union.
Cobert Frederick, Jr., works C. I. Co., 74 Union.
Cobough David, laborer, Franklin borough.
Cohen Louis, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, 211 Main.
Cohick Frank W., works C. I. Co., boards 38 Walnut.
Cohick Levi B., Market and Main.
Coho John, works C. I. Co., 68 Haynes.
Cobert Charles, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Colbert John, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Colbert Lorenzo, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Colbert Robert J., laborer, Peter near Adams, Conemaugh.
Colbert Robert, miner, Portage, Conemaugh.
Colbert Wm., works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Coleman Frederick M., clerk, boards 260 Main.
Coleman Herman, works C. I. Co., 193 Napoleon.
Coleman Robert, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Coleman Wm. H., works C. I. Co., 193 Napoleon.
Coleman Herman, works C. I. Co., 193 Napoleon.
Coleman Robert, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Coleman, Wm. H., works C. I. Co., 193 Napoleon.
Colier John, works C. I. C., 56 Water, Millville.
Coll Daniel, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Coll Mrs. E., confectionery, 135 Clinton.
Colley Richard, 125 Furnace, Millville.
Collins Edward, works C. I. Co., boards Prospect.
Collins John, works C. I. Co., 165 Furnace row, Millville.
Collins John, miner, 83 Vine.
Collins Thomas M., works C. I. Co., Locust and Walnut.
Commacher E., widow, head of Singer, Conemaugh.
Commers Wm. A., works C. I. Co., Pearl.
Conaly Patrick, laborer, Minersville.
Condon J. Frank, insurance agent, boards Hulbert House.
Conery Edward, miner, Coal, Conemaugh.
Cones Mary, widow, Beech, Woodvale.
Confer Eliza, widow, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Confer John, fireman, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Conlen Pat., shoemaker, Franklin, res. Railroad, Conemaugh.
Conley James, works C. I. Co., 200 Main, Minersville.
Conley John, laborer, Furnace row, Millville.
Conn Henry, carpenter, Hornerstown.
Connell Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Connell Patrick, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Connor Henry, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Connor John, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Connor James, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Connor Patrick, laborer, Furnace row, Millville.
Conrad Michael, watchman, Singer, Conemaugh.
CONRAD S. J., of Beam & Conrad and physician, 138 Market.
Constable David, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Constable George, carpenter.
Constable Noah, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Constable Philip, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Constable Philip E., watchman, 259 Portage.
CONTINENTAL HOTEL, 161 Iron, Joseph Fieldhouse, proprietor.
Conway James, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Conway Jeremiah, works C. I. Co., 177 Main, Minersville.
Conway Michael, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Cook Charles W., tanner, 217 Broad.
Cook Henry, miner, Bridge, Cambria.
Cook Nathan, laborer, Church, Conemaugh.
Cook Miss. Nellie, milliner, boards 315 Main.
Cooney John T., hostler, First, east Conemaugh.
Cooper George, laborer, 30 King.
Cooper Harvey, laborer, Third, east Conemaugh.
Cooper James, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Cooper John, laborer, 30 King.
Cope Ahlum, carpenter, Portage, Conemaugh.
Corben Stephen T., brakeman, boards Franklin borough.
Corcoran Philip, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Corkran James, works C. I. Co., boards Branch, Cambria.
Corolan John, works C. I. Co., boards Broad, Cambria.
Corner George, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Corrigan Patrick, miner, Railroad, Cambria.
Coshun Wm., stone mason, Church, Conemaugh.
Coshun Wm. E., works C. I. Co., Church, Conemaugh.
Costolo Michael, laborer, River, Millville.
Cougnleu Cornelius, shoemaker, boards 191 Locust.
Coughran Cornelius, shoemaker, Locust.
Coughnour Isaac, blacksmith, Third, east Conemaugh.
Coulson Kate, boards, 43 Morris.
Coulter David W., grocer and dry goods, Franklin borough.
Courter David, railroader, Third, East Conemaugh.
Cover Charles B., banker, 320 Main.
Cover Benjamin F., carpenter, 142 Somerset.
Cover Daniel, of McPherson & Co., 341 Locust.
Cover Emanuel, 84 South.
Cover Wm., carpenter, 320 Main.
Cowbum Wm., laborer, east Portage, Conemaugh.
Craig Isaac, conductor, Pine, East Conemaugh.
Cramer Frank, laborer, Vine near Market.
Cramer Wilson, Vine near Market.
Cramer Wilson, works C. I. Co., 133 Napoleon.
Crane H., widow, near Spring, Millville.
Crane Martha, widow, 35 Market.
Craus John, laborer, 67 Union.
Credel Jacob, bar keeper, 251 Main.
Creed David, groceries, Washington and Franklin.
Creigh Taylor, spinner, boards 316 Main.
Cress Charles, brewer, Singer near Railroad, Conemaugh.
Crofford Daniel, of Crofford & Ripple, 119 Morris.
Crofford & Ripple, dry goods, etc., 117 Morris.
Croft George, works C. I. Co., 72 Sherman.
Crofton John, laborer, Furnace row, Millville.
Cronin David, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Crosby James, hooker, Hornerstown.
Crossen Barney, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Crossen Hugh, miner, Railroad, Cambria.
Crossen James, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Crossen Richard, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Crotzer Henry, works C. I. Co., 116 Market.
Crouce Albert, candy maker, boards 288 Main.
Crouse Harvey S., engineer, 28 Walnut.
Crouse John, laborer, Franklin borough.
Crouse John H., works woolen factory, 28 Walnut.
Crouse Joseph, blacksmith, 122 Washington.
Crouse Susan J., widow, 28 Walnut.
Cowley Cornelius, shoemaker, Minersville.
Croyle Archibald M., of Livingston & Co., 115 Morris.
Croyle John, teamster, 176 Morris.
Crum Hiram, brakeman, Franklin borough.
Culin Isaac, teamster, 127 Napoleon.
Cunningham Albert, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Cunningham J. H., of Nutter, Cunningham & Co., 32 Napoleon.
Cupples A., tinner, Clinton.
Curley Michael, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Curnow John, miner, 134 Vine.
Cush, Annie, widow, Railroad, Cambria.
Cush Daniel, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Custer, A. & J. L., dry goods and groceries, Franklin borough.
Custer Abraham, of A. J. L. Custer, Franklin borough.
Custer Ephriam, Franklin borough.
Custer Ezra, laborer, Franklin borough.
Custer J. L., of A. & J. L. Custer, Franklin borough.
Custer Jacob, works C. I. Co., 223 Washington, Minersville.
Custer John, works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Custer Martin, grocer, Franklin borough.
Cuthbert William R., engineer, Depot, Conemaugh.

-- D --

Daeley James, laborer, Church, Conemaugh.
Daeley John, laborer, Church, Conemaugh.
Daeley Joseph, saloon keeper, Church, Conemaugh.
Daeley Joseph, Jr., laborer, Church, Conemaugh.
Dagnan John, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Dailey Patrick, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria.
Dale Wm., spinner, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Daley James, works C. I. Co., 144 Pike's Peak, Millville.
Daley William, miner, Railroad, Cambria.
Daly Ann, hotel keeper, Iron, Millville.
Daly Francis, clerk, Iron, Millville.
Daly Margaret, Prospect, Millville.
Daly Patrick, Iron, Millville.
Danges August, saloon, 264 and 266 Washington.
Darby Chris., works C. I. Co., Huber, Conemaugh.
Darby James, miner, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Darby John, miner, Huber, Conemaugh.
Darby Owen, miner, Singer and Railroad.
Davies John M., laborer, 44 Market.
Davies John M., Jr., laborer, 44 Market.
Davies Thomas F., track layer, 132 Somerset.
Davin T., ass't pastor St. John's church, 116 Jackson.
Davis Amos B., constable, Stony Creek near Franklin.
Davis Amos L., works C. I. Co., 38 Market.
Davis Chester, teamster.
Davis Chester W., butcher, Stony Creek near Franklin.
Davis David, works C. I. Co., on the Point.
Davis David, laborer, Broad, Cambria.
Davis David, miner, 115 Union.
Davis David E., miner, 107 Union.
Davis David H., coal miner, Vine and Walnut.
Davis David L., student, Market.
Davis David L., watchman, River, Millville.
Davis David P., roller, 67 Levergood.
Davis Eli, miner, 107 Union.
Davis Elizabeth M., widow, Iron, Millville.
Davis Frank B., machinist, Locust and Adams, Conemaugh.
Davis James K., teamster, Adams and Locust, Conemaugh.
Davis James R., miner, 16 Walnut.
Davis John J., miner, 84 Union.
Davis Margaret, widow, 36 King.
Davis Mary, widow, 168 Napoleon.
Davis Owen W., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Davis Philip, miner, 88 Conemaugh.
Davis Reese D., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Davis Thomas, works C. I. Co., River, Millville.
Davis Thomas D., boards Iron, Millville.
Davis Thomas S., saloon keeper, 117 Market.
Davis William P., florist, 172 Vine.
Davison Thomas, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Day Edward, works C. I. Co. boards Second, Cambria.
Day John H., works C. I. Co., Washington, Minersville.
Dean Elizabeth, widow, 38 Walnut.
Dean George E., flagman on railroad, 42 Market.
Deater Wm., harness maker, Railroad.
Debesh Casper, works C. I. Co., boards Chestnut, Cambria.
Decker George W., blacksmith, 147 Morris.
Decker John L., works C. I. Co., 102 Haynes.
Deckert Frank S., freight agent, Iron, Millville.
Deifenbach Henry, laborer, 624 Walnut.
Deifenbach Henry, laborer, 82 Napoleon.
Deinhart C., laborer, Huber, Conemaugh.
Deinhardt John, miner, Huber, Conemaugh.
Denger Charles, works C. I. Co., boards Broad, Cambria.
Denny Andrew, carriage maker, Adams, Conemaugh.
Denner Sidney, widow, Water, Millville.
Dettling Wm., laborer, Adams, Conemaugh.
Devine John, works C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Devine Wm. T., works C. I. Co., 187 Morris.
Devlin James F., 84 Napoleon.
Dibert David, of D. Dibert & Son, 103 Morris.
DIBERT D. & SON, boots and shoes, wholesale and retail, 215 Main.
DIBERT FRANK, cashier Johnstown Savings Bank, res, 103 Morris, Kernville.
Dibert Geo. W., of Dibert, Wayne & Co., Market and Main.
DIBERT JOHN & CO., bankers, Main and Franklin.
Dibert John H., of John Dibert & Co., and of Dibert, Wayne & Co., 107 Market.
Dibert John B., clerk in Diberts' Bank, Market.
Dibert Rachel, widow, 253 Locust.
Dibert Samuel, painter, 140 Morris.
Dibert Scott, of d. Dibert & Son, 103 Morris.
Dibert Walter J., soap manufacturer, 103 Morris.
DIBERT, WAYNE & CO., hardware, 224 Main.
Diebert Wm. B., salesman, Main.
Dice Conrad, works C. I. Co., 190 Somerset.
Dice John, laborer, Hornerstown.
Dickey Sarah, millinery, 254 Main.
Diebal Charles, laborer, Woodvale borough.
Diener Louis, meat market, Portage, Conemaugh.
Dierbeck Geo., laborer, Adams, Conemaugh.
Diffenbach Barbara, widow, Coal, Conemaugh.
Dill August, works C. I. Co., 93 Haynes.
Dill Mrs. E., agent Altoona steam dye works, Franklin and Stony Creek.
Dill Henry, carpenter, 17 Napoleon.
Dill James C., farmer, 148 Somerset.
Dill Leonard, works C. I. Co., 66 Levergood.
Dill -----, laborer, 62 Vine.
Dimond James, works C. I. Co., Adam, Conemaugh.
Dimond Robert, laborer, Prospect.
Dimond Patrick, works C. I. Co., middle Prospect.
Dinant Nicholas J., draughtsman, 130 Locust.
Diner Lewis, butcher, River, residence Cambria.
Dipfer William, works C. I. Co., 84 Sherman.
Dippel August, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Dishong Powel W., works C. I. Co., South near Morris.
Dishong Peter, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Dishong Henry C., works C. I. Co., 75 Main.
Dittmar Christain, brewer, Woodvale.
Dixon Samuel W., laborer, C. I. Co., 80 Vine.
Dodson Wm. M., nurseryman, Branch, Cambria.
Doerr Miss Clara, milliner, Vine.
Dolen Margaret, widow, Main, Minersville.
Donaldson Henry, laborer, Washington, Minersville.
Donaldson Henry, laborer, Washington, Minersville.
Donaldson John R., works C. I. Co., 226 Washington, Minersville.
Donaldson William A., book keeper, 163 Main.
Donley John, baker, Jacob Fend's.
Donnelly August, works, C. I. Co., Walnut, Cambria.
Donnelly Bridget, widow, Front, Cambria.
Donnelly James, works C. I. Co., Front, Cambria.
Donnelly Wm., grocer, Railroad, Conemaugh borough.
Dooley Dennis, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Dopp Chas. W., of Dopp & Bostert, Portage, Conemaugh.
Dopp & Bostert, flour, feed and grain, Clinton and Railroad.
Dopp Lewis, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Dorach R., Portage, Conemaugh borough.
Doran Arthur, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Doran Arthur, Jr., miner, Prospect.
Doran Barnard, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Doran Edward, laborer, Prospect.
Doran Michael, laborer, Walnut, Cambria.
Dorris August, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Dorris Christian, Portage near Clinton, Conemaugh.
Doubt Samuel, miner, 64 Walnut.
Dougherty Michael, miner, Main, Conemaugh.
Dougherty Pat., wks C. I. Co., Railroad and Second, Cambria.
Dougherty Roger, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Dougherty Thomas, miner, Main, Conemaugh.
Douglass Samuel, clerk, 166 Vine.
Douglass Wm. M., physician, 166 Vine.
Doutt Samuel G., miner, 87 Union.
Doutt Wm., miner, river, Millville.
Dowlan Walter, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Dowling Patrick, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Dowling Richard, saloon, Iron, Millville.
Downey John, 348 Main.
Downey John, works C. I. Co., 162 Furnace, row, Millville.
Downs James, engineer, Woodvale.
Downs James, tanner, 25 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Downes Thomas, laborer, Iron, Millville.
Doyle Felix, works C. I. Co., 68 Water, Millville.
Doyle Luke, works C. I. Co., 68 Water, Millville.
Drew Harry, laborer, River, Millville.
Drew Mark, miner, River, Millville.
Drew Wm., miner, river, Millville.
Drips Harry W., brakeman, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Dronfield Thomas, puddler, boards 69 River.
Dronfield Wm., hooker, Hornerstown.
Ducotey Celestine, works C. I. Co., boards Second, Cambria.
Ducotey Emil, teamster, Second, Cambria.
Ducotey Louis, miner, C. I. Co., Second, Cambria.
Duffey James, works C. I. Co., boards E. Howe's, Cambria.
Duffey John, laborer, boards, European House.
Dugand John, laborer, head of Haynes, Conemaugh.
Dull John, tailor, 144 Morris.
Duncan James, painter, 83 Haynes.
Dumm Cyrus, laborer, Franklin borough.
Dunfee Samuel, wood turner, Locust, Conemaugh.
Dunfee Wm. H., clerks W. M. & Co.'s, Railroad.
Dunmeyer George, laborer, Franklin borough.
Dunmeyer Samuel, laborer, Franklin borough.
Dunn Wesley H., tinner, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Dunovan John, works C. I. Co., Union, Minersville.
Durno Wm., brakeman, First, east Conemaugh.
Dunstan John, miner, 62 Vine.
Dynon Bartholmew, works C. I. Co., Minersville.
Dysert Cordella, widow, 353 Bedford.
Dysert Geo. F., works C. I. Co., 353 Bedford.

-- E --

Eager Fred, brewer, Walnut, Cambria.
Early John, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Earnst John, miner, rear 184 Napoleon.
Earych Joseph, division boss, 98 Haynes.
East Geo. W., works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Easly C. W., local editor Tribune, Jackson.
Easly G. W., Burgess, market house, residence Jackson.
Eharly John, works C. I. Co., head of Haynes, Conemaugh.
Eberle F. J., jeweler, Portage near Clinton, boards Huber, Conemaugh.
Eberle Joseph, laborer, Haynes.
Ecels Elizabeth, widow, 242 Locust.
Eckels A. J., printer, 86 Washington.
Eckels Andrew J., 86 Conemaugh.
Eckels Elizabeth, widow, 131 Napoleon.
Eckstein Philip, works C. I. Co., near Railroad, Cambria.
Edelmann Sylvester, stone mason, Locust, Conemaugh.
Edmiston Daniel, works C. I. Co., head of Haynes, Conemaugh.
Edmiston John, laborer, 167 Morris.
Edmiston Thomas, laborer, 164 Somerset.
Edmonds Wm., works C. I. Co., 26 Iron, Millville.
Edwards David, tailor, 41 Napoleon.
Edwards David R., works C. I. C., 32 King.
Edwards E. L., baker and confectioner, 119 Clinton.
Edwards George, laborer, 160 Napoleon.
Edwards J. D., foreman W. M. & Co.'s shoe shop, 41 Napoleon, Kernville.
Edwards Jonathan, shoemaker, boards 68 Market.
Edwards Joseph R., works C. I. Co., 122 Union.
Edwards Rees, miner, Point.
Edwards Richard R., works C. I. Co., 123 Union.
Edwards Thomas, miner, alley near Union.
Edwards Thomas, laborer, 118 Chestnut.
Edwards Thomas, Jr., blacksmith, 118 Chestnut.
Edwards Thomas P., shoemaker, 41 Napoleon.
Edwards Wm., works C. I. Co., 101 Spring, Millville.
Egan John, carpenter, Peter, Conemaugh.
Egan Thomas, Second, East Conemaugh.
Egar Benedict, works C. I. Co., Church, Conemaugh.
Engelhart C., works C. I. Co., Haynes, Conemaugh.
Eichenscher Michael, miner, Huber and Haynes, Conemaugh.
Eicner George, laborer, Chestnut, Cambria.
Eiser Henry, works C. I. Co., 109 Sherman.
Elder Cyrus, attorney, 195 Locust, residence 116 Walnut.
Eldridge Abram S., clerk, Court and Locust.
Eldridge James, supt. Johnstown Mfg. Co., Locust and Court.
Eldridge James, cashier, Court and Locust.
Eldridge Samuel B., finisher, Court and Locust.
Eldridge Wm., clerks W., M. & Co's, Morrellville.
Elenberger Martin, baker, Railroad, East Conemaugh.
Elfline J. Frederick, works C. I. Co., Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Elsasser C., furniture, 314 Locust.
Elsworth John, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Ellis C. B., 179 Vine.
Ellis James G., clerk, 179 Vine.
Ellis Richard, miner, Iron, Millville.
Ellis Samuel P. S., clerk, 134 Locust.
Ellworth Joshua B., works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Emerson Clancy, physician, Portage and Washington.
Emigh John C., works C. I., Co., 80 Morris.
Emil John, works C. I. Co., Portage Conemaugh.
Emsler Charles, works C. I. Co., Adam, Conemaugh.
Endsley Andrew J., 98 Vine.
Endsley Harry S., clerk, 98 Vine.
Endsley Wm., clerk, 89 Vine.
Enfield Levi, works C. I. Co., 187 Market.
Engelbach George, works C. I. Co., 173 Vine.
Engelbach Geo. H., moulder, 45 Market.
Epley Wm., engineer, 53 Vine.
Eppley John, works C. I. Co., 173 Franklin.
Ernst Conrad, miner, Huber, Conemaugh.
European House, Portage, Conemaugh.
Evans Rev. David J., 172 Vine.
Evans Evan B., miner, 57 Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Evans George M., book keeper T. G. Stewart & Co.
Evans Henry D., miner, 59 Vine.
Evans Isaac, laborer, 31 Walnut.
Evans Israel, miner, 59 Vine.
Evans John H., laborer, Fourth, East Conemaugh.
Evans Josiah, miner, 61 Vine.
Evans Sarah, widow, 31 Walnut.
Evans Sylvester, miner, Ridge alley, Conemaugh.
Everhart John, stone mason, near Sherman.

Fackler D., blacksmith, 236 Washington.
Fairing August, laborer, 64 Sherman.
Fallon John, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Fallon Patrick, works C. I. Co., 143 Pike's Peak, Millville.
Faloon David, hotel keeper, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Farley James, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh.
Farley Patrick, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Falstich Josiah, tanner, Bridge, Woodvale.
Faundlier Henry, works C. I. Co., Depot.
Faundlier Louis, laborer, Depot, Conemaugh.
Faust John A., works C. I. Co., 88 Spring, Millville.
Feehley Barney, works C. I. Co., Water, Millville.
Feeney John, works C. I. Co., Railroad, Cambria.
Feege Mrs. C., widow, alley near head of Main.
Feek Geo., works C. I. Co., Horner.
Fend Jacob, confectionery, 284 Main.
Fenn John, works C. I. Co., head of Singer, Conemaugh.
Field Robert P., ass't mining engineer, bds. Merchants' Hotel.
FIELDHOUSE JOSEPH, proprietor Continental Hotel, 16 Iron, Millville.
Filsock John, farmer, Main.
Findley Robert H., carpenter, Pearl.
Findley Jas. G., grocer, Franklin borough.
Fink Rev. Reuben A., English Lutheran, Lincoln nr. Franklin.
Finnagan Michael, liquors, Washington and Market.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Daniel J. Morrell, president; Howard J. Roberts, cashier; 198 Main.
Fish Martin, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Fisher Charles C., laborer, 103 Sherman.
Fisher & Co., wholesale liquors, 309 Clinton.
Fisher Edward, works C. I. Co., South near Morris.
Fisher George, works C. I. Co., Coopersdale borough.
Fisher Henry, saddler, 90 Haynes.
Fisher Jacob, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Fisher Jacob, works C. I. Co., Depot, Conemaugh.
Fisher John, clerk W., M. & Co., Coal, Conemaugh.
Fisher John, laborer, Coal.
FISHER JOHN H., justice of the peace, 89 Franklin, residence 142 Main.
Fisher Milton B., machinist, 90 Haynes.
Fisher Noah, Franklin borough.
Fisher P. S., of Fisher & Co., 80 Somerset.
Fisher Pearson, book keeper, 90 Haynes.
Fitch George W., works C. I. Co., Horner.
Fitch Samuel A. R., physician, Horner.
Fite Adam, engineer, Franklin borough.
Fite Henry A., conductor, Franklin borough.
Fite John B., laborer, Franklin borough.
Fitzpatrick Bernard, saloon, Cambria.
Fitzpatrick Daniel, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Fitzpatrick Peter, miner, Walnut, Cambria.
Fitzpatrick Wm., works C. I. Co., 111 Furnace row, Millville.
Fitzsimons John, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
Fitzsimons Thomas, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
Flachenstein Conrad, works C. I. Co., Chestnut, Cambria.
Flaherty Michael, works C. I. Co., Prospect.
Flaherty Michael, Jr., laborer, Prospect.
Flanigan Jerry, works C. I. Co., 141 Pike's Peak, Millville.
Flattery Wm., justice of the peace, Clinton, near Washington.
Fleck Gabriel F., teamster, 46 Market.
Fleck James, miner, Iron, Millville.
Fleck Samuel, puddler, 69 River.
Fleck Wm., laborer, Iron, Millville.
Fleming Joseph M., laborer, Beech, Woodvale.
Fleming Wm., laborer, Beech, Woodvale.
Flinnin Philip, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Flower James, miner, Iron, Millville.
Flowers Joseph, works C. I. Co., Huber, Conemaugh.
Flynn John, works C. I. C., Prospect, Millville.
Flynn Patrick, laborer, Main, Conemaugh.
Flynn Thomas, laborer, Railroad and Haynes.
Fockler Adam, tinsmith, 36 Morris.
Fockler Geo., of Fockler & Levergood, 13 Morris.
Fockler Jacob, tinner, Morris, residence 106 Franklin.
Fockler & Levergood, dry goods, &c.;, 13 Morris.
Fockler Mrs. L., milliner, 106 Franklin.
Fogerty Thomas, wks C. I. Co., bds Railroad and Front, Cambria.
Folsom John W., blacksmith, 62 Napoleon.
Folsom Josiah, works C. I. Co., 62 Napoleon.
Follmer Adam J., works C. I. Co., Bedford near Adams.
Follmer Peter, works C. I. Co., Haynes, Conemaugh.
Fondilier Lewis, butcher, Conemaugh.
Forbes George, works C. I. Co., Iron, Millville.
Ford Dennis, works C. I. Co., 146 Pike's Peak, Millville.
Ford Patrick, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Forrest Michael, works steel works, Iron, Millville.
Forsyth Wm., laborer, Franklin borough.
Foster Andrew, of Geis, Foster & Quinn, 112 Jackson.
Foster Conrad, laborer, 54 Vine.
Foster James, works woolen mill, Maple avenue, Woodvale.
Faust Wm. S., laborer, 194 Napoleon.
Fowler John, works C. I. C., Coal, Conemaugh.
Fox Henry, works C. I. Co., Main, Minersville.
Fox Joseph, works C. I. Co., Prospect, Millville.
Foye Ablon, laborer, Portage, Conemaugh.
Frane Thomas, works C. I. Co., boards Prospect.
Frair Ignatus, laborer, Huber, Conemaugh.
Frank Ephraim, shoemaker, Adams.
Frank Frederick, shoemaker, 114 Clinton, residence Adam.
Frank John, teamster, 63 Union.
Frank Joseph, works C. I. Co., Broad, Cambria.
Frank Lewis, peddler, Prospect, Millville.
Frasure Henry, prop. European House, Portage, Conemaugh.
Frazer Caleb T., druggist, 108 Main.
FRAZER C. T., druggist, 201 and 203, residence 106 Main.
Fredericks John, laborer, 71 Vine.
Frederick John M., laborer, 28 Morris.
Frederick William H., works C. I. Co., 106 Vine.
Friedhoff Henry P., deputy sheriff, Coal, Conemaugh.
Freidhoff Joseph, carpenter, Railroad and Adams, Conemaugh.
FREIE PRESSE, George S. Lechner, proprietor, 140 Clinton.
Frey Valentine, laborer, head of Haynes.
Friant Joseph, shoemaker, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Frick Conrad, barber, Broad, Cambria.
Frick John, works C. I. Co., head of Haynes, Conemaugh.
Frick John, works C. I. Co., Portage, Conemaugh.
Friddy Wm., works C. I. Co., boards 23 Morris.
Friedhoff Bros., planning mill, near Portage, Conemaugh.
Friedhoff Henry, Railroad, Conemaugh.
Friedhoff John, of Friedhoff Bros., Portage, Conemaugh.
Friedhoff Joseph, of Friedhoff Bros., Railroad, Conemaugh.
Friedhoff Peter, carpenter, Center, Conemaugh.
Friedhoff Sylvester, carpenter, Portage, Conemaugh.
Fritz Adolph, wagon maker, 24 Walnut.
Fritz John, saloon, 339 Railroad.
Fritz Joseph, bar tender, 339 Railroad.
Fronheiser E. H., brewer, 314 Main.
Fronheiser Jacob, 245 Locust.
Fronheiser James, chemist, 272 Locust.
Fry Samuel, works C. I. Co., rear of Walnut.
Fry Silas M., brick layer, 94 Market.
FRY JOHN, dentist, office and residence 306 Bedford.
Fry John E., superintendent steel works, 119 Locust.
Fry Wm. E., printer, Morris.
Fuche Martin, puddler, Portage, Conemaugh.
Fulton David, laborer, Mansion House.
Fulton Henry, hostler, Mansion House.
Fulton John, laborer, Church, Conemaugh.
Fulton John, general mining engineer, 33 Morris.
Funk Sarah, of Sarah Funk & Co., Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Funk Sarah & Co., boarding house, Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Funk Susan, of Sarah Funk & Co., Railroad, east Conemaugh.
Furlong John, engineer, Franklin borough.
Furlong John, Sr., Franklin borough.
Furlong, Lawrence, engineer, Franklin borough.
Furney Peter, laborer, Singer, Conemaugh.

Date Created: 30 Jul 2003
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2008
Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors



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