1869 Johnstown City Directory


Adams Harry, carder's helper, Maple avenue.
Adams Israel, spinner, boards Maple avenue.
Allison Joshua, engineer, Maple avenue.
Anderson Morgan, fireman, Maple avenue.
Andrew William, miner, Maple avenue.

Barber James, laborer, Maple avenue.
Barber, Mrs., widow, Maple avenue.
Barnes George, foreman spinner, Maple avenue.
Beach John M., foreman carder, Maple avenue.
Beck Andrew, laborer, Maple avenue.
Bingaman F. L., carpenter, Maple avenue.
Bonacker William, lumber merchant, Maple avenue.
Brannan Patrick, laborer, Maple avenue.
Buckwalter Joel, engineer, Maple avenue.
Burthold Daniel, rail straightener, Maple avenue.

Clark James, foreman dyer, Maple avenue.
Clark John, miner.
Clark Patrick, laborer, Maple avenue.

Day William, spinner, Maple avenue.
Diebel Charles, laborer, boards Maple avenue.

Easly Geo. W., judge district and county courts, Maple avenue.
Eckels, Mrs. widow, Maple avenue.

Farrell Patrick, paver, Maple avenue.
Fleming Joseph M., laborer, Maple avenue.
Flinn Patrick, miner, Maple avenue.
Frank August, spinner, boards Maple avenue.
Frank Charles, spinner, boards, Maple avenue.
Freeman John, foreman dresser, Maple avenue.

Gillinger George, laborer, Maple avenue.
Goughnour David, heater, Maple avenue.
Griffith Josiah, laborer, Maple avenue.

Hagerich John, plasterer, Maple avenue.
Harrison Thomas, laborer, boards Maple avenue.
Hawker, Mrs., widow, Maple avenue.
Helfrich Charles, grocer, Maple avenue.
Hopkinson John, weaver, boards Maple avenue.
Horner Jerry, carpenter, Maple avenue.

Incico Earl, laborer, Maple avenue.
Isitt Levi, weaver, Maple avenue.

Kaylor Charles, teamster,Maple avenue.
Kerfline August, butcher, Maple avenue.
Kough, Mrs. widow, Maple avenue.

Layton Thomas, fireman, Maple avenue.

Manda Henry, miner, Maple avenue.
Mangus Samuel, laborer, Maple avenue.
Marks Francis, miner, Maple avenue.
Marks Henry, watchman, Maple avenue.
McAllister Gregg, helper, Maple avenue.
McCally, Mrs., widow, Maple avenue.
McNeil Archy, weaver, Maple avenue.
Michael Charles, weighmaster, Maple avenue.
Milton Unis, spinner, boards Maple avenue.

Nesmith D. R., supt. man'g company.

O'Neil Patrick, brakeman, Maple avenue.

Piffley John M., weaver, Maple avenue.
Potter Joseph, molder, Maple avenue.
Price John, engineer, Maple avenue.
Priest James, watchman, Maple avenue.

Quirk Michael, miner, Maple avenue.

Reese George, miner, Maple avenue.
Rhoads Michael, spinner, boards Maple avenue.

Smith William S., laborer, Maple avenue.
Snedden James, foreman.
Steelbrook Joseph, finisher, Maple avenue.

Thias Josiah, weaver, Maple avenue.
Thomas Edward, engineer, Maple avenue.
Thomas Edward C., clerk, Maple avenue.
Twombly Marshall, laborer, Maple avenue.

Wesley Edward, dresser, boards Maple avenue.
Whortley Daniel, wool sorter, boards Maple avenue.
Williams James, Weaver, Maple avenue.
Woolferd Andrew, laborer, boards Maple avenue.
Woolderd William, laborer, Maple avenue.
Wood James, spinner, boards Maple avenue.
Wood James, weaver, Maple avenue.
Woods James, spinner, boards Maple avenue.

Last Updated: 31 Mar 2008
Copyright © 2001, All Rights Reserved
Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors



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