(taken from newspapers, county marriage applications and miscellaneous records)

LOCKEY, Redman, age 26, s/o Nicholas; Patton

CARTER, Jennie, age 20, d/o Benjamin; St. Boniface

ML 1185(2nd), m: 15 OCT 1901, by John Horning


LUBERDA, Albertum

PETSKI, Wenrantksa (Pelksa, Veronica) #109/p110


LUTHER, Cyrillus, age 23, s/o Jacob and Sophia

RUGGLES, Gertrude E., age 20, d/o William and Della

ML 192, m: 11 MAY 1886 #68/p101


McDERMOTT, Patrick, age 24, s/o Wm and Emma; St. Boniface

ANNA, Gertrude R., age 20, s/o Chas C. and Margaret; St. Boniface

ML 9730(2nd), m: 31 DEC 1907, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


McDERMOTT, William, age 28, s/o William and Emma; St. Boniface

ECKENRODE, Mary E., age 18, d/o Peter and Louisani; St. Boniface

ML 4356(2nd), m: 26 APR 1904, by Rev. Maximilian Herr, OSB


McMULLEN, Joseph, age 22, s/o James D. and Sarah E.

HUBERT, Barbara, age 25, d/o Charles and Dortha

m: 28 MAY 1888 #71A/p102


McQUINNEY, Joannem and NAGLE, Magdalenam #100/p108


MILLER, Adamum and SCHEIDEL, Julianna #8/p93


MILLS, A. Wallace and KROIS, Maria #71/p102


MULLER, Danielem and REGER, Martham #47/p98


MULLER, John and GERMANN, Sara Anna #38/p97


NAGLE, Elmer E., age 25, s/o Michael and Lidia; Hastings

GESSLER, Maggie L., age 24, d/o Eberhart and Caroline; Hastings

ML 3740, m: 26 APR 1892, by Rev. P. Maximilian Heer, OSB #92/p107


NAGLE, Joseph B., age 25, s/o John R. and Theresa

SEMELSBERGER, Anna, age 20, d/o George and Catharine

ML 105, m: 23 FEB 1886 #65/p101


OTT, Franciscum Xaverium and HAHN, Mariam Magdalenam #16/p94


OVERBERGER, Joannem (John) and HUBER, Helenam #46/p98


OVERBERGER, Josephum and HUBER, Mariam Magdalenam #22/p95


PLOTT, Michaelem (widower) and PHELAN, Sarah (widow) #21/p95


PRUISNOK, Johannem and CLADIS, Maria #89/p106


QUINN, Thomas P., age 26, s/o John and Annie; Lindsay, PA

OTT, Catharine M., age 23, d/o Thomas and Mary; St. Boniface

ML 4704(2nd), m: 26 JUL 1904, by Rev. Maximilian Heer, OSB


RAGER, Joseph, age 20, s/o Anthony and Julia; Elder Township

HAAS, Carrie, age 17, d/o Adam and Catherine; Elder Township

ML 9591, m: 8 MAY 1900, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB


REBER, Antonium and HELFERICK, Elisabeth #5/p93


REFFNER, Petrum M. and YAEGER, Henrietta #108/p110


RHODY, Carolum and MILLER, Philomenan #15/p94


ROHE, Joannem Casparum and THOMAS, Annam Caeciliam #49/p99


ROSENHAMMER, Joannem and FELDUNG, Elisabeth #11/p94


RUBER, Albert, age 23, s/o Stanislow and Katarine; Elder Township

PELKSA, Veronica, age 22, d/o Albert and Agnes; Susquehanna Township

ML 9084, m: 7 NOV 1899, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB


SCHIMPF, Henry, age 20, s/o Lewis and Katharine; Elder Township

THOMAS, Maggie, age 17, d/o Michael and Maggie; Elder Township

ML 5079, m: 7 MAY 1894 #97/p107


SEMELSBERGER, Anthony, age 21, s/o George and Catherine, Elder Township

KIBLER, Mary, age 18, d/o George and Magdelene; Elder Township

ML 8070, m: 25 OCT 1898, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB #107/p109


SEMELSBERGER, Conrad, age 24, s/o George and Katharine; Elder Township

THOMAS, Margaret, age 23, d/o Philip and Sarah; Elder Township

ML 5621, m: 30 APR 1895, by Rev. P. Philip, OSB #101/p108


SEMMELSBERGER, Franciscum and LLOYD, Katharinam #104/p109


SEMELSBERGER, Georgium and HOLTZ, Catharinam #50/p99


SEMELSBERGER, Jacob, age 24, s/o George and Catharine; Elder Township

ENDLER, Rosie, age 20, d/o John and Mary; Elder Township

ML 5800(2nd), m: 6 JUN 1905, by Ralphael Wieland, OSB


STEIGER, Jacobus and JOHNSON, Luiza Wekly? #7/p93


STOLTZ, Martinus and SCHELL, Anna #41/p98


STRITTMATTER, Aloysious, age 29, s/o Peter and Maria

HELFRICK, Mary Rosalia, age 20, d/o Peter and Catherine

ML 1475, m: 25 SEP 1888 #76/103


STUART, Charles W., born 1859, s/o Charles and Rose Ann; Elder Township

ENDLER, Caroline, born 24 SEP 1868, d/o John and Mary; Elder Township

ML 1844, m: 28 MAY 1889


SULLIVAN, John L., age 19, s/o Michael and Catherine; Hastings

HIPPS, Margaret, age 20, d/o Joseph and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 3517(2nd), m: 1 SEP 1903, by Rev. Maximilian Herr, OSB


SUTTON, Benj. F., age 23, s/o Augustine and Jennie; Elder Township

YEAGER, Adeline, age 17, d/o C.J. and Annie; Elder Township

ML 9394, m: 20 FEB 1900, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB


SWOPE, Aloysius (Lash), age 24, s/o John and Emma; St. Lawrence

BYRNE, Addie, age 25, d/o Silas and Mary; Patton

ML 8457, m: 2 MAR 1899, by Rev. Alto Heer


THOMAS, H.S., age 32, s/o Jacob and Elizabeth; Elder Township

RICHARDS, Guennie, age 23, d/o Wm and Kecia; Clearfield Township

ML 8249(2nd), m: 29 JAN 1907, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


THOMAS, Henricum and HUBER, Rosalia #85/p105


THOMAS, Levi and STOLZ, Saram #99/p108


THOMAS, Martin, age 29, s/o Jacob and Elizabeth; Elder Township

YEAGER, Edith, age 19, d/o George and Elizabeth; Elder Township

ML 4873, m: 28 NOV 1893 #96/p107


VALLERY, James, age 24, s/o Thomas and Ellen; Barnesboro

ENDLER, Catharine, age 22, d/o William and Mary; St. Boniface

ML 5742, m: 2 JUL 1895, by Rev. Philip Kretz #102/p108


VOGEL, Jacob, age 50, s/o Philip and Theresa; Gallitzin

1st wife died: 7 APR 1884

MILLER, Magdalena, age 30, d/o Philip and Elizabeth; St. Boniface

m: 31 MAY 1890 #87/p106


WALTER(?), Michael and WALS(z), Elizabetha #39/p97


WALTZ, Eduardum and ABEL, Martha #81/104


WALTZ, George M. and SHELL, Mary Ann (license entry) #79/p104


WANNER, John (Wilhelm?) and EBEL, Maria Catharina #34/p97


WARNER, Carolum and MILLER, Barbaram #14/p94


WEAKLAND, Andream Embry and THOMAS, Mariam #45/p98


WEAKLAND, Edward J., age 28, s/o Anselm and Matilda; Patton

KELLY, Sarah Julia, agae 19, d/o Samuel and Dora; St. Boniface

ML 4426(2nd), m: 10 MAY 1904, by Rev. Maximilian Herr, OSB


WEAKLAND, Edward M., age 22, s/o Embry and Mary; Elder Township

KLEIN, Mary J., age 21, d/o Frank L. and Christina; Elder Township

ML 5855(2nd), m: 20 JUN 1905, by Raphael Wieland/Wyland, OSB


WEAKLAND, Rudolph, age 24, s/o Embria and May; St. Boniface

BEST, Mary, age 18, d/o Harry and Hannah; St. Boniface

ML 617(3rd), m: 18 AUG 1908, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


YAHNER, Philip J., age 24, s/o Jacob and Mary A.; Patton

OTT, Elizabeth R., age 21, d/o Thomas and Mary A.; St. Boniface

ML 416(3rd), m: 23 JUN 1908, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


YAEGER, Antonium and ROHE, Theresiam #43/p98


YAEGER, Petrum and THOMAS, Ceciliam #98/p108


YEAGER, Edward, age 21, s/o George and Elizabeth; St. Boniface

KITCHEN, Ida, age 17, d/o D.H. and Annie; St. Boniface

ML 5491(2nd), m: 6 MAr 1905, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


YEAGER, Michael F., age 22, s/o Conrad and Annie; Elder Township

MILLER, Mary E, age 19, d/o (father dec) and Mary E Byrnes; Susquehanna Twp

ML 8073, m: 20 SEP 1898, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB #106/p109


YAHNER, Benjamin, age 22, s/o Martin and Mary; Hastings

KIBLER, Anna, age 16, d/o Jacob and Maria; St. Boniface

ML 3472, m: 3 NOV 1891, by Rev. P. Maximilian Heer, OSB #90/p106


YINGER, Robertum S. and MILLER, Mariam Annam #26/p95





Note: List includes names taken from Charles Shank's "Marriage Index, Saint Boniface Church", 1866-1899; includes the entry number and page number where marriage could be founded in the church marriage register. Names in this list were copied by Shank as written in Latin by the Priest. As Cambria County started the civil registration of marriages in 1885, marriages with no dates can assume to be between 1866-1885.


St. Boniface Church

125th Anniversary, 1859-1984


The two acres of land for the church properly were donated by Jacob Glasser and work on the foundation was begun on NOvember 28, 1858. The cornerstone was blessed by the Very Reverend Celestine Englebrecht, O.S.B., on May 22, 1859.


The first interment in the new cemetery was Anthony Yeager, who was buried March 2, 1859.


On Tuesday, June 5, 1860, the church was formally dedicated by the Very Reverend Utho Huber, O.S.B., Prior of Carrolltown, assisted by Benedictine Fathers from Carrolltown, Johnstown and Bellefonte.


On February 25, 1896, the St. Boniface Church was totally destroyed by fire. On May 14, 1896, the new cornerstone was blessed by Father Michael, Prior at Carrolltown. On November 17, 1896, the new church was solemnly blessed by Reverent Archabot Leander Schnerr, O.S.B.


mainly at


with other miscellaneous entries for





Note: List includes names taken from Charles Shank's "Marriage Register Index, Saint Lawrence Church", approximately 1860-1899; includes the entry number and page number where marriage could be founded in the church marriage register. Names in this list were copied by Shank as written in Latin by the Priest. As Cambria County started the civil registration of marriages in 1885, marriages with no dates can assume to be between 1860-1885.



ABEL (Ebel), John

BAUMAN, Agnes, born 19 JAN 1860; Chest Township?

m: 4 JUN 1878 / #27/p4



DRASS, Helen #40/p6


CARLHEME, George A., age 23, s/o Christopher and Margaret

WARNER, Rose J., age 21, d/o Joseph and Barbara

ML 204, m: 15 JUN 1886


BEARER, Franciscum

DIETRICH (Eberhart), Maria #43/p6


BURGER, Nathan

EXNER, Katharina #12/p2


BYRNE, Elmer X., age 29, s/o Silas and Mary A.; Patton

DRASS, Maggie, age 35, d/o Michael and Margaret; Chest Township

ML 4718, m: 19 SEP 1893, by Rev. P. Maximilian, OSB / #56/p9


CARL, Joannes A.

KLEIN, Martha J. #39/p5


CARLHEME, George A., age 23, s/o Christopher and Margaret

WARNER, Rose J., age 21, d/o Joseph and Barbara

ML 204, m: 15 JUN 1886 / #45/p6


CRAVER, Thomam M.

CAMPBELL, Angelinam #19/p3



RHODY, Magdalena #5/p3 (in obit)


CROOK (Krug), Georgium

KUEBLER, Ceciliam Annam #37, p5


DRASS, Joannem and HUEBSCH, Caceiliam #51/p8

DRASS, John, age 22, s/o Michael and Margaret; Chest Township

HIPPS, Celia, gae 21, d/o Joseph and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 3859, m: 27 JUN 1892, by Rev. P. Maximilian Hess, OSB


DRASS, Michael, age 24, s/o Michael and Maggie; Chest Township

MYERS, Grace, age 21, d/o John and Catharine; Blair County

ML 4576, m: 1 JUL 1893, by John G. Gill, JP


DRESS, John Jr.

GILL, Elis #26/p4


FLANAGAN, Michael A., age 49, s/o M.C. and Emma; St. Lawrence

McCANDLESS, Jane E., age 28, d/o M.C. and Nancy; New Washington

ML 1307, m: 4 JUN 1888


FONGHEISER, J.P., age 38, s/o Andrew and Mary; Hastings

1st marriage: 2 OCT 1890

1st wife died: 14 FEB 1906 [Elizabeth Fongheiser]

NEBAUER, Catharine, age 28, d/o Michael and Barbara; St. Lawrence

ML 7761(2nd), m: 25 SEP 1906, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


FRAILEY, Robert H., age 28, s/o John and Margaret; Chest Township

McGARVEY, Mary, age 19, d/o John and Martha; McPheron, Clearfield County

ML 7023, m: 18 MAR 1897, by John G. Gill


GABRIEL, Johannem

WARNER, Maria Mathilda #1/p3 (in obits)


GALLAGHER, Valentine K., age 21, s/o James S. and Ruth; Flinton

LAINHART, Margaret, age 18, d/o John and Mary; Chest Township

ML 3332, m: 3 SEP 1891, by John G. Gill, JP


GILL, Jacob (Ignatius)

KIBLER, Margaretham #4/p3 (in obit)


GILL, Jakobum

WAGNER, Martha #11/p2


GILL, Jeremiam and ALBRIGHT, Rosie #52, p8

(listed in index of St. Lawrence wedding records but civil records show

married at St. Boniface; note that Rev. Herr officiated weddings at both churches)

GILL, Jeremiah, age 20, s/o Anthony and Elizabeth; Chest Township

ALBRIGHT, Rosie, age 16, d/o Adam and Catharine; Chest Township

ML 3990, m: 6 SEP 1892, St. Boniface Church, by Rev. P. Maximilian Heer, OSB


GILL, Laurentium and FRANCE, Mariam E. #53/p8

(listed in index of St. Lawrence wedding records but civil records show

married at St. Boniface; note that Rev. Herr officiated weddings at both churches)

GILL, Lawrence, age 22, s/o Charles and Catharine; Chest Township

FRONCE, Mary E., age 18, d/o Able and Mary E.; Chest Township

ML 4086, m: 3 NOV 1892, St. Boniface Church, by Rev. P. Maximilian Heer, OSB


GILL, Philipp

GROIS, Elis #25/p4


GILL, William J., age 23, s/o Anthony and Elizabeth; Chest Township

WARNER, Catharine, age 17, d/o Christopher and Mary; Chest Township

ML 4976, m: 5 FEB 1894, Rev. P. Maximilian Herr, OSB #57/p9


GOOD, Henry, age 28, s/o Daniel and Mary

LENHAR/LAINHARR, Mary Catherine, age 24, d/o John and Fannie

ML 785, m: 13 SEP 1887, at St. Lawrence, PA

(not listed in church index records)



KROIS, Mariam #47/p7


HARTMAN, Henricum

DIETHRICH, Emiliam #18/p3


HUEBSCH, Josephum

KUEBLER, Mariam #8/p1


JAEGER, Conrad

WALLS, Elis #1/p1 (first entry)


KELLY, Michaelem

KUEBLER, Rosalia #50/p8


KIBLER, Georgium

THOMAS, Linda #6/p4 (in obit)


KIBLER, Jakobum, Jr.

McLUCAS, Mariam #14/p2


KLEIN, Andream

YAHNER, Martha #61/p10


KLEIN, Henry A., age 20, s/o Sundwergand and Elizabeth; Elder Township

WARNER, Solome E., age 23, d/o William and Mary; Chest Township

ML 3201(2nd), m: 16 JUN 1903, by Rev. Maximilian Herr, OSB


KLINE, Peter A., age 22, s/o Louis and Elizabeth; Elder Township

WARNER, Bertha, age 22, d/o William and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 3558(2nd), m: 15 SEP 1903, by Rev. Maximilian Herr, OSB


KROISS, Johannis

SEIBERT, Carolina #3/p3 (in obit)



KUBLER, Elisabetham #22/p3


KRUG, Georgium (Crook)

KUEBLER, Ceciliam Annam #37/p5 (duplicate)


KRUIS, Antonius

WARNER, Maria #41/p6


KRUIS, Frank H., age 31, s/o Jacob and Mary; Patton

SHERRY, Mary, age 23, d/o Michael and Barbara NIEBAUER; St. Lawrence

1st husband died: 11 APR 1898

ML 8566, m: 2 MAY 1899, by Rev. Alto Heer #68/p11


KRUISE, George W., age 23, farmer, s/o Lawrence and Martha; St. Lawrence

KUTRUFF, Mollie, age 20, d/o John and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 5973(3rd), m: 18 JUN 1912, by Rev. F. Method, OSB


KRUISE, John, age 22, s/o Sebastian and Terrace; Coalport

KLEIN, Josephine, age 18, d/o John and Mena; Chest Township

ML 6099, m: 25 NOV 1895, by Rev. Constantine Leber, Pastor #60/p9


KUBLER, Antonium

GROIS, Magdalenam #34/p5


KUBLER, Charles

THOMAS, Emma #23/p3


KUBLER, Mariam Evam m. REININGER, Gulielmum (William) #31/p4

KUBLE, Mariam Evan m. WARNER, Jacobum #33/p5


KUTRUFF, Johannem

NIEBAUER, Maria #2/p3 (in obit)


KUTRUFF, Michael, age 21, s/o John and Mary; St. Lawrence

ROPP, Annie Mary, age 19, d/o Michael and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 6457, m: 30 JUN 1896, by Rev. Constantine Leber, OSB


KUTRUFF, Walter, age 23, farmer, s/o John and Mary; Chest Township

KIBLER, Cecelia, age 22, d/o Michael and Annie; Chest Township

ML 5073(3rd), duplicate certificate not filed

filed: 5 OCT 1911, by James Mellon, JP

ml: 7 OCT 1911, by Arthur Griffith, Clerk of Orphans Court


KUTRUFF, William, age 23, s/o John and Mary; St. Lawrence

ROPP, Rosie, age 23, d/o Michael and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 5663(2nd), m: 9 MAY 1905, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


LAINHART, John A., age 23, s/o John and Fannie; Chest Township

BLUMER, Annie E., age 21, d/o Wendlin and Barbara; Barr Township

ML 4661, m: 15 AUG 1893, by John G. Gill


LANCE, Henry F., age 25, s/o Thomas and Nancy; Barr Township

GABRIEL, Agnes, age 18, d/o John and Matilda; White Township

ML 7594, m: 18 JAN 1898, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB #65/p10


LANG, Pierce J., age 31, s/o Joseph and Mary; New York City

GILL, Regina, age 29?, d/o John G. and Catharine E., St. Lawrence

ML 9936, m: 28 AUG 1900, by Francis J. Eger


LEIDEN (Seiden?), Harry, age 23, s/o Adam and Elizabeth

WENTZ, Jennie, age 23, d/o Joseph and Hannaah

ML 191, m: 18 MAY 1886 #44/p6


LILLY, Isidorum and WARNER, Lydiam #54/p8

LILLY, Isadore, age 25, s/o Thomas and Annie; Clearfield Township

WARNER, Lydia, age 20, d/o Joseph and Barbara; Chest Township

ML 4127, m: 15 NOV 1892, by Rev. P. Maximilian Heer, OSB


LONG, William Albert, age 24, s/o John and Ann; St. Lawrence

DIETRICK, Loretto Regina, age 25, d/o Martin and Christina; St. Lawrence

ML 9571, m: 15 MAY 1900, by Rev. Maximilian Heer, OSB


McALLISTER, Joannem, Jr.

KUTRUFF, Saram #35/p5


McTIGUE, Edward J., age 20, s/o Michael and Elizabeth; Patton

YAHNER, Rose, age 20, d/o Martin and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 4386(2nd), m: 8 MAY 1904, by Rev. Maximilian Herr, OSB



GILL, Catharina #42/p6


MONTGOMERY, John, age 52, s/o James and Matilda; Chest Township

1st wife died: 10 NOV 1895

O'HARRO, Clara, age 42, d/o Aben A. and Elizabeth GIBENY; Chest Township

1st husband died: 7 FEB 1892

ML 8978, m: 21 SEP 1899, by John G. Gill, JP


MURRAY, Andream

STOLZ, Elisabeth #20/p3


MYERS, Josephum

RHODY, Mariam Annam (Gill) #15/p2


NIEBAUER, Michaelem

ROPP, Barbaram #17/p3



KROIS, Theresiam #30/p4


NIEBAUER, Simon P., age 24, s/o Michael and Barbara; Chest Township

KIEBLER, Stella M., age 20, d/o Michael and Annie; Chest Township

ML 9286(2nd), m: 24 SEP 1907, by Raphael Wieland, OSB



KARLHEIM, Rosa (Warner) #49/p7A


NEDIMYER, Rudolph J., age 23, s/o John and Alice; Chest Township

GILL, Sophia, age 20, d/o Philip and Elizabeth; Chest Township

ML 9006, m: 10 OCT 1899, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB #70/p11 (last entry)


NOEL, John

McKRAKEN, Maria #5/p1


NOEL, Symon

HUBER, Barbara #6/p1


OSHELL, Albin, age 25, s/o George and Margrett; White Township

HOLLIS, Sallie, age 17, d/o John and Margrett; White Township

ML 6790, m: 17 NOV 1896, by John G. Gill, JP


OSHELL, Jesse, age 21, s/o Jesse and Suzy; Chest Township

FRAILEY, Emma, age 18, d/o John and Margaret; Chest Township

ML 6605, m: 20 AUG 1896, by John G. Gill, JP


OTT, Henry J., age 26, s/o Thomas and Mary; St. Bonifacius

YAHNER, Celia, age 22, d/o Jacob and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 9844, m: 7 AUG 1900, by Rev. Maximilian Heer, OSB


OTTO, Christian J., age 20, s/o John and Mary; Chest Township

KUTRUFF, Celia, age 22, d/o John and Mary; Chest Township

ML 6075, m: 24 NOV 1895, by Rev. Constantine Leber, Pastor #59/p9


REED, William S., age 24, s/o William J. and Margaret E.; Chest Township

1st wife died: 6 MAY 1894

CRESSLEY, Emma F., age 21, d/o David and Sarah BUTTERBAUGH; Chest Township

ML 5647, m: 11 MAY 1895, by John G. Gill, JP


REINER, Joseph

LOHMEIER, Anna #4/p1


REININGER, Guilielmum (William)

KUBLER, Mariam Evam #31/p4


RHINER, George, age 25, farmer, s/o Joseph and Annie; Chest Township

ROPP, Barbara, ae 23, d/o Michael and Mary; Chest Township

ML 4934(3rd), m: 12 SEP 1911, by Rev. Method, OSB


RICH, M.L., age 28, s/o Craig and Susan; Patton

LENHART, Maggie, age 23, d/o John and Mary LENHART; Patton

ML 6848, m: 23 DEC 1896, by John G. Gill, JP


RINER, Joseph Jr., age 24, s/o Joseph and Annie; Chest Township

GILL, Victoria, age 27, d/o Charles and Catharine; Chest Township

ML 4453, m: 2 MAY 1893, by Rev. P. Maximilian Herr, OSB #55/p8


ROHE, Albertum

STOLTZ, Emmem Caeciliam #32/p4


RUDROFF, Michaelem

ROPP, Annam Mariam #62/p10


SCHELL, Georgium

STOLZ, Anastasia #38/p5


SCHNEPH, Cyriacus

BRANDLE, Barbara (Gill) #7/p1


SCHRIFT, Andrew B., age 26, s/o Simon and Catharine; St. Bonifacius

KEEBLER, Mary, age 21, d/o Anthony and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 8537(2nd), m: 16 APR 1907, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


SHERRY, Frank, age 20y,10m, s/o George SHERRY and Therisa OTTO; Hastings

NIEBAUER, Mary, age 21, d/o Michael and Barbara; St. Lawrence

ML 7512, m: 24 NOV 1897, by Rev. Alto Heer #64/p10


SHUSS, Nelson A., age 23, s/o Adam and Elizabeth

GILL, Clara, age 23, d/o Charles and Catharine

ML 489, m: 24 JAN 1887 #46/p7


SMITHBOWER, Alois, age 23, s/o Jacob and Catharine; Patton

LONG, Catharine, age 23, d/o John and Annie; St. Lawrence

ML 8957, m: 26 SEP 1899, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB #69/p11


STEVENS, Blair, age 26, s/o Oliver and Ruth; White Township

NOEL, Jennie, age 23, d/o John and Mary; White Township

ML 8324, m: 22 DEC 1898, by John G. Gill, JP


SULLIVAN, Daniel, age 31, s/o Daniel and Catherine; Dubois

LANG, Anna Mary, age 19, d/o John and Annie; Chest Springs

ML 9911, m: 21 AUG 1900, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB


SWOPE, Aloysium

BYRNES, Adelaid #67/p11


SWOPE, Joannem M.

NOEL, Emma #10/p2


THOMAS, Benjamin and WARNER, Agnete #63/p10 or #64/p10

THOMAS, Benjamin, age 23, s/o Michael and Margaret; Elder Township

WARNER, Agnes, age 22, d/o Charles and Barbara; Chest Township

ML 7374, m: 20 SEP 1897, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB


WAGNER, Francis

GILL, Agnete #28/p4


WARNER, Albinus, age 23, s/o C.A. and Mary; Chest Township

OTTO, Matilda Susan, age 18, d/o John and Mary; Chest Township

ML 7978, m: 2 AUG 1898, by Rev. Alto Heer


WARNER, Chrystoph

SCHARDON, Mary Magdalena #2/p1


WARNER, Georgium

KROIS, Monica #48/p7


WARNER, Jacobum

KUBLER, Mariam Evan #33/p5


WARNER, Josephum A.

YAHNER, Katharinam #21/p3


WEAKLAND, Sylvestrum

NOEL, Annans #36/p5


WENTZ, Wihelmus

SCHARDON, Maria Magdalena #3/p1


WESTRICK, Andrew, age 22, s/o Andrew and Barbara; Hastings

NIEBAUER, Threas, age 24, d/o Michael and Barbara; St. Lawrence

ML 7800(2nd), m: 9 OCT 1906, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


WILT, William

KLEIN, Rebecca Mathilda #24/p3


YAHNER, Jacobum

KROIS, Mariam #29/p4


YAHNER, Michael T., age 28, s/o Francis and Maria; Hastings

NEIBAUER, Barbara, age 24, d/o Michael and Barbara; St. Lawrence

ML 5235(2nd), m: 10 JAN 1905, by Raphael Wieland, OSB


YEAGER, Albert, age 26, s/o Conrad and Elisabeth; Elder Township

NEIBAUER, Victoria, age 22, d/o Michael and Minnie; Chest Township

ML 764(2nd), m: 11 JUN 1901, by Rev. Alto Heer, OSB


YEAGER, Pius, age 23, s/o Andrew and Tressie; Hastings

HIPPS, Agnes, age 22, d/o Joseph and Mary; St. Lawrence

ML 3630(2nd), m: 29 SEP 1903, by Rev. Maximilian Herr, OSB


ZOLLNER, Michaelem and DIETHRICH, Josephina #16/p2








mainly at


with other miscellaneous entries



Michael Hofmayr, OSB

Rev. P. Willibald Strasser, OSB

Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


AGER, Edward, age 26, s/o Thomas and Catharine; Walnut Run

1st wife died: 21 JAN 1892

MILLER, Annie E., age 18, d/o John and Susan; Walnut Run

ML 5801, m: 6 AUG 1895, by Maurus Hartmann


ANDERSON, Harry F., age 20, s/o John; Barr Township

LONG, Mallie M., age 15, d/o Daniel; Barr Township

ML 7327, m: 12 AUG 1897, by I.N. Rodkey


BECKER, Augustine, age 22, s/o Charles and Kehe(sp?); St. Boniface

SPRINGMAN, Annie M., age 21, d/o Celestine and Mary; Spangler

ML 6249(2nd), m: 19 SEP 1905, by Richard J. Farrell


BILLER, Paul Henry, age 35, s/o Joseph and Lucy; Patton

GIRARD, Margaret, age 27, d/o Claudius and Mary; Spangler

ML 7192, m: 9 JUN 1897, by Rev. Fa. X. Traxler, OSB


BOLAN, Lewis W., age 54, s/o Conrad and Catharine; Barr Township

1st wife died: 20 years ago

2nd wife died: 29 DEC 1893

DONNELLY, Catharine, age 50, d/o James and Barbara McLaughlin; Spangler

1st husband died: 3 NOV 1888

ML 5506, m: 24 FEB 1895, by Michael Hofmayr


BOLGER, Dennis Johnthan, age 23, s/o E.K. and Ellen; St. Boniface

RICHARDSON, Martha Irene, age 18, d/o James and Dorthea; Barnesboro

ML 2731(2nd), m: 14 JAN 1903, by Fr. X. Traxler


BOSLET, John A., age 24, s/o Albert and Christina; Barr Township

McCOMBIE, Susie, age 22, d/o Albert and Regina; Barr Township

ML 5391, m: 26 NOV 1894, by P.M. Schmitt, Cathoic Priest


BYRNE, Marcellus, age 19, s/o Thomas J. and Sarah J.; Barnesboro

McCLURE, Emma, age 17, d/o Mike and Annie; Barnesboro

ML 4111(2nd), m: 9 FEB 1904, by Fr. X. Traxler


CUCKTA, Frank, age 21, s/o Valentine and Mary; Patton

BALDIGA, Mary, age 22, d/o Valentine and Eva; Patton

ML 6476, m: 6 JUL 1896, by P. Xavier


CZERNIK, John, age 33, s/o Andrew and Mary; Hastings

POTOK, Sophia, age 21, d/o Stanley and Mary; Hastings

ML 5722, m: 1 JUL 1895, by Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


DROTER, John, age 23, s/o Mike and Annie; Barnesboro

NOWATNA, Annie, age 17, d/o George and Mary; Barnesboro

ML 7317, m: 9 AUG 1897, by Rev. Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


DUMM, Henry C., age 24, s/o Peter J. and Mary; Nicktown

WYLAND, Mary A., age 20, d/o Lawrence and Martha; Spangler

ML 5043, m: 10 APR 1894, Spangler, by Rev. P. Norbert


ECKENRODE, C.A., age 18, s/o Anslem; Barnesboro

SMEAD, Grace Alverda, age 19, d/o H.A.; Barnesboro

ML 9175(2nd), m: 20 AUG 1907, by John W. Hobart, JP


ENTLER, Anthony, age 21, s/o John and Mary; Spangler

GIRARD, Sarah E., agea 22, d/o Claudius and Mary; Spangler

ML 6669, m: 22 SEP 1896, by P. Xavier, OSB


ENTLER, John W., age 25, s/o John and Mary; Spangler

VALALLY, Agnes, age 29, d/o Thos and Ellen; Barnesboro

ML 6632, m: 15 SEP 1896, by P. Xavier, OSB


FARMER, Henry, age 26 as of May 1, s/o John and Jane; Spangler

BARROWMAN, Mary J., age 21 as of June 16, d/o Daniel and Jane; Spangler

ML 6590, m: 17 AUG 1896, by P. Xavier


FLICK, Charles V., age 24, s/o Peter C.; Spangler

LANTZY, Gertie, age 23, d/o William A.; Spangler

ML 7624, m: 18 JAN 1898, by Rev. Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


FLICK, Edward M., age 22, s/o Peter C.; Spangler

LANTZY, Marietta, age 20, d/o William A.; Spangler

ML 7623, m: 18 JAN 1898, by Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


FRESH, F.A., age 31, s/o Burge F. and Elizabeth; Nicktown

DORAN, Elizabeth B., age 25, d/o Besadad and May; Spangler

ML 6376(2nd), m: 24 OCT 1905, by Fr. X. Traxler


GALINIS, George, age 30, s/o Joseph and Martelis; Barnesboro

BALULIS, Anelika, age 22, d/o Marcha and Dortha; Barnesboro

ML 6915, m: 15 FEB 1897, by Fr. X. Traxler


GIPPI, Mike, age 22, s/o Mike and Mary; Barnesboro

FISHER, Mary, age 15, d/o Andrew and Annie; Barnesboro

ML 6039, m: 21 OCT 1895, by Fr. X. Traxler


GRAY, Lawrence, age 22, s/o David and Sarah; Spangler

MILLER, Mary M., age 20, d/o David and Martha; Hastings

ML 4317(2nd), m: 26 APR 1904, by Fr. X. Traxler


GRIFFITH, Henry, age 23, s/o Joseph and Jennie; Pina Township, Indiana County

KINTER, Ada, age 22, d/o John and Lizzie; Barr Township

ML 6994, m: 23 FEB 1897, by R.H. McGarvey, JP


HOPPLE, Albert J., age 22, s/o H.J. and Theresa; Barnesboro

WYLAND, Celia E., age 19, d/o Lawrence and Martha; Spangler

ML 6083, m: 12 NOV 1895, by Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


HOROWSKI, Joseph, age 31, s/o Matthew and Jane; Carroll Township

SARNOVSKI, Annie, age 39, d/o Mike and Mary SARNOVSKI; Carroll Township

1st husband died: 4 MAY 1892

ML 6309, m: 26 APR 1896, by P. Xavier, OSB


HOVANCIK, Charles, age 23, s/o Andrew and Eliza; Barnesboro

STELYBASKI, Elizabeth, age 24, d/o John and Rosanna HENNEK; Barnesboro

1st husband died: 10 APR 1897

ML 7150, m: 31 MAY 1897, by Rev. Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


KENNEDY, Charles H., age 23, s/o McClure and Mary; Spangler

WYLAND, Tresia, age 18, d/o Lorans and Martha; Spangler

ML 6133(2nd), m: 22 AUG 1905, by Rev. Michael T. O'Connor


KIRSCH, F. Dositus, age 19, s/o Michael J. and Mary; Spangler

AUFDEMHAUS, Margaret, age 17, d/o John and Minnie; Spangler

ML 4710(2nd), m: 2 AUG 1904, by Richard J. Farrell


KIRSCH, Peter, age 22, s/o Michael and Mary; Barr Township

SOISSON/SOISONG, age 23, d/o John and Magdalene; Nicktown

ML 4817, m: 24 OCT 1893


KLINE, Allie H., age 23, s/o Joseph and Katherine; Nicktown

LANTZY, Clotilda, age 20, d/o Michael A.; Spangler

ML 783(3rd), m: 29 SEP 1908, by Richard J. Farrell


KLINE, Lawrence, age 20, s/o Jacob A. and Terisia; Hastings

SHORTENCARRIER, Lizzie, age 18, d/o Mathias and Eliza J.; Susquehanna Twp

ML 5475, m: 29 JAN 1895, by P. Marcarius Schmitt, Catholic Priest


KNISEL, Anthony, age 30, s/o Anthony and Gertrude; Spangler

NAGLE, Mary, age 17, d/o Richard and Rosemund; Spangler

ML 3464(2nd), m: 12 AUG 1903, by Richard J. Farrell, St. Patrick CC


KONDISKEY, George, age 21, s/o Paul and Mary; Barnesborough

CHRISTOFF, Maggie Ellen, age 16, d/o Joseph and Mary; Barnesborough

ML 5082, m: 6 MAY 1894, by Rev. P. Norbert


KROMALOCK, George, age 27, s/o Marls and Mary; Barnesboro

PALKO, Mari, age 21, d/o Paul and Mary; Barnesboro

ML 6542, m: 21 JUL 1896, by P. Xavier


KRISS, John, age 24, s/o George and Annie; Barnesboro

MIHALY, Lucy (Zuzi), age 19, d/o John and Lucy; Barnesboro

ML 8241, m: 26 NOV 1898, by Fr. X. Traxler


KUNTZ, Thomas G., age 25, s/o Jacob and Katharine; Spangler

LUTHER, Addie S., age 19, d/o C.A. and Elizabeth; Spangler

ML 8002(2nd), m: 27 NOV 1906, by Richard J. Farrell, St. Patrick CC


KUTEY, Stephen, age 21, s/o Steve and Annie; Barnesboro

THOMAS, Mary, age 15, d/o George and Annie; Barnesboro

ML 6580, m: 10 AUG 1896, by P. Xavier


LANTZY, Amandus A., age 21, s/o William and Emma; Hastings

WYLAND, Clara Goldie, age 18, d/o Lorans and Martha; Spangler

ML 9394(2nd), m: 8 OCT 1907, by Richard J. Farrell


LANTZY, Cletus H., age 21, s/o William and Mary; Spangler

LOGAN, Bridget A., age 22, d/o Thomas and Elizabeth; Spangler

ML 9951, m: 4 SEP 1900, by Thomas J. Conlin


LANTZY, Irenaeus Albert, age 24, s/o Michael and Margaret; Spangler

SIDES, Eva Murtile, age 20, d/o Mria and Mollie; Spangler

ML 1377(3rd), m: 23 FEB 1909, by Richard J. Fanell


LANTZY, Michael J., age 22, d/o W.A. and Mary; Spangler

LESLIE, Lucinda F., age 20, d/o Caleb and Harriet; Spangler

ML 4113(2nd), m: 26 JAN 1904

by Richard J. Farrell, Minister, St. Patrick Church


LIEB, Peter, age 27, s/o Joseph; Nicktown

LANTZY, Annie G., age 20, d/o John and May; Spangler

ML 9991(2nd), m: 25 FEB 1908, by Richard J. Farrell, Minister


LULAY, John A., age 32, s/o Adam and Sara; Susquehanna

MILLER, Mary E., age 27, d/o George and Victoria; Carroll Township

ML 5776, m: 23 JUL 1895, by Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


LUTHER, Archibald E., age 29, s/o Frank and Margaret; Barnesboro

BRETH, Gertrude, age 20, d/o Joseph and Mary; Grant

ML 7338, m: 17 AUG 1897, by Rev. Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


LUTHER, James W., age 30, s/o Demituras A. and Mary; Spangler

DUMM, Annie M., age 25, d/o Henry S. and Agnes; Spangler

ML 9309, m: 16 JAN 1900, by Rev. Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


LYDIC, Charles A., age 26, s/o F.C. and Martha; Grant

MEEKINS, Linnie, age 22, d/o John and Mary; Spangler

ML 5350, m: 31 OCT 1894, by I.N. Rodkey, JP


MAINES, Edward, age 31, s/o John and Catharine; Spangler

KIRKPATRICK, Charlotte, age 20, d/o Jacob and Mary; Elder Township

ML 6186, m: 9 JAN 1896, by P. Xavier


MATUCEVICZ, John, age 21, s/o Andrew and Agnes; Barnesboro

BALULIS, Anna, agea 17, d/o Macze and Dortha; Barnesboro

ML 6764, m: 16 NOV 1896, by P. Xavier


McCOMBIE, William H., age 29, s/o Albert and Regina; Spangler

MIGNOT, Ida Elizabeth, age 27, d/o John and Teresa; Luck Haven

ML 6899, m: 12 JAN 1897, by Fr. X. Traxler


McCORMICK, James, age 32, s/o John and Bridget; Spangler

QUINN, Catharine, age 31, d/o John and Winfield MORRISON; Spangler

1st husband died: 18 AUG 1893

ML 5536, m: 25 FEB 1895, by Michael Hofmayr, OSB


McCORMICK, John L., age 21, s/o Lawrence and Annie; Carrolltown

KIRSCH, Marie, age 25, d/o Harry and Mary Anne; Spangler

ML 5928(2nd), m: 27 JUN 1905, by Richard J. Farrell


MONOSKY, John, age 26, s/o Joseph and Mary; Barnesboro

TOMASKO, Mary/Meri, age 16, d/o Karol and Mary; Barnesboro

ML 7365, m: 10 SEP 1897, by Rev. F. X. Traxler, OSB


MOORE, Edwin, age 23, s/o Thomas and Mary A.; Barnesboro

BOOTH, Agnes, age 19, d/o Daniel H. and Anna; Glen Campbell

ML 6870, m: 1 JAN 1897, by Rev. Richard R. Riedel


NAGLE, Henry, age 40, s/o John and Christina; Spangler

1st wife died: 1 JUN 1892

STEEN, Minnie, age 28, d/o Joseph and Jane; Garmans Mill

ML 3277(2nd), m: 17 JUN 1903, by Richard J. Farrell


NELSON, Thomas C., age 28, s/o ames and Jean; Hastings

ANGERT, Mary E., age 27, d/o Conrad and Mary; Hastings

ML 3348(2nd), m: 6 JUL 1903, by Richard J. Farrell


NORTON, Levi, age 22, s/o Charles and Kate; Spangler

PARKIN, Margaretta, age 21, d/o Robert and Kate; Spangler

ML 4221(2nd), m: 25 FEB 1904, by J.A. Hetrick, Minister


PATTERSON, James C., age 29, s/o William and Isabella; Hastings

McCOMBIE, Mae D., age 20, d/o Albert and Regina; Spangler

ML 5315, m: 15 OCT 1894, by Rev. P. Marcarius Schmitt, Cath Priest


REARDON, Patrick, age 26, s/o Dennis and Mary; Susquehanna Township

MILLER, Almira, age 28, d/o Charles and Rosila; Susquehanna Township

ML 5640, m: 6 MAY 1895, by Rev. F.X. Trexler, OSB


REFFNER, Charles W., age 21, s/o William and Anna; Spangler

BURCHELL, Mayme/Mary B., age 19, d/o James and Mary; Spangler

ML 8981(2nd), m: 9 JUL 1907, by Fr. X. Traxler


REFFNER, James C., age 23, s/o James and Crysempia; Spangler

MOTT, Aline M., age 20, d/o Alton B. and Maria; Barnesboro

ML 4788(2nd), m: 23 AUG 1904, by Richard J. Farrell, St. Patrick CC


SALSGIVER, C.K., age 33, s/o Isaac and Mary; Indiana County

FETTERMAN, Lizzie, age 44, d/o George and Mary RODKEY; Indiana County

ML 5217, m: 27 SEP 1894, by I.N. Rodkey, JP


SCHLERTH, Anthony, age 32, s/o Michael and Catharine; Barr Township

GRAY, Mary Matilda, age 16, d/o Michael and Jane; Susquehanna Township

ML 6189, m: 29 JAN 1896, by P. Xavier


SHANNON, George W., age 22, s/o Patrick and Nancy; Spangler

NAGLE, Ida, age 16, d/o Richard and Rose; Barr Township

ML 5722(2nd), m: 30 MAY 1905, by Richard J. Farrell


SHERRY, Anthony, age 26, s/o John and Polina; Spangler

RAVER, Varonica, age 21, d/o Anthony and Elizabeth; Barr Township

ML 5611, m: 29 APR 1895, by P. Macarius Schmitt, Catholic Priest


SHERWOOD, William, age 23, s/o Thomas and Maggie; Spangler

MORRISEY, Eliza, age 22, d/o John and Bonewood WALTZ; Spangler

ML 4972, m: 24 JAN 1894, Spangler, by Rev. P. Norbert


SMIKNAK, John, age 23, s/o Joseph and Mary; Barnesboro

BIDDESKY, Ann, age 21, d/o John and Annie; Barnesboro

ML 7275, m: 26 JUL 1897, by Rev. Fr. X. Traxler


SNYDER, William J., age 25, s/o George and Elizabeth; Carroll Township

LESLIE, Amanda E., age 22, d/o Alex and Elizabeth; Spangler

ML 5301, m: 9 OCT 1894, by Rev. H. McGarvey


STEEN, W.M., age 30, s/o J.C. and Jane Anna; Susquehanna Township

KEITH, Annie, age 16, d/o David and Rachael; Susquehanna Township

ML 5580, m: 6 APR 1895, by R.H. McGarvey


STRUCEK, John/Johan, age 30, s/o Joseph and Annie; Patton

MATOVISK, Annie, age 23, d/o Andrew and Annie; Barnesboro

ML 7354, m: 6 SEP 1897, by Rev. Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


SWOPE, A.H., age 30, s/o Joseph and Louise; Johnstown

McCOMBIE, Anna M., age 25, d/o Albert and Regina; Spangler

ML 5152(2nd), m: 23 NOV 1904, by Fr. X. Trexler


TAMP, Samuel, age 22, s/o Francis and Elizabeth; Philipsburg, Centre County

MURPHY, Mary A., age 22, d/o Michael and Bridget; Spangler

ML 6439, m: 9 JUN 1896, by P. Xavier


THOMAS, John, age 24, s/o George; Spangler

GOOD, Maud C., age 91, d/o Jacob; Spangler

ML 6939, m: 2 FEB 1897, by F.N. Rodkey, JP


TOBIN, Thomas, age 32, s/o Richard and Annie; Barnesboro

KLINE, Agnes, age 20, d/o John and Elizabeth; Spangler

ML 7926, m: 21 JUN 1898, by Fr. X. Traxler, OSB


TUGGA, Joseph, age 26, s/o Joseph and Mary; Barnesboro

TOTH, Annie, age 19, d/o John and Liddy; Barnesboro

ML 6060, m: 4 NOV 1895, by Fr. X. Traxler


VENGEN, John, age 24, s/o Thomas and Victoria; Barnesboro

FABIAN, Mary, age 15, d/o Joseph and Susan; Barnesboro

ML 6376, m: 5 MAY 1896, by P. Xavier


VINTON, Frederick, age 24, s/o John and Martha; Heilwood

BEAVER, Florence I., age 20, d/o Conn and Minerva; Susquehanna Township

ML 8503(2nd), m: 4 APR 1907, by F.W. Roher, Minister


WYLAND, Albert P., age 22, s/o Lawrence and Martha A.; Spangler

SHARBAUGH, Anna, age 18, d/o James and Rosalia; Spangler

ML 5367(2nd), m: 31 JAN 1905, by Richard J. Farrell, St. Patrick CC


WYLAND, Albert P., age 26, s/o Lorans and Martha; Spangler

1st marriage: 31 JAN 1905

1st wife died: 15 SEP 1906 [Anna Sharbaugh]

DOLAN, Mary E., age 23, d/o James and Mary; Barnesboro

ML 660(3rd), m: 25 AUG 1908, Richard J. Farrell


WYLAND, Charles F., age 20, s/o Anthony and Susanna; Spangler

SCHEIRER, Celia M., age 20, d/o Alloysius and Mary A.; Garmans Mills

ML 4880, m: 16 JAN 1894, by Rev. P. Norbert



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