The History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church

Baptisms by Revs. John Waldschmidt, John Christ Ammon and John W. Boas

1757-1810 (F-G)

Date of Baptism Name
1759, Jan. 1 Henry, son of Peter Fisher and wife Appolonia, born December 9, 1758. Sponsor, Henry Fisher.
1761, Feb. 10 Rosina, daughter of Peter Fisher and wife Appolonia, born January 13, 1761. Sponsors, Peter Grauel and Rosina Fisher.
1761, Dec. 26 Peter, son of Henry Fisher and wife Christina, born November 25, 1761. Sponsors, Peter Fisher and wife Appolonia.
1763, June 19 Michael, son of Peter Fisher and wife Appolonia, born June 10, 1763. Sponsors, Michael Miller (Müller) and wife Susanna.
1763, June 19 Christina, daughter of Henry Fisher and wife Christina, born June 12, 1763. Sponsors, Henry Hain and wife Christina.
1763, Oct. 16 George, son of John Fisher and wife Catharine, born October 5, 1763. Sponsor, George Maudel.
1765, Jan. 27 Anna Maria, daughter of John Fisher and wife Catharine, born January 12, 1765, Sponsors, Michael Bush and wife Anna Maria.
1765, Feb. 24 John, son of Henry Fisher and wife Christina, born February 9, 1765. Sponsor, John Gelsinger (Giltzinger).
1766, Sept. 21 William, son of John Fisher and wife Anna Catharine, born August 23, 1766. Sponsor, William Fisher.
1766, --- Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Fisher and wife Appolonia, born January 19, 1766. Sponsors, William Fisher and wife Elizabeth.
1767, --- Catharine, daughter of Henry Fisher and wife Christina, born August 23, 1767. Sponsors, John Aumiller and wife Catharine.
1768, Jan. 17 Peter, son of John Fisher and wife Anna Catharine, born December 27, 1767. Sponsors, Peter Fisher and wife Appolonia.
1768, Oct. 30 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of John Yost Filtzmeyer and wife Anna Maria, born October 15, 1768. Sponsors, Casper Bräuning and wife Mari Elizabeth.
1769, --- Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Fisher and wife Christina, born June 26, 1769. Sponsors, George Gelsinger (Gilsinger or Gelseeger) and wife Abigail.
1769, --- Catharine, daughter of Peter Fisher, and wife Appolonia, born March 11, 1769. Sponsor, Catharine Braunnig.
1771, --- Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Fisher and wife Christina, born June 27, 1771. Sponsors, Dietrich Merky and wife Anna Maria.
1772, Feb. 1 Sarah ---, daughter of Philip Fisher. Sponsor, Sarah Hain.
1772, Apr. 12 John ---, son of John Peter Faust. Sponsors, John Hain and wife Margareth.
1772, Oct. 18 Frederick, son of John Fisher. Sponsors, Frederick Fisher and Sarah Hain.
1773, Apr. 4 Barbara ---, daughter of Philip Fisher. Sponsors, Michael Wommer and wife Barbara.
1773, Apr. 25 John, son of Michael Fisher. Sponsors, John Bollman and wife Barbara.
1773, May 16 Susanna ---, daughter of Henry Fisher. Sponsor. Susanna Bossertin.
1773, June 27 William ---, son of Peter Fisher. Sponsor, William Reeser and wife Maria Elizabeth.
1773, Oct. 31 Anna Catharine, daughter of Philip Fisher. Sponsors. Michael Fisher and wife Catharine.
1773, Dec. 12 Christian, son of Andrew Fidler (Andreas Fittler). Sponsors, Christian Knorr and wife Anna Maria.
1774, Aug. 21 John George, son of Michael Fisher. Sponsors, John George Fisher and Catharine Bollman.
1775, Mar. 5 Michael, son of John Fisher. Sponsors, Michael Fiaher and wife Catharine.
1775, Mar. 26 Christian, son of Henry Frantz (Francis). Sponsor, Christian Frantz.
1775, Mar. 26 Christina, daughter of Dietrich Franzel. Sponsors, Abraham Stein and Christina Scharman.
1775, Mar. 26 Jacob, son of John Fryberger. Sponsors, Jacob Fryberger and wife Margareth.
1775, Apr. 23 Margareth, daughter of Henry Fisher. Sponsor, Margareth Bossert.
1775, May 14 John, son of Henry Faust. Sponsors, John Hain and wife Margareth.
1775, Nov. 5 Catharine, daughter of George Folmer. Sponsors, Peter Schoenfelder and wife Justina Catharine.
1775, Dec. 27 John, son of Frederick Fisher. Sponsor, John Fisher.
1776, Mar. 31 John, son of Michael Fisher. Sponsor, John Bollman and wife Barbara.
1776, May 12 George, son of George Michael Foltz. Sponsors, Geo. Schlosser and wife Anna Margareth.
1777, Sept. 28 Philip, son of Henry Fisher. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and wife Anna Maria.
1778, Feb. 3 Daniel, son of Michael Fisher. Sponsors, Daniel Hess and wife Maria Margareth.
1778, June 7 John Dietrich, son of George Michael Foltz, born May 17, 1778. Sponsors, Dietrich Stiely and wife Anna Maria.
1779, Apr. 4 Peter, son of Peter Fisher. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and wife Margareth.
1779, Apr. 18 Michael, son of Michael Fisher. Sponsor, Michael Fisher.
1779, May 6 Margareth, daughter of Eva Fisher. Sponsor, Andrew Hoffman and wife Margareth.
1780, Apr. 30 Henry, son of Andrew Fidler. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Susanna Schaeffer.
1780, June 11 Catharine, daughter of Henry Fisher and wife Christina, born May 11, 1780. Sponsors, Michael Fisher and wife Catharine.
1780, Oct. 15 Anna, daughter of Killian Foeger, born August 7, 1780. Sponsors, Dietrick Ferntzler and wife Margareth.
1780, Dec. 7 Elizabeth, daughter of John Fisher, Sponsors, Conrad Eckert and wife Elizabeth.
1780, Dec. 7 Anna Maria, daughter of Michael Fisher. Sponsor, Anna Maria Bollman.
1780, Dec. 17 Catharine, daughter of Philip Fisher. Sponsor, Peter Fisher and wife Apollonia.
1781, Aug. 26 John, son of William Freymaurer. Sponsors, John Diehl and wife Catharine.
1782, Apr. 28 Frederick, son of Henry Fisher, born April 3, 1782. Sponsors, Frederick Fisher and wife Gertrude.
1782, June 2 Peter, son of Peter Fisher, born May 29, 1782. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and wife Margareth.
1783, Apr. 20 Margareth Charlotte, daughter of Andrew Fidler, born March 2, 1783. Sponsor, Ann Margareth Schaeffer.
1783, Apr. 20 Catharine Elizabeth, daughter of William Freymaurer, born April 6, 1783. Sponsors, Jacob von Riet (vanReed) and Anna Elizabeth Hirsterin.
1783, July 20 Anna Maria, daughter of Philip Fisher, born June 28, 1783. Sponsor, Anna Maria Fisher.
1783, Aug. 3 Jacob, son of Michael Fisher, born July 17, 1783. Sponsor, Jacob Bollman.
1783, Sept. 28 Frederiek (next Tuesday 6 weeks old), son of Frederick Ferntzler. Sponsor, Frederick Weitzel and wife Anna Maria.
1784, May 9 Catharine, daughter of Michael Ferntzler, born Dec. 11, 1783. Sponsors, John Krick and wife Anna Maria.
1784, May 30 Magdalena, daughter of John Faust, born May 17, 1784. Sponsor, Magdalena Ruth.
1784, July 11 Magdalena, daughter of John Fisher, born July 4. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and wife Anna Margareth.
1784, Oct. 3 Eva, daughter of Frederick Fisher, born September 8, 1784. Sponsors, John Adam Ruth and wife Eva.
1785, Jan. 12 Susanna, daughter of Henry Fisher, born October 30, 1784. Sponsors, Christian Weber and wife Hannah.
1785, Oct. 16 William, son of William Francis (Frantz), born June 21, 1785. Sponsor, father.
1785, Dec. 25 Barbara, daughter of William Freyermaurer, born November 13, 1785. Sponsors, John Diehl and wife Catharine.
1786, Apri1 6 Frederick, son of Ludwig Frantz (Francis), born March 14, 1786. Sponsors, Philip Hennrich (Henry) and Catharine Lerch.
1786, Dec. 25 William, son of Michael Fisher, born Nov. 30, 1786. Sponsor, William Fisher.
1887 [sic], May 6 John, son of George Foltz, born Oct. 1, 1786. Sponsors, Emanuel Caler and wife Catharine.
1787, June 10 John, son of Christian Freehafer, born May 16, 1781. Sponsors, John Lerch & wife Catharine.
1788, July 6 John William, son of George Foltz (Follz), born Jan. 6, 1788. Sponsors, John William Weber and wife Susanna.
1788, Aug. 17 Anna Maria, daughter of John Fisher, born April 25, 1788, Sponsor, Anna Maria Fisher.
1788, Sept. 27 John Jacob, son of Michael Fisher, born Sep. 18, 1788. Sponsor, John Jacob Bollman.
1788, Sept. 28 Ellinger, child of Michael Foltz, born July 25, 1788. Sponsors, Joseph Hain & wife Elizabeth.
1788, Nov. 9 John, son of John Fox (Fuchs), born Sep. 14, 1788. Sponsors, Conrad Light (Lichty) and Susanna Wagner (Waganerin).
1788, Dec. 4 Michael, son of Henry Fisher, born Nov. 20, 1788. Sponsor, Abraham Kessler.
1790, Jan. 10 Catharine Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Faust & wife Elizabeth, age four weeks. Sponsor, Catharine Eva Runglin.
1790, Jan. 30 William, son of John Fisher and wife Margareth, born Dec. 1, 1789. Sponsors, Henry Fisher & wife Christina.
1790, Jan. 31 Christian, son of William Freymeyer and wife Barbara. Six weeks old. Sponsors, Christian Lauer & wife Elizabeth.
1790, Feb. 22 Henry, son of John Fuchs (Fox) and wife Anna Maria, born ---. Sponsors, Henry Werner & wife Anna Margareth.
1790, March 15 Magdalena, daughter of Michael Fisher & wife Catharine, born Feb. 19, 1790. Sponsor, Magdalena Bollman.
1790, March 28 Peter, son of John Faust and wife Magdalena, born March 23, 1790. Sponsor, Peter Faust.
1790, July 4 Benjamin, son of William Fisher & wife Margareth. Twelve days old. Sponsors, Henry Hottenstein & wife Catharine.
1790, Sept. 26 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Henry Fisher and wife Susanna. Seven weeks old. Sponsors, George Hain & wife Magdalena.
1791, May 15 Maria, daughter of William Fisher & wife Margareth. Three months old. Sponsors, Maria Fisher and Jacob Kruck.
1792, April 29 Barbara, daughter of John Fisher, born Nov. 27, 1791 Sponsor, Margareth Fisher.
1793, July 28 Christian, son of Michael Fisher, born July 1, 1793. Sponsor, Henry Reijer.
1793, July 28 Elizabeth, daughter of William Freymaurer, born July 11, 1793. Sponsor Barbara Freymauerer.
1793, Oct. 20 Catharine, daughter of George Michael Foltz, born Dec. 20, 1792. Sponsors, George Reifsnyder & wife Susanna.
1793, Oct. 20 Sarah, daughter of George Michal Foltz, born July ---, 1790. Sponsor, Christina Brensinger.
1793, Dec. 22 John, son of William Fisher, born Nov. 1, 1793. Sponsors, John Fisher & Elizabeth Spohn.
1794, Jan. 16 Samuel, son of Peter Faust, born Dec. 20, 1793. Sponsor, Francis Moyer.
1794, April 27 John Adam, son of Peter Fisher, born Dec. 15, 1793. Sponsor, John Adam (Minnich).
1794, June 8 Elizabeth, daughter of Christian Freehafer, born May 7, 1794. Sponsors, Christian Spengler & wife Elizabeth.
1794, Sept. 21 Joseph, son of Philip Faust, born Aug. 17, 1794. Sponsors Joseph Hain & wife Catharine.
1795, Feb. 2 Michael, son of Michael Fisher, born Jan 4, 1795. Sponsor, Michael Fisher.
1795, April 19 Isaac, son of Frederick Foltz, born Oct. 30, 1794. Sponsors, Adam Schaeffer and Maria Hain.
1795, May 20 Maria Margareth, daughter of William Fisher, born March 12, 1795. Sponsors, Henry Spohn & wife Maria Catharine.
1795, June 21 Anna Maria, daughter of William Freymaurer, born May 30, 1795. Soonsor, Anna Maria Hain.
1795, Aug. 2 John, son of Barbara Freymauer, born May 14, 1795 Sponsors, Philip Machmer & wife Elizabeth.
1795, Oct. 2 Elizabeth, daughter of John Fisher, born Dec. 1, 1794. Sponsors, the Parents.
1795, Dec. 3 Rachel, (a twin) daughter of John Faust, born Nov 22, 1795. Sponsor, Susanna Ruth.
1795, Dec. 3 Leah, (a twin) daughter of John Faust, born Nov 22, 1795. Sponsor, Elizabeth Scharman.
1796, Jan. 17 William, son of William Fisher, born Nov. 20, 1795. Sponsors, the Parents.
1796, Feb. 28 Catharine, daughter of Philip Faust. Eight weeks old next Thursday. Sponsors, George Diehl & wife Catharine.
1796, March 20 Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony (Antoni) Faust, born, Jan. 13, 1796. Sponsor, Elizabeth Faust.
1796, July 3 Elizabeth, daughter of George Fisher, born May 15, 1796. Sponsor, Elizabeth Fisher.
1796, July 24 Anna Maria, daughter of John Fisher, born July 2, 1796, Sponsors, Christian Young (Jung) and wife Anna Maria.
1796, Nov. 6 Daniel, son of Michael Fisher, born Sep. 27, 1796. Sponsors, Daniel Fisher & wife Catharine.
1796, Nov. 6 Daniel, son of Frederick Fox (Fuchs), born May 8, 1796. Sponsors, Daniel Maurer & wife Elizabeth.
1797, Jan. 29 Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Fischer, born Nov. 26, 1796. Sponsor, Elizabeth Fisher.
1797, Feb. 19 Daniel, son of Peter Faust, born Feb. 3, 1797. Sponsors, Parents.
1797, April 2 Leah, daughter of Philip Fisher, born Dec. 21, 1796. Sponsors, Jacob Holl & wife Elizabeth.
1797, July 16 Elenora, daughter of John Fisher, born June 2, 1797. Sponsors Adam Hain & wife Anna Maria.
1797, Aug. 6 Maria, daughter of Christian Freehafer, born May 16, 1797, Sponsors, William Stiely & Maria Spengler.
1797, Aug. 27 Catharine, daughter of John Fisher, born July 26, 1797. Sponsors, Henry Materness & Catharine Fisher.
1797, Oct. 7 David, son of Daniel Fisher, born Sep. 12, 1797. Sponsors, Michael Fisher & wife Catharine.
1797, Oct. 29 Wiliam, son of William Fisher, born May 28, 1797. Sponsors, Francis Krick and wife Hannah.
1798, March 4 Catharine, daughter of George Fisher, born Jan. 19, 1798. Sponsor, Magdalena Mohn.
1798, April 15 Sarah, daughter of Peter Fisher, born Jan 3, 1798. Sponsor, Sarah Fisher.
1798, April 15 Susanna, daughter of John Faust, born March 14, 1798. Sponsor, Susanna Davis (Debis) or Tobias.
1798, Sept. 9 Catharine, daughter of Michael Fisher, born Aug. 15, 1798. Sponsor, Catharine Fisher.
1799, Feb. 24 Isaac, son of Peter Faust, born Feb 5, 1799. Sponsors, John Young (Jung) and wife Elizabeth.
1799, April 28 John, son of Peter Fisher, born March 7, 1799. Sponsors, John Fisher and wife Catharine.
1799, Sept. 1 Jacob, son of William Fisher, born March 23, 1799. Sponsors, Ludwig Hoffman & wife Elizabeth.
1799, Oct. 3 Adam, son of William Fisher, born Sep. 12, 1799. Sponsor, Adam Spohn.
1799, Nov. 24 John, son of George Fisher, born Oct. 22, 1799. Sponsor, John Fisher.
1799, Nov. 24 Samuel, son of John Fisher born Oct. 28, 1799, Sponsors, John Hains and wife Margareth.
1800, March 30 Sarah, daughter of John Fisher, born Jan. 24, 1799. Sponsor, Catharine Fisher.
1800, Sep. 14 Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Fisher born Aug. 29, 1800. Sponsor, Anna Maria Fisher.
1800, Oct. 26 Benjamin, son of John Faust, born Oct. 11, 1800. Sponsor, Peter Scharman.
1800, Dec. 7 Philip, son of Michael Fisher, born Sep. 27, 1800. Sponsors, Philip Fisher and Susanna.
1800, Dec. 26 Leah, daughter of Michael Fisher, born Dec. 8, 1800. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara.
1801, Feb. 6 Corsina, child of Frederick Fisher, born Dec. 21, 1800. Sponsor, Catharine Fisher.
1801, Feb. 7 Daniel, son of George Fisher, born Jan. 16, 1801. Sponsors, John Mohn & Elizabeth.
1801, April 6 Margareth, daughter of Peter Fox, born Jan. 15, 1801. Sponsors, Goorge Miller and Margareth Lambert (Lampert).
1801, Aug. 16 Elizabeth, daughter of John Fisher, born June 29, 1801. Sponsors, John Bollman & Elizabeth Fisher.
1801, Sep. 6 Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Feigel, born July 1, 1801. Sponsors, John Huy & Margareth.
1802, Jan. 11 Peter, son of John Fisher, born Dec. 13, 1801. Sponsor, Peter Fisher.
1802, July 18 Elizabeth, daughter of John Fisher, born July 3, 1802. Sponsors, Michael Fisher & Catharine.
1802, Oct. 30 Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Fisher, born Aug. 16, 1802. Sponsors, Henry Fisher & Christina.
1802, Oct. 31 Susanna, daughter of William Fisher, born Sep. 19, 1802. Sponsor, Susanna Spohn.
1802, Nov. 21 Anna Maria, daughter of Frederick Fisher, born Oct. 11, 1802. Sponsors, parents.
1802, Nov. 21 Adam, son of Peter Faust, born Nov. 9, 1802. Sponsors, John Spengler & Elizabeth.
1803, Jan. 23 Maria Margareth, daughter of John Fisher, born Dec. 3, 1802. Sponsor, Christina Fisher.
1803, July 10 John, son of Frederick Fisher, born June 21, 1803. Sponsors, John Lerch & Catharine.
1803, Dec. 25 Catharine, daughter of Daniel Fisher, born Dec. 13, 1803. Sponsors, Henry Meyer and Catharine.
1804, July 22 Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Fisher, born May 2, 1804. Sponsor, Elizabeth Fisher.
1804, Aug. 12 Hannah, daughter of John Fisher, born July 9, 1804. Sponsor, Anna Maria Fisher.
1804, Sept. 23 Catharine, daughter of John Fisher, born Sep. 12, 1804. Sponsor, Margareth Hain.
1804, Dec. 16 Peter, son of William Fisher, born Oct. 12, 1804. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara.
1805, May 22 John Jacob, son of Michael Fisher, born April 29, 1805. Sponsors, John Jacob Kintzer & Catharine.
1805, June 16 Maria Eva, daughter of Peter Faust, born June 9, 1805. Sponsor, Margaretb Eirich.
1805, July 14 Peter, son of Henry Fornwald, born June 17, 1805. Sponsors, Peter Knerr & Maria.
1805, Aug. 25 Jonathan, son of Michael Fisher, born June 12, 1805. Sponsors, Jonathan Minich and Susanna.
1805, Dec. 8 Elizabeth, daughter of John Fisher, born Oct. 8, 1805. Sponsors, Benjamin Hain & Elizabeth.
1806, May 4 John, son of William Fisher, born Jan. 5, 1806. Sponsor, John Fisher.
1806, May 25 Maria, daughter of Philip Fisher, born Mar. 2, 1806. Sponsor, Philip Fisher & Susanna.
1807, Feb. 22 Susanna, daughter of Daniel Faust, born Jan. 19, 1807. Sponsors, John Stamm & Elizabeth.
1807, April 26 John, son of George Freyberger, born March 9, 1807. Sponsors, John Heck & Anna Maria.
1807, Aug. 22 Sarah, daughter of Peter Faust, born Sep. 13, 1806. Sponsor, Sarah Faust.
1807, Nov. 22 Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Fornwald, born Nov. 7, 1807. Sponsor, Anna Maria Hain.
1807, Nov. 22 Benjamin, son of Michael Fisher, born Oct. 4, 1807. Sponsors, Philip Fister and Apolonia.
1808, March 26 Sarah, daughter of William Frederick and Catharine. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1808, April 19 John, son of John Fisher, born March 15, 1808. Sponsor, John Hain.
1808, Oct. 8 Salome, daughter of Daniel Fisher, born Aug. 26, 1808. Sponsors, Michael Fisher & Sarah.
1809, April 9 Elizabeth, daughter of George Fessler (Fesseler), born Nov 8, 1808. Sponsors, John Lerch & Catharine.
1809, July 2 Sarah, daughter of Michael Fisher, born April 15, 1809. Sponsor, Sarah Fisher.
1809, Sept. 24 Susanna, daughter of William Foltz, born Sept. 8, 1809. Sponsor, Susanna Hassler.
1759, Dec. 25 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Henry Gerlitz and Maria Margareth, born Nov. 30, 1759. Sponsor, Maria Magdalena Bosser or Kosser.
1772, April 12 Jacob, son of John Gelsinger (Goeltzinger). Sponsors, Jacob Herman and Margareth.
1773, Sept. 19 Henry, son of Jacob Geyer. Sponsors, Henry Geyer & Christina Brown.
1773, Dec. 12 Henry, son of Philip Gilbert. Sponsors, Conrad Scherbaun & Magdalena.
1774, April 4 Gertrude, daughter of John Gaul. Sponsor, Gertrude Faust.
1774, May 23 Elizabeth Margareth, daughter of John Gelsinger. Sponsors, Dietrich Ferntzler and Elizabeth Margareth.
1775, Jan. 22 Susanna Maria, daughter of Philip Graber. Sponsor, Susanna Maria Goreifin.
1775, May 14 Peter, son of John Gaul. Sponsors, Peter Gerhart & Salome.
1775, Sept. 24 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Geier. Sponsor, Maria Elizabeth Mohn.
1776, April 8 John, son of John Peter Gerhart. Sponsors, John Gaul & Anna Barbara.
1776, June 23 Catharine, daughter of John Gaul. Sponsors, John Arbegast & Catharine.
1776, Oct. 5 Elizabeth, daughter of John Gelsinger. Sponsor, Elizabeth Gelsinger.
1777, Oct. 19 Jacob, son of Henry Geyer. Sponsors, Jacob Geyer & Maria Margareth.
1777, Nov. 30 Anna Maria, daughter of John Gaul. Sponsors, Michael Arbegast & Anna Maria.
1778, Aug. 9 John, son of Peter Gerhart. Sponsors John Arbegast & Catharine.
1779, Oct. 3 Jobn, son of Henry Geyer. Sponsors George Geyer & Anna Margareth.
1780, Feb. 5 John George, son of John Gelsinger (Gilsinger). Sponsors, John George Breininger and Maria Catharine.
1780, July 2 William, son of John Gaul. Sponsor, William Arbegast.
1781, Dec. 9 Christian, Son of John Gaul, born Nov. 17, 1781. Sponsors, Christian Richard (Ritschert) and Magdalena Reber (Roberin).
1781, Dec. 25 Martin, son of Peter Gerhart. Three weeks old on Sunday. Sponsors, Martin Ermold & Margareth.
1783, Aug. 17 Jacob, son of John Gaul, born July 25, 1783. Sponsors, Wendel Runckel (Runkel).
1784, April 11 Catharine, daughter of Peter Gerhart, born March 22, 1784. Sponsors, John Aumiller and Catharine.
1784, May 9 Samuel, son of Samuel Gartin born Nov. 21, 1783. Sponsors, Peter Gauer & Maria Elizabeth.
1784, Sept. 5 Barbara, daughter of John Germant, born Aug 11. Sponsor, Barbara Bollman.
1785, April 16 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Conrad Goebel (Gobel). Sponsor, Maria Kessler.
1789, April 13 John, son of John Glantzer, born Nov. 19, 1788. Sponsors, John Krick & Anna Maria.
1790, Dec. 25 Leah, daughter of Peter Crill (Grill) (School Teacher) and Catharine. Sponsors, George Roether (Rehter) and Elizabeth.
1794, Nov. 2 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Theobold Gittleman, six weeks old last Thursday. Sponsor, Julian Weinhold.
1795, May 25 Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Goeltzinger (Gelsinger). born May 3, 1795. Sponsor, Elizabeth Gelsinger.
1796, July 24 John Henry, son of Theobold Gickelman, born April 21, 1796. Sponsors, Abraham Hassler & Catharine.
1797, June 25 Samuel, son of Philip Gelsinger (Goltzinger), born May 14, 1797. Sponsors, Jacob Wedman (Weidman) & Margareth.
1797, Nov. 19 Anna Margareth, daughter of Ludwig Goebel (Gebel), born Oct. 17, 1797. Sponsor, Anna Margareth Hennlen.
1798, May 6 Susanna, daughter of Theobold Gickelman, born Jan. 7, 1798. Sponsors, Michael Weinhold & Susanna.
1798, June 17 Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Geiss (Geisz) born Apr. 22, 1798. Sponsors Adam Hain & Anna Maria.
1799, May 13 Sarah, daughter of George Gaul, born March 3, 1799. Sponsor, Juliana Marschall.
1799, May 13 Maria Barbara, daughter of Theobold Gittelman, born Aug. 20, 1799. Sponsor, Henry Gittelman.
1800, Oct. 26 Daniel, son of Ludwig Göbel (now Gabel or Gebel), born April 27, 1800. Sponsor, Philip Stiely.
1801, May 24 Susanna, daughter of Henry Gicker, born April 10, 1801. Sponsors, Philip Fisher and Apollonia.
1803, Jan. 23 Joseph, son of Abraham Guldin (Guldy), born Dec. 2, 1802. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine.
1805, Sept. 11 Anna Maria, daughter of George Gaul, born April 22, 1804. Sponsors, Parents.
1805, Dec. 8 Benjamin, son of John Greim (Kreim), thirteen weeks old last Wednesday. Sponsor, Philip Bohn.
1806, Oct. 8 Benjamin, son of John Geisinger born Sep 8. Sponsors, Conrad Bracke and Elizabeth.
1807, Aug. 29 Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Guldin & Hannah, born Aug. 4, 1807. Sponsors, Leonhard Schaeffer & Elizabeth.
1807, Sept. 20 Salome, daughter [of] John Greim (Kreim), born July 1807. Sponsor, Catharine Bohn.
1810, --- Sarah, daughter of William Gaul & Rosina, born Sep. 18, 1810. Sponsors, John Miller & Eliza.

Source: History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township Berks County, Penna. by Rev. W.J. Kershner and Adam G. Lerch. Reading, PA: I.M. Beaver, Publisher, 1916, pp. 69-80.

Submitted by: Nancy.

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