The History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church

Baptisms by Revs. John Waldschmidt, John Christ Ammon and John W. Boas

1757-1810 (A-E)

Date of Baptism Name
1767, Feb. 8 Anna Maria, daughter of John Armegast (Arbegast) and wife, born January 10, 1767. Sponsors, John (Hannes) Reber and wife Anna Maria.
1771, Nov. 9 Nicholas ---, son of John Arbegast. Sponsors, Nicholas Schaeffer and wife Julian.
1773, May 19 Jacob ---, son of John Aumiller. Sponsor, father.
1773, July 18 Margareth, daughter of John Arbogast. Sponsors. Georg Arbogast and Margareth Reichin.
1775, Apr. 23 John, son of John Arbegast. Sponsors, Ludwig Arbegast and Margareth Schaeffer.
1775, Sept. 12 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of John Aumiller. Sponsor, Maria Elizabeth Gelsinger.
1778, Apr. 5 Christina, daughter of John Aumiller. Sponsors, Henry Fisher and wife Christina.
1778, Oct. 10 John, son of John Arbegast. Sponsor, John Ermold.
1780, Aug. 13 George Michael, son of John Aumiller (Aumüller). Sponsor, Michael Busch and wife Elizabeth.
1780, Dec. 26 John Peter, son of John Arbegast. Sponsors, Peter Gerhart and wife Salome.
1784, Apr. 11 William, son of John Arbegast, born February 8, 1784. Sponsors, William Arbegast and Margareth Schaeffer.
1785, Feb. 20 Susanna, daughter of John Aumiller, (Aumüller) born January 1. 1785. Sponsors, Susanna Heckart.
1788, Aug. 17 Philip, son of George Adam, born January 27, 1788. Sponsor, Philip Stiely (Stiply) and wife Catharine Elizabeth.
1790, Feb. 14 John Daniel, son of Joh. Conr. Ammann (pfarrerral-hier) and wife Maria Margareth, born January 8, 1790. Sponsors, John Adam Ruth (Deacon) and wife Catharine.
1791, Jan. 1 John George, son of George Adam and wife Antillia, born October 10, 1790. Sponsors, John George Ziegler and wife Catharine.
1801, Sept. 6 Elizabeth, daughter of John Achey (Achä) born July 5, 1801. Sponsor, Elizabeth Snyder (Schneiderin).
1794, Apr. 21 John, son of George Adam, born February 10, 1794. Sponsors, John Lauck and wife Elizabeth.
1807, Sept. 20 Joseph, son of Isaac Adam, born July 17, 1807. Sponsor, Rosina Lerch.
1758, June 25 John, son of John Bollman (Biellman) and wife Barbara, born June 10, 1758. Sponsors, Adam Bollman and wife Catharine Elizabeth.
1762, Aug. 15 Maria Barbara, daughter of Stephen Bollinder and wife Maria Elizabeth, born July 26, 1762. Sponsor, Peter Bollinder and wife Maria Barbara.
1767, Feb. 8 Anna Maria, daughter of Bernhard Bap (now Babb) and wife Gertrude, born January 22, 1767. Sponsors, Michael Busch and wife Anna Maria.
1769, Jan. 7 Maria Christina, daughter of Adam Boyer (Bayer) and wife Eva Margareth, born December 28, 1768. Sponsors, George Sticker and wife Anna Regina.
1770, Dec. 2 (Supposed) Anna Maria, daughter of Adam Boyer (Bäyer) and wife Eva Margareth, born November 10, 1770. Sponsors Jacob Schwanger and wife Anna Maria.
1771, Dec. 8 Christian, son of Henry Binkley. Sponsors, Christian Binkley and wife Elizabeth.
1772, Mar. 1 Catharine ---, daughter of Jacob Boyer (Beyer). Sponsors, Ludwig Mohn and wife Otillo.
1772, July 5 Christina ---, daughter of Christian Binkley (Binckle). Sponsor, Christina Scharman.
1772, Nov. 8 Susanna ---, daughter of John Beucht. Sponsors, Michael Miller and wife Susanna.
1773, Apr. 5 Magdalena, age 22 years, wife of Marx (Binckle) Binkley.
1774, Jan. 2 John ---, son of Ludwig Beucht. Sponsors, John Ruth and wife Catharine.
1774, Jan. 2 Elizabeth Catharine, daughter of Adam Boyer (Beyer). Sponsors, George Boyer and Catharine Stamm.
1774, Jan. 23 Peter, son of Henry Binkly. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and wife Anna Margareth.
1774. Jan. 23 John Jacob, son of Christian Binkley. Sponsors, John Jacob Baeshore (Böszhor) and Christina Scharman.
1774, Aug. 21 Benjamin, son of John Buecht. Sponsor, Thomas Weller.
1775, Sept. 24 Elizabeth, son of Frederick Bechtel. Sponsors, Conrad Eckert and wife Elizabeth.
1775, Oct. 15 John, son of Andrew Breuges. Sponsor, John Breuges.
1775, Dec. 27 John, son of Philip Becher. Sponsors, John Hain and wife Esther.
1776, Apr. 21 Philip, son of Adam Boyer (Bayer). Sponsors, Dietrich (Dieter) Stiely and wife Anna Maria.
1776, Apr. 21 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Binkley. Sponsor, Elizabeth Reichling.
1776, May 12 Maria Elizabeth, son [sic] of Christian Binkly. Sponsors, Rudolph Heberling and wife Anna Maria.
1777, July 27 John George, son of Jacob Beyer. Sponsor, George Boyer.
1777, Aug. 17 John, son of Frederick (Fried) Bechtel. Sponsors, John Hain and wife Ester.
1779, Jan. 3 Peter, son of Andrew Beruges. Sponsors, Peter Ermold and wife Catharine.
1779, Feb. 14 George, son of Adam Beyer. Sponsors, George Hain and wife Magdalena.
1780, Sept. 3 John, son of John Brown (Braun). Sponsors, John Hironimus Hemig and wife Philippina.
1780, Dec. 17 Barbara, son of William Brown (Braun). Sponsors, Francis Krick and wife Maria.
1781, Apr. 1 Maria Barbara, daughter of Adam Boyer. Sponsors, Adam Mell and wife Maria Barbara.
1782, Jan. 13 John Yost, son of Christopher Brechener, born December 28, 1781. Sponsor, John lost (Yost) Ermold.
1782, Sept. 22 Catharine, daughter of John Brown (Braun), born, August 28, 1782. Sponsors, William Brown (Braun) and wife Catharine.
1783 Susanna, daughter of Conrad Bracke, born November 1783. Sponsor, Susanna Sehlheimer.
1784, Mar. 14 Daniel, son of Frederick Bechtel, born January 13, 1784. Sponsors, Jacob Romich and wife Rosina.
1784, Nov. 28 Maria Catharine, daughter of Jonathan Beyer, born November 14, 1784. Sponsors, Philip Heckart and wife Anna Maria.
1785, Oct 1 Dorothea Elizabeth, daughter of Conrad Bracke, born September 19, 1785. Sponsors, William Sehlheimer and wife Dorothea Elizabeth.
1785, Oct. 16 Anna Catharine, daughter of John Bläntzer, born September 23, 1785. Sponsor, Katherine Knauerin.
1786, July 30 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Begger (Becker) or Leppen, born April 23, 1786. Sponsors, Francis Reeper and wife Anna Maria.
1788, Mar. 23 William, son of Conrad Brack, born March 17, 1788. Sponsors, William Sehlheimer and wife Dorothea.
1788, Mar. 23 John, son of Jonathan Boyer (Bäyer), born December 10,1787. Sponsor, Heronymus Beyer (Bayer).
1788, May 24 Susanna, daughter of Philip Benzing (Bentzing) born March 24,1788. Sponsor, Susanna Weinhold.
1788, Sept. 14 Elizabeth, age about 7 years, daughter of Joh. Brein.
1788, Sept. 14 John, about 4 years old, son of Joh. Brein.
1788, Sept. 14 Joh. William, son of Joh. Brein, born May 3, 1788. Sponsors, John Weber and wife Susanner.
1788, Nov. 23 Elizabeth ---, daughter of Lorentz Beck. Sponsors, Christian Schaeffer and wife Elizabeth.
1788, Dec. 4 Catharine, daughter of John Becht, born November 6, 1788. Sponsors, John Berocheisel and wife Catharine.
1788, Dec. 26 John, son of Frederick Bechtel and wife Sarah, born October 29, 1788. Sponsors, John Hain and wife Esther.
1789, Oct. 18 Catharine, daughter of John Beck, born May 18, 1789. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and wife Catharine.
1790, Aug. 15 Jacob, son of Conrad Bracke and wife Elizabeth, born July, 21, 1790. Sponsor, Jacob Dege and wife Susanna.
1790, Sept. 12 Catharine Elizabeth, daughter of John Bernhauser and wife Catherine, born August 10, 1790. Sponsors, George Ziegler and wife Catharine.
1792, Dec. 9 John, son of Christophen (Stopfel) Beistler, born September 19, 1792. Sponsors, John Krick and wife Anna Maria.
1792, Dec. 30 Nicholas, son of John Bergman, born December 4, 1792. Sponsors, Nicholas Schaeffer and wife Catharine.
1793, Mar. 14 Sarah, daughter of John Bernheisel, born August 30, 1792. Sponsor, Margareth Zeinlein.
1793, May 5 Jacob, son of John Beck, born April 3, 1793. Sponsors, Jacob Beck and Barbara Hain.
1793, Sept. 29 John Henry, son of John Binckley, born September 13, 1793. Sponsor, John Henry Longsdorf.
1793, Sept. 29 Christina, daughter of Frederick Bohn, born June 17, 1793. Sponsor, Christina Bohn.
1794, Oct. 15 Samuel, son of Benjamin Bottler, born October 31, 1791. Sponsors, Christina Young (Iung) and wife Elizabeth.
1795, Feb. 8 William, son of Conrad Bracke, born January 11, 1775. Sponsor, William Sehlheimer.
1795, Apr. 19 Abraham, son of Philip Bentzing (Bensing), born December 18, 1794. Sponsor, Abraham Reifsnyder.
1796, May 1 John George, son of John Bergman, born February 13, 1796. Sponsors, John George Eyrich and wife Anna Margareth.
1797, June 3 Conrad, son of Conrad Bracke, born April 28, 1797. Sponsors, parents.
1798, May 6 Maria Elenora, daughter of John Bernheisel and wife, Catharine, born March 13, 1798. Sponsors, John Stoudt and wife Anna Maria.
1798, May 6 Anna Maria, daughter of John Bergman (Berckmann), born April 8, 1798. Sponsors, John Heck and wife Anna Maria.
1799, Apr. 28 Catharine, daughter of John Bechtel, born December 7, 1798. Sponsor, Catharine Taubert.
1799, Nov. 24 Catharine, daughter of Jacob Beisz (or Boice), born October 9, 1799. Sponsor, Catharine Diestler.
1799, Dec. 26 Sarah, daughter of William Boyer (Bayer), born November 28,1799. Sponsor, Sarah Bechtel.
1800, May 11 Daniel, son of Conrad Bracke, born March 12, 1800. Sponsors, William Sehlheimer and wife Elizabeth.
1800, Aug. 3 Benjamin, son of John Binckle, born May 9, 1800. Sponsors, Frederick Longsdorf and Elizabeth Dechert.
1800, Dec. 26 John, son of John Bergman, born November 3, 1800. Sponsors, John Oberick and wife Catharine.
1801, July 5 Maria, daughter of Jacob Beck, born January 22, 1801. Sponsors, parents.
1801, Sept. 6 Isaac, son of John Bernheisel, born June 18, 1801. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and wife Catharine.
1802, Jan. 31 Catharine, daughter of William Boyer, born January 9, 1802. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1802, May 15 William, son of John Bechtold (likely Bechtel), born April 8, 1802. Sponsors, Jacob Bechtold and wife Anna Maria.
1802, June 27 Catharine, daughter of Michael Beck, born March 27, 1802. Sponsors, Peter Schaeffer and wile Catharine.
1802, July 18 Sarah, daughter of Henry Binckle (Binkley) born June 6, 1802. Sponsors, Michael Ruth and wife Elizabeth.
1802, Aug. 29 Anna, daughter of John Bechtel, born December 13, 1790. Sponsors, Henry Metz and wife Magdalena.
1803, July 10 George, son of Jacob Beck, born March 2, 1803. Sponsors, parents.
1803, Sept. 16 Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Beis, born July 30, 1803. Sponsors, parents.
1803, Dec. 14 William, son of William Becherman, born December 7, 1801, Sponsors, parents.
1804, Dec. 16 John George, son of Michael Beck, born October 10, 1804. Sponsor, John George Hain.
1805, June 2 Jacob, son of Jacob Beck, born April 18, 1805. Sponsors, parents.
1806, Mar. 23 George, son of Jacob Bollman, born March 7, 1806. Sponsors, Michael Fisher and wife Catharine.
1806, July 6 Maria Magdalena, daughter of William Beyer (Bayer), born March 16, 1806. Sponsor, Maria Magdalena ---.
1806, July 27 Maria Magdalena, daughter of John Bechtold. born July 15, 1806. Sponsors, Christian Knorr and wife Anna Maria.
1807, July 19 Hannah, daughter of John Bechtel, born March 2, 1807. Sponsor, Hannah Hain.
1808, Mar. 26 John, son of Samuel Bauer, born January 4, 1808. Sponsors, John Snyder (Schneider) and wife Susanna.
1808, May 29 Elizabeth, daughter of John Bord, born January 15, 1807. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1808, Oct. 8 Nelly, daughter of John Bord, born August 23, 1908. Sponsors, William Werner and wife Magdalena.
1809, May 21 Isaac, son of William Beyer (Bayer), born November 31, 1808. Sponsors, parents.
1809, July 22 Absalom, son of Samuel Bauer, born May 11, 1809. Sponsor, Henry Fisher.
1772, Apr. 26 John, son of Sam. Kacks (Cox). Sponsors, Frederick Hain and wife.
1783, May 18 Margareth, daughter of John Gaeks, born January 18, 1782. Sponsors, Conrad Wannermacher and wife Eva.
1783, Aug. 31 Samuel, son of Samuel Gax, born February 14, 1783. Sponsors. Ludwig Schweitzer and Elizabeth Hain.
1787, May 6 Elizabeth, daughter of Emanuel Caler (now likely Kahler) and wife Catharine, born January 6, 1787. Sponsors, Jacob Dechert and wife Elizabeth.
1787, May 27 Samuel, son of Frederick Gax (Cox), born February 2, 1784. Sponsors, parents.
1787, Oct. 28 Carl, son of Samuel Gax (Cox) born July 9, 1786. Sponsors, John Gausz and wife Catharine.
1794, Aug. 31 John, son of Frederick Klaus (Clouse). Sponsor, John Longsderf.
1796, Jan. 17 John Conrad, son of Frederick Klaus (Clouse). Sponsors, John Conrad Longsderf and wife Catharine.
1802, Feb. 21 Thomas, son of Catharine Gax (or now Cox), born February 6, 1801. Sponsor, Antoni Marx.
1767, Mar. 1 John, son of Casper Dorst and wife, born October 6. 1767. Sponsors, John Linderman and Margareth Kuhl.
1773, July 18 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Peter Daubert. Sponsors, Peter Tippel and wife Maria Magdalena.
1774, Dec. 26 Catharine, daughter of John Diehl (Diel). Sponsor, Peter Iung (Young).
1775, Sept. 24 Catharine, daughter of Henry Dechert. Sponsors, Conrad Longsdorff and wife Catharine.
1776, Feb. 18 John, son of Peter Daubert (Taubert). Sponsors, John Hain and wife Magdalena.
1776, Aug. 25 John Jacob, son of John Dundore (Dounder). Sponsors, Jacob Dundere and wife Anna Maria.
1778, Aug. 9 John Adam, son of John Dunder. Sponsors, Henry Schaner and wife Barbara.
1778, Aug. 9 John, son of John Diehl. Sponsors, Francis Ruth and wife Elizabeth.
1779, Dec. 9 Elizabeth, daughter of John Diehl (Diel). Sponsor. Elizabeth Freymauer.
1781, Dec. 25 Christina, daughter of Jacob Dautrich, born November 10, 1781. Sponsor, Christina Dautrich.
1781, Dec. 30 Catharine, daughter of Peter Diehl, born November 21. 1781. Sponsors, George Stricker and wife Catharine.
1783, Oct. 26 Maria Rosina, daughter of John Dock, born September 9, 1783. Sponsors, Simson Hain and wife Ursula.
1783, Sept. 19 Engel, son of Jacob Dautrich (Dauterick), born August 20, 1784. Sponsor, Engel Eckert.
1785, Feb. 9 John Jacob, son of John Debis (likely Tobias), born February 1, 1785. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and wife Elizabeth.
1785, Feb. 9 Gertrude, daughter of John Debis (likely Tobias), born February 1, 1785. Sponsors, Frederick Fisher and wife Gertrude.
1786, Aug. 13 Anthony, son of Peter Diehl, born June 15, 1786. Sponsor, Antoni Faust.
1786, Dec. 3 Christopher (Stopfel), son of Jacob Dautrich, born October 20, 1786. Sponsors, Stopfel Hassler and wife Catharine.
1787, Mar. 18 Maria Christina, daughter of Christian Diehl, born March 2, 1781. Sponsor, Maria Christina Faust.
1787, Mar. 18 John Christian, son of Christian Diehl, born September, 1783. Sponsors, George Sticker and wife Catharine.
1787, Apr. 8 Elias, son of Susanna Dewees, born February 4,1787. Sponsor, Sebastian Miller (Muller) and wife Catharine.
1787, Apr. 8 Susanna, daughter of Jacob Dege, born March 27, 1787. Sponsors, Conrad Bracke and wife Susanna.
1789, July 22 Jacob, son of Jacob Diehm, born June 3, 1787. Sponsors, parents.
1789, Mar. 30 Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Diehl, born March 22, 1789. Sponsor, Anna Maria Faust.
1789, Aug. 17 Susanna, daughter of Jacob Dege, born August 3, 1789. Sponsors, Conrad Breck (or Brack) and wife Elizabeth.
1790, Mar. 19 Susanna, daughter of John Daubert [a]nd wife Margareth, born March 1, 1790. Sponsor, Michael Miller (Muller) aad wife Susanna.
1790, Oct. 24 Christina ---, daughter of William Debes (Davis or Tobias) and wife Emma Eva. Sponsors, parents.
1792, Apr. 29 John, son of John Daubert (Taubert), born January 29, 1792. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and wife Elizabeth.
1793, Sept. 29 John George, son of Jacob Dautrich, born Jane 13, 1793. Sponsors, Jacob Hassler and wife Barbara.
1794, Nov. 2 Anna Maria, daughter of John Daubert (Taubert), born September 14. Sponsors, Dietrick Stiely and wife Anna Maria.
1794, Nov. 23 Jacob, son of Jacob Dege, born October 7, 1794. Sponsors, parents.
Dec. 17, 1774 [sic] Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Diehl, born April --, 1794. Sponsor, Anna Maria Faust.
1797, Apr. 2 William, son of Jacob Dege, born March 2, 1797. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and wife Elenora.
1798, Aug. 19 Maria Magdalina, daughter of John Daubert (Taubert), born June 25, 1798. Sponsor, Margareth Heinle.
1800, Feb. 16 Margareth, daughter of Jacob Dege, born October 10, 1799. Sponsors, Henry Hernsing and wife Margareth.
1800, May 31 Daniel, son of John Daubert (Taubert), born May 9, 1800. Sponsors, Dietrich Stiely and wife Anna Maria.
1800, June 22 Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Dautrich, born April 19, 1800. Sponsor, Christina Dautrich.
1801, May 24 Hannah, six years old in last week of June, daughter of Deborah Dechert. Sponsors, John Ruth and wife Elizabeth.
1802, Oct. 10 Leah, daughter of John Daubert (Taubert), born Aug. 26, 1802. Sponsor, Catharine Stiely.
1802, Dec. 12 Maria, daughter of Jacob Dege, born November 4, 1802. Sponsor, Dorothea Sehlheimer.
1804, Sept. 2 George, son of Henry Daubert, born August 19. Sponsors George Hefflay (Hefele) and wife Catharine.
1804, Sept. 23 Nellie, daughter of John Daubert (Taubert) born Aug. 17, 1804. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and wife Elizabeth.
1806, May 3 Peter, son of Henry Daubert (Taubert), born April 10, 1806. Sponsors, John Spengler and wife Elizabeth.
1806, Dec. 21 George, son of John Daubert (Taubert), born October 10, 1906 [sic]. Sponsors, George Stiely and wife Elizabeth.
1809, Mar. 29 Joseph, son of Samuel Dunkelberger, born October 2, 1808. Sponsor, John Faust.
1809, May 21 Esther, daughter of John Daubert (Taubert), born November 28, 1808. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and wife Catharine.
1771, Oct. 23 Anna Maria ---, daughter of George Eirich. Sponsors, George Ermold and wife Anna Maria.
1771, Nov. 17 Peter ---, son of Conrad Eckert. Sponsors, Peter Fisher and wife Apolona.
1772, Mar. 22 Magdalena, daughter of George Ermold. Sponsor, Magdalena Hetrick (Hetrigin).
1773, Aug. 29 John George, son of George Eirich (Eurig). Sponsor, Dietrich Sohl.
1773, Oct. 9 Conrad, son of Jonas Eckert. Sponsors, Conrad Eckert and wife Elizabeth.
1773, Dec. 12 John Peter, son of George Ermold. Sponsors, Peter Ermold and wife Catharine.
1774, Feb. 13 George, son of Conrad Eckert. Sponsors, Geo. Troutman (Droutman) and wife Christina.
1774, Oct. 23 John, son of George Eirich. Sponsor, John Sohl and wife Rosina.
1774, Dec. 26 Maria Judith, daughter of Peter Ermold. Sponsors, John George Ermold and wife Maria Judith.
1775, Mar. 5 Andrew, son of George Ermold. Sponsors, Andrew Bernges and wife Catharine.
1775, Apr. 17 John, son of John Eckert. Sponsor, John Gernant.
1776, Apr. 8 Barbara, daughter of Conrad Eckert. Sponsors, John Eckert and wife Barbara.
1776, June 2 John, son of George Eirich. Sponsors, John Sohl and wife Rosina.
1777, Feb. 9 Anna Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Ermold. Sponsors, Anna Elizabeth Stouch.
1777, Mar. 29 George Philip, son of George Eberhard. Sponsors, Jacob and wife Anna Eva.
1778, May 17 Conrad, son of Conrad Eirich (Eurig). Sponsors, Geo. Ermold and wife Judith.
1778, Aug. 30 Maria Margareth, daughter of Henry Emig. Sponsors, Nicholas Lerch and wife Elizabeth.
1779, Jan. 24 Catharine, daughter of George Eberhard. Sponsors, John Scharman and wife Elizabeth.
1779, Feb. 14 John George, son of George Ermold. Sponsors, Geo. Eirich and wife Anna Maria.
1779, Oct. 24 Susanna, daughter of George Eirich. Sponsor, Susanna Schaeffer.
1780, Mar. 18 John ---, son of George Eberhard. Sponsors, John Krick and wife Anna Maria.
1780, Aug. 13 Elizabeth Magdalena, daughter of Henry Emig. Sponsors, Christian Young (Iung) and wife Elizabeth Magdalena.
1781, May 3 Daniel, son of Conrad Eckert. Sponsors, Frederick Hain and wife Catharine.
1781, Aug. 5 John George, son of George Eberhard. Sponsors, Geo. Stock and wife Catharine.
1783, Aug. 31 Solomon, son of Conrad Eckert, born August 12, 1783. Sponsors, John Eckert and wife Barbara.
1785, Apr. 16 Anna Maria, daughter of George Eirich (Eurig), born April 7, 1785. Sponsor, Anna Maria Ermold.
1786, Nov. 4 Margareth, daughter of George Eirich, born October 22, 1786. Sponsors, Martin Ermold and wife Margareth.
1787, June 7 Catharine, daughter of John Ermold, born June 2. Sponsor, Catharine Reedy.
1788, Mar. 23 Magdalena, daughter of George Eirich, born March 21, 1788. Sponsor, Magdalena Ermold.
1788, Nov. 9 Elizabeth, (twin) daughter of Paul Ernst, born September 21, 1788. Sponsors, Philip Sehl and wife Elizabeth.
1788, Nov. 9 Anna Maria, (twin) daughter of Paul Ernst, born September 21, 1788. Sponsors, John Nicholas Stouch and wife Margareth.
1790, Feb. 14 Anna Margareth, daughter of John Ermold (Deacon), and wife Anna Elizabeth, born January 31, 1790. Sponsors, Martin Ermold and wife Anna Margareth.
1794, Aug. 31 John, son of Peter Engel, born July 11, 1794. Sponsors, John Bollman and wife Barbara.
1795, Feb. 15 Elizabeth Magdalena, daughter of George Eirich, born December 28, 1794. Sponsors, Christina Young (Iung) and wife Elizabeth Magdalena.
1797, Apr. 2 John, son of John George Eirich, born March 5, 1797. Sponsor, John Eirich.
1797, Apr. 23 Catharine, daughter of George Eirich, born March 23, 1797. Sponsor, Catharine Bechtin.
1799, Mar. 25 Elizabeth, daughter of George Eirich, born March 10, 1799. Sponsor, Elizabeth Faust.
1799, May 13 Rebecca, daughter of George Eirich, born April 9, 1799. Sponsors, parents.
1806, Aug. 17 John George, son of George Eirich, born July 11, 1806. Sponsors, John George Eirich and wife Margareth.

Source: History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township Berks County, Penna. by Rev. W.J. Kershner and Adam G. Lerch. Reading, PA: I.M. Beaver, Publisher, 1916, pp. 59-69.

Submitted by: Nancy.

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