submitted by
have been added 132 members. There has been a greater efficiency in
the work of existing organizations, and an increasing consciousness of the
relation of a Christian congregation to the needs of the outlying
world. In what might be called a more material way, there has also
been progress. The old shaky, unsafe ceiling of the church has been
replaced with a fine attractive one and the church building well lighted
and renovated throughout at a cost of nearly $1,200 which has been
promptly and cheerfully paid for. In looking back over nearly five years
the pastor is grateful for the quick response he has always met with when
making any special call upon his parishioners, for the ready co-operation
of the board of trustees in plans for improvement, and for the faithful
counsel of the session, and the patient fidelity of the leaders of the
various organizations. For
some time past, however, it has been growing more and more evident that
the problem of location of our church, which sooner or later confronts all
churches in growing towns like this, is one that we must face at no
distant day. For the [continued on page 32]
to the next page |
C. E. Martin, M.D. - trustee
R. Fessler, trustee - died 1900 |