Mercer County Genealogy


Places Worth Township     




Worth Township History from the History of Mercer County, 1909

Early photograph of the congregation at the Henderson Methodist Church

Union Telephone Directory for Millbrook 1913 
A-G  G-M  N-W  W-Z
Union Telephone Directory



1840 Census - Worth Township is still a part of Sandy Lake Township

1850 Census 

1870 Census

1880 Census - search at  Select Pennsylvania, then Mercer, then Worth



bulletCarroll Cemetery
bulletHenderson Cemetery
bulletMillbrook Cemetery
bulletPerrine Cemetery
bulletZion Cemetery





Formed in 1849 

from Sandy Lake Township


Landowners Map of Worth Township from the 1873 Atlas


Towns & Villages

bullet Millbrook
bullet Hendersonville
bullet Henderson
bullet Perrine's Corners
bullet Kilgore