Townships Boroughs Villages 



Hendersonville [is] located in the extreme northeastern corner, was laid out in 1834 by Robert Henderson, from whom it takes its name, and by whom the first house had been erected as early as 1828. Robert afterward became the first postmaster. A tannery was built in 1829 by Jonathan Henderson, who remained its proprietor until 1855, conducting a shoe-shop in connection therewith, at which time he sold to Frank Adamson. The last owner was James Bowlender, under whose control it languished and died. School had been opened as early as 1812, the children of the neighbor hood assembling in a small log hut at that time to receive such primitive instruction and educational training as the times afforded. 

History of Mercer County, 1888, page 622



located in Worth Township

Also known as Henderson

What the History of Mercer County says about Hendersonville


Postmasters - Wheeler Post Office in Bethel

If you're looking for your ancestors in Hendersonville, try the Census for Worth Township 1850     1870 

Henderson Cemetery


Churches near Bethel