
Sharon's Yesterdays & Tomorrow

An Outline of the Growth of Sharon and its Industries....

and a History of the McDowell National Bank, June 1935



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Employees of the 

McDowell National Bank 1935


Top row: Kirby Williams, Helen Dempsey, John Latsko, Mary Oakes, Paul Achre.


Second row:  Gladys Taylor, William Watkins Jr., Mabel Roberts, John Curry Jr., Ruth Maxwell


Third row:  Lloyd Beachy, Florence Flinn, Harry Prentice, Katherine Keiser, Julius Sipotz 


Fourth row:  Mary McDowell, Harrison Reinhardt, Helen Kahl, Arthur Stevenson, Margaret Mack


Bottom Row:  Desmond Griffin, Leona King, John O'Brien, Ruth Snyderwine, Luella Mowry


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Copyright © 2004 Teri A. Brown, Walter Brown and Assoc. All rights reserved.