
Sharon's Yesterdays & Tomorrow

An Outline of the Growth of Sharon and its Industries....

and a History of the McDowell National Bank, June 1935

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A History of Sharon from the early settlements in 1798 through the industrial boom, depression and into 1935.  History of the McDowell National Bank and its transition from D.C. Strawbridge, banker; James Bleakley and Sons, and Alex McDowell, banker to the McDowell National Bank.

Historic photos of Sharon, employees of the McDowell National Bank, and links to related information on Sharon businesses and business leaders mentioned in the book

View title page of the book.


Photo Index listing of all the photos and illustrations in the book



State Street Bridge, Sharon 1868

bulletState Street Flood Sharon 1913
bulletAshton Store
bulletDowntown Sharon 1868
bulletThe Canal Basin and Canal, Sharon
bulletMcDowell National Bank 1917

Employees of the McDowell National Bank, 1935


Directors of the McDowell National Bank, 1935


Past Directors of the McDowell National Bank


Sharon's Skyline About 1868, looking northeast from a point just west of Irvine Avenue.  Click to enlarge photo.

Highlights of the Book


Outline of Sharon's History

Early Settlers, utilities, Sharon Fire Department, Henry F. Buhl, Buhl Club, Photos of Sharon in 1868  pages 1-5



Sharon's Industrial History

Discovery of Coal, D.C. Strawbridge, Benjamin Bentley, Blast Furnaces, Clay Furnace, Sharon Iron Company, Westerman Iron Company, Iron and Steel in Sharon, Sharon Steel Hoops, Industries in Sharon in 1935 pages 6-9



History of the McDowell National Bank

D.C. Strawbridge, banker; James Bleakley, Alex McDowell, banker; Sharon Savings and Trust Co., F. W. Koehler, Floor plans and specifics of the Building at State and Chestnut, Bank Holiday of 1933, area bank closings, directors of the bank, employees of the bank in 1935 pages 10-15



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Copyright © 2004 Teri A. Brown, Walter Brown and Assoc. All rights reserved.