Wayne County PAGenWeb
Cemetery Surname Index - C
C.L.R. |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Cadden, Mary C. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cadden, Patrick |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caffrey, Basil F. |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Caffrey, Bridget |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caffrey, Edward |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Caffrey, John |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Caffrey, Margaret Kelly |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Caffrey, Mary F. Dailey |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Caffrey, Patrick |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Caffrey, Richard |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Caffrey, Thomas |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Cain, John W. |
Canaan Corners |
Calavano, Anthony |
Canaan Corners |
Calkin, Doretta White (Jones) |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Calkin, Forrest |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Calkin, Judson M. |
Browns Cemetery |
Calkin, Moses |
Cochecton Cemetery, NY |
Calkin, Oliver |
Milanville Cemetery |
Calkin, Sadie E. |
Calkins Cemtery |
Calkin, Theron Brittain |
Hillside Cemetery |
Calkin, Wilbur A |
Calkins Cemtery |
Calkins, Drucilla |
Beach Lake Cemetery |
Calkins, Elizabeth |
Cochecton Cemetery, NY |
Calkins, Jesse |
Milanville Cemetery |
Calkins, Marilla Land |
Milanville Cemetery |
Calkins, Ruth E. M. |
Cochecton Cemetery, NY |
Calkins, Sarah |
Milanville Cemetery |
Calvin, Barbara Stegner |
St. Mary Magdalen, Honesdale |
Cameron, Agnes |
Old Galilee Cemetery |
Campbell, Adelia C. |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Adolphus D. |
Tallman Cemetery |
Campbell, Ann |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Campbell, Baby Albert |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Bessie |
Tallman Cemetery |
Campbell, Charles E. |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Clarence |
Tallman Cemetery |
Campbell, Estella Jones |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Etsyl B. |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Flossie B. |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Fred C. |
Tallman Cemetery |
Campbell, Harvey J. |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Ida B. VanSteenburg |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, James Joseph |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Campbell, John |
Hales Eddy Cemetery, Broome Cty,
NY |
Campbell, Julian |
Tallman Cemetery |
Campbell, Katherine Sanford |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Patrick |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Campbell, Paul A. |
Canaan Corners |
Campbell, Paul N. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Campbell, Philena Jane |
Tallman Cemetery |
Campbell, Stella |
Tallman Cemetery |
Campbell, Twin Baby Katharine |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, Twin Baby Madelene |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campbell, William T. |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Campfield, Dorothy E. |
Green Gates Cemetery, Hawley |
Campfield, Katherine Lester |
Residents |
Campfield, Lester F. |
Green Gates Cemetery, Hawley |
Campson, Delores S. Vranorsey |
Residents |
Canavan, Anna |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Canavan, Bartholomew |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Canavan, Honora |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Canfield, Marjorie G. (Sweitzer) |
St. John's Lutheran Cemetery,
Honesdale |
Canterbury, Beatrice |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Canterbury, Claude |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Card, Dencie Carr |
Little York Cemetery |
Card, Herman |
Little York Cemetery |
Card, Jay L. |
Little York Cemetery |
Card, Katherine |
Little York Cemetery |
Card, Kenneth |
Little York Cemetery |
Card, Marvin |
Little York Cemetery |
Card, Melvin |
Little York Cemetery |
Card, Nora Finkle |
Little York Cemetery |
Carefoot, James M. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Carey, Ann |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carey, Bridget C. Flynn |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carey, Bridget |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Carey, Catherine |
St. Patrick's Cemetery |
Carey, Charles T. |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carey, Edith |
Madisonville Union Cemetery, Lack Co,
PA |
Carey, Floyd |
Madisonville Union Cemetery, Lack Co,
PA |
Carey, Gwendolyn Marie |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carey, Hannora F. |
St. Patrick's Cemetery |
Carey, Jesse A. |
St. Rose Cemetery, Carbondale, Lack Co,
PA |
Carey, John A. |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carey, Leola Hartford |
Cemetery |
Carey, Louise S. |
Madisonville Union Cemetery, Lack Co,
PA |
Carey, Martha |
Canaan Corners |
Carey, Mary E. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Carey, Mary |
St. Patrick's Cemetery |
Carey, Mary |
Madisonville Union Cemetery, Lack Co,
PA |
Carey, Mary |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carey, Micheal |
St. Patrick's Cemetery |
Carey, Patrick Joseph |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carey, Samuel |
Madisonville Union Cemetery, Lack Co,
PA |
Carey, Vernon |
Cemetery |
Carey, Willard |
Madisonville Union Cemetery, Lack Co,
PA |
Carey, William J. |
Canaan Corners |
Carey, William Joseph, Sr. |
Canaan Corners |
Carey, William Xavier |
St. Rose Cemetery, Carbondale, Lack Co,
PA |
Carley, Bridget |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Consuelo B. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Elizabeth A. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Francis T. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Leo |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Lilile |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Michael J. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Richard J. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, T. Frank |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, Thomas |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, William |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carley, William P. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carlile, Ann |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Carlin, Clair F. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Carlin, Lillian Hauenstein |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Carlson, Edward |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Carlton, Emily S. |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Carlton, Florence E. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Carlton, Infant Son |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Carlton, Lester M. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Carlton, Mary A. |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Carlton, Mary E. |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Carlton, Moses R. |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Carlton, Ruth Sawyer |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Carlton, Thomas J. |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Carmody, Dolores Jean Roos |
St. John's Cemetery, Honesdale |
Carney, Lee George |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Carolan, James |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carolan, John |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Carpenter, Della E. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Carpenter, Mary Luther |
West Preston Cemetery |
Carpenter, Nathan |
West Preston Cemetery |
Carpenter, Phebe |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Carr, Ambrose E. |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Caroline Hudson |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Doris M. Blake |
Bethany Cemetery |
Carr, Edward |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Esther Vernon |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Esther Philander Mary |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Francis V. |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, George S. |
Little York Cemetery |
Carr, Helen A. |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Helen Berry Card |
Little York Cemetery |
Carr, Irene |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carr, James |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Jane |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Kate E. |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Leroy W. |
Little York Cemetery |
Carr, Nettie |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Carr, Nonie A. Niles |
Little York Cemetery |
Carr, Nora A. |
Old Shehawken Cemetery/Stanton |
Carr, Rebecca |
Glen Dyberry Cemetery |
Carr, Richard J. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carr, Sidney F. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Carr, Verna M. |
Little York Cemetery |
Carr, Walter E. |
Canaan Corners |
Carr, Willie |
Canaan Corners |
Carrelle, Katherine |
Catterson Cemetery |
Carrelle, Patrick J. I. |
Catterson Cemetery |
Carroll, Ann |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Carroll, Francis |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Carruth, James |
Zion Cemetery |
Carruth, Margaret |
Zion Cemetery |
Carter, Cora E. (Brown) |
Pine Grove Cemetery, Pike County, PA |
Cartwright, Donna R. |
Green Gates Cemetery, Hawley |
Cartwright, James Robert Sr. |
of Peace/Philomenia |
Caruth, Elva R. |
Salem Cemetery |
Cary, B. Parker |
Hornbaker Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cary, Eliza |
Maplewood Methodist |
Cary, Isaac H. |
Maplewood Methodist |
Cary, Isabel |
Hornbaker Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cary, Josephine Webster |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cary, Justus |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cary, Lucy |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cary, Mary Delphine |
Hornbaker Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cary, Mehitabel |
Hornbaker Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cary, Miner |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cary, Ruey Ellen |
Hornbaker Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cary, Silas B. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Case, John |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Case, Mabel |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Casey, Norman V. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cass, Phebe |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Casper, George A. |
St. Mary Magdalen, Honesdale |
Catani (Baby Boy) |
Avoy Cemetery |
Caterson, Ann |
Catterson Cemetery |
Caterson, Anna |
Catterson Cemetery |
Caterson, Caroline |
Catterson Cemetery |
Caterson, Elizabeth |
Zion Cemetery |
Caterson, John M. |
Catterson Cemetery |
Caterson, John |
Catterson Cemetery |
Caterson, Sallie M |
Catterson Cemetery |
Caterson, William |
Zion Cemetery |
Catterson, Alexander A. |
Salem Cemetery |
Catterson, Ann |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Catterson, Elizabeth A. |
Salem Cemetery |
Catterson, Ella M. |
Catterson Cemetery |
Catterson, Lizzie |
Catterson Cemetery |
Catterson, Martha |
Catterson Cemetery |
Catterson, Robert |
Catterson Cemetery |
Catterson, William |
Catterson Cemetery |
Catterson, William Dean |
Catterson Cemetery |
Caufield, Regina |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Caufield, Sarah A. Lynott |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Anna |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Annie Paul |
St. John's Cemetery, Honesdale |
Cavanaugh, Charles |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Charles |
St. John's Cemetery, Honesdale |
Cavanaugh, Daniel |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Daniel |
St. John's Cemetery, Honesdale |
Cavanaugh, Edward |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Edward |
St. John's Cemetery, Honesdale |
Cavanaugh, James |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, James |
St. John's Cemetery, Honesdale |
Cavanaugh, Jane |
St. Josephs Cemetery |
Cavanaugh, Margaret Malone |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Marie A. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cavanaugh, Mary |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Mary |
St. John's Cemetery, Honesdale |
Cavanaugh, Mary A. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cavanaugh, Mary D. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cavanaugh, Michael |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cavanaugh, Patrick A. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cavanaugh, Thomas |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cavanaugh, Walter A. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Agnes |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Andrew |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Francis A. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Jerome |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Mary |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Michael |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Sarah |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Caveney, Thomas |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Caveny, Mary |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Caveny, Patrick |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cawelly, James |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, Anne |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Cawley, Bridget McDonough |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, Francis |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Cawley Francis |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, Helen |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cawley, James P. |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, John J. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cawley, Joseph V. |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, Julia Orr |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, Katherine |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Cawley, Margaret Shaughnessy |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cawley, Martha S. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cawley, Mary |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Cawley, Mary J. Brink |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, Patrick |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Cawley, Patrick A. |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cawley, Thomas |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cawley, William |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cerato, Martin T. |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cerny, James F. |
Residents |
Chamberlain, D. O. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chamberlain, George R. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chamberlain, Mabelz |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chamberlain, Orvil |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chamberlain, Smith |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chamberlain, T.. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chamberlain, W.H. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chamberlain, Winne J. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Chambers, John |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Chapman (Child of Howard Chapman) |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Anna Mae |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Chapman, Albert |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Alford |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Alson |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Bertha P. (Swingle) |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chapman, Burton |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Burton O. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chapman, Clarence |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Clayton |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Dwight |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Earl |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Edward Walter |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Elisha |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Eliza Edwards |
Edwards Cemetery |
Chapman, Elmer |
Edwards Cemetery |
Chapman, Emaranda |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Emily |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Ethel |
Edwards Cemetery |
Chapman, Eugene B |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Ezariah B. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Florence Lillian |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chapman, Harriet B. Polley |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Harry |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Howard |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Joseph |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Julia E |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Laura |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Leander |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Lovina Andrews |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Lovisa |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Madelyn H |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Mae L. Beauman |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Mahala |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Marguerite |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Mary Elizabeth |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Melvin |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Olen M |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Oliver Frances |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chapman, Ora M |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Ralph |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chapman, Robert |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Sarah A |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chapman, Sibel |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Chapman, Syble |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Chapman, Thomas William Franklin |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chapman, Uriah |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Chapman, Wilma Faye Collier |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cheevers, Patrick T. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Chenus, Pieere |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chenus, Susanne |
Avoy Cemetery |
Chimosky, Charlotte |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Chisek, Sophie |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Chisek, Stephen |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Chivers, Edward |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Chivers, Emma |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Chivers, Frances |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Chivers, Francis |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Chivers, Lucy |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Chivers, Maude |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Chobey Helen |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christen, John W. |
Canaan Corners |
Christensen, Randolph M. |
Canaan Corners |
Christian, James |
Jerusalem Cemetery |
Christian, Josephine Geer |
Little York Cemetery |
Christian, Levi |
Jerusalem Cemetery |
Christian, Phebe Jane |
Jerusalem Cemetery |
Christiansen, Anna D. |
Avoy Cemetery |
Christman, Cyrus |
Avoy Cemetery |
Christopher, Anna |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, Anthoney E. |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, Edward |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, Elizabeth F. |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, John |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, Lennard |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, Stanley |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, Stella Waleiko |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christopher, Wanda |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Christy, Sarah |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Chubb, Earle B. |
Canaan Corners |
Chubb, Margaret |
Canaan Corners |
Chubb, Sarah A. |
Canaan Corners |
Chubb, Walter M. |
Canaan Corners |
Chumard, Ada O. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, Alice E. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, Angie E. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, Edmond F. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, El??? |
Canaan Corners |
Chumard, Hannah E. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Chumard, Howard |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Chumard, Jane |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, Lucy A. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, Sarah Jane Swingle |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, Simpson |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Chumard, Stacy |
Canaan Corners |
Chuprevich, Joseph |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Chuprevich, Josephine |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Chuprevich, Uncle Frank |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Chyle, Lois A. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Ciccone, Diane E. Amarine |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Ciccone, John D. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Ciccotelli, Tiffany M. |
Canaan Corners |
Cifersky, Ettelena (Travis) |
Shehawken Cemetery |
Ciscoe, Alton B. Sr. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cisco, Oscar S. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Clark, ????? |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Adalade S. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clark, Albert |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Albert F. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Albert R. Jr. |
Canaan Corners |
Clark, Anthony |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, C. P. |
Honesdale Cemetery |
Clark, Charlotte N. |
Indian Orchard Cemetery |
Clark Curtis F. |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Daisy Bertha Hafler Kinzinger |
Glen Dyberry Cemetery |
Clark, Deforest E |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Edward S. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Ethel Gow |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Clark, Frank E |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Frederick |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Gene (Eugene) |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Clark, Gordon |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Hadley G |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Helen |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Henry D. |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Clark, Horace |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Hubert F. |
Canaan Corners |
Clark, Huldah Branning |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clark, Ida Shanley |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, James H. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Clark, James M. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, James |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Clark, Jennie |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Clark, John |
Tallman Cemetery |
Clark, John F. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Joseph W. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Joseph |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Clark, Julia A. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clark, Leo J. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Lillie J. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Clark, Lucy M. |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Marcella Ennis |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Margaret |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Margaret Hurley |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Margaret M. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Maria J. Lyons |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Martin P. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Mary Swift |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Monroe |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clark, Patrick |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Patrick S. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Regina F. McGinnis |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Robert L. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clark, Sarah |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Clark, Sarah E. |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Clark, Silas C. |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Stephen H. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clark, Sylvan |
Avoy Cemetery |
Clark, Thomas |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Clark, William |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Clark, William |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clarke, Nora |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Clausen, Lena |
Lookout Cemetery |
Clauson, Charles M. |
Lookout Cemetery |
Clavis, Dorothy Lucille Kelly |
Residents |
Clayden, Anna |
Beach Lake Cemetery |
Clearwater, Abram |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clearwater, Amanda |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clearwater, Frank |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clearwater, Leonard G. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clearwater, Nancy |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clements, Emma |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clements, George G. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clements, Hiram |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clements, Sarah K. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clements, Welden H. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Clemo, Howard M. |
Canaan Corners |
Clemons, Elizabeth |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Clift, Alvina |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Clift, Berneda |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Clift, Bessie I. Glover |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Clift, Florence E. |
Canaan Corners |
Clift, George F. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Clift, J. Russell |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Clift, Lewis J. |
Canaan Corners |
Clift, Richard F. |
Canaan Corners |
Clift, Robert L. |
Canaan Corners |
Clift, William P. |
Keen's Cemetery |
Cline, Christopher |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Clouer, Ezekiel |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Clough, David |
Wheeler Hill Cemetery |
Clough, Deborah |
Mumford Cemetery |
Clough, Durinda |
Green Grove Cemetery |
Clough, Hattie E. |
Wheeler Hill Cemetery |
Clough, Melinda M. |
Green Grove Cemetery |
Clune, Annie T. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Clune, Emmett J. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clune, Harriet |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Clune, Mary |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Coach, George Edward |
Arlington Cemetery |
Coar, Andrew |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Coar, Bridget |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Coar, Elizabeth |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Coar, Mary Coyne |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Cobb, Abigail |
Avoy Cemetery |
Cobb, Asa |
Potter Cem, Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cobb, Bertha M. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, C. Burton |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cobb, Caroline |
Potter Cem, Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cobb, Corey Samuel |
Canaan Corners |
Cobb, Elizabeth |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Helen |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Henry |
Potter Cem, Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cobb, Homer |
Canaan Corners |
Cobb, Howard |
Canaan Corners |
Cobb, Jeremiah |
Potter Cem, Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cobb, Joseph |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Joseph A. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Joseph N. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cobb, Justus |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Lanson |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Lucia M. |
Zion Cemetery |
Cobb, Lucy Ann House |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Mary |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Olive Enslin |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Olive |
Old Shehawken Cemetery/Stanton |
Cobb, Ross Allen |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cobb, Ruth |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Sarah |
Potter Cem, Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cobb, Sarah J. Shaffer |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cobb, Susan J. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cobb, Usual |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cobb, Walter J. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cobb, William Jan |
Potter Cem, Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Coddington, Charles J. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, Delphia |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, Elias |
Kingsbury Hill Cemetery |
Coddington, Elizabeth Teeple |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, Helena |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, James |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, John |
Kingsbury Hill Cemetery |
Coddington, Johnnie |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, Lena Barriger |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, Marinda Tyler |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, Orsemus |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Coddington, Sarah J. |
Lookout Cemetery |
Coddington, William |
Kingsbury Hill Cemetery |
Coe, Elizabeth Olver |
Calkins Cemtery |
Coffey, Ann |
St. Julianna's Cemetery |
Coffey, Edward |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Coffey, Margaret Kelly |
St. Julianna's Cemetery |
Coffey, Patrick |
St. Julianna's Cemetery |
Coffey, Thomas |
St. Julianna's Cemetery |
Coffey, Thomas V. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Coggins, Ellen Creeden |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Coggins, Gertrude F. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Coggins, John J. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Coggins, Mary A. |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Colbath, Charles |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Colbath, Electa Dimock |
Canaan Corners |
Colbath, Flora H. |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Colbath, Neriah |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Colbath, Sarah |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Cole, (?????) |
Lakeville Cemetery |
(Cole?) Susan |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole (baby son) |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, Alfred R. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cole, Betsy E. |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, Carl M. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cole, Clarinda LaBarr |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, Cornelius (C?) |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole, Delmar |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Dorey E. |
Little York Cemetery |
Cole, Edward C. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Eleanor E. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole, Emma E. |
Bolkcom Cemetery |
Cole, Emma E. |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole (father) |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, Florence M. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Gordon W. |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, Hazel |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Helen E. Rolls |
Little York Cemetery |
Cole, James F. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole, James S. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole, John |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, John Budd |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole, John D. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, John M. |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, John N. |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, John W. |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, Laura Ashley |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Lindsay A. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Martha J. Depew |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Mary Ann |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, Mary E. |
Bolkcom Cemetery |
Cole, Matilda E. Haynes |
Kingsbury Hill Cemetery |
Cole (mother) |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, Nora |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, Peter |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, Philip D. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Robert |
St. Rose Cemetery, Carbondale, Lack Co,
PA |
Cole, Robert Francis |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Ruth M. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Safrona Hafey |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Sarah (?) |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole, Shiley M. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cole, Susan G. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cole, Theodore |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, Thilda |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cole, Timothy J. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Tracy V. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Cole, Violet |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, W. Wallace |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Wallace P. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cole, Wanda Keeney |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Cole, William |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Cole, William E. |
Balls Eddy Cemetery |
Coleman Nora |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Coleman, Catherine |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Catherine A. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Catherine V. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Cornelius |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Daniel |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Edward |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Ellen |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Emma Reineke |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Coleman, Eugene L. |
Canaan Corners |
Coleman, Hannah |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, James A. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, John P. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Josephine B. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Coleman, Marguerite |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Maria L. |
Darling Cemetery |
Coleman, Martn J. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, May |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Michael |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Michael J. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Mildred J. |
Canaan Corners |
Coleman, Nellie J. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, Nora |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Coleman, Samuel |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Coleman, Thomas J. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Coleman, William J. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Collier, Frank |
Wheeler Hill Cemetery |
Collier, Wilma Faye |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Collins, Gertrude |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Collins, Abner D. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, Ada E |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Alexander W. |
Darling Cemetery |
Collins, Alonzo |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Bernice |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Decius |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, Dorothy Arnold |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Collins, Effie |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Elizabeth S. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, Ellis W. |
Canaan Corners |
Collins, Elmer E. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Collins, Eva Loomis |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Collins, Frank |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Franklin B. |
Darling Cemetery |
Collins, George W. |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Hannah |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, John |
Old Galilee Cemetery |
Collins, John S. |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Laura E. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, Learry |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, Lucius |
Darling Cemetery |
Collins, Margaret |
Old Galilee Cemetery |
Collins, Orilla |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Collins, P. W. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, Philander W. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, Rachel |
Old Galilee Cemetery |
Collins, Ronald Robert |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Collins, Sophia A.. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collins, Susan E., |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Collum, Amanda Kirkendall |
Green Gates Cemetery, Hawley |
Collum, Arthur |
Walnut Grove/Old Hawley |
Collum, Emma E. |
Walnut Grove/Old Hawley |
Collum, Jacob |
Walnut Grove/Old Hawley |
Collum, Jacob A. |
Walnut Grove/Old Hawley |
Collum, Jessie H. |
Green Gates Cemetery, Hawley |
Collum, Margaret A. Kirkendall |
Walnut Grove/Old Hawley |
Collum, Sally |
Walnut Grove/Old Hawley |
Colony, Ester |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Columbus, William F. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Colwell, Anna Louisa |
Overlook Cemetery |
Colwell, Buel |
Maplewood Methodist |
Colwell, Charles I. |
Overlook Cemetery |
Colwell, Christian R. |
Maplewood Methodist |
Colwell, Ella J. |
Darling Cemetery |
Colwell, Frances Emily Davis |
Maplewood Methodist |
Colwell, J. Hood |
Overlook Cemetery |
Colwell, John H. |
Overlook Cemetery |
Colwell, Norman |
Maplewood Methodist |
Colwell, Thomas Bonear |
Darling Cemetery |
Comfort, Erna Margaret |
Green Gates Cemetery, Hawley |
Comfort, Margaret Lee |
St. Mary Magdalen, Honesdale |
Comfort, William Lewis |
St. Mary Magdalen, Honesdale |
Comfort, William. L. |
St. Mary Magdalen, Honesdale |
Compton, Alice E. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Compton, Gabriel |
Potter Cem, Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Compton, Laverne R. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Compton, Melville B. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Compton, Wayne |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Compton, William J. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Condit, Abram Osmun |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Benjamin Franklin |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Cora |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Eliza |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Harriet |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Lucy H. |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Nancy |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Reuben |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, William J. |
Canaan Corners |
Condit, Willie |
Canaan Corners |
Congdon, Cila |
Ledgedale Cemetery |
Conkclyn, John Jr. |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Conkclyn, John Sr. |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Conkclyn, Mary Parnin |
Stanton (Drake Farm) Cemetery |
Conklin, ?(child of E.D.; A.A. Conklin) |
Arlington Cemetery |
Conklin, Betsy |
Arlington Cemetery |
Conklin, Catherine C. |
Arlington Cemetery |
Conklin, Charles A. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Conklin, George H. |
Arlington Cemetery |
Conklin, Harry T. |
Arlington Cemetery |
Conklin, Helen (aka Nellie) |
Laurel Grove, Orange County, NY |
Conklin, Jesse B. |
Lake Como Cemetery |
Conklin, John |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Conklin, John B. |
Conklin Hill Cemetery |
Conklin, Kezia B. |
Conklin Hill Cemetery |
Conklin, M. Patricia |
Conklin Hill Cemetery |
Conklin, Margarett |
Arlington Cemetery |
Conklin, Nellie |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Conklin, Rebecca McCarter |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Conklin, Sally E. |
Hillside Cemetery |
Conklin, Sarah M. |
Lake Como Cemetery |
Conklin, Schuyler R. |
Conklin Hill Cemetery |
Conklin, Simeon Bush |
Conklin Hill Cemetery |
Conklin, William |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Conklin, William |
Conklin Hill Cemetery |
Conley, Charles |
Canaan Corners |
Conley, Charlie |
Canaan Corners |
Conley, William |
Canaan Corners |
Conlogue, Charles S. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conlogue, Cyril A. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conlogue, Dennis |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conlogue, Katharine |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conlogue, Marie |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conlogue, Peter |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conlogue, Walter J. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conmy, J. P. |
Tisdel Cemetery |
Conmy, Joan M. |
Tisdel Cemetery |
Connel, Edward |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Connell, Bertha |
Avoy Cemetery |
Connell, Harold English |
Avoy Cemetery |
Conner, Viola (Wassmer) Engvaldsen |
Rowland Cemetery, Pike Co. |
Conners, Martha J. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Connerton, Delia |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Connerton, Kate |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Connerton, Margaret |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Connerton, Mary |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Connerton, Michael |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Connerton, Michael R. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Connerton, Nellie |
St. Mary of Mt. Carmel, Lackawanna
Co, PA |
Connerton, Nellie |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Connoly, Alice C. |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Connolly, James |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Connolly, John |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Connolly, John J. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Connolly, John Louis |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Connolly, John |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Connolly, Kathryn |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Connolly, Lulu Kellogg |
Maplewood Methodist |
Connolly, Margaret |
Green Gates Cemetery, Hawley |
Connolly, Mary Doherty |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Connolly, Peter |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Connolly, William |
St. John's Roman Catholic |
Connor, James T. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Connor, Maureen |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Connors, Christy |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Connors, Thomas |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Conolouge, William P. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Conyne, Clara P. |
Green Grove Cemetery |
Cook, Alva Beemer |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, Alton Benjamin |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, Anna Ledyard |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cook, Bishop A. |
Hales Eddy Cemetery, Broome Cty,
NY |
Cook, Clarabelle |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cook, Donald S. |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cook, Eliza J. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cook, Florence |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, Genvieve Chunard |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cook, H. Jansen |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, Helen L. Raymond |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cook, Henry E. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cook, Henry |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cook, James |
Residents |
Cook, Jessie |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, John |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cook, John W. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cook, Josephine |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, Louisa M. |
Hales Eddy Cemetery, Broome Cty,
NY |
Cook, Louise M. |
St. Mary's Cemetery, Ledgedale |
Cook, Marcus |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, Marshall E. |
Residents |
Cook, Matilda Beemer |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cook, Obadiah P. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cook, Robert E. |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cook, Sidney W. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cook, W.M. |
Maplewood Evangelical |
Cooke, Herbert E. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cooke, Julia A. Collins |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cooke, Thomas |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cookson, Alfred B. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cookson, Charles Wayne |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cookson, Robert |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cookson, Stella M. Snigar |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Coolbaugh, Vivian E |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Cooley, Benjamin Ray |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Coolie, Jules John |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Coolie, Louise |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Coons, Earl S. |
Bolkcom Cemetery |
Coons, Robert E. Sr. |
St. John's Lutheran Cemetery,
Honesdale |
Cooper, Albert |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cooper, Alson |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cooper, Catherine |
Green Gables Cemetery |
Cooper, David R. |
Green Gables Cemetery |
Cooper, Duane T. |
Canaan Corners |
Cooper, E. P. |
Canaan Corners |
Cooper, Edna |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cooper, Frank P. |
Canaan Corners |
Cooper, Franklin P. |
Canaan Corners |
Cooper, George |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cooper, Mary D. |
Old Paupack Cemetery, Pike Co, PA |
Cooper, Miles M. |
Canaan Corners |
Cooper, Oliver |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cooper, Rhoda C. |
Canaan Corners |
Cooper, Zelphia May Swingle |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Coover, Martha E. |
Tisdel Cemetery |
Coover, Maud Cutler |
Tisdel Cemetery |
Coover, Viola Cutler |
Tisdel Cemetery |
Cope...?, Delia |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cope, W. H. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Corbett, Luke |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Corbett, Margaret |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Corbett, Mary |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Corbin, Eugene J. |
Canaan Corners |
Corby, Leo J. |
Keen's Cemetery |
Cordner, George D. |
Canaan Corners |
Cordner, J. S. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Cordner, Lovina |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Cordts/Locklin, Frank |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cordts/Locklin, Marie |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cordts/Locklin, Olin |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Corey (large stone, no names on it) |
Canaan Corners |
Corey, Ada |
Maplewood Methodist |
Corey, Andrew |
West Preston Cemetery |
Corey, Arthur B. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Corey, Bessie |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Corey, Charles D. |
West Preston Cemetery |
Corey, Charles M. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Corey Charles Nelson |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Corey, Clarence A. |
Canaan Corners |
Corey, Eva E. Case |
West Preston Cemetery |
Corey, Fidella |
West Preston Cemetery |
Corey, Francis |
Canaan Corners |
Corey, Harry |
Canaan Corners |
Corey, Horace |
Canaan Corners |
Corey, Infant |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Corey, Lina Ella |
West Preston Cemetery |
Corey, Maude |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Corey, Nellie Todd |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Corey, Ruey C. |
Canaan Corners |
Corey, Walter |
Canaan Corners |
Corey, Willard |
Canaan Corners |
Corman, Henry B. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cornan, Catherine |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cornell, Warren L. |
Glen Dyberry Cemetery |
Correll, Benjamin |
Cemetery |
Cornett, Daniel |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Corner, Carl P. |
Canaan Corners |
Correll, Dorothy |
Cemetery |
Correll, George |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Correll, Harry |
Canaan Corners |
Correll, Irwyn |
Canaan Corners |
Correll, Maria |
Cemetery |
Correll, Theodore |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Corson, C. G. |
Canaan Corners |
Corson, Charles G. |
Bolkcom Cemetery |
Corson, Gretta |
Canaan Corners |
Corson, Henry, Dr. |
Canaan Corners |
Corson, Jessie L. |
Canaan Corners |
Corson, Lois Minor |
Canaan Corners |
Corson, Margaret Trotter Robb |
Bolkcom Cemetery |
Corson, Mary S. Merrill |
Canaan Corners |
Cortese, Margaret R. (Gregory) |
Indian Orchard Cemetery |
Cortright, (unreadable) |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Charles H. |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Chas A. |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Eugene B. |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Infant Children of H. P & M. E. |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Lewis S. |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Sarah L. |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Utley |
Canaan Corners |
Cortright, Volney F. |
Canaan Corners |
Cory, Frances |
Hales Eddy Cemetery, Broome Cty,
NY |
Cory, John |
Hales Eddy Cemetery, Broome Cty,
NY |
Cory, Rachel |
Hales Eddy Cemetery, Broome Cty,
NY |
Cosgrove, Carl F. |
Indian Orchard Cemetery |
Cosgrove, Lucy Edwards |
Indian Orchard Cemetery |
Cosgrove, Maureen L. |
Indian Orchard Cemetery |
Cosgrove, Michael |
Indian Orchard Cemetery |
Cosgrove, Mildred A. |
Indian Orchard Cemetery |
Cosier, Freeman G. |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Coss, [cannot read] |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Coss, Daughter |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Coss, Mary E. |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Costantino, Anthony Guy |
Canaan Corners |
Cottle, Alta |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cottle, Frank |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Coughlin, Ann |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Coulter, Kenneth A. |
Residents |
Courtwright, Deborah |
Residents |
Courtwright, Deborah |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cowperthwaite, Isaac W. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cowperthwaite, Rena C. Griswold |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cox, Francis J. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cox, Harry |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cox, Hazel W. |
Canaan Corners |
Cox, L. Pearl |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cox, Melvin |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Cox, Monroe W. |
Canaan Corners |
Cox, Russell |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Cox, William G. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Coyne, Kate |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Coyne, Martin |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Coyne, Winifred |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Crago, Eva O. (Wilmarth) |
Aldenville Cemetery |
Crago, Fannie |
Canaan Corners |
Crago, Francis H. |
Aldenville Cemetery |
Crago, Henrietta E. |
Aldenville Cemetery |
Craik, Hazel M. |
Canaan Corners |
Craik, Robert B. |
Canaan Corners |
Cram, Hazel M. Bryant |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cram, Herbert E. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cram, Lulu M. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cramer, Allen |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cramer, Amanda Lavo |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cramer, George D. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cramer, Julia Bishop |
Salem Cemetery |
Cramer, Luvina |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cramer, Neil D. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cramer, Robert N. |
Canaan Corners |
Cramp, Bessie T.P. |
Darling Cemetery |
Cramp, Rev. Stephen T. |
Darling Cemetery |
Cramp, Willie J. |
Darling Cemetery |
Crandall, Grace |
Canaan Corners |
Crane, Arthur R. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Charles |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Chas. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Mary E. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Mary H. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Pearl E. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Rozilla M. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Sidney R. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Crane, Violet I. |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Craparo, Thomas F. |
Canaan Corners |
Crasen, Amelia L. |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Crasen, Frankie |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Crasen, Isadone B. |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Crawford, Gertrude |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Crawford, Howard |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Creamer, John G. |
St. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Narrowsburg
NY |
Crennell, Annie |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Crennell, Mary |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Crockenberg, Mary E. |
St. Mary Magdalen, Honesdale |
Crockenberg, Paul W. |
St. Mary Magdalen, Honesdale |
Crocker, Percival R. |
Canaan Corners |
Crocker, William |
Canaan Corners |
Cromwell, Frank B. |
Canaan Corners |
Cromwell, Samuel |
Canaan Corners |
Cron, Catherine Hunkele |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cron, Harry |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cron, Jeannette |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Cron, Maggie |
Lookout Cemetery |
Cronan, Mary |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cronan, Matilda |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Crone, Mercy D. |
Arlington Cemetery |
Croner, Bertha Dann |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Croner, John |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Crooks, Mary Lancaster |
Pine Grove Cemetery, Pike County, PA |
Croop, Charlotte |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Croop, John |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Croop, Nicholas |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Croop, Rosealtha |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Croop, William |
Kizer Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Crosby, Carol Branning |
Glen Dyberry Cemetery |
Crosby, Ellory Crosby |
Beach Lake Cemetery |
Crosby, Emmons |
Glen Dyberry Cemetery |
Crosby, Emmons E. |
Canaan Corners |
Crosby, Frances A. Bannan |
Canaan Corners |
Crosby, Virginia |
Beach Lake Cemetery |
Crosman, Minnie B. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cross, Anthony |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Anthony Dilworth |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Charles |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Edward |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Elizabeth |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Cross, Friend Uhler |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Isabella |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Izele Alice |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Robert |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Cross, Thomas |
Gilpin Cemetery |
Crossman, Ruby Pearl |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Crossman, Sadie Alice |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Crothamel, Allen B. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Crowe, Dianne M. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Crumley, Belle |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Crumley, Eliza B. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Crumley, Will |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cullis, Frank Stanley |
Julianna's Cemetery |
Cummings, age 38 |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Ann |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Anne |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Bridget |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Bridget |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummings, Catherine |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Catherine L. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Charlotte Simpson |
Glen Dyberry Cemetery |
Cummings, Edward |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Edward |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummings, Francis |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, George |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cummings, Gerard |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Glen A. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cummings, Hannah M. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Harry W. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Imogene Durfee |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cummings, James Shea |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummings, James |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Jennie |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummings, John |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, John P. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, John |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummings, John |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Joseph C. |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummings, Joseph R. |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummings, Josephine Vincent |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
Cummings, Leo |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Margaret L. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Margaret |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Maria |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Marie |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Mary |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Mary |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Michael |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Michael J. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Nan E. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Nora |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Patrick |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Patrick J. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummings, Richard |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, Thomas |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cummings, William |
St. Catherines, Lackawanna, PA |
Cummins, Emma C. |
Albright-Bennett Cemetery |
Cummins, Hugh |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cummins, Michael |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cunningham, Catherine T. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cunningham, Edward, Jr. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cunningham, Edward, Sr. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cunningham, Ellen |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cunningham, Frances C. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Curran, Catherine |
Queen of Peace/Philomenia |
Currell, Anastasia |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Currell, Catherine |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Currell, Catherine |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Currell, Julia |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Currell, Martin |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Currell, Mary F. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Currell, Mary L. |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Currell, William |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Curtis, Ann Catterson |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Anna |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Arthur H. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Barbara |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Carl Darrow |
St. Francis Cemetery, Narrowsburg
NY |
Curtis, Carrie F. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Carrie Isabell ? |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Clarence |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Edward |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Elizabeth E. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Elizabeth Hoadley |
Canaan Corners |
Curtis, Ellen S. Rosenkrans |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Emma D. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Eunice |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Fitch |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, George Augustus |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Gideon |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Grace |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Helen M. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Helen Pauline |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Henry |
South Canaan Bible Protestant |
Curtis, Henry B. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Henry Banning |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Henry G. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Herbert C. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Hobart H. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Inez |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Jacob S. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Jeannette Geuther |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Jennie H. Arnold |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Jeremiah |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Josiah |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Katherine M. Giles |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Lawrence |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Lewis Ford |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Curtis, Lois N. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Louisa Griswold |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Lydia |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Mable |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Marilla, |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Marion Jones |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Mary E. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Minnie |
Avoy Cemetery |
Curtis, Moses |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Nathan J. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Noadiah R. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Norvelle |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtis, Philander |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Quintus M. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Rachel S. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Rebecca |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Rena L. |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Ruben |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Sadie Pennell |
Lakeville Cemetery |
Curtis, Samanatha E. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Silas |
Maplewood Evangelical |
Curtis, Solomon |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Spencer G. |
Orson (Hine) Cemetery |
Curtis, Susannah. |
Hamlin Cemetery |
Curtis, Walter |
East Canaan Cemetery |
Curtis, Verna |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Curtus, Augusta G. |
Clinton Center Baptist |
Cush, Dennis J. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cush, Doris R. |
St. Cecelia's Cemetery/Hilltop |
Cusick, Bernard |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cusick, Beryl |
Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, PA |
Cusick, Bridget |
St. Joseph's, Minooka, Lackawanna Co, PA |
Cyle, Nathan H. |
Pine Mill Cemetery |
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Compilation Copyright Linda Blum-Barton
August 2008 - Present - All Rights Reserved.
This site was
last updated on -12/16/2012
