Washington County PAGenWeb
Searched and typed by Judith Florian
Michael CAIRNS June 15, 1915
Monongahela PA- Washington County PA
Background: The request came in an email.
Requestor: Kenneth Leo McIntyre
Subject: Cairns Family of Washington Co. Pa.)
SOURCE: The Daily Courier newspaper, Charleroi, Washington County PA, June 15, 1915, page 1:
While Under Arrest Michael Cairns Consumes Quantity of Poison -- IS NOW LIVELY CORPSE --
When Charged With Drunkeness [sic[ and Lodged in Jail Monongahela Man Makes An Attempt to Take His Own Life
Prompt action on the part of a jail attendant Monday evening probably saved the life of
Michael CAIRNS, a well known miner at the MONGA mine of the Pittsburg [sic] coal company after he had attempted to end his
earthly career with large doses of insect poison taken inwardly. When he was
apparently beyond hope of recovery, he was brought back to consciousness and is now a lively
Charged with drunkenness, CAIRNS was arrested on the railroad track Monday afternoon
by a railroad detective. He was placed in jail at Monga without being previously searched.
When his son arrived and long after which with his lunch, CAIRNS told him that he
would be dead before morning. The son believed that he [dad] was intoxicated and did
not know what he was saying.
When the orderly arrived at the cell he found CAIRNS consuming quantities of a powder which investigation
showed to be insect poison of the rankest sort. The attendant seized the powder,
but his coming ____ seemed too late for CAIRNS who fell forward writhing in pain
and it was apparent that his soul was abut to take its flight from behind iron bars.
A physician was summoned and drastic treatment was given the poison eater who
responded and now gives every sign of complete recovery.
NOTE: Newspaper type is poor quality.
This was found during a look-up for a family member. This and other CAIRNS items are posted as of Sept. 1st 2008 on the Washington County PAGenWeb site at: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~pawashin/lookups_misc/index.html