Washington County PAGenWeb
Searched and typed by Judith Florian
Marcie Ann CAIRNS, Injured Auto Accident
Brownsville PA- Washington County PA
Background: The request came in an email.
Requestor: Kenneth Leo McIntyre
Subject: Cairns Family of Washington Co. Pa.)

Hurt in Motor Wreck.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. 29.--Condition of Marcie Ann CAIRNS, 26, of Brownsville, Pa., was reported good at Mercy Hospital.
She was injured when her auto was struck by a train near here. Helen PIERSOL, 26, also of Brownsville [Pa.], was less seriously hurt.
Note: Is she related to Andrew and Lillian DONEY/DONNELLY CAIRNS ?
This was found during a look-up for a family member. This and other CAIRNS items are posted as of Sept. 1st 2008 on the Washington County PAGenWeb site at: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~pawashin/lookups_misc/index.html