Washington County PAGenWeb
Searched and typed by Judith Florian
Mrs. Lillian CAIRNS, wife of Andrew CAIRNS
teacher of Kindergarten Class
Roscoe PA- Washington County PA
Background: The request came in an email.
Requestor: Kenneth Leo McIntyre
Subject: Cairns Family of Washington Co. Pa.)

Roscoe PTA Plans Kindergarten Project For Year
As one of their special projects of the new season, members of the Roscoe [Pa] Parent - Teacher
Association are considering to adopt the buying of kindergarten materials.
Plans for this project were made at the recent meeting of the Roscoe [Pa] Unit, which also embraces Elco [Pa] parents and teachers. Devotions and opening exercises were conducted by Mrs. William SCHMIDT, and conducting the business session was Mrs. George KONICK.
Another project for the year will be the continuation of subscriptions to My Weekly Reader for the students.
Mrs. Andrew CAIRNS, one of the delegates, gave a report of the conference she attended at the Penn- Sheraton Hotel in Pittsburgh. The formation of a pre-school study group was the main topic of interest at this meeting, its principal object to be to prepare the child from infancy to kindergarten for their future school life.
Discussion 66 was directed by the program chairman, Mrs. Harold HODGE, and the topic was "Shall We Change Our School Calendar" [sic] By unanimous agreement it was decided that the present school system is satisfactory and should not be changed.
The kindergarten class, taught by Mrs. [Andrew...e.g. Lillian] CAIRNS, was awarded the attendance banner.
The Hospitality group, under the direction of Mrs. Willis SOWDEN, served refreshments, and
a social hour followed.
Mrs. KONICK announced that the next meeting will be held November 12, and on October
25, she stated there will be a Fall Conference at the Chartiers-Houston school.
[Transcriber's Note: meaning there will be a Fall Conference at the Chartiers-Houston school ON October 25, not that she announced it on that date].
This was found during a look-up for a family member. This and other CAIRNS items
are posted as of Sept. 1st 2008 on the Washington County PAGenWeb site at: