Bridegrooms by Surname Letter V
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 7 June
1912, page unknown:
On June 5, 1912, at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. W. D. IRONS, D.D., were married Mr. Willis J. VEAZEY and Miss Celia FOUCART, both of McDonald. They will go to housekeeping in North McDonald street.
[ Willis J. VEAZEY to Celia Foucart, 5 Jun 1912]
veazey-foucart-6-7-1912-rec (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
March 14, 1924, page unknown:
[ VENALECK is the Groom. ]
Miss Catherine HENWOOD, daughter of Charles HENWOOD of Valley street, and Arthur Thomas
VENALECK, son of Mr. And Mrs. Joseph VENALECK of Oakdale, were quietly married at high noon Tuesday morning, March 11, 1924, in the City-County building, Pittsburgh, by Alderman John RHODES. Mrs. Clara SERVOIN of Valley street, a sister of the bride, was the only attendant. Mr. and Mrs. VENALECK will make their home with the bride?s father for the present. Mr. VENALECK is emplyed as truck driver by the West Penn Power company.
[ Arthur Thomas VENALECK to Catherine Henwood, 11 Mar 1924 ]
venaleck_henwood_03-14-1924_outlook (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of July 29, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Florinda R. MONTAGNA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall MONTAGNA of Bishop, and Carl L VENTRESCA, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew VENTRESCA of Cecil, were united in marriage at ten o'clock Thursday, July 21, 1938, in the parsonage of the Venice U. P. church, the
pastor, the Rev C. T. LITTELL, D. D., officiating. The bride was attired in a white suit with a pale blue blouse and white accessories. She wore a
corsage of gardenias and baby breath. The bridesmaid, Mrs. S. D. MONTAGNA of Bishop, wore a corsage of tea roses. Mr. Sylvan D.
MONTAGNA of Bishop was bestman. A reception was held in the home of the bride's parents with 50 guests, ten of whom were seated at the bride's
table. After a tour of the East, the young couple will be at home at 789 Bluff street, Bridgeville. The bride and bridegroom are both graduates of Cecil high
school. He is an employee of the Universal Steel Co. [ Carl L. VENTRESCA to Florinda R.
Montagna, 21 Jul 1938 ] ventresca_montagna_07-29-1938 (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 3, 1936, page unknown:
Miss Lola N. MONACO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.A. MONACO, and John VENTRESCA, of Cecil, were united in marriage with a nuptial high mass at 10 o'clock Wednesday, June 24, 1936, in the Holy Souls Catholic church, Carnegie, by the Rev. Father DOMINCLEIS. The bridesmaids were Isabelle VENTRESCA, Edith DACCORSO, Edith MONTAGNA, Marcella MONACO, and Quiselda CHECCA, all of Cecil. Andrew VENTRESCA was his brother's best man and Anna MONACO was her sister's maid of honor. Little Virginia VENTRESCA was flower girl and little Oliver VENTRESCA was ring bearer.
The ushers were John PHILLIPS, Orland MONACO, Frank DACCORSO, Louis DELIERE, and Tony MONACO.
The bride's gown was of white lace with train, Queen Ann coronet and veil. She carried a bouquet of beautiful white lilies and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore a net coat dress and carried red roses. The wedding march and music of the mass was played by Mrs. R. MIRAGLIA, church organist, and was sung by the children's mixed choir.
A reception was held that same evening at Liberty hall, Cecil, with about 300 guests present. The wedding breakfast was served in he bride's home with places set for 20. The young couple left the following day for a trip to Cleveland. Both attended Cecil high school. Mr. VENTRESCA is employed in the Universal Steel mill in Bridgeville. The young couple is residing in Cecil. [
John VENTRESCA to Lola N. Monaco, 24 Jun 1936 ]
ventresca_monaco_07-03-1936 (CR-K)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 22, 1943, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. STEWART of Laurel hill announce the marriage of their daughter Betty Lou
[STEWART] to Pvt. Norman C. VerCAMMEN of Ft. Benning, Ga., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
VerCAMMEN of Noblestown, which took place November 17, 1942, in
Wellsburg, W.Va. The attendants were Miss Dorothy SCHOELK of R.D. 3, McDonald, and Frank
PLESKOVICH of R.D. 1, McDonald.
The bride is a 1942 graduate of McDonald high school. The bridegroom, a 1938 graduate of North Fayette township high school, was employed at Jones & Laughlin in Pittsburgh until his induction into the army. Private
VerCAMMEN, home on 10-day furlough, returned January 20 to camp.
[ Norman C. VerCAMMEN to Betty Lou Stewart, 17 Nov 1942 ]
vercammen_stewart_01-22-1943_ro (CR-K)
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
This page includes: Willis J. VEAZEY to Celia Foucart, 5 Jun 1912
Arthur Thomas VENALECK to Catherine Henwood, 11 Mar 1924
Carl L. VENTRESCA to Florinda R. Montagna, 21 Jul 1938
John VENTRESCA to Lola N. Monaco, 24 Jun 1936
Norman C. VERCAMMEN to Betty Lou Stewart, 17 Nov 1942
This page was added June 26, 2007 ; updated May 15, 2008 ; updated Aug. 18, 2009 ; updated Sept. 16, 2009 ; updated Oct. 14, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023