Bridegrooms by Surname Letter V
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept.
3, 1937, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins of Arabella street, McDonald, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Florence Kathryn, to Mr. August F.
Valentour, son of Mrs. Mary Valentour and the late August Valentour of Station street, McDonald. The ceremony was performed Monday morning, August 30, 1937, in St. Alphonsus church, the Rev Fr. J. A.
Burgoon, pastor, officiating. Miss Eleanor Collins, sister of the bride, and Mr. G. G. O’Brien, Jr., of Pittsburgh, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, were the only attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Valentour are on an Eastern wedding trip and upon their return will reside in Station street, McDonald.
[ August F. VALENTOUR to Florence Kathryn Collins, 30 Aug 1937 ] valentour_collins_09-03-1937_ro
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
August VALENTOUR to Marie Voye, 19 Aug 1896
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 23, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Mary Catherine McCARNES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McCARNES of Columbus, Ohio, and Louis F. VALENTOUR, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. VALENTOUR of Third street, McDonald, were
united in marriage at 7:30 p.m. Friday, August 16, 1946, in the home of
the Rev. H. Carlyle CARSON, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Oakdale. The bride was attired in a green suit with brown accessories. Following a
short wedding trip, the newlyweds will be at home 305 West Lincoln
avenue, McDonald. The bride is a graduate of the Ohio State university
and the bridegroom is attending Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh.
[ Louis F. VALENTOUR, Jr. to Mary Catherine McCarnes, 16 Aug 1946 ]
valentour_mccarnes_08-23-1946_ro (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July
12, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Beatrice PILATO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis PILATO of Bulger, and Mr. Henry
VALLACORSA, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vallacorsa of Aliquippa, were united in marriage at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, July 6, 1940, in St. Titus R. C. church, Aliquippa, the Rev. Fr. William P.
McGRAW performing the ring ceremony before an altar banked with summer flowers and ferns.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a “Gone With the Wind” dull satin gown with a sweetheart neckline and a long train. Her tulle veil fell from a crown of pearls. She carried a bouquet of Easter lilies and lilies of the valley and wore a strand of pearls. The maid of honor, Miss Helen
TURKILY of Bulger, wore a blue net gown and pink tiara with matching veil. She carried red roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Irene VALLACORSA of Aliquippa, who wore a pink net gown with tiara and matching veil, Miss Jennie
MALECK of Francis mine, who wore a yellow net gown with tiara and veil, Miss Mae
HERMES of Bulger, who wore an orchid town with tiara and veil, and Miss Elsie
IACCABUCCI of Aliquippa, who wore a green net gown with tiara and veil. The bridesmaids each carried a bouquet of red roses. Mr. William
REED of Aliquippa served as bestman. The ushers were Anthony HORNYAK, Alex
MOSHOVITZ, Julius STEVENS, and Mark MANNUALE. The flower girls were Gloria
[FONTANA] and Genevieve FONTANA of Aliquippa. The wedding music was played by the church organist.
A reception was held that evening in the Fourth avenue hall, Aliquippa. There were about 300 guests, with 60 seated at the bride’s table. The young couple will reside at 315 Wykes street, Aliquippa.
Mrs. VALLACORSA is a 1940 graduate of Union high school, Burgettstown. Mr.
VALLACORSA, a 1939 graduate of Aliquippa high school, is an employee of the Peoples Gas Co., Aliquippa.
Guests from Bulger were Mr. and Mrs. Yurka, Mrs. Unlma Dellapino, Mrs. Gema
STERCKLE and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Patsy DAVENCIO, Mrs. Gustave LEUNIS and daughters Rita Jean
[LEUNIS] and Helen [LEUNIS], and Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCHUMACHER.
[ Henry VALLACORSA to Beatrice Pilato, 6 Jul 1940 ] vallacorsa_pilato_07-12-1940_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 28, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Earle Irene PATTEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl PATTEN of Prospect street, Midway, and Sgt. Frank O. VAN BUSKIRK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank VAN
BUSKIRK, Sr. of Bloomington, Ind., were united in marriage at 12:00 noon Monday,
June 24, 1946, in the Methodist church, Midway. The pastor, the Rev. H. Paul SMITH,
performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Charles RIEHL of Midway played Lohengrin's
Bridal Chorus and other wedding music preceding the ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in a white gown with embroidered
bodice and an overskirt of white tulle with full train. Her fingertip veil was held in place
with a tiara of rosebuds and seed pearls, and she carried an arm bouquet of red roses. For
something borrowed, she wore a strand of pearls belonging to her mother. For something
old, she wore the white satin shoes she had gotten for her first prom. She also wore a blue ribbon. The maid of honor Miss Vivian RHODES of Clinton, a schoolmate of Miss PATTEN, wore a blue net gown and carried pink roses. The flower girl, Roberta KUNKLE
niece of the bride, wore a white gown and miniature crown to match the bride's. Gilbert H.
KUNKLE, brother of the bride, served as bestman. Michael SKEREZAK of McKees Rocks
was the usher.
Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner for 50 guests was served in the Pike hotel and
in the evening a reception for 100 guests was held in the home of the bride's parents.
The young couple left for a trip to Conneaut Lake and other points of interest, and upon
their return will make their home in Ft. Belvoir, Va., where Sergeant VAN BUSKIRK is
Mrs. VAN BUSKIRK, a 1944 graduate of Avella high school, attended the Indiana
university at Bloomington. Sergeant VAN BUSKIRK was also attending the University of
Indiana at the time of his enlistment in the army. He served 39 months with the Engineer
Corps in the European area. He re-enlisted in the army and is at present an instructor at Ft.
Belvoir. He plans to make army life his career.
Out of town guests who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Frank VAN
BUSKIRK, Sr. of Bloomington, Ind., Ray PATTEN of Seattle, Wash., an uncle whom the bride had never
seen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry OKESON of Morgantown, Jack MALCOLIN and the Gerald
BERGERS,[sic should be no comma] daughters Geraldine and Nila and son Dale of Masonton, W. Va., Mrs. B. J. JONES of
Montreal, Canada, the Walter W. KUHNS and daughter Patricia of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs.
David SWANSON of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. C. H. SNYDER of Dormont.
[ Frank O. VAN BUSKIRK to Earle Irene Patten, 24 Jun 1946 ]
vanbuskirk_patten_06-28-1946_ro (DG)
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
This page includes: August F. VALENTOUR to Florence Kathryn Collins, 30 Aug 1937
August VALENTOUR to Marie Voye, 19 Aug 1896
Louis F. VALENTOUR, Jr. to Mary Catherine McCarnes, 16 Aug 1946
Henry VALLACORSA to Beatrice Pilato, 6 Jul 1940
Frank O. VAN BUSKIRK to Earle Irene Patten, 24 Jun 1946
This page was added June 26, 2007 ; updated June 16, 2009 ; updated June 26, 2009
; updated Sept. 16, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023