Bridegrooms by Surname Letter T
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Clark R. TILTON to Ota Purvis, 12 Oct 1920
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*Researchers should check marriage returns to be sure
the license was acted upon.
From the McDonald, PA Record
newspaper from Aug. 21, 1914:
Marriage License
Julius L. TOLAND........Pittsburgh
Amelia STEWART.......McDonald
[ License: Julius L. TOLAND and Amelia STEWART, in 8-21-1914
newspaper] Licenses_toland_8-21-1914-record (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. W. Donaldson CROOKS of Imperial announce the marriage of their daughter, Janet Josephine, to Mr. George R. TODD of Lancaster at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, July 6, 1940. In the absence of the bride's pastor, the Rev. Clarence E. DAVISON, the ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. B. JAMISON, D.D., in his home in Mt. Lebanon. Dr. JAMISON had also performed the ceremony of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. TODD left for a two weeks trip to the Northeast.
[ George R. TODD to Janet Josephine Crooks, 6 Jul 1940 ] todd_crooks_07-12-1940_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of June 30, 1927, page unknown:
[ TOMLINSON is the Groom. ]
Miss Mary Louise CUMMINGS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert CUMMINGS, of
Noblestown, and Mr. Edmond R. TOMLINSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. TOMLINSON, of Oakdale, were united in marriage at the home of the bride?s parents, Tuesday afternoon, June 28, at 1:30 o?clock. The Rev. W. V.
GROVE, pastor of the Noblestown United Presbyterian church, officiated. The bride?s gown was of powder blue crepe and she carried pink roses. Miss Myrtle
REHLING, of Bellevue, as bridesmaid, wore a gown of sand colored crepe and carried yellow roses. John
CUMMINGS, brother of the bride, acted as Mr. TOMLINSON?s best man. The ring ceremony was used and just the immediate families were present. A wedding dinner followed the ceremony with 15 seated at the bridal table. Pink roses and sweet peas formed the centerpiece. Immediately after the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. TOMLINSON left by auto for Harrisburg and other eastern points.
Mr. TOMLINSON is employed as a clerk with the Central Tube company of Pittsburgh. Miss
CUMMINGS had been employed at Kaufmann?s, Pittsburgh. Upon their return they will make their home, for the present, with the bride?s parents.
[ Edmond R. TOMLINSON to Mary Louise Cummings, 28 Jun 1927 ] tomlinson_cummings_06-30-1927
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 22, 1927, page unknown:
[ TOPE is the GROOM. ]
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Anna HOPE and Mr. Charles TOPE on Saturday, September 3. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.
George HUGHES, of the Grace M. E. church of Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. HOPE has been keeping house for Dr. LAROSS for several years. Mr. TOPE is a retired
engineer of the Pennsylvania R. R. They will reside in Columbus.
[ Charles TOPE to Mrs. Anna Hope, 3 Sep 1927 ]
tope_hope_09-22-1927 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct.
22, 1943, page unknown:
Mrs. Harry S. BERTRAND of Burgettstown announces the marriage of her daughter Marjorie Edith to Donald TOPE, son of the C. Warren TOPES, also of Burgettstown. The ceremony was performed at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 5, 1943, in the Mt. Pleasant Methodist church by the Rev. Mr.
MANSBERGER, pastor of the Weirton, W.Va., Methodist church.
Attendants were Miss Almeda HITCHCOCK, Miss Madelyn HOWE, and Theodore McCALMONT.
Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served in Elm Grove, W.Va.
The bride is a 1938 graduate of Union high school and attended Indiana State Teachers college and California State Teachers college. She is a clerk in the Climax office.
The bridegroom is a 1941 graduate of Union high and is a third-year student at Duke university. He is currently employed by Oscar
JACKSON Trucking Co. and expects to return to Duke November 3.
[ Donald TOPE to Marjorie Edith Bertrand, 5 Oct 1943 ] tope_bertrand_10-22-1943_ro
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
This page includes: Clark R. TILTON to Ota Purvis, 12 Oct 1920
License: Julius L. TOLAND and Amelia STEWART, in 8-21-1914 newspaper
George R. TODD to Janet Josephine Crooks, 6 Jul 1940
Edmond R. TOMLINSON to Mary Louise Cummings, 28 Jun 1927
Charles TOPE to Mrs. Anna Hope, 3 Sep 1927
Donald TOPE to Marjorie Edith Bertrand, 5 Oct 1943
This page was added July 2, 2007 ; updated
Oct. 2007 ; updated May 26, 2009 updated July 29, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023