Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 4, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Margaret Jane SAUERS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert SAUERS of Imperial, and Lt. Harry STOCKLEIN of the Southside, Pittsburgh, were married Monday, May 24, 1943, in the chapel of the Boise City training camp in Idaho.
The bride wore a powder blue suit and hat with navy accessories. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Robert ROBINSON.
Mr. STOCKLEIN received his commission as lieutenant in June. The newlyweds reside in an apartment in Boise City.
Mrs. STOCKLEIN was an accountant for the Bell Telephone Co. in Pittsburgh before her marriage.
[ Harry STOCKLEIN to Margaret Jane Sauers, 24 May 1943 ]
stocklein_sauers_06-04-1943_ro (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record of March 26,
1915, page unknown:
Only the immediate families were in attendance at the wedding of Miss
Anne Edna SMITH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert SMITH of Dormont [Pa],
and David STONECIPHER, which was solemnized Monday afternoon,
March 22nd, at the home of the bride's parents. The service was
read at one o'clock by the Rev. Harry M. CAMPBELL, pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church, Mt. Lebanon [Pa]. Mr. and Mrs. STONECIPHER
will spend their honeymoon in the East, after which they will reside in
their new home in Espy avenue, Dormont. The bride was educated at
Wilson College, and Mr. STONECIPHER, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E.
STONECIPHER of Findley township, is a graduate of Washington &
Jefferson College and the University of Michigan.
[ David STONECIPHER to Miss Anne Edna SMITH, Mon., March 22, 1915 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 21, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Frances BEDNARZEK of Bulger, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John BEDNARZEK, and Stanley STOPENSKI, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian STOPENSKI of Bulger, were united in marriage at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, November 15, 1947, in St. Ann's church in Bulger. The pastor, the Rev. Fr. John HOHACNZEWSKI, performed the single ring ceremony before an altar which was decorated with ferns and white chrysanthemums.
The bride wore a white satin gown with a sweetheart neckline, long sleeves, pointed at the wrists, a fitted bodice and full skirt which ended in a long train. Her fingertip veil was tied to a sweetheart crown by seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white roses with white streamers.
Mrs. Ann PRIBILA of Oakdale, as maid of honor, was attired in a blue gown with matching headpiece and she carried a bouquet of red roses.
Chester STOPENSKI, brother of the groom served as bestman.
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the bride's home for the immediate families and friends. The table centerpiece was a three-tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom.
The newlyweds are honeymooning in New York City and upon their return will reside in Bulger.
For traveling, the bride wore a blue suit with black accessories. Mrs. STOPENSKI is employed by the Frank & Seder Co., Pittsburgh.
Mr. STOPENSKI is employed by the Bulger Block Coal Co.
[ Stanley STOPENSKI to Frances Bednarzek, 15 Nov 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 5, 1935, page unknown:
Arthur B. STOUT and Jean Elizabeth ARMOUR were united in marriage in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. ARMOUR, at 6:30 o'clock Saturday evening, June 29. The Rev. S. G. NEAL performed the ceremony. The bride wore a dress of powder blue crepe with crepe hat to match. Her
gloves and satin pumps were also of powder blue. She carried a bouquet of white canterbury bells and pale pink rosebuds on a background of powder blue delphinium which blended into her dress. Only members of the immediate families were present. After the ceremony a three course dinner was served to the bride and bridegroom, the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. ARMOUR, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ARMOUR, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. ARMOUR, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. NEAL, Miss Carrie and Miss Idilla COX, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. BRADFORD, Miss Mary ARMOUR, Miss Alice PATTON, and Miss Idilla PHILLIPS.
About 9:30 a group of neighbors assembled with the usual serenade noise makers. They joined the party for the rest of the evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. S. L. SAXTON and daughter Miss Irene, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. STEVENSON, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. COOLEY, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. COOLEY, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. SAVAGE, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. SAVAGE and daughter Miss Lois, Miss Ruth, Miss Dorothy, and Miss Esther NEAL, and Miss Elizabeth
[ Arthur B. STOUT to Jean Elizabeth Armour, 29 Jun 1935 ]
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From The McDonald, PA Record of 21 June
1912, page unknown:
Arthur STOUT of Cliff Mine and Miss Amelia COX of Imperial were united in marriage on Friday of last week.
[ Arthur STOUT to Amelia Cox, no date, in 6-21-1912 paper ] stout_cox_06-21-1912-rec
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 13, 1927, page unknown:
[ STABLE is the Groom. ]
Miss Edna May DRUM, of Pittsburgh, and Clayton L. STRABLE, of Callery, were united in marriage on Wednesday, October 12, 1927, at two o'clock, in the Robinson's
Run U. P. parsonage, with the Rev. J. I. KROHN officiating, assisted by the Rev. James MacDONALD of Youngstown.
The ring ceremony was used. Mr. STRABLE is a cousin of the Rev. J. I.
KROHN, his father and mother having been united in marriage by Rev. KROHN'S father. Mr. and Mrs. STABLE will reside in Evans City.
[ Clayton L. STRABLE to Edna May Drum, 12 Oct 1927 ] strable_drum_10-13-1927
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Harry STOCKLEIN to Margaret Jane Sauers, 24 May 1943
Stanley STOPENSKI to Frances Bednarzek, 15 Nov 1947
Arthur B. STOUT to Jean Elizabeth Armour, 29 Jun 1935
Arthur STOUT to Amelia Cox, no date, in 6-21-1912 paper
Clayton L. STRABLE to Edna May Drum, 12 Oct 1927
This page was added July 10, 2007 ; updated Sept. 10, 2009 ; updated Sept. 20, 2009
; updated Oct. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023