Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of Feb.
6, 1909, page unknown:
On Monday, Jan. 25 Walter STAMFLI, of McDonald [Pa], and Miss
Josephine JORDAN were married at the home of the bride's mother in
Beaumont Texas. Mr. STAMPFLI has been engaged in the oil fields of
that part of the country for the past five or six years and is now
employed at Evangeline Louisiana where they will reside.
[ Walter STAMPFLI and Miss Josephine JORDAN, Monday, Jan. 25 1909
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
April 3, 1914, page unknown:
Word was received here Tuesday that Wendell P. STAMPFLI, a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor STAMPFLI of McDonald [Pa], and Miss Laura
SCHAYES, also of this place, were married in Cumberland, Md., on Monday,
March 30, [1914], at ten o'clock, a.m. The brode and groom are
well known young people, Mrs. STAMPFLI having been a saleslady in
VALENTOUR'S BAZAR, and Mr. STAMPFLI being employed in the blacksmithshop
[sic] of his brother, V. H. STAMPFLI, in Barr street. Their
friends join in wishing them much happiness.
[ Wendell P. STAMPFLI to Miss Laura SCHAYES, Mon., March 30,
1914 ]
[ stampfli-schayes-4-3-1914-rec ] (F)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Dec. 12, 1922, page unknown:
[ STANECK is the Groom. ]
On Saturday morning, December 2 at 8 o'clock in the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral,
Philadelphia, Pa., Miss Nellie BOROWSKI, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BOROWSKI of East State street, Oakdale, Pa., became the bride of Stanley Theodore
STANECK, son of Mr. and the late Mrs.
Frank STANECK of Schenley Heights, Pittsburgh. The bride has always resided in Oakdale until a few years ago when she was she was sent to
Philadelphia by the railroad company where she was employed. The groom, a native of Pittsburgh, served with the Royal Canadian Draggoons during
the World war [note - i.e. WWI]. After a brief honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. STANECK will reside at 307 Freedley street, Norristown, Pa. where Mr. STANECK has built a new home. [ Stanley Theodore STANECK to Nelle Borowski, 2 Dec 1922 ]
staneck_borowski_12-14-1922 (F) Also
typed by (CT-L).
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 2, 1938, page unknown:
[ STANISH is the Groom. ]
Miss Elizabeth EVANS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter GECOMA, and John STANISH, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. STANISH, Sr., were married Saturday,
November 27, 1938, at St. Ann's church, Bulger. Miss Mary Agnes EVANS, sister of the bride, and Steve STANISH, brother of the bridegroom, were
the attendants.
[ John STANISH to Elizabeth Evans, 27 Nov 1938 ]
stanish_evans_12-02-1938 (CT-L)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
A. C. STANTON to Jennie Stanton, 9 Aug 1896
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (WD) = Some weddings typed by Wilberta DiVenzo.
This page includes:
Walter STAMPFLI and Miss Josephine JORDAN, Monday, Jan. 25 1909
Wendell P. STAMPFLI to Miss Laura SCHAYES, Mon., March 30, 1914
Stanley Theodore STANECK to Nelle Borowski, 2 Dec 1922
John STANISH to Elizabeth Evans, 27 Nov 1938
A. C. STANTON to Jennie Stanton, 9 Aug 1896
This page was added July 9, 2007; update May 1, 2008 ; updated Sept. 9, 2009

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