Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper
of Feb. 25, 1938, page unknown:
Mrs. Melita MILLIGAN of Noblestown and Charles Nelan SPRINGER of Sturgeon were united in marriage Thursday, February 17, 1938, in the bride's home in
Noblestown, the Rev. James J. BUELL, pastor of the M.E. church, officiating. Guests were Charles E. BENTRAM and Mrs. James J. BUELL of McDonald, Martha MILLIGAN of
Noblestown, and Miss Verna FIKE of Oakdale.
[ Charles Nelan SPRINGER to Mrs. Melita Milligan, 17 Feb 1938 ]
springer_milligan_02-25-1938 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record of March 24,
1911, page unknown:
Wedding Plans
A large wedding of Easter week will be that of Miss Janet McINTOSH,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. McINTOSH of Sharpsburg, and Charles
Ross SPRINGER of McDonald, which will take place on Wednesday evening,
April 12, at the Fort Pitt Hotel. The bridal party will include
Miss Margaret T. WILSON of Indiana, Pa., as maid of honor; Mrs. George
W. Kennedy of Buffalo, N. Y., matron of honor; Miss Sevella C. McINTOSH,
sister of Miss McINTOSH ; Miss Marie and Miss Lucille SMITH of
Washington, D. C.; and Miss Edna PICKELS of Pittsburg [sic] and Miss
Margaret GLASS of Oakmont, bridesmaids, and little Virginia Mary
McINTOSH, flower girl. James MARKS of Saltsburg, Pa., will be Mr. SPRINGER's
best man, and Nesbit McDONALD of McDonald, Pa., Earl PLANK and Dr. J.
Homer McCREADY of Pittsburg [sic] and J. Herman WATSON of Indiana, Pa.
will serve as ushers. The Rev. Mr. MONTGOMERY of the First
Presbyterian Church, Sharpsburg [Pa], will perform the ceremony at 7:30
o'clock. A reception and wedding dinner will follow. The
couple will take an extended Eastern honeymoon trip and after June 1
will make their home in McDonald [Pa]. A number of social
functions will be given for the bride-to-be.
[ Charles Ross SPRINGER to Janet McINTOSH, Wed., April 12, 1911
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Oliver SPRINGER to Eldora Berryhill, 16 Jun 1893
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 30, 1896, page unknown:
SPRINGER - WILSON.-- Samuel SPRINGER and Mary WILSON, both of Burgettstown.
[ Samuel SPRINGER to Mary Wilson, no date, in 10-30-1986 paper ] from multiple-h_10-30-1896_outlook_.jpg
multiple-h_3_springer_wilson_10-30-1896_outlook (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 19, 1940,
page unknown:
Miss Grace SUTHERIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William SUTHERIN of East Palestine, Ohio, and James SPROUT of East Palestine, son of James T. SPROUT, Sr., of Imperial, were married recently in the East Palestine Methodist church, the Rev. Frank SMITH of Park Ridge, N.J., an uncle of the bride, performing the ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white marquisette with a finger-tip veil cascading from a halo of seed pearls. Her bouquet was of bridal roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Helen
ORTT, wore blue marquisette and carried briarcliff roses. Mr. William D.
SUTHERIN, brother of the bride, served as bestman. A reception followed in the church and later in the bride's home.
Mrs. SPROUT attended the Wisconsin State college and the University of Wisconsin, and Western Reserve university, Cleveland. For several years she was an instructor in the East Palestine schools. Her husband is employed with the Negley plant of the Pittsburgh Coal Co.
Out-of-town guests at the ceremony were James T. SPROUT, Sr., of Imperial, Mrs. John LYNCH (Leah SPROUT) of Pittsburgh, the Rev. Frank SMITH and family of Park Ridge, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. M.A. SUTHERIN of Sebring, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Russell CRUMBACHER and Mr. and Mrs. Erwood CALVIN of Columbiana, Ohio, and Mrs. and Mrs. Howard CABLE of Cleveland.
[ James SPROUT to Grace Sutherin, no date, in 7-19-1940 paper ]
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of Nov. 30, 1922, page unknown:
Miss Margaret M. BLAIR of McDonald and Mr. Cecil V. SPROWLS of Claysville were quietly married at Wellsburg, W. Va., Saturday afternoon,
November 18, 1922 by the Rev. P. E. BURTT. The bride is a graduate of the McDonald High school and at present is a teacher in the Oakdale Public school.
Mr. SPROWLS, well known in Oakdale and Claysville, is employed by the Pure Oil Pipe Line Co. The young couple will live with Mrs.
SPROWLS' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William BLAIR, Jr. of Center avenue for the winter.
[ Cecil V. SPROWLS to Margaret M. Blair, 18 Nov 1922 ]
sprowls_blair_11-30-1922 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
of Dec. 1, 1922, page unknown:
[ SPROWLS is the Groom. ]
Miss Margaret M. BLAIR of McDonald and Mr. Cecil V. SPROWLS of Claysville were quietly married at Wellburg, W. Va., Saturday afternoon, November 18, 1922, by the Rev. P. E. BURTT. The bride is a graduate of the McDonald high school and at present is a teacher in the Oakdale public schools. Mr. SPROWLS, well known in Oakdale and Claysville, is employed by the Pure Oil Pipe Line Co. The young couple will live with Mrs. SPROWLS's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William BLAIR Jr., in Center avenue for the winter.
[ Cecil V. SPROWLS to Margaret M. Blair, 18 Nov 1922 ]
sprowls_blair_12-01-1922_record (CT-L)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Charles Nelan SPRINGER to Mrs. Melita Milligan, 17 Feb 1938
Charles Ross SPRINGER to Janet McINTOSH, Wed., April 12, 1911
Oliver SPRINGER to Eldora Berryhill, 16 Jun 1893
Samuel SPRINGER to Mary Wilson, no date, in 10-30-1986 paper
James SPROUT to Grace Sutherin, no date, in 7-19-1940 paper
Cecil V. SPROWLS to Margaret M. Blair, 18 Nov 1922
This page was added July 9, 2007 ; updated July 20, 2009 ; updated Sept. 1, 2009
; updated Sept. 20, 2009 ; updated Oct. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023