Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 7, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Mary Rose BROCKMYER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. BROCKMYER of North street, McDonald, became the bride of James Edward
SPAUDE, son of Mrs.
W. A. SPAUDE, Sr., of Center avenue, McDonald, on Saturday afternoon, August 1, 1942, in the Robinson's Run
U.P. church, McDonald. The pastor, Dr.
G. M. McKNIGHT, assisted by Dr. S. A. McCOLLAM, pastor of the First United Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony before an embankment of ferns and peach gladioluses.
Miss BROCKMYER chose embroidered white marquisette with a tulle veil and orange blossom tiara. She carried white roses and lilies of the valley. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Shirley
BROCKMYER, who wore yellow net and lace and carried lavender asters.
W. A. SPAUDE, Jr., served as his brother's bestman and the ushers were Russell
An organ recital preceded the ceremony, during which Miss Lois LAMBIE of Wilkinsburg sang "I Love You Truly" and "Oh Promise Me" with Mrs.
P. J. CHARLIER at the organ.
After a reception in the home of the bride's parents, the young couple left for a trip in the northern part of the State and after August 10 will be at home in Center avenue, McDonald.
Among the out-of-town guests were the bride's maternal grandmother, Mrs. M.A. RUSSELL; Mrs.
O. S. HISSOM and son James, Miss Alberta RUSSELL, and Neil RUSSELL of St.
Marys, W.Va., Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. LAMBING of Wellsville, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. LAMBING of Venice, Miss Bertha SPAUDE of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler PHILLIPS of Monongahela.
[ James Edward SPAUDE to Mary Rose Brockmyer, 1 Aug 1942 ]
spaude_brockmyer_08-07-1942_ro (LN)
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* Perpetual Calendar for June 21, 1943 shows it was a
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of June 25, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Josephine McGINNIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGINNIS of Noblestown, and Harold SPEER, son of Fred SPEER of Florence, were united in marriage on [word
unreadable, possibly Monday] June 21, 1943, in McDonald...[remainder unreadable]
[ Harold SPEER to Josephine McGinnis, 21 Jun 1943 ]
speer_mcginnis_06-25-1943_ro (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 20,
1929, page unknown:
[ SPEER is the Groom. ]
Miss Margaret Evelyn CUMMINGS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam CUMMINGS of Center avenue, and William SPEER, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. SPEER, of Oakdale, were united in marriage on Saturday afternoon, June 15, at 2:45 o'clock, in the First United Presbyterian church of McDonald. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev.
S. A. McCOLLAM. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Louis LAVLE, who also accompanied Mrs. Hilda Cook singing "O Promise Me." The bride was dressed in pastel pink chiffon with hat to match and carried a bouquet of pink and yellow tea roses. Miss Marie CUMMINGS, sister of the bride, served as bridesmaid and wore a dress of coral chiffon, with at and shoes to correspond, and carried a shower of pink rosebuds. Mr. SPEER chose J. Kenneth NEALON of Oakdale and Columbus, O., to be his best man. Following the ceremony, dinner was served at the home of the bride, with twelve seated at the bride's table. A large wedding cake, and a centerpiece of roses were the decorations. At six o'clock the bride and groom left for a trip to Mountain Lake park and the Shenandoah Valley. After June 25, they will be at home on Fayette street, Oakdale. Mrs. SPEER has been employed by the American Oil company and Mr. SPEER is working for the American-Hawaiian Steamship company in Pittsburgh.
[ William SPEER to Margaret Evelyn Cummings, 15 Jun 1929 ]
speer_cummings_06-20-1929 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 20, 1942,
page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Mae VAUGHN of McDonald to Sergeant Percy Franklin SPENCER of High Point, N.C., now stationed at Camp Swift, Texas, will take place at 8:00 o'clock Saturday evening, December 5, 1942, in the First Baptist church, McDonald, of which the bride is the fourth generation of her family to belong.
The wedding party will include Mrs. LaVerne Browning TYLER as matron of honor, Miss Dorothy DEMBY of Pittsburgh, cousin of the bride-to-be, maid of honor, Mrs. Tiny Kemp PRATT, Miss Kelly TWYMAN of Pittsburgh, Yvonne LEWIS of McDonald.
Sgt. Felton WOODLIEF of Louisiana has been chosen bestman and the users will be Joseph KENNEDY and William WELLS of McDonald, Madison CARTER of Richmond, Va., Randall
HOOE, and John Thomas WASHINGTON and George PRATT of McDonald.
Gloria BENNETT of File, Va., is to be flower girl and Wendell BENNETT of McDonald, the ring bearer.
[ Percy Franklin SPENCER to Mae Vaughn, 5 Dec 1942 ]
spencer_vaughn_11-20-1942_ro (LN)
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* Researchers should check to make sure the marriage took place.
From the McDonald, PA Record of 12 July
1912, page unknown:
Marriage Licenses
George SPHAR..... Cecil
Anna DZUBOJ...... Bishop
[ George SPHAR and Anna DZUBOJ marriage license only 1912 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June
18, 1937, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth RESLEY of Ellsworth to Parker Scott SPHAR of Elmhurst,
L.I., was solemnized Thursday, June 10, 1937, in the presence of the immediate families. The ceremony was performed at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. Fred GRIMM, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Perryopolis.
The bride had as her attendant Mrs. J. Marcus HAZLETT of Washington and Mr. SPHAR's best man was Albert G. BARTHELOT of Charleroi.
Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served to the bridal party at the White Swan Hotel, Uniontown.
After a trip through the Shenandoah Valley Mr. and Mrs. SPHAR will go to Long Island, N.Y., where they will reside.
The bride is a niece of the late M.A. MANN, for many years station agent in Midway, and she will be remembered by many Midway and McDonald people.
[ Parker Scott SPHAR to Mary Elizabeth Resley, 10 Jun 1937 ]
sphar_resley_06-18-1937 (LN)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: James Edward SPAUDE to Mary Rose Brockmyer, 1 Aug 1942
Harold SPEER to Josephine McGinnis, 21 Jun 1943
William SPEER to Margaret Evelyn Cummings, 15 Jun 1929
Percy Franklin SPENCER to Mae Vaughn, 5 Dec 1942
George SPHAR and Anna DZUBOJ marriage license only 1912
Parker Scott SPHAR to Mary Elizabeth Resley, 10 Jun 1937
This page was added July 9, 2007 ; update June 10, 2008 ; updated Aug. 20, 2009
; updated Aug. 21, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023