Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 26, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Barbara Ann BRICKER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. BRICKER of North Charleroi and Ensign Thomas Dixon SMITH, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. SMITH of Midway, were united in marriage at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, July 14, 1946, in the Christ Lutheran church, Charleroi. The Rev. Meade A.
RUGH, the pastor, officiated at the double ring ceremony in the presence of friends and relatives of the couple. Preceding the ceremony, and as the bridal party approached the altar, Miss Hazel BRAUN, church organist, played nuptial music. Lawrence RUGH sang "Oh Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer." Pink and white gladioli and larkspur arrangements in the front of the church formed a beautiful background for the bridal party.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of white triple sheer crepe, trimmed with cheffly {sic} embroidery, and a halo-effect hat with a brief veil. Her jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom, and her corsage was a single orchid. The maid of honor, Miss Nancy BRICKER, sister of the bride, wore a pink crepe street length dress with white eylet {sic} embroidery trim, a matching crownless hat, white lace gloves, and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Robert BELL of Midway, uncle of the bridegroom, served as bestman and the ushers were James BRICKER, brother of the bride, and Vance DIE
CAS. The bride's mother wore a silk jersey print dress with white background, black accessories, and a corsage of red rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother wore a black lace dress with white accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds. A recording of the ceremony was made by Miss Arlene SANDERS of Monongahela.
Following the ceremony, a reception for the bridal party and the immediate families was held at the Elks club. After a brief wedding trip, the young couple will reside in Hutchinson, Kansas. Mrs. SMITH is a 1943 graduate of Charleroi high school and Mr. SMITH is a 1943 graduate of Midway high school.
Guests were present from Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Bellevue, Perrysville, Midway, Washington, Avalon, and Avella.
[ Thomas Dixon SMITH, Jr. to Barbara Ann Bricker, 14 Jul 1946 ]
Parts 1, 2, 3 (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Thomas SMITH to Alice Phillips, 2 Aug 1900
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Dec. 8, 1922, page unknown:
[ SMITH is the Groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Ruth BELL and Thomas SMITH, both of Midway, took place at Wellsburg, W.Va., Wednesday, November 29, 1922.
After the ceremony the young couple went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
PROSSER in Warwood where a wedding supper was served. In the evening the young couple were surprised when friends of Mr. and Mrs.
PROSSER came in to spend the evening. Cards, dancing, and vocal and instrumental music were the diversions. After a delicious lunch was served the guests departed wishing the happy young couple many years of happiness. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan SMITH
of McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas SMITH of Warwood, Mr. and Mrs. John
CAIRNS, Mr. and Mrs. MURPHY, Mrs. BROST, Miss Marie WEBSTER, Miss Margaret
[ Thomas SMITH to Ruth Bell, 29 Nov 1922 ] smith_bell_12-08-1922
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Dec. 26, 1924, page unknown:
[ SMITH is the Groom. ]
Miss Margaret Elizabeth HAYES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HAYES of Center avenue, and Thomas SMITH, JR., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas SMITH of Venice, were married at seven o'clock Friday evening, December 19, 1924, in the rectory of St. Alphonsus' church. The Rev. Fr. Joseph A. BURGOON performed the ceremony.
The bride, who was unattended, wore a blue traveling suit with hat to match and a corsage of bridal roses. Mr. SMITH is employed by the South Penn Oil company near Canonsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside with the former's parents in Venice.
[ Thomas SMITH, Jr. to Margaret Elizabeth Hayes, 19 Dec 1924 ] ]smith_hayes_12-26-1924_record
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Unknown Date page unknown:
A Correction
[ Regarding HAYES - SMITH ]
In last week's Record a mistake was made in announcing that the HAYES-SMITH wedding took place on Friday evening, December 19, 1924, at St. Alphonsus' church with the Rev. Joseph A. BURGOON, the rector, as officiating on that occasion.
I wish to correct this statement, and state that the HAYES-SMITH ceremonies did not take place either in St. Alphonsus' church or in the parochial residence, and that the Rev. Joseph A. BURGOON was not the officiating minister.
JOSEPH A. BURGOON, Rector, St. Alphonsus' Church.
smith_hayes_12-unknown-date-1924_record (WD)
Webmaster's Note: What a puzzle--and
embarrassment! Maybe someone today can uncover the details of what
happened. The two notices cause many questions!
Was the esteemed Rector/Reverend in error on the dates? Did the first newspaper article err on the date or place? But if
it was just a date error, certainly the Reverend would have put the
'correct' date in his correction notice. Did the marriage never take place at all?
Had the marriage been scheduled and did not happen at that place or on
that date, but took place at an earlier or later date? somewhere
Many unanswered questions!
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
March 30, 1917, page unknown:
On Thursday afternoon, March 22, 1917, at one o'clock, at the home of the bride's mother, near Hickory, Miss Jane M. MORGAN became the bride of Vance McClelland SMITH in the presence of about fifty relatives and friends. The ring ceremony was used, the Rev. Charles
STUNKARD, the bride's pastor officiating, assisted by the Rev. C. T. LITTELL, pastor of the Venice United Presbyterian Church. The wedding march from Lohengrin was played by Miss Olive IRWINE of Steubenville, Ohio, a cousin of the bride, who also rendered other selections during the ceremony and afterwards. The ushers were James SMITH, a brother of the groom, and Robert MORGAN, a brother of the bride. The ribbon bearers were Janet
McCALMONT, Edith SIMPSON, Margaret BROWN, Margaret McILVAINE, Grace SHELLY and Edna
McCONNELL. The bride wore a gown of embroidered marguisette with pearl trimming and her veil was caught with pearls. She carried white roses and lilies of the valley. The couple were unattended. Following the ceremony a four-course dinner was served. Bride's roses formed the centerpiece on the bride's table. Tulips were used to carry out the color scheme of yellow and white throughout the house. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. SMITH left for an Eastern wedding tour. After May first they will be at home on the WEAVER farm near Canonsburg. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Minerva J. MORGAN of near Hickory, and the groom is a son of Mrs. Emma SMITH of Washington. Both Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are graduates of Hickory High School, class of 1911.
[ Vance McClelland SMITH to Jane M. Morgan, 22 Mar 1917 ] smith_morgan_03-30-1917_record
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Thomas Dixon SMITH, Jr. to Barbara Ann Bricker, 14 Jul 1946
Thomas SMITH to Alice Phillips, 2 Aug 1900
Thomas SMITH to Ruth Bell, 29 Nov 1922
Thomas SMITH, Jr. to Margaret Elizabeth Hayes, 19 Dec 1924
Vance McClelland SMITH to Jane M. Morgan, 22 Mar 1917
This page was added July 8, 2007 ; updated July 12, 2009 ; updated July 31, 2009
; updated Aug. 21, 2009 ; updated Sept. 13, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023