Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
John SMITH to Doris Payne, 25 Jul 1935
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 12, 1936, page unknown:
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Clara Lee KINEMOND, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave KINEMOND of R.D. 3, McDonald, and Mr. Kenneth Lee SMITH, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. SMITH of South Franklin street, Wheeling, W.Va. The nuptial service was solemnized Thursday, June 4, 1936, at four forty-five o'clock in the Presbyterian church in Wheeling. The Rev. Philip H. CLIFFORD officiated at the ceremony.
For her marriage Mrs. SMITH was attired in a lovely gown of aqua blue with harmonizing accessories. Her corsage was of red roses and lilies of the valley.
Mrs. SMITH is associated with Mrs. A. K. SHIELDS in the Dot and Clara Beauty
Salon, 505 Cla__ street, Wheeling, and Mr. SMITH an electrician for the
Follansby Bros. Co.
After June the fifteenth they [will] be at home to their many friends [at] the Cooper apartments in
M_ [Main] street, Wheeling.
[ Kenneth Lee SMITH to Clara Lee Kinemond, 4 Jun 1936 ]
smith_kinemond_06-12-1936 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 1, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Virginia Ruth McCALMONT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. McCALMONT of Hickory, became the bride of Matthew Maxwell SMITH, son of Mrs. Elsie SMITH of Rea, at 3:30 Wednesday, June 22, 1938, in the
U.P. church in Hickory.
The ceremony was followed by a reception in the home of the bride's parents for members of the bridal party and friends and relatives of the two families.
Mrs. SMITH is a graduate of the Hickory Vocational high school and has been employed by the Hickory-Woodrow Telephone Co. as relief operator. Mr. SMITH graduated from Hickory Vocational high school, Washington Business college, and the Pennsylvania State college. He is now employed by the college in agricultural extension work in Lancaster county. Returning from an extended wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. SMITH will be at home in Lancaster after August 1.
[ Matthew Maxwell SMITH to Virginia Ruth McCalmont, 22 Jun 1938
] smith_mccalmont_07-01-1938 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 14, 1947, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. SMITH, whose wedding took place Friday evening, October 31, in the Cross Creek Presbyterian church, had a week's honeymoon in the west and plan to establish their home in Cross Creek.
The bride is that former Bertie Lou FRYER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. FRYER of Cross Creek, and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance M. SMITH, R. D. 4, McDonald.
The couple were united in marriage at a double ring ceremony solemnized by Rev. Robert B. SHANE, pastor of the Cross Creek church. Vows were exchanged at 5:00 p.m., before the altar adorned with palms, ferns, and chrysanthemums with lighted candelabra.
Mrs. James MILLER of Hickory, organist, played the wedding music. The bride was given in marriage by her father.
Miss Elsie SMITH, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor and Mrs. Charles EVANS of Washington was bridesmaid. Linda Lee WALKER, niece of the bridegroom, was ringbearer. Wilbur WALKER of R. D. 4, McDonald, was bestman and J. W. FRYER, brother of the bride, ushered.
Mrs. SMITH is a graduate of Hickory high school, class of '47 and was employed as a bookkeeper for the Coll Tire Distributors. Her husband is a graduate of Hickory high school, class of '45.
He is employed by William FRYER, driving a truck for the Mullett Coal Company.
[ Paul L. SMITH to Bertie Lou Fryer, 31 Oct 1947 ]
smith_fryer_11-14-1947_ro (CT-L)
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
March 24, 1921 page unknown:
On March 19, 1921 at 4 p.m., at the home of Dr. W. D. IRONS, McDonald, Pa., were married Robert Crawford SMITH and Lillian M. YOUNG, both of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. SMITH is a member of the firm McGinnie & Smith and a grand nephew of Dr. IRONS, who performed the ceremony. The party motored from Pittsburgh and after an eastern trip will reside in East End Pittsburgh.
[ Robert Crawford SMITH to Lillian M. Young, 19 Mar 1921 ]
smith_young_03-24-1921_outlook (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
March 25, 1921 page unknown:
[ SMITH is the Groom. ]
On Saturday evening, March 19, 1921, at four o'clock, the
marriage of Robert Crawford SMITH and Lillian M. YOUNG of
Pittsburgh took place at the home of the officiating minister,
the Rev. W. D. IRONS, D.D. Mr. SMITH is a member of the firm of
McGINNESS, SMITH & Co. of Pittsburgh, and is a nephew of Dr. and Mrs. IRONS. The couple motored out from Pittsburgh and returned the same evening, leaving for a trip through the East. After their return they will go to housekeeping
in the East end, Pittsburgh.
[ Robert Crawford SMITH to Lillian M. Young, 19 Mar 1921 ]
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
This page includes: John SMITH to Doris Payne, 25 Jul 1935
Kenneth Lee SMITH to Clara Lee Kinemond, 4 Jun 1936
Matthew Maxwell SMITH to Virginia Ruth McCalmont, 22 Jun 1938
Paul L. SMITH to Bertie Lou Fryer, 31 Oct 1947
Robert Crawford SMITH to Lillian M. Young, 19 Mar 1921
This page was added July 8, 2007 ; updated July 20, 2009 ; updated Aug. 20, 2009
; updated Sept. 12, 2009 ; updated Sept. 13, 2009 ; updated Sept 24, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023