Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S

From the McDonald, PA (probably the) Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 22, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Margaret Ann BRADBURN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John BRADBURN of Isabella, Pa., formerly of Oakdale, and Mr. Marvel
SLAUGENHAUPT, son of Mrs. Emma SLAUGENHAUPT of Vincennes Avenue Oakdale, were united in marriage at six o'clock Wednesday evening, September 13, 1939. in the First Presbyterian church, Oakdale. The ring ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. Carl H. WHITE,
D.D., before an embankment of ferns.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white satin with a long veil. She carried white asters and lilies. The matron of honor, Mrs. Wilbur BRADBURN, sister-in-law of the bride was gowned in blue net and carried pink rosebuds. Mr. Jennings SLAUGENHAUPT of Oakdate, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman. Mr. Wilbur BRADBURN, Mr. Leslie BRADBURN, and Mr. Elmer BRADBURN, brothers of the bride, were the ushers. Mrs. Leslie BRADBURN sang "At Dawning."
Mrs. George HOFFMAN played the wedding music.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Studio Tavern, Coraopolis road. After a brief wedding trip, the young couple will reside in Bridge avenue, Oakdale.
Mrs. SLAUGENHAUPT is a 1936 graduate of Oakdale high school and of Pittsburgh academy. Mr. SLAUGENHAUPT, a graduate of Oakdale high school, is employed by the West Penn Power Co. He is choir leader in the First Presbyterian church.
[ Marvel SLAUGENHAUPT to Margaret Ann Bradburn, 13 Sep 1939 ]
slaugenhaupt_bradburn_09-22-1939 (CR-K)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Sept 21, 1928, page unknown:
The wedding of Miss Dorothy G. DARR, niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. FLUKE of Oakdale, and Mr. Marvel L.
SLAUGHENHAUPT, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. SLAUGHENHAUPT of Oakdale, took place at two o'clock Saturday, September 15, 1928, in the FLUKE home, with the Rev. J. Melvin KEYES, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oakdale, officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr.
W. L. FLUKE, wore a gown of white georgette and lace and carried white roses. Miss Blanche FLUKE, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wore a gown of tan transparent velvet and georgette and carried pink roses. Mr. Jennings E. SLAUGHENHAUPT of Philadelphia was his brother's best man. Mrs. Eric OSTLEND of Homestead, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music. Following the ceremony a buffet lunch was served, after which the young couple left on an Eastern trip. On their return they will reside in Oakdale. Besides the members of the immediate families, the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. M.
DARR, Samuel DARR, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ROURKE, all of Lincoln Place. Mr. and Mrs. Eric OSTLEND of Homestead, Mr. and Mrs. Ed WEIMER, Miss Elnora WEIMER, Mrs. Margaret RIGBY, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert
WINTERBURN, all of the Northside, Pittsburgh. Present from Oakland were the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. Melvin KEYES, Mrs.
J. E. COULTER, and Miss Elizabeth COULTER.
[ Marvel L. SLAUGHENHAUPT to Dorothy G. Darr, 15 Sep 1928 ] slaughenhaupt_darr_09-21-1928
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Both are from the same article, despite the color
From The McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 20 September 1928,
page unknown:
The wedding of Miss Dorothy G. DARR, niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. FLUKE of 409 North Highland avenue, Oakdale, and Marvel L.
SLAUGHENHAUPT, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. SLAUGHENHAUPT of 52 Vincennes
avenue took place Saturday, September 15, 1928 at two o'clock in the FLUKE home with the Rev. J. Melvin KEYS, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of
Oaakdale, officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. W. L. FLUKE, wore a gown of white georgette and lace, and carried white roses. Miss Blanche FLUKE, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a gown of tan transparent velvet and georgette and carried pink roses. Mr. Jennings E. SLAUGHENHAUPT of Philadelphia served as his brother's best man. Mrs. Eric OSTLEND of Homestead, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music. Following the ceremony, a buffet lunch was served, after which the young couple left for a n Eastern trip. On their return home they will reside in Oakdale. Besides the members of the immediate families of the bride and groom, the out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H.
DARR, Mr. Samuel DARR and Mrs. Frank ROURKE of Lincoln Place, Mr. and Mrs. Eric OSTLEND of Homestead, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. WEIMER, Miss Elnora WEIMER and Mr. and Mrs. Bert WINTERBURN and Mrs. Margaret RIGBY of
Northside, Pittsburgh, Rev. and Mrs. Melvin KEYS, Mrs. J. E. COULTER and Miss Elizabeth COULTER of Oakdale.
[ Marvel L. SLAUGHENHAUPT to Dorothy G. Darr, September 20, 1928?? ]
slaughenhaupt_darr 9-20-1928-out_pt1&pt2 (CB)
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
This page includes: Marvel SLAUGENHAUPT to Margaret Ann Bradburn, 13 Sep 1939
Marvel L. SLAUGHENHAUPT to Dorothy G. Darr, 15 Sep 1928
Marvel L. SLAUGHENHAUPT to Dorothy G. Darr, September 20, 1928??
This page was added July 8, 2007 ; updated Sept. 28, 2008 ; June
16, 2009 ; updated July 29, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023