Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Jan. 05, 1923, page unknown:
Former Hickory Man Marries
Mrs. S. N. BARD of Columbus, Ohio, announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Elsie Irene HEFFNER, to Arthur M. SIMPSON of Hickory, Pa. Mr. SIMPSON is a senior in the dental college of Ohio State university and a member of the Psi Omega fraternity. The marriage took place and was solemnized in Columbus. After the first of the year Mr. and Mrs. SIMPSON will reside at 161 West Eleventh avenue.
[ Arthur M. SIMPSON to Elsie Irene Heffner, no date, in 1-5-1923 paper
simpson_heffner_01-5-1923_record (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 28, 1940, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. BIGGER of R. D. 1, Bulger, announce the marriage of their daughter, Sarah Donaldson BIGGER, to Mr. David Arthur SIMPSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. John I. SIMPSON, also of
The ceremony took place at noon Thursday, June 20, 1940, before an altar of ferns in the bride's home. The Reverend E. A. CULLEY of
Westview, uncle of the bride, officiated at the ceremony. He was assisted by the Reverend J. Walter IRWIN, former pastor of the Robinson U. P. church.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white mousseline de sole and lace, with a finger-tip veil, and carried a bouquet of white roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Helen BIGGER, who wore a gown of powder blue embroidered organdy and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Lena Mae SIMPSON, the young niece of the bridegroom, wore a dress of peach organdy and carried a basket of mixed summer flowers.
Mr. Donald SIMPSON, brother of the bridegroom, was bestman. The wedding music was played by Miss Clara WITHERSPOON.
Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served to thirty guests. The bride's table, set for twelve guests, was decorated with a large tiered wedding cake, surrounded by roses and honeysuckle.
After a Southern motor trip, Mr. and Mrs. SIMPSON will be at home in 223 Fourth street, McDonald.
[ David Arthur SIMPSON to Sara Donaldson Bigger, 20 Jun 1940 ] simpson_bigger_6-28-1940_ro
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
I. R. SIMPSON to Aurelia A. Guthrie, no date, in 5-15-1897 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Feb. 17, 1900, page unknown:
[ SIMPSON twin brothers Marry McPHERSON twin sisters]
Next Wednesday, the 21st, at the home of Samuel H. McPHERSON, in Cecil, Miss Olive R. [McPHERSON], and Miss Ora L. [McPHERSON], his twin daughters, will be married to twin brothers, W. Lotta [SIMPSON] and James A. SIMPSON.
James A. SIMPSON to Ora I. McPherson, 21 Feb 1900 ]
simpson__twins_02-17-1900_outlook (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of June 16, 1927, page unknown:
[ SIMPSON is the Groom. ]
On Wednesday afternoon, June 8 at 3 o'clock in the Nobelstown M. E. parsonage, Rev. W. C.
WEAVER united in marriage Miss Ruth McCLELLAND, of Venice, and James M. Simpson, of
Nobelstown. The bride was beautifully
gowned in blue crepe trimmed with silver lace and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Esther
McCLELLAND, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and wore a gown of canary crepe and carried
pink roses. Albert NEISER was Mr. SIMPSON's best man. The young couple left for a trip to Washington, D. C. and upon
their return they will reside in Carnegie.
[ James M. SIMPSON to Ruth McClelland, 8 Jun 1927 ]
simpson_mcclelland_06-16-1927 (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 7, 1936, page unknown:
Mrs. C.F. WRIGHT of R.D. 6, Washington, announces the marriage of her daughter, Georgetta M. GARY, to Logan J. SIMPSON of R.D. 6, Washington, on Monday evening, June 26, 1939, in the home of the Rev.
A. R. ARMSTONG, Washington.
They were accompanied by Mr. W. A. CRACRAFT of R.D. 6, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred BRIGHT, and Mrs. John SIMPSON.
The young couple will be at home to their friends on R.D. 1, Dunns Station.
The bride is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert FENWICK of Sturgeon.
[ Logan J. SIMPSON to Georgetta M. Gary, 26 Jun 1939 ] simpson_gary_07-07-1936 (CR-K)
* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi Ratican.
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Arthur M. SIMPSON to Elsie Irene Heffner, no
date, in 1-5-1923 paper
David Arthur SIMPSON to Sara Donaldson Bigger, 20 Jun 1940
I. R. SIMPSON to Aurelia A. Guthrie, no date, in 5-15-1897 paper
James A. SIMPSON to Ora I. McPherson, 21 Feb 1900
James M. SIMPSON to Ruth McClelland, 8 Jun 1927
Logan J. SIMPSON to Georgetta M. Gary, 26 Jun 1939
This page was added July 8, 2007 ; updated June 13, 2009 ;
updated June 20, 2009 ; updated Aug. 7, 2009 ; updated Sept. 27, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023