Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 6 Sep 1928, page unknown:
[SHEA is the groom.]
Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. B. W. GILLUM of Pittsburgh of the marriage of their niece, Miss Ruth Maxine HOOPER, to Charles Lester SHEA of Pittsburgh. The wedding was an event of Friday, July 13, 1928, at Pittsburgh. Mrs. SHEA is a graduate of the McDonald High school, and for a number of years made her home with her brother, Charles HOOPER, here.
[ Charles Lester SHEA to Ruth Hooper, 13 Jul 1928 ]
shea_hooper_9--6-1928-out (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of Sept 7,
1928, page unknown:
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth HOOPER and Mr. Charles Lester SHEA of Pittsburgh, on Friday, July 12, 1928. Mrs. SHEA is well known in McDonald, and is a graduate of McDonald high school.
[ Charles Lester SHEA to Ruth Hooper, 13 Jul 1928 ] Shea-Hooper_9-7-1928 (TR)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 24, 1929, page unknown:
[ SHEAFF is the Groom. ]
On last Saturday evening, October 19th at 6:30 o'clock Miss Izetta STEPHENSON became the bride of Mr. Lloyd Logan SHEAFF of Canonsburg at a ceremony performed in the home
[the rest of the article is missing].
[ Lloyd Logan SHEAFF to Izetta Stephenson, 19 Oct 1929 ]
sheaff_stephenson_10-24-1929 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 1, 1926, page
[ SHEAKLEY is the Groom. ]
A very pretty wedding took place at nine o'clock Wednesday evening, September 29, 1926, in the study of the Robinson's run United Presbyterian church, McDonald, when Miss Ellen POTTS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. POTTS of Arnold, became the bride of Ernest R. SHEAKLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. SHEAKLEY of Terrace street, McDonald. The Rev. J. I. KROHN, pastor of the
Robinson's Run United Presbyterian church, officiated, the ring ceremony being used. The bride wore a gown of poudre blue crepe de chine and carried an arm bouquet of sweetheart roses showered with lilies of the valley. Mrs. Maerle A. SHEAKLEY, as matron of honor wore claret ret satin and a corsage of pink rosebuds. The bridesmaids were Miss Margaret POTTS of Arnold, sister of the bride, and Miss LaVerne SHEAKLEY, sister of the bridegroom. Miss POTTS wore orchid crepe and Miss SHEAKLEY burgundy crepe. both wore corsages of American Beauty roses.
Mr. Merle A. SHEAKLEY was his brother's best man. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. SHEAKLEY left on an Eastern automobile trip. After October 15th they will be at home in Springdale, where Mr. SHEAKLEY is employed by the West Penn Power Co. The bride is a former resident of Primrose. Mr. SHEAKLEY is a graduate of the McDonald high school class of 1919.
[ Ernest R. SHEAKLEY to Ellen Potts, 29 Sep 1926 ]
sheakley_potts_10-01-1926_outlook (S)
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 23,
1921, page unknown:
[ SHEAKLEY is the Groom. ]
On Wednesday afternoon, September 22, 1921, at 3:30 o'clock the marriage of
Merle A. SHEAKLEY and Miss Mamie C. JAMISON was solemnized at the home of the
officiating minister, the Rev. G. S. BROOKS. The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Anna JAMISON of south of McDonald. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. SHEAKLEY of Primrose, and is employed by the
McCLINTIC-MARSHALL Construction Co. of Carnegie. Mr. and Mrs. SHEAKLEY are members of Robinson's Run U. P.
church, of which the Rev. Mr. BROOKS was pastor until some three months ago. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. SHEAKLEY left for a wedding trip and on their return they will make their home in McDonald. The best wishes of their many friends are extended for a happy and prosperous wedded life.
[ Merle A. SHEAKLEY to Mamie C. Jamison, 22 Sep 1921 ]
sheakley_jamison_09-23-1921 (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Sept. 29,
1921, page unknown:
[ SHEAKLEY is the Groom. ]
On Wednesday afternoon, September 22, 1921, at 3:30 o'clock the marriage of
Merle A. SHEAKLEY and Miss Mamie C. JAMISON was solemnized at the home of the
officiating minister, the Rev. G. S. BROOKS. The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Anna JAMISON of south of McDonald. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. SHEAKLEY of Primrose, and is employed by the
McCLINTIC-MARSHALL Construction Co. of Carnegie. Mr. and Mrs. SHEAKLEY are members of Robinson's Run U. P.
church, of which the Rev. Mr. BROOKS was pastor until some three months ago.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. SHEAKLEY left for a wedding trip and on their
return they will make their home in McDonald. The best wishes of their many
friends are extended for a happy and prosperous wedded life.
[ Merle A. SHEAKLEY to Mamie C. Jamison, 22 Sep 1921 ] sheakley_jamison_09-29-1921_outlook (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook Newspaper
of June 24, 1932, page unknown:
Miss Julianna BLANCHEON and Mr. Michael
SHEARSON of Bulger were united in marriage Saturday morning, June 18, 1932, at St. Ann?s church in
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Fr. KOSCISZ. The bride wore a figured chiffon dress and white hat.
After the wedding breakfast in the home of the bride?s sister Mr. and Mrs.
SHEARSON left for Atlantic City. On their return, they will go to housekeeping in McDonald.
[ Michael Shearson to Miss Julianna Blancheon, Sat., June 18,
1932 ] shearson_blancheon_06-24-1932 (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Feb. 14, 1947, page
Miss Elvera Mae Reece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D. JOHNS of Duquesne, formerly of McDonald, and John Paul SHEDIO, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Michael SHEDIO of Butler were united in marriage at 6:30 p.m. February 8, 1947, in the First Presbyterian church in Duquesne. The Rev.
Harry Lee CRAWFORD performed the ceremony by candlelight before an altar banked with ferns. Jack WABICK sang "I Love You Truly," "Always,"
and "Because," accompanied by Jean WEIDMAN at the organ.
The bride, given in marriage by her stepfather, was attired in a white gown
with fitted bodice and sweetheart neckline and a full skirt falling into a long
train. She carried an arm bouquet of white calla lilies and white satin streamers.
Her only jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom, and a set of
pearl earrings which were borrowed. The maid of honor was Miss Jean HANS,
cousin of the bride, and the bridesmaids were Susan SHEDIO, sister of the
bridegroom and Miss Barbara RADOCAY a classmate of the bride. Michael BYELENE, cousin of the bridegroom was bestman, and Peter VINOVICH
and Emile DUMAS were the ushers.
Following the ceremony, a reception for 150 guests, was held at the Hotel
Penn McKee. After a two-week wedding trip the young couple will make their
home in Butler.
The bride is a graduate of the West Penn Hospital School of Nursing,
Pittsburgh. The bridegroom recently returned from spending three years in the
army, two years of which were spent in the K.T.O. He is employed at the American Rolling Mill in Butler.
[ John Paul SHEDIO to Elvera Mae Reese, 5 Feb 1947 ]
shedio_reese_02-14-1947_ro (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA (probably the) Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov.
24, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Mildred NELSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John NELSON of Cecil, and Mr. Charles
SHERIDIAN, son of Mr and Mrs. Charles SHERDIAN of Bridgeville, were married June 15, 1939, in Wellsburg, it has just been announced.
The bride is a graduate of Cecil high school and was ticket clerk in the
CALEFFE theatre. Her husband, a graduate of Bridgeville high, is manager of the Dormont A. & P. store.
[ Charles SHERDIAN to Mildred Nelson, 15 Jun 1939 ] Sherdian-Nelson_11-24-1939
* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Charles Lester SHEA to Ruth Hooper, 13 Jul 1928
Lloyd Logan SHEAFF to Izetta Stephenson, 19 Oct 1929
Ernest R. SHEAKLEY to Ellen Potts, 29 Sep 1926
Merle A. SHEAKLEY to Mamie C. Jamison, 22 Sep 1921
Michael Shearson to Miss Julianna Blancheon, Sat., June 18,
John Paul SHEDIO to Elvera Mae Reese, 5 Feb 1947
Charles SHERDIAN to Mildred Nelson, 15 Jun 1939
This page was added July 7, 2007 ; updated June 13, 2009 ; updated Sept. 19, 2009
; updated Oct. 3, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023