Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug.
6, 1943, page unknown:
Mrs. William JACKSON of East Lincoln avenue, McDonald, announces the marriage of her daughter, Nina June HOOVER of Akron, Ohio, to Calvin John
SCHNUTH, G.M. 3/c of the navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCHNUTH of R.D. 3, McDonald.
The wedding took place Saturday evening, July 31, 1943, in Follansbee, W.Va., the Rev. Howard RANK officiating. The bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles TENNYSON of McDonald were the only attendants. Mrs. SCHNUTH attended McDonald high school. Her husband, who attended Cecil high school, is home on a 15-day furlough.
[ Calvin John SCHNUTH to Nina June Hoover, 31 Jul 1943 ] schnuth_hoover_08-06-1943_ro
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From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 19 January 1915,
page unknown:
Miss Isabelle G. CLARK and Mr. Joseph SCHOFIELD were united in marriage on Thursday afternoon, December 24, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James CLARK, on R. D. 3 McDonald. The Rev. J. B. CAVITT performed the ceremony in the presence of about forty relatives and friends. Miss Margaret CLARK and Mr. Irvin CLARK, sister and brother of the bride were the attendants. The wedding march was rendered by Miss Ethel FLEMING of Pittsburgh. The house was beautifully decorated in the Christmas colors and pink and white. A sumptuous wedding dinner was served after which the young couple departed for their new home near Ashtabula, Ohio, where the groom is engaged in farming. Mr. SCHOFIELD is a brother of Mrs. W. C. SHANE of Battle Ridge and well known throughout South Fayette township where he taught school.
[ Joseph SCHOFIELD to Isabelle G. Clark, 24 Dec 1915 ] schofield_clark-01-19-1915-rec
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Charles SCHOLAERT to Mary Leveda Roberts, no date, in 7-9-1909 paper
* |
[sic*] = The newspaper used grammatically confusing
sentence. Ms. FERGUSON didn't sing "I Love You Truly," again, nor
did she follow a four course wedding dinner.
Better sentence: Immediately after congratulations were given, Miss
FERGUSON sang, "I Love You Truly," and then everyone gathered for a four course wedding dinner, the color scheme being carried out in
pink and white.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of June 29, 1918, page unknown:
[ SCHOLL is the Groom. ]
On Thursday evening, June 27, 1918, at 7 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Michael IMHOFF, occurred the wedding of Miss Eva Vivian [IMHOFF]
Mr. William Arthur SCHOLL, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. SCHOLL, of Altoona, Pa.
The impressive ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. D. IRONS, O. D., pastor
of the bride, before an embankment of ferns and white daisies. The bride was attired
in a beautiful gown of flesh-colored crepe-de-chene and silk lace, and carried
bride's roses.
Just preceding the ceremony, Miss Mayme FERGUSON sang, "O Promise Me," after which
followed Lohengrin's Wedding March, played by Miss Marie VALENTOUR.
Immediately after
congratulations were given, Miss FERGUSON again [sic*] sang, "I Love You Truly," and
then followed [sic*] a four course wedding dinner, the color scheme being carried out in
pink and white.
The bride is a very prominent young lady of McDonald, while the groom is a graduate
of Reneslaer [sic] College, Troy, N. Y., and has been in the employ of the Aetna Chemical Company, at the Oakdale, Pa., plant for the past three years.
Misses Pauline RUARK, Elizabeth YOUNG, Mary YOUNG, Helen THOMAS and Marjorie
IMHOFF were the aides.
The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. SCHOLL, parents of the groom,
Mrs. Frank HOTTEL of Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Belle SHAW, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Miss Mae JACOBS and Miss Helen ROCK, all of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. SCHOLL left for a two weeks tour or eastern points and will be at home
to their many friends at 136 North Fifth Street after July 10th.
[ William Arthur SCHOLL to Eva Vivian Imhoff, 17 Jun 1918 ]
scholl_imhoff_06-29-1918_outlook (AD)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Calvin John SCHNUTH to Nina June Hoover, 31 Jul 1943
Jospeh SCHOFIELD to Isabelle G. Clark, 24 Dec 1915
Charles SCHOLAERT to Mary Leveda Roberts, no date, in 7-9-1909 paper
William Arthur SCHOLL to *va Vivian Imhoff, 17 Jun 1918
This page was added July 7, 2007 ; updated Sept. 27, 2008 ; updated July 14, 2009
; updated Oct. 16, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023