Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S

From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Oct. 26, 1922, page unknown:
[ SAUTERS is the Groom. ]
One of the most interesting and elaborate weddings of the fall took place
Tuesday, October 24, 1922, at noon, when Miss Elizabeth UPDEGRAFF,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles UPDEGRAFF, and Mr. Richard Boyce
SAUTERS, son of Mrs. Laura B. SAUTERS of Martins Ferry, Ohio, were
married. The ceremony was performed in the home of the bride's parents by
the Rev. E. C. NESBIT of Springfield, Ohio, assisted by Dr. Charles R. WINGERD of The First Presbyterian of Martins Ferry, Ohio. The Rev. Mr.
NESBIT is a former pastor of the Martins Ferry Presbyterian church. At eleven-forty o'clock Miss Mildred WHITLEY sang "My Heart is Like A
Singing Bird," and "All For You." The bridal party entered the living room
at twelve o'clock to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin, played
by Mrs. James HAWTHORNE. The bride descended the stairs leaning on the arm of her father, by whom she was given in marriage. The ceremony took
place in the living room before an improvised altar of yellow chrysanthemums, autumn
leaves and ferns. The ring ceremony was used. The bride was charmingly gowned
in white chantilly lace. Her veil was of tulle and lace, caught by orange blossoms.
Her slippers were of brocaded white satin. She carried a large shower bouquet of
white roses and lilies of the valley. The only piece of jewelry she wore was a
diamond pin, the gift of the groom. Miss Margaret DIXON, the maid of honor,
was gowned in a pale orchid georgette crepe frock. Her flowers were Ophelia roses.
Miss Mildred WHITLEY, the bridesmaid, was gowned in yellow georgette crepe.
She carried a bouquet of Aaron Ward roses. Miss Betty Patricia RING, a cousin
of the bride, scattered rose petals in the path of the bridal party. She wore a white
organdie frock. Mr. Thomas SAUTERS, brother of the groom, acted as best man.
The ushers were Winston UPDEGRAFF and Charles UPDEGRAFF, Jr., brothers
of the bride, and Robert SAUTERS and John SAUTERS, brothers of the groom.
Following the ceremony an informal reception was held and a four-course lunch
was served. The bridal table was decorated with yellow roses and yellow candles.
The house was attractively decorated with huge baskets of yellow chrysanthemums
and autumn leaves. The lunch was served under the direction of Mrs. Andree of
Kirkwood. One hundred guests were present. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
SAUTERS left on an extended automobile trip through the East. They will be at
home to their friends after November fifteenth in their newly furnished apartment,
841 1/2 Hanover street, Martins Ferry. The bride's traveling suit was a fall model
of navy blue velvette trimmed with caricul. A chic hat of gray duvetyn and gray
slippers completed her costume.
The bride was graduated from the Martins Ferry high school with the class of
1918, and also attended the Ohio university. Mr. SAUTERS is a graduate of Blair
academy of New Jersey. He is connected with the SAUTERS Coal company. -
[from the] Daily Times, Martins Ferry, Ohio.
Mr. SAUTERS was born in McDonald. He is the son of the late Thomas E.
SAUTERS, and a grandson of J. D. SAUTERS.
[ Richard Boyce SAUTERS to Elizabeth Updegraff, no date, in 10-26-1922
paper ] sauters_updegraff_10-27-1922_record (DG)
Also typed by (CR-K)
* |
From The McDonald, PA Outlook
newspaper of 22 October 1892, page unknown:
On the 18th. inst., at the home of the bride's parents at Newark, O., Mr. William SAUTERS, son of J. D. SAUTERS, and Miss Mary
The groom is well known here, being in the coal business with his father. After
a short bridal tour the young couple will return to McDonald and live in the
residence on Station street lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. SAUTERS who
have moved to the East End, Pittsburg.
[ William SAUTERS to Mary Sook, 18 Oct 1892 ]
sauters_sook-10-22-1892-out (S)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 25, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Amy Lenore OWENS and Mr. John Paul SAVAGE were united in marriage on Thursday, November 17, 1938, at Cumberland, Md.
The bride is a nurse at the Allegheny County hospital, Woodville, and formerly of
Oakdale. Mr. SAVAGE is assistant night supervisor in the male mental department, Woodville. He is from Heidelberg.
[ John Paul SAVAGE to Amy Lenore Owens, 17 Nov 1938 ]
savage_owens_11-25-1938_ro (CT-L)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of May 23, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Flora Ione HORMEL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. HORMEL of R. D. 1, Oakdale, and Wallace
SAVILLE, son of Mr. and Mrs. William SAVILLE of Federal, were united in marriage at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 16, 1947, in the Federal Methodist church. The Rev. John R. RICHARDSON performed the double ring ceremony before an emankment {sic} of ferns and palms.
The bride wore a poudre blue suit with navy accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds. The bridesmaid, Miss Euphemia BIERMAN of Federal, wore a pink suit with matching accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Paul
CZAMBEL, Jr., of Federal served as bestman and William SAVILLE, Jr., brother of the bridegroom and Herbert HORMEL, brother of the bride, were ushers. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Peter A. HORMEL, aunt of the bride.
Following the ceremony, a reception for over 100 guests was held in the home of the bride's parents. A
thre-tiered [sic] wedding cake topped with a minature [sic] bride and groom formed the table centerpiece. The young couple received many gifts. They left that evening for a week's trip to West Virginia, Ohio, and Washington, D.C.
The bride, a 1944 graduate of the Oakdale high school, has been employed by the U.S. Steel Co., Pittsburgh. The bridegroom attended
CONNLEY Trade school, Sheraden, prior to entering the navy where he served nearly three years with overseas duty in the Pacific area. He received his discharge May 23, 1946. He graduated from Westinghouse high school and is employed at the
Alis-Chalmers Co., Pittsburgh.
They will reside for the present with the bride's parents in R. D. 1, Oakdale.
[ Wallace SAVILLE to Flora Ione Hormel, 16 May 1947 ]
saville_hormel_05-23-1947_ro Parts 1&2 (CT-L)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
This page includes: Richard Boyce SAUTERS to Elizabeth Updegraff, no date, in 10-26-1922 paper
William SAUTERS to Mary Sook, 18 Oct 1892
John Paul SAVAGE to Amy Lenore Owens, 17 Nov 1938
Wallace SAVILLE to Flora Ione Hormel, 16 May 1947
This page was added July 7, 2007 ; updated Sept. 27, 2008 ; updated Sept. 10, 2009
; updated Sept. 16, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023