Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Edward H. SAMMONS to Alla Lawrence, no date, in 5-11-1898 paper
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
James T. SAMPLE to Mrs. E. E. Kaufman, no date, in 4-17-1897 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Dec. 21, 1934,
page unknown:
Miss Martha BENARD, daughter of Mrs. Julia BENARD of Barr street and the late Alexander
BENARD, Sr., and John L. SANDERS of Kelly Field, Texas, were united in marriage at 11:45 o'clock Monday morning, December 17, 1934, by Justice of the Peace Richard E. LLOYD in the City-County building, Pittsburgh.
[ John L. SANDERS to Martha Benard, 17 Dec 1934 ] sanders_benard_12-21-1934
(S) Also typed by (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 20,
1924 page unknown:
[ SANDS is the Groom. ]
A pretty wedding took place at nine o'clock Tuesday morning, June 17, 1924, in St. Patrick's church, Noblestown, when Miss Anna Goldy
KENSINGER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. KENSINGER of Center avenue, Oakdale, became the bride of Mr. Clarence J. SANDS of St. Louis, Mo., before a nuptial mass sung by the Rev. Fr. D. J. COX. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a beaded gown of white georgette crepe, and a white picture hat trimmed in orange blossoms, and carried an arm bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley and tied with white ribbon. She also wore the wedding gift from the groom, a string of pearls. Miss Coletta KENSINGER was her sister's
bridesmaid. She was gowned in canary georgette crepe and wore a black lace hat and black scarf and carried an arm bouquet of yellow
roses. James KENSINGER, brother of the bride, was Mr. Sand's best man. Mrs. KENSINGER, the bride's mother, was gowned in black beaded crepe. The bridal couple entered the church and marched to the altar to the strains of Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus," played by Mrs.
Sherman BRAUN of McDonald. During the ceremony Mrs. BRAUN sang the "Ave Maria." The bride's gift to the bridesmaid was a diamond
ring, and the bridegroom's gift to the best man was a Third Degree Knights of Columbus ring. A wedding breakfast and reception at the home
of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. The guest list numbered twenty-eight. Covers were laid for twelve at the bride's table. A large
wedding cake, yellow and white roses and yellow candles formed the centerpiece on the bride's table. Mr. and Mrs. SANDS left the same evening for Columbus, Ohio, and from there to Cleveland, from whence they will go by boat to Detroit,
Mich., and other points of interest. After
July 1st they will bb at home in Dormont. The bride traveled in a tan striped traveling suit with a fawn hat and fawn scarf. The bride was a graduate of Oakdale high school, class of 1913. Mr. SANDS is a graduate of the Christian Brothers College of St. Louis, Mo. He is employed
in the statistical department of the Pennsylvania System. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. William G. KENSINGER and Miss Florence
KENSINGER of Monongahela, Mr. IHRIG and daughter Miss Margaret of Dormont, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SANDS of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
KENSINGER of Carnegie and Miss MEYERS of Crafton.
[ Clarence J. SANDS to Anna Goldy Kensinger, 17 Jun 1924 ]
sands_kensinger_06-20-1924 Parts 1&2 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook of Jan. 29,
1920 [wedding in 1919], page unknown:
Miss Margaret LaROSS of McDonald [Pa] and Mr. Leonard Mark
SANDSTON were married in Christ church, New Zealand on Christmas
day. Miss LaROSS sailed for New Zealand on Armistice Day,
November 11, 1919 and arrived there December 2.
[ Mr. Leonard Mark SANDSTON and Margaret LaROSS, Dec. 25, 1919
sandston_la-ross_1-29-1920-outlook_d.jpg (Florian)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April
2, 1937, page unknown:
Before an altar decorated with ferns and palms, Miss Mary DARABOS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter DARABOS of Oakdale, became the bride of Albert Merle SAPPIE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. SAPPIE of McDonald. The ring ceremony was performed at 7:30 o'clock Monday
evening March 29, 1937, in the First Presbyterian church, Oakdale, the Rev. Carl H. WHITE officiating. The bride was attired in a white satin gown with train and coronet. She carried a bouquet of calla lilies. Miss Edith DARABOS, sister of the bride,
was a bridesmaid. She was attired in a peach lace gown and carried a bouquet of roses. Mr. John PLENTINCKS, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, was bestman. Mr. Harry
CHARLIER of Coraopolis and Mr. Peter DARABOS of Oakdale were the ushers. Mrs. George HOFFMAN of Oakdale played the wedding music. Mr. Harry MASQUELIER, an uncle of the bridegroom, sang "O Promise Me." A reception followed in the home of the bride's parents. Fifty were present. The young couple left for a
honeymoon trip to New York. After April 15 they will be at home to their friends in North street, McDonald. The bride is a graduate of Oakdale high school. Mr. SAPPIE is in the grocery business in Valley street with his father.
[ Albert Merle SAPPIE to Mary Darabos, 29 Mar 1937 ] sappie_darabos_04-02-1937
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 28, 1940,
page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Redythe Norene FRYE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawrence FRYE of Bentleyville, and Chalfant Robb
SAPPIE, son of the Rev. Paul SAPPIE of Beallsville and the late Ella Robb
SAPPIE, was solemnized at 4 o'clock Saturday, June 22, 1940. The wedding took place in the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Walter WILSON in Mt. Lebanon. The Rev. Paul
SAPPIE, father of the bridegroom, officiated. The ceremony was read in front of an altar of palms,
cibotiums, and ferns. Stanley A. WENGERT of Ellsworth, brother-in-law of the bride, presided at the organ. The bride wore a chalk white wedding gown of moss crepe expressing sculptural simplicity. A cowl formed an unusual headdress. A bouquet of gardenias accentuated the style of the gown. An heirloom necklace of seed pearls set in gold was worn by the bride. Mrs. Henry NEILL of Indiana, as matron of honor, wore a delicate pink crepe with a headdress of the same material and carried a bouquet of garden flowers. The bride's mother wore a blue and white sheer with her shoulder
decorated with Johanna Hill roses. Theodor H. SAPPIE of Sheraden, the bridegroom's cousin, was
bestman. After the reception in the WILSON home, Mr. and Mrs. SAPPIE left for an Eastern wedding trip.
[ Chalfant Robb SAPPIE to Redythe Norene Frye, 22 Jun 1940 ]
sappie_frye_06-28-1940_ro (SF)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Edward H. SAMMONS to Alla Lawrence, no date, in 5-11-1898 paper
James T. SAMPLE to Mrs. E. E. Kaufman, no date, in 4-17-1897 paper
John L. SANDERS to Martha Benard, 17 Dec 1934
Clarence J. SANDS to Anna Goldy Kensinger, 17 Jun 1924
Albert Merle SAPPIE to Mary Darabos, 29 Mar 1937
Chalfant Robb SAPPIE to Redythe Norene Frye, 22 Jun 1940
This page was added July 7, 2007 ; updated June 21, 2009 ; updated July 13, 2009
; updated Aug. 26, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023