Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
April 28, 1917, page unknown:
Bulger was the scene of two weddings Tuesday morning, both occuring
[sic=occurring] in the St. Ann's Catholic church, and they made three
weddings in the new church. The third was that of Miss [Marie?]
Penderville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John PENDERVILLE, and Mr. ___ SABO. The happy
couple left for a trip to St. Louis. They will be at home to their friends, in Bulger, after they return. Only the immediate
friends of the two families were in attendance at the wedding.
[ Mr. __ SABO to *arie Penderville, no date, in 4-28-1917 paper ]
sabo_penderville_04-28-1917 (AD)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Isadore SACHEY to A. Thomas, no date, in 11-17-1894 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook of March
9, 1901, page unknown:
SAIX-WILSON -- On the 7th inst., at the home of the bride, by Rev. Dr. IRONS, Mr. John SAIX and Miss Ellen WILSON.
[ John SAIX to Ellen Wilson, 7 Mar 1901 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 23, 1934, page unknown:
Miss Marie Cecelia ROWAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. ROWAN, and Dr. L. John SALANSKY, son of
Mrs. L. John SALANSKY and the late Mr. SALANSKY of McDonald, were united in married
[sic] at 11 o'clock Saturday, November 17, 1934, in the Dahlgren chapel of Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John J. McCAHILL, uncle of the bride and pastor of Our Lady of Assumption church, Pelham Bay Park, N.Y. As the guests were assembling, Mr. William TAYLOR played several selections on the organ and Miss Mary Katherine DONOVAN, classmate of the bride, sang. The altar was banked with palms and chrysanthemums.
Miss Agnes C. ROWAN, sister of the bride, acted as her maid of honor, wearing a copperleaf colon
[sic] velvet gown, designed on princess lines, with a Grecian neckline, a slight train and a large bow at the waistline in the back. She wore a turban to match and carried a bouquet of copperleaf chrysanthemums. Miss Dorothy L'ALLEMAND of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Miss Anna HEATH of Washington,
D. C., wore gowns of the same design as that of the maid of honor, but made up in a shade of Dryad green. They carried rust chrysanthemums.
The best man was the brother of the bridegroom, Mr. Andrew W. SALANSKY of McDonald, and the ushers included Mr. William J. ROWAN, Jr., brother of the bride, and Mr. Myle McCAHILL, their cousin.
Mrs. ROWAN, the mother of the bride, wore a black velvet dress trimmed in rhinestones and a black velvet hat to match. following the ceremony a breakfast was held at the Kennedy-Warren for 50 guests, after which Mr. and Mrs. SALANSKY left on a trip, the latter wearing a green ensemble trimmed in fox and brown accessories. Upon their return they will make their home at 5047 Conduit road, northwest, Washington, D.C.
Dr. SALANSKY is a graduate of Duquesne University and received his medical training at Georgetown University, class of 1931. Mrs. SALANSKY is a graduate of Holy Trinity school.
[ L. John SALANSKY to Marie Cecelia Rowan, 17 Nov 1934 ] salansky_rowan_11-23-1934_ro
(DG) Also typed by (S).
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 3, 1934, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank LENORE of Midway announce the marriage of their daughter Miss Lola
[LENORE] to Paul SALMON, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. SALMON of Midway. The ceremony was performed by Justice of the Peace Victor
SC___ of Sturgeon at 10:30 o'cock [sic= o'clock] S__ [sic=Sunday] morning, July 28, 1934.
The couple will reside in Midway.
[ Paul SALMON to Lola Lenore, 28 Jul 1934 ]
salmon_lenore_08-03-1934_ro (AD)
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Mr. __ SABO to *arie Penderville, no date, in 4-28-1917 paper
Isadore SACHEY to A. Thomas, no date, in 11-17-1894 paper
John SAIX to Ellen Wilson, 7 Mar 1901
L. John SALANSKY to Marie Cecelia Rowan, 17 Nov 1934
Paul SALMON to Lola Lenore, 28 Jul 1934
This page was added July 7, 2007 ; updated Sept. 24, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023