Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Margaret Deichler JOHNSON of East Lincoln avenue and Holland S. RUSSELL of Rennerdale were united in marriage July 3, 1936, in Cumberland, Md., by the Rev.
The bride is a life-long resident of McDonald. The bridegroom is employed in the
Montour railroad offices in Pittsburgh.
[ Holland S. RUSSELL to Margaret Deichler Johnson, 3 Jul 1936 ] russell_johnson_07-10-1936
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of March 5, 1943, page unknown: RUSSELL - LOGAN
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. RUSSELL announce the marriage of their son, Pvt. James V. RUSSELL, stationed at Special Troops armory,
Philadelphia, to Miss Jean A. LOGAN of Perrysville which took place at 2:00 o'clock Saturday, February 27, 1943, in the
residence of the Rev. Alexander K. SMITH, D.D., Philadelphia, Pa.
The bride wore a dress of soldier blue with accessories to match. Her corsage was of white orchids. The bridesmaid,
Miss Betty E. CLARK of Philadelphia, wore a navy blue suit with matching accessories. Her corsage was of red roses.
First Sgt. Grady A. KENNEDY of North Carolina, also stationed at the Special Troop armory in Philadelphia, served as bestman.
The bride will continue to reside at her home in Perryville.
[ James V. RUSSELL to Jean A. Logan, 27 Feb 1943 ] russell-james__logan_03-05-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of July 15, 1921, page unknown:
[ RUSSELL is the Groom. ]
Mr. John RUSSELL and Miss Lillian BARNES were united in marriage on Saturday, July 2, 1921, at Weirton, W.Va., by the Rev. Homer McMULLEN, pastor of the United Presbyterian church of Weirton. They will go to housekeeping in Weirton. The newly married couple spent the Fourth with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James RUSSELL, in Valley street, to whom the marriage of their eldest son came as a surprise. The bride is a sister of Lee
BARNES, the justice of the peace at Cecil, this county. She lived with her mother at Weirton until her marriage. John RUSSELL is well known in McDonald, where he has spent the greater part of his life. He is a plasterer by trade, has been industrious and thrifty, and is well able to provide a good home for the wife of his choice.
[ John RUSSELL to Lillian Barnes, 2 Jul 1921 ] russell_barnes_07-15-1921
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record of 11 Sep 1914, page unknown:
****Invitations sent out****
Mr. and Mrs. John T. SCOTT of near Venice have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter Anna Mary to Mr. Johnston Miller RUSSELL, on Thursday, September 24, 1914.
[Johnston Miller RUSSELL to Anna Mary Scott, 24 Sep 1914]
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* See third article below
From the McDonald, PA Record of 25 Sep 1914, page unknown:
On Thursday evening, September, 24 at five o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. SCOTT on R. D. 2 Canonsburg, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Anna Mary SCOTT, to Mr. Johnston Miller RUSSELL of near Hickory. The Rev. J. P. JORDAN, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of McDonald, officiated.
[Johnston Miller RUSSELL to Anna Mary Scott, 24 Sep 1914]
russell_scott_9-25-1914-rec (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record of 2 Oct 1914, page
The wedding of Miss Anna Mary SCOTT and Johnston Miller RUSSELL took place Thursday evening, September 24, at five o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. SCOTT, of near Hickory. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. P. JORDAN of McDonald, assisted by the Rev. Charles STUNKARD of Hickory, pastor of the groom, in the presence of about thirty relatives and friends. The bride wore a gown of white silk, trimmed with lace, and carried a bridal bouquet of white roses. Her attendant, Miss Bessie HERRON of Pittsburgh, was gowned in pink silk and carried pink roses. The groom was attended by Oliver ROBINSON of Hickory. Alverda SCOTT, little sister of the bride, was flower girl. Miss Helen HUFNAGLE presided at the piano and played the wedding march. After congratulations and social
greetings a three-course wedding dinner was served. The bridal party left by automobile that evening for Pittsburgh, where they took the train for an Eastern wedding trip. On their return Mr. and Mrs. RUSSELL will go to housekeeping near Hickory.
[Johnston Miller RUSSELL to Anna Mary Scott, 24 Sep 1914]
russell_scott_10-2-1914-rec (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper
of June 18, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Mary Alice HOOKEY of Mt. Washington, Pittsburgh, and Joseph RUSSELL of McDonald were united in marriage Wednesday
evening, June 16, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock in the parish house of St. Mary's church, Mt. Washington, the Rev. Thomas R.
REA officiating. Benjamin BISH of McDonald and Edna LAND were the attendants. The bride was attired in white and
carried yellow roses, and the bridesmaid wore pink and carried pink roses. A wedding dinner in the home of the
bride's parents followed the ceremony, the guests being limited to members of both families. The young couple
left by automobile for Atlantic City. On their return they will be at home at 209 Valley street. The bridegroom is
employed at Moretti's in Barr street.
[ Joseph RUSSELL to Mary Alice Hookey, 16 Jun 1937 ] russell-joseph__hookey_06-18-1937
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
L. A. RUSSELL to Mattie Kelso, 25 Oct 1893
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Holland S. RUSSELL to Margaret Deichler Johnson, 3 Jul 1936
James V. RUSSELL to Jean A. Logan, 27 Feb 1943
John RUSSELL to Lillian Barnes, 2 Jul 1921
Johnston Miller RUSSELL to Anna Mary Scott, 24 Sep 1914
Joseph RUSSELL to Mary Alice Hookey, 16 Jun 1937
L. A. RUSSELL to Mattie Kelso, 25 Oct 1893
This page was added July 20, 2007 ; updated June 21, 2009 ; updated Aug. 3, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023