Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 13,
1929, page unknown:
[ RUNGER is the Groom. ]
Miss Charlotte Elizabeth COCHRAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. COCHRAN, and Mr. Nelson RUNGER of Mt. Lebanon were united in marriage on Saturday evening, June 8, at 4:45 o'clock, in the Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr.
McCOWAN, pastor of that church, performed the ceremony. Miss Evelyn RUNGER, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and J. MELLON of Pittsburgh was best man. Mr. RUNGER is employed in the office of the Bell Telephone company at Pittsburgh. Mrs. RUNGER is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1924. After June 23, they will be at home to their friends in Crafton Heights.
[ Nelson RUNGER to Charlotte Elizabeth Cochran, 8 Jun 1929 ]
runger_cochran_06-13-1929 (LN)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of March 25, 1921, page unknown:
[ RUNION is the Groom. ]
Miss Edna M. SMITH and Mr. Charles P. RUNION, both of Oakdale, were united in marriage in the Methodist Episcopal church of McDonald by the pastor, the Rev. J. H. DEBOLT, on Wednesday evening, March 23, 1921, at seven o'clock. A large wedding supper held in Oakdale followed the ceremony. The young couple will go to housekeeping in Oakdale.
[ Charles P. RUNION to Edna M. Smith, 23 Mar 1921 ]
runion_smith_03-25-1921 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan.
29, 1937, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. PATNESKY of Southview announce the marriage of their daughter, Betty PATNESKY, to Joseph RUPAR of Southview, which took place Monday morning, January 18, 1937, in St. Mary's church at Cecil.
[ Joseph RUPAR to Betty Patnesky, 18 Jan 1937 ] rupar_patnesky_01-29-1937 (LN)
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* Researchers should check to make sure the marriage took
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of March
9, 1901:
John RURICKI..... McDonald
Mary BURN......... McDonald
[ John RURICKI and Mary BURN marriage license only 1901 ] (S)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Nelson RUNGER to Charlotte Elizabeth Cochran, 8 Jun 1929
Charles P. RUNION to Edna M. Smith, 23 Mar 1921
Joseph RUPAR to Betty Patnesky, 18 Jan 1937
John RURICKI and Mary BURN marriage license only 1901
This page was added July 20, 2007 ; June 10, 2008 ;
updated June 21, 2009 ; updated Sept. 13, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023