Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Feb. 17, 1911, page unknown:
Married at the residence of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. W. D.
IRONS, D. D., Monday, February 13, Mr. Joseph ROUSE and Miss Sarah
BENNETT, both of Primrose [Pa].
[ Joseph ROUSE and Miss Sarah BENNETT, Monday, February 13, 1911 ]
rouse_bennett_2-17-1911-record (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of March 6, 1897, page unknown:
Gustave ROUSSELL and Marie CONSTRAUT, Cecil.
[ Gustave ROUSSELL to Marie Constraut, no date, in 3-6-1897 paper ] rousell_constraut_03-06-1897_out
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 22, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Cleophus DOYLE, a teacher in the North Fayette high school, and Mr. Charles ROWE of Crafton were united in marriage Saturday,
October 19, 1940, in St. Paul's cathedral, Pittsburgh. They are residing in Crafton.
[ Charles ROWE to Cleophus Doyle, 19 Oct 1940 ] rowe_doyle_11-22-1940_ro (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
July 5, 1923, page unknown:
[ ROY is the Groom. ]
Miss Norma E. A. ROBERTS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ROBERTS of Roosevelt avenue, and Ralph A. ROY of Noblestown were quietly married at two o'clock Wednesday
afternon [sic], June 27, 1923, at the manse of the French United Presbyterian church. The Rev. Alexandre MAGE officiated. The bride, who was unattended, wore a blue traveling suit, with a sand-colored hat, gloves and shoes. Mr. and Mrs. ROY left immediately after the ceremony for an auto trip to Johnstown, Altoona, Gettysburg, Philadelphia and other places of interest. Upon their return home they will reside in Noblestown, where Mr. ROY is employed by the Fayette Coal company. Mrs. ROY is a graduate of the McDonald high school, class of 1920. She taught the past term in the Sturgeon school.
[ Ralph A. ROY to Norma E. A. Roberts, 27 Jun 1923 ]
roy_roberts_07-05-1923 (LN)
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article uses the names RONAC, ROZANC, and ROZANAC. Dawn Temple
from the Fayette Co PA Yahoo list did some look-ups to verify the name
as ROZANC. Thank-you, Dawn.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 6, 1947, page unknown:
[ Note: ROZANC ]
On Saturday, May, 24, in the St. Paul Lutheran church, Cumberland, Md., Miss Marie BAHANA of Bishop, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew BAHANA of Charleroi, became the bride of John Charles
ROZANC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ROZANC, Sr.,
of Bishop, Rev. H. L. ROUNSOX, pastor of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. ROZANAC, Sr., parents of the bridegroom, and the bride's uncle, Hayden
BAHANA, witnessed the ceremony.
Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at Anton's Hotel for the wedding party. Later the couple
left for an eastern honeymoon which included Washington, D. C., and other points of interest. They will reside
with the bridegroom's parents.
The bridegroom is employed as tax collector of Cecil township and is also proprietor of the Gulf Service station at Bishop.
[ John Charles ROZANC to Marie Bahana, 24 May 1947 ]
rozanc_bahana_06-06-1947_ro (CT-L)
From Dawn Temple's look-ups:
There is a John C Rozanc, born in 1916, in the WWII Army Enlistment Records. He lived in Washington, PA and enlisted on 27 May, 1942. He is listed as a semi skilled miner, single, with no dependents. I think this may be the Jr. you are searching for.
In The Daily Courier is an article that says a William A. Rozanc of Millsboro entered the army.
In The Charleroi Mail, Jan 14, 1957 is an obituary for Andy Behanna. One of his daughters was Mrs. John (Marie) Rozanc of McDonald.
The Intelligencer of Doylestown, Feb 20, 1998 might provide the most clues. It is an Associated Press article from Cecil, Pa. It says for the second time in 8 months, Marie Rozanc, 82, and her 50 year old son, John, were injured in an accident on the same stretch of road. It says on June 13 they were traveling along the Muse-Bishop Road in Ceil Twp., Washington Co. when they were hit by a truck. Rozanc was a mail carrier. They were severely injured. His mother was in the hospital for three months. Then two weeks before the date of the article, he bought a new car to replace the one that was destroyed in the accident. He picked up his mother to take her grocery shopping. A junked truck flew off a tow truck and hit his new car. Once again they were both injured.
The Valley Independent mentions the family of John Rozanc going on vacation.
Obituary for Marie A. Rozanc (posted on GenealogyBuff
- outside web site -- no source information given)
Democratic committeewoman in Cecil
Marie A. Rozanc, 83, of Bishop, died Thursday, November 12, 1998, in Allegheny University Hospitals-Canonsburg. She was born September 27, 1915, in Victory Hill, a daughter of Andrew and Margaret Terle Behanna. Mrs. Rozanc was the proprietor of Rozanc Service Station in Bishop until 1981. She had served as a Democratic committeewoman in Cecil Precinct 4 for many years. She was a member of Cecil American Legion Auxiliary Post 793 and St. Anthony Church in Bridgeville. Her husband, John C. Rozanc, died November 30 1993. Surviving are three sons, James A. Rozanc of Kissimmee, Fla., John J. Rozanc of Canonsburg and David E. Rozanc of Bishop; 10 grandchildren, James J. Rozanc, Marnie L. Rogers, John P., Christopher R., Scott P, Sheila M. and Sherri L. Rozanc, Jared Taylor, and Dustin D. and Chelsea E. Rozanc; eight great-grandchildren; three sisters, Janet Lemley of Washington, Virginia Lewis of Belle Vernon and Clara Hallam of Bentleyville; and two brothers, Grover Behanna of Monongahela and Samuel Behanna of Melbourne, Fla. Deceased are five sisters, Florence Hall, Margaret Evans, Mary Ruth Fernandez, Emmline Johnson, and Vera Rose; and a brother, Andrew
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 17, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Mary I. TOZSER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis TOZSER of Westland and John L. ROZANC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony ROZANC of Moninger, were
united in marriage at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, December 4, 1943, in the Westland U.P. church by the pastor the Rev. Joseph HOPKINS.
The wedding music was played by Miss Delia COLWES of Hickory, who rendered
a medley of wedding melodies preceding the exchange of vows.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of eggshell satin of
princess mode with sweetheart neckline, fashioned with full court train. Her
long veil cascaded from a coronet trimmed with orange blossoms. She carried
a bouquet of white roses.
The maid of honor, Miss Rose URANYAS, cousin of the bride, chose pale blue
taffeta with contrasting velvet trim. She carried pink roses. Miss Betty
KOVACH of Pittsburgh and Miss Irene ROZANC, sister of the bridegroom, wore
aqua and fuchsia taffeta frocks respectively. They each carried an arm bouquet of roses. Each attendant wore a maline headdress with short veil.
Mrs. TOZSER, mother of the bride, wore navy blue and Mrs. ROZANC, mother
of the bridegroom, wore gold. Each wore a corsage of white roses.
John C. ROZANC of Bishop served as his cousin's bestman and the ushers were
Joseph FIEDOREK of Oakdale and Eugue RUTTLE of Brightwood.
Supplementing the ceremony a reception and dinner were held in the Westland
Community house with covers laid for 100 guests including out-of-town friends
from Pittsburgh, McKees Rocks, Finleyville, Hickory, and Hollidays Cove,
W.Va. Dancing was later enjoyed.
After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. ROZANC will reside on Library road.
Mrs. ROZANC is a 1940 graduate of the Hickory Vocational high school and is a
member of the office personnel of the Pittsburgh Coal Co. at Westland. Mr.
ROZANC graduated from Cecil township high school and received a degree in
mining engineering at Pennsylvania State college. He is employed in that
capacity by the Pittsburgh Coal Co.
John L. ROZANC to Mary I. Tozer, 4 Dec 1943 ]
rozanc_tozser_12-17-1943_ro (SF)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Joseph ROUSE and Miss Sarah BENNETT, Monday, February 13, 1911
Gustave ROUSSELL to Marie Constraut, no date, in 3-6-1897 paper
Charles ROWE to Cleophus Doyle, 19 Oct 1940
Ralph A. ROY to Norma E. A. Roberts, 27 Jun 1923
John Charles ROZANC to Marie Bahana, 24 May 1947
John L. ROZANC to Mary I. Tozer, 4 Dec 1943
This page was added July 20, 2007 ; updated Sept. 9, 2009 ; updated Sept 24, 2009
; updated Oct. 26, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023