Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June
16, 1944, page unknown:
Miss Mildred FISHER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond FISHER of Youngstown,
Ohio, and Lt. Max. H. ROSECRANS, U.S.M.C.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ROSECRANS of 201 Roosevelt avenue, McDonald, were united in marriage at
6:45 p.m. Thursday, June 1, 1944, in the Centenary Methodist church, New
Bern, N.C.
The bride, given in marriage by Lt. William O. SMILEY, wore a botany blue
dressmaker's suit with white accessories and carried a nosegay of white and talisman roses. Her only attendant, Mrs. William O. SMILEY of Beardstown,
Ill., wore a white Jersey dress with blue accessories and carried a nosegay of sweetpeas and babies' breath. Lt.
M.C. HALL of Ada, Okla., served as bestman.
The young couple reside at 502 Phems avenue, New Bern, N.C.
[ Max H. ROSECRANS to Mildred Fisher, 1 Jun 1944 ]
* |

NOTE: A third article appeared rosen_levison1-28-1927-record-2 but is word-for-word the same.
The collector, Sandy, must have known the doctor's
middle name was Josiah. This name does not appear in either of the
2 articles.
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Jan. 18, 1927:
Weddings of the Week
[ ROSEN is the groom.]
Miss Belle Besse LEVISON and Dr. Samuel ROSEN of
Pittsburgh were united in marriage on Sunday, January 16, 1927, at six
o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis LEVISON,
in Darlington road, Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh. The ceremony was
performed before an embankment of palms and ferns, with Rabbi ROSE
officiating. The bride wore a gown of white satin gorgeously
trimmed in pearls and rose point lace with veil in cap shape held with a
band of lilies of the valley, and carried a shower of pink sweetheart
roses. Her sister, Miss Dorthothe LEVISON, as bridesmaid, was
attired in flesh georgette with arm bouquet to match. Dr. SHAPIRO,
fiance of Miss Dorthothe LEVISON, was Dr. ROSEN's best man. Miss
Vera LEVISON of McDonald [Pa], niece of the bride, played the wedding
music from Lohengrin and Mendelssohn. A wedding dinner
supplemented the ceremony, with covers for six at the bride's table, the
centerpiece of which was white roses. Dr. and Mrs. Rosen left for
a wedding trip in the East and after February 1st will be at home to
their many friends at 5529 Darlington road, Pittsburgh. Miss
LEVISON is well known in McDonald [Pa], having resided here until a few
years ago, when she moved to Pittsburgh.
[ Dr. Samuel Josiah ROSEN to Belle Besse Levison, Sun., 16 Jan 1927 ]
* See second article below
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Jan.
20, 1927:
[ ROSEN is the groom.]
On Sunday, January 16th at six o'clock in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis LEVISON of Darlington Road, Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, occurred the marriage of Miss Belle Besse LEVISON and Dr. Samuel Josiah ROSEN, also of Pittsburgh. The ceremony was performed before an embankment of palms and ferns, with Rabbi ROSE officiating. The bride wore a gown of white satin georgeously
[sic=gorgeously] trimmed in pearls and rose point lace, with veil in cap shape and held with a band of lilies of the valley and carried a shower of pink sweetheart roses. Her sister, Miss Dorothy
LEVISON, as maid of honor was attired in flesh georgette, with an arm bouquet to match. Dr. SHAPIRO, finance of Miss Dorothy
LEVISON, was Dr. ROSEN's best man. Miss Vera LEVISON of McDonald, niece of the bride, played the wedding music from Lohengrin and
A wedding dinner supplemented the ceremony with covers for six at the bride's table, the centerpiece for which was white roses. Dr. and Mrs. ROSEN left for a wedding trip in the East and after February 1st will be at home to their many friends at 5529 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh, Pa.
[ Dr. Samuel Josiah ROSEN to Belle Besse Levison, Sun., 16 Jan 1927 ]
rosen_levison_01-20-1927 (CT-L)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper
of July 6, 1918, page unknown:
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Greer McIlvain KERR of Candor announce the marriage of their daughter, Martha McIlvain, to Nesbit E. ROSS of Carnegie. The marriage was solemnized Saturday afternoon at the home of the bride, Dr. KERR officiating, assisted by Rev. Van Eman STEVENSON, an uncle of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. ROSS will make their home in Washington avenue, Carnegie.
[ Nesbit E. ROSS to Martha McIlvain Kerr, no date, in 7-6-1918 paper
] ross_kerr_07-06-1918_outlook (WD)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 22, 1937, page unknown:
Using the single ring ceremony, Miss Veda CUMMINS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reed R. CUMMINS of R.D. 1, McDonald, became the bride of James
ROSSELL of Canonsburg. The ceremony took place at the manse of the officiating minister, the Rev. John D. GIBSON, in Greenville, on
Saturday, October 23, 1937, at noon. The bride, dressed in a blue suit with thrush
accessories, wore a shoulder corsage of red roses.
Her attendant was Miss Lois CALDWELL of Hickory, who was dressed in red with black accessories and wore a shoulder corsage of red roses
and baby chrysanthemums. Mr. Lloyd ROSSELL was his brother's attendant. Following the ceremony a four-course dinner was served at the Riverview
Hotel in Greenville. After her graduation from the California State Teachers' college, Mrs. ROSSELL has been a successful
teacher in the Midway public schools and popular in society circles. She is a member of the McDonald Junior Woman's club. Upon their return from
a week's wedding trip to New York, Mr. and Mrs. ROSSELL will reside in Hawthorne street in Canonsburg. Those witnessing the ceremony were
Mr. and Mrs. Reed R. CUMMINS, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. I. W. ROSSELL, parents of the bridegroom, Canonsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
ROSSELL, also of Canonsburg; Miss Lois CALDWELL, Hickory, and Mrs. John GIBSON and daughter, Miss Jean Gibson, of Greenville.
[ James ROSSELL to Veda Cummins, 23 Oct 1937 ]
rossell_cummins_10-22-1937 (SF)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of July 5, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Edith Mae GOBLIC, formerly of McDonald, and Joseph ROTELLINI of Carnegie were united in marriage at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 29, 1946, in the Holy Souls church, Carnegie. The Rev. Fr. Ercole DOMINICIS performed the double ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, John GOBLIC, wore a white sheer gown with long train and a fingertip veil. She carried white calla lilies, snapdragon, and babies'-breath. Miss Ruth Ann TARKARSKY, friend of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a yellow marquisette gown, sweetheart hat, and white nylon gloves and carried a colonial bouquet with green and yellow streamers. Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Ann GOBLIC, sister of the bride, who wore a yellow net gown with sweetheart crown, and carried a colonial bouquet, Miss Rose ROTELLINI, sister of the bridegroom, who wore a white gown with satin top and net bottom, an aqua hat, and carried a colonial bouquet with aqua streamers, Miss Della CHOLA of Ellwood City, cousin of the bride, who wore a pink gown with satin top and net bottom, a pink sweetheart hat, and carried a colonial bouquet with pink and blue streamers, Miss Pam SINCILINE of Sturgeon, cousin of the bride, who wore an aqua gown with matching hat, and carried a colonial bouquet, Miss Yolanda LONARA of Cleveland, cousin of the bridegroom, who wore a white net gown with blue hat and carried a colonial bouquet with pink and blue streamers, and Miss Helen LEWIS of Bridgeville, friend of the bride, who wore a blue gown with matching hat and carried a bouquet with blue streamers. Ushers were John GOBLIC, brother of the bridegroom
[sic], Joseph CHODER, Carmen PARELLI, Buzz LARNARA, and Francis LAING. Carmen ROMANNA of New Jersey served as bestman. The mothers of the young couple wore green and white summer silk dresses with white accessories and orchid corsages. Following the ceremony, a reception for over 500 guests was held at the Ukranian hall.
[ Joseph ROTELLINI to Edith Mae Goblic, 29 Jun 1946 ]
rotellini_goblic_07-05-1946_ro (WD)
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Max H. ROSECRANS to Mildred Fisher, 1 Jun 1944
Dr. Samuel Josiah ROSEN to Belle Besse Levison, 16 Jan 1927
Nesbit E. ROSS to Martha McIlvain Kerr, no date, in 7-6-1918 paper
James ROSSELL to Veda Cummins, 23 Oct 1937
Joseph ROTELLINI to Edith Mae Goblic, 29 Jun 1946
This page was added July 20, 2007 ; updated Sept 24, 2009 ; updated Sept. 26, 2009
; updated Oct. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023