Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 27, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Agnes M. WALKER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward WALKER of McDonald, and Elmer J.
ROMESTAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Bee) ROMESTAN of Bulger, were united in marriage at 1:45 p.m. Saturday, September 21, 1946, in the home of the Rev. Philip HORNE, pastor of the Midway Baptist church, who performed the double ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a fuchsia suit with black accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds. For something old and borrowed she wore her
great- grandmother's locket, for something new and something blue she carried a lace evening handkerchief. The matron of honor, Mrs. Janet
LORASKI, sister of the bride, wore a brown suit with yellow accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. Marcel A.
ROMESTAN, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman. The bride's mother wore a black crepe dress with fuchsia and the bridegroom's mother wore a black crepe dress with a jersey flowered top. Each wore a corsage of white rosebuds. Mrs. Howard BOLING of Midway, cousin of the bride, was also an attendant.
Following the ceremony, a chicken dinner was served to 66 guests in the bride's home. Twenty-five were seated at the bride's table at which a two-tiered wedding cake formed the centerpiece. A reception for 175 guests was held in the Belgian club, McDonald.
The bride attended the McDonald high school and is employed by the Superior Paper Products Co., Crafton.
The bridegroom attended Union high school and is employed by the Marion Coal & Supply Co.
They will make their home in Bulger.
[ Elmer J. ROMESTAN to Agnes M. Walker, 21 Sep 1946 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
May 6, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Dimitrola KOSTAS of Enlow and Pat RONGAS of Pittsburgh were united in marriage at 4:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
May 1, 1938, in Pittsburgh. There were four bridesmaids.
The young couple will reside in Pittsburgh. Mrs. RONGAS is a graduate of North Fayette high school.
[ Pat RONGAS to Dimitrola Kostas, 1 May 1938 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 5, 1905, page unknown:
What is Going on Among the Different Social Clubs Weddings, Etc.
A wedding ceremony of quiet detail was solemnized this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Miss Tirzah GLADDEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GLADDNEN was united in marriage to Mr. C. Terry ROOP, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ROOP of Pittsburg, Pa. On account of the ill-health of Mrs. GLADDEN, the bride's mother, the ceremony did not take place at the pretty family residence on West Walnut street, but at the home of Rev. J. E. WISHART, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, on South Los Robles avenue. Only a small guest company of relatives and imtimate
[sic=intimate] friends were present. The bride was gowned in dainty Persian lawn garnitured
[sic] with Irish lace. The yoke of the bodice was of all over lace edged with beautiful applique
[sic=appliqué] where it joined the fullness of the lower part of the bodice. The sleeves were finished with deep cuffs of lace and the upper part was a soft full puff. The skirt was made with a front panel of finely tucked lawn edged with Irish lace insertion, and about the foot on either side of the panel were two deep flounces headed with insertion. Miss Clara ROBINSON, an intimate friend of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Roy DAVENPORT was best man. After the ceremony the immediate bridal party, including the father and mother of the bride, went down to Los Angeles, where a wedding dinner was served at the Angelus. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. ROOP took the train for the north. They will visit the exposition at Portland and upon their return from their wedding journey will be at home in a cozy cottage which Mr. ROOP has furnished for his bride, at No. 320 North Orange Grove avenue. They will be at home to their friends after August fifteenth. Both bride and groom are very popular among the younger society set, although their residence in California has been a short one. The bride is a charming and beautiful girl, with a very winsome personality, and has made a wide circle of friends. She is an Eastern girl, from Pittsburg, Pa., and with her parents came from that city last fall, and has spent the winter here. Mr. ROOP is also from Pittsburg. In fact he was drawn to Pasadena for the reason that Miss GLADDEN was here, the pretty ceremony of July 24th being the culmination of a friendship that began in the Smoky City, where he was a popular young business man. The wedding will be somewhat of a surprise to their many friends who will wish Mr. and Mrs. ROOP a long life of happiness.--
Passadena [sic] News.
[ C. Terry ROOP to Tirzah Gladden, 24 Jul 1905 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Feb. 24, 1928, page unknown:
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Naomi Hile GRUMLING, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Elmer GRUMLING of Erie, to Fred M. ROSE,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert ROSE of Conneaut, Ohio. The wedding was
solemnized in the manse of the Church of God in Erie on February 11, 1928,
at four o'clock, with the Rev. W. T. SCHROEDER officiating. Miss Alice GAUB of Cleveland, Ohio, and Ray WAKEMAN, uncle of the bridegroom,
attended the couple. Following the ceremony a dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, after which Mr. and Mrs. ROSE left for
Cleveland, where they will make their home. Mrs. ROSE is a granddaughter
of Mrs. M.A. HILE of Oakdale and formerly lived here and attended school.
[ Fred M. ROSE to Naomi Hile Grumling, 11 Feb 1928 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 20, 1940, page unknown:
(Reprinted from an Ellwood City paper.)
Miss Elizabeth Jane CAUGHEY, daughter of the Rev. John E. and Mrs. CAUGHEY of Wurtemburg, wore her grandmother
MCDOWELL'S wedding gown, which was more than fifty years
old, and following the popular tradition, "The something
new" was a Juliet cap veil, one finger-tip length and the
other knee length. The gown was of off-white brocaded
satin, fashioned in the style of the eighties. She carried
an arm cluster of white lilies and other white autumn flowers.
Before a simple but striking setting of pine trees in which attractive arrangements of yellow and salmon colored gladioli
were intermingled along with clusters of orchid dahlias. Miss
CAUGHEY and Gene Fuerst ROSE, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. ROSE, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, said "I will" on Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock, September 7, 1940, in the Wurtemburg United
Presbyterian church. The bride's father was the officiant,
performing the impressive single ring service in the presence
of a large assembly of relatives and friends.
Preceding the ceremony, a program of nuptial music was played
by Miss Madeline BLACKADORE of Pittsburgh, and High TIMBLIM
of Wurtemburg, accompanied by Miss Irene ROTNOUS of Ellwood, sang three appropriate selections, "I Love You Truly," "None
But the Lonely Heart," and "The Lord's Prayer." During the ceremony Debussy's "Clair De Lune" was played softly.
Miss Evelyn HUNT, Sewickley heights, was maid of honor and appeared in a becoming gown of
maroon brocaded taffeta with matching accessories. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Richard E. YOUNG of Butler, Miss Ruth DEAN, Glem Falls, N.Y., Miss Madeline DIEHL, Canal Fulton, Ohio, and Miss Edith WORCESTER,
Wurtemburg. Mrs. YOUNG and Miss WORCESTER wore pretty gowns of marine blue taffeta with rose velvet bows in their hair, and Miss
DEAN and Miss DIEHL were dressed in charming gowns of rose
taffeta with marine velvet bows in their hair. All of the attendants were classmates of the bride with the exception of
Miss WORCESTER and all carried harmonizing colonial bouquets.
Hermine FUERST, cousin of the bridegroom, and Joan CAUGHEY, sister of the bride, were flower girls and wore gowns matching
the other attendants and carried arm clusters of gladioli.
Kenneth GREENBERGER, Cleveland Heights, cousin of the bridegroom,
served as bestman and ushers included Harold REIFER, Donora; Robert
CRAIG, Cleveland; Clark WIMER, Canton; and John M. CAUGHEY, brother
of the bride. To the strains of the favorite Lohengrin wedding march the bridal party entered the church. After the ceremony,
the couple received best wishes of the assemblage and later a reception was held in the Sabbath school room for about 150 relatives and close friends. Members of the Harriet GORON class
served dainty refreshments from one long table decorated with lighted tapers and centered with a large tiered wedding cake.
Mr. and Mrs. ROSE will reside at 1013 Mason street, Warren, Ohio,
where the bridegroom is associated with the Cooperweld Co. as a
Mrs. ROSE is a graduate of the local high school and Westminster
college with the class of '40, majoring in journalism and is a
member of the Chi Omega social sorority. The bridegroom graduated
from Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland and did graduate
work at Northwestern university, Evanston, Ill. He is affiliated
with Alpha Chi Sigma, graduate fraternity.
A number of friends in Clinton received invitations to the wedding.
Mrs. ROSE was born in Clinton and her father, the Rev. Mr. CAUGHEY,
was pastor in Clinton for several years, this being his first pastorate.
[ Gene Fuerst ROSE to Elizabeth Jane Caughey, 7 Sep 1940 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 13, 1927, page unknown:
[ ROSE is the GROOM. ]
Coming as a complete surprise to their many friends is the marriage of Miss Olive V. HICKINBOTHAM and Mr. Ralph L. ROSE, which was solemnized at the First
Christian church, Wheeling, Saturday evening, October 8, at 8 o'clock, with the Rev. W. H. FIELDS officiatting. {sic} The attendants were Miss Alice M.
HICKINBOTHAM, sster [sic] of the bride, and Mr. Harry J. KELSEY, of Martins Ferry, Ohio. A delightful wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. The out-of-town
guests were Mrs. O. B. ROSE and Miss Ruth ROSE, of Marietta, Ohio, mother and sister of the groom, and Mr. W. B. JONES, of Covesville, Va.
The bride is the younger and very attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. HICKINBOTHAM, of Lenox Place, Wheeling, W. Va. She is a former
Wheeling High school student and a graduate of McDonald High school, McDonald, Pa., class of '26 and for the past year has held a position with the Wheeling Fire
Insurance Company.
Mr. ROSE is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. ROSE of Eighth street, Marietta, Ohio. He is a graduate of Marietta High school, Class of 1924. He is a Junior at
Marietta College, and a popular member of Nu Phi Fraternity.
After a wedding trip thru the northern part of Ohio, they will be at home to their
friends at 45 Hadsdale avenue, Lenox Place, Wheeling, W. Va.
[ Ralph L. ROSE to Olive V. Hickinbotham, 8 Oct 1927 ] rose_hickinbotham_10-13-1927
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
This page includes: Elmer J. ROMESTAN to Agnes M. Walker, 21 Sep 1946
Pat RONGAS to Dimitrola Kostas, 1 May 1938
C. Terry ROOP to Tirzah Gladden, 24 Jul 1905
Fred M. ROSE to Naomi Hile Grumling, 11 Feb 1928
Gene Fuerst ROSE to Elizabeth Jane Caughey, 7 Sep 1940
Ralph L. ROSE to Olive V. Hickinbotham, 8 Oct 1927
This page was added July 20, 2007 ; updated May 25, 2009 ; updated Sept. 9, 2009
; updated Sept 24, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023