Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Vedal RICOLLO to Helen Auplicit, no date, in 1-1-1897 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Miss Ellen DAME of Imperial, daughter of Leslie DAME of Hart Drive, Coraopolis, and Pvt. Ted
RIEGER, stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga., son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman RIEGER of Trotwood Acres, South Hills,
Pittsburgh, were united in marriage at 4:00 p.m. Monday, June 12, 1944, in the parsonage of the
First Baptist church, Coraopolis, by the pastor, the Rev. O. C. METZGER.
The bride wore a pink street-length dress with lime accessories. She carried a bouquet of snapdragons,
roses, and delphinium. The matron of honor, Mrs. John CUMMINGS of Imperial, sister of the bride, wore an
aqua dress with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Mr. CUMMINGS served as
bestman. The
bridegroom's parents and his aunt, Mrs. Charles SASSON
of East Liberty, also witnessed the ceremony.
Following the ceremony, a dinner for ten was served at the Ft. Pitt hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold HARPER of
Coraopolis were guests.
Mrs. RIEGER is a 1944 graduate of Findlay Vocational school, Imperial. Private RIEGER is a graduate of
Mt. Lebanon high school and Westinghouse Tech and attended Carnegie Tech. Mrs. RIEGER resides with
the bridegroom's parents.
[ Ted RIEGER to Ellen Dame, 12 Jun 1944 ] rieger_dame_06-16-1944-ro parts 1
& 2 (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA most likely the Record-Outlook newspaper
of July 9, 1937, page unknown:
At high noon, Friday, July 2, 1937, the marriage of Miss Isobel Catherine HOLLAND, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOLLAND, and Charles Henry
RIEHL, son of
Charles Riehl, took place in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Midway, in the presence of a small company of
relatives. The officiating minister was the Rev. C. L. CUSICK, pastor of the church and the ring ceremony
was used. Pink roses and delphinium were used in the decorations at the church.
The bride wore a gown of Eleanor blue crepe with
redingote of blue lace and her accessories were of
white. She wore a corsage of Killarney roses,
delphinium, and baby's breath. Her cousin, Mrs. John MARTIN, as her only attendant, wore brown lace with
white accessories and her corsage was of pink roses, sweet peas, and delphinium. John MARTIN acted as
best man.
Following the ceremony, there was a reception and dinner in the HOLLAND home. Covers were laid for
twelve at the bride's table. Tall white candles were used on the table and the centerpiece was of pink
roses, blue cornflowers, and baby's breath.
Mr. and Mrs. RIEHL left for a short motor trip to eastern points and upon their return will reside in
[ Charles Henry RIEHL to Isobel Catherine Holland, 2 Jul 1937 ] riehl_holland_07-09-1937
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of Jan. 6, 1922 page unknown:
[Two daughters of the pastor, Rev. J. R. ROUTLEDGE, were united in
Miss Jessie May ROUTLEDGE to Mr. Brady Elmer WILCOX
Miss Annie Fisher ROUTLEDGE to Mr. Glenn Walker RIGGS. *
Images under multiples files.
A double wedding of considerable interest took place on January 2, 1922, at 2:45 o'clock in the afternoon, in the Baptist church, Midway, when the two daughters of the pastor, the Rev. J. R.
ROUTLEDGE, were united in marriage; Miss Jessie May ROUTLEDGE to Mr. Brady Elmer WILCOX of New Brighton, Pa., and Miss Annie Fisher ROUTLEDGE to Mr. Glenn Walker RIGGS, of
Richardsville, and Brookville, Pa.
A few friends of the pastor and his wife had spared no pains to make the church attractive. Mr. W. BELL and his willing helpers decorated the interior; Mr. W. R. JONES made and fixed an arch across the rostrum, decorated with evergreen and morning glories made by the ladies of the Maple Leaf club. The huge white bell in the center was the work of Mr. W. BELL.
Miss Mahala WILLIAMSON accompanied on the piano in sweet soft strains during the entire ceremony. With the opening chords of 'Here Comes the Bride," six flower girls came walking down the aisles and took their places at each side of the rostrum; then came the two brides, simply dressed in white accordeon
[sic] pleated canton crepe. The brides' attendants were their younger sister, Mrs. C. S. PAULSON of New Brighton, and two cupid ring bearers. Miss Geneva WARNICK and Miss Gladys TAYLOR. The groomsmen were Mr. C. S. PAULSON of New Brighton and Mr. Joseph R. ROUTLEDGE of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, only brother of the brides, accompanied by his little son Ronald Melville.
The Rev. J. R. ROUTLEDGE conducted the ceremony, and was assisted by the Rev. Dr. NAIRN of the United Presbyterian church and the Rev. Earl THOMPSON of the Methodist church. The flower girls were Verna WILLIAMSON, Vera
CHAMBON, Olla ROHDE, Lillian DUNLAP, Isabelle MASSEY, and Anna Mary RUSSELL. The ushers at the doors were Mr. W. BELL, Mr. Robert JACKSON of McDonald, Mr. Ralph JONES and Mr. Gilbert MOSIER of Primrose. Mr. MCLAUGHLIN, Mr. MOSIER and Mr. WALLACE very graciously conveyed the bridal party and guests to and from the church.
At the parsonage places were laid for thirty, including the bridal party and immediate friends of the family. Two of the tables were arranged to seat twelve each and one to seat six. The color scheme was pink and white. Four-tier bride's cakes were the centers to two of the tables. A dwarf Christmas tree centered the third table. From the electric fixtures were suspended ribbons divided up the brides' places and over the cakes were suspended cupids on pink and white
ribbons. The favors and place cards were nut baskets in pink, decorated with white cupids.
The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MACALPINE of East end, Pittsburgh, Mrs. John BURRELL of New Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
ROUTLEDGE, JR., and little son Ronald Melville of Hamilton, Canada, and Mr. and Mrs. W. MOSIER of Primrose, who with the Rev. J. R. and Mrs. ROUTLEDGE also celebrated their wedding anniversary, January 1st.
Both of the happy couples left on the seven-o'clock train for Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. WILCOX enroute for Washington, D. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn RIGGS for points east. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. WILCOX will reside in New Brighton and Mr. and Mrs. RIGGS will make their home in Brookville.
The arrangements at the church and home were most admirably carried out by the Maple Leaf club, of which Mrs. ROUTLEDGE is a member, and to whom great credit is due. The ladies responsible were Mrs. W. R. JONES, Mrs. J. DUNLAP, Mrs. Cora RUSSELL, Mrs. W. MASSEY, Mrs. R. WALTERS, Mrs. Martha WOOD, Mrs. Harry CHAMBON, Mrs. Harry SMITH, and Mrs. Ella WARNICK.
In the evening, from 7:30 to 10:00 o'clock, a reception was held in the church school room. The first part of the evening was given over to a fine musical program arranged by Mr. W. MASSEY in which the choir and friends from the United Presbyterian church took part. Miss Mahala WILLIAMSON accompanied on the piano and with Mrs. John KRAEER rendered some beautiful duets.
The program was as follows:
Choir--Christmas anthem: "Come and Adore Him."Male chorus--"Holy Night, Silent Night."Solo--Mr. OVER."
Pianoforte duet--Mrs. KRAEER and Miss Mahala WILLIAMSON.
Chorus--"O That Thou Hadst Hearkened!"
Solo--"When You and I Were Young, Maggie," Mr. OVER.
Duet-- Mrs. J. WALLACE and Miss Jean CUMMINGS.
Pianoforte duet--"Poet and Peasant," Miss WILLAIMSON and Mrs. KRAEER.
Male chorus--"They Shall Hunger No More."
Choir--"The Christmas Story."
After the program trays arranged by the ladies were passed to over one hundred guests. In a few choice words Dr. NAIRN spoke of the happy occasion, alluding very appropriately to the anniversary of the pastor and his wife, with an optimistic vision of the future. On behalf of the Maple Leaf club, in a very
... [ of article is missing].
[ Glenn Walker RIGGS to Annie Fisher Routledge, 2 Jan 1922 ]
wilcox_and_riggs_to_routledge_01-06-1922 Parts 1 to 6
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From The McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 23 December 1905,
page unknown:
Married, Dec. 19th, John RILEY, Jr., of McDonald, and Miss Helen CARROLL, of Sturgeon. The Outlook sends best wishes.
[ John RILEY, Jr. to Helen Carroll, 19 Dec 1905 ]
riley_carroll-12-23-05-out (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper
of March 5, 1926, page unknown:
[ RILEY is Groom. ]
A pretty wedding took place in St. James church, Westend, Pittsburgh, on Saturday morning, February 13, 1926, when Miss Lucy Helen MURRAY, daughter of Michael MURRAY of Homewood avenue, Pittsburgh, became the bride of Michael J. RILEY of Cleveland, Ohio, son of John RILEY of Barr street. Miss Anna MURRAY, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and William J. KANE Jr. of
Cleveland, Ohio, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. RILEY will reside in Webb road, Lakewood, Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. RILEY are well known in McDonald, having resided for a number of years in Barr street.
[ Michael J. RILEY to Lucy Helen Murray, 13 Feb 1926 ]
riley_murray_03-05-1926_outlook (S)
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes: Vedal RICOLLO to Helen Auplicit, no date, in 1-1-1897 paper
Ted RIEGER to Ellen Dame, 12 Jun 1944
Charles Henry RIEHL to Isobel Catherine Holland, 2 Jul 1937
Glenn Walker RIGGS to Annie Fisher Routledge, 2 Jan 1922
John RILEY, Jr. to Helen Carroll, 19 Dec 1905
Michael J. RILEY to Lucy Helen Murray, 13 Feb 1926
This page was added July 19, 2007 ; updated Sept 20, 2008 ; updated April 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023