Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 19,
1896, page unknown:
Mr. L. P. REEDER, the railroad engineer, and his wife (nee Miss Emma BROWN) who were so unostentatiously married on the 16th ult. and have since been making their home with the bride's parents on Center Avenue, will in the near future move to their own house on the south-east corner of Jefferson-Station Streets, where Mr. RICHARDs lives.
[ L. P. REEDER to Emma Brown, 16 May 1896]
reeder_brown_06-19-1896 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Sept. 27. 1946, page unknown:
At an open church ceremony Saturday evening, September 14, 1946, solemnized in the Second Christian church, Miss Charlotte KERNS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. KERNS of Washington, became the bride of Jack O. REESE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max REESE of Oakdale. The vows were exchanged at 7:30 o'clock with the pastor, the Rev. H. J. SINCLAIR, officiating.
Mrs. Philip WEMPLE of Wheeling, W. Va., a cousin of the bride, was matron of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Virginia HAAS and Miss Martha SEESE, also of Wheeling. Charles W. KENSINGER of Carnegie served as bestman for Mr. REESE and ushers were Joseph BALAK of Oakdale and Philip WEMPLE of Wheeling.
The church was beautifully decorated with palms and ferns and lighted by tapered candles in candelabra.
Miss Thelma SONNTAG, guest soloist, sang "I Love You Truly," "O Promise Me," and "Because. During the exchange of vows, the organist, Mrs. James ULERY, played nuptial music. The traditional wedding marches were played during the processional and recessional.
The bride entered the church on the arm of her father who gave her in marriage. She was attired in a gown of satin and marquisette with high round neckline of net, with a lace rugle forming a drop-shoulder effect. The satin bodice was form fitting with sleeves tapering to a point at the wrists. The full marquisette skirt was made with a long train. The bride's marquisette veil was trimmed with lace and fastened by a crown of pearls. Her only jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridgroom
[sic]. She carried a bouquet of white fall flowers centered with white roses.
Mrs. WEMPLE, as matron of honor, wore a gown of light blue net, with dropped shoulders of rows of net. On her head she wore a Juliet cap of blue net.
The bridesmaids were attired in identically designed gowns with Miss SEASE wearing yellow and Miss HAAS pale pink, with pink accessories. Their arm bouquets were of fall flowers.
Mrs. George KERNS, mother of the bride, wore a black dress with gold trimming and black accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of Talisman roses.
Mrs. REESE, the bridegroom's mother, wore black with gold trimming and a corsage of red roses.
A reception honoring the couple was held in the home of the bride for 65 guests. A three-tiered wedding cake was cut by the couple.
The bride is a graduate of Washington high school in the June class of 1945 and is employed by the Bell Telephone company, Washington. Mr. REESE attended Oakdale high school and served three years in the Army Air corps in the South Pacific theater. At present he is employed at Geneva.
[ Jack O. REESE to Charlotte Kerns, 14 Sep 1946 ]
reese_kerns_09-27-1946_ro Parts 1, 2, 3 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 12, 1934, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Marie S. CHAMAR, daughter of Mrs. Julia CHAMAR of Dix street, Carnegie, and Mr. Joseph P. REGAN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. REGAN of 437 South Braddock avenue, Eastend, Pittsburgh, took place at nine o'clock Tuesday morning, October 9, 1934, before a nuptial high mass in St. Luke's church, Carnegie. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Fr. Joseph W. LOWNEY. The bride's gown was royal blue velvet. She carried a prayer book showered with lilies of the valley. Miss Nora CLINE of Carnegie, the bridesmaid, was gowned in rust velvet and wore a corsage of tea roses. Mr. J. Paul REGAN was his brother's best man. A reception for the young couple was held that evening in the home of the bride's aunt Mrs.
P. J. MALOY in Clairton. The bride is a graduate of Langley high school and Duquesne university, and the bridegroom was graduated from Schenley high school and the Carnegie Institute of Technology. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. CHAMAR of McDonald.
[ Joseph P. REGAN to Marie S. Chamar, 9 Oct 1934 ] regan_chamar_10-12-1934
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of Sept. 9, 1921, page unknown:
[ REGAR is the Groom. ]
Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. KELSO and Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. KELSO and daughter MARGARET attended the wedding of the
Messrs. KELSO's niece, Miss Mary GILLESPIE, to Mr. William REGAR, which took place Saturday evening,
September 3, 1921, at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother in Ohio street, Avalon. The Rev. A. A. LOVE of Sheridan,
assisted by the Rev. James L. THOME of Burgettstown, both of whom are uncles of the bride, performed the ceremony. The bride
wore white crepe-de-chine and carried a bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. Miss
Ruth GILLESPIE was her sister's bridesmaid. About thirty friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
REGAR left for a trip to the Great Lakes. Mrs. REGAR is a daughter of Mrs.
Josephine GILLESPIE and the late Thomas GILLESPIE, former residents of McDonald.
[ William REGAR to Mary Gillespie, 3 Sep 1921 ]
regar_gillespie_09-09-1921 (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July
2, 1937, page unknown:
The wedding of Miss Margaret DEICHLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter DEICHLER of Cherry street, and Joseph REHAK was solemnized Tuesday, June 29, 1937, at 8 a.m. in St. Alophonsus' church, the Rev. Fr. J. A. BURGOON officiating. The marriage was performed in the presence of many friends. The bride wore a gown of white lace with veil and carried white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Ellen DEICHLER, sister of the bride, was dressed in blue and carried pink roses. A delicious wedding dinner was served to 35 guests. The afternoon and evening was spent in games and dancing. The bride received many beautiful and useful gifts.
[ Joseph REHAK to Margaret Deichler, 29 Jun 1937 ] rehak_deichler_07-02-1937
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: L. P. REEDER to Emma Brown, 16 May 1896
Jack O. REESE to Charlotte Kerns, 14 Sep 1946
Joseph P. REGAN to Marie S. Chamar, 9 Oct 1934
William REGAR to Mary Gillespie, 3 Sep 1921
Joseph REHAK to Margaret Deichler, 29 Jun 1937
This page was added July 19, 2007 ; updated June 28, 2009 ; updated Aug. 10, 2009
; updated Sept. 4, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023