Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 17, 1041, page unknown:
Miss Mary Carmichael BLACK of Philadelphia and Dr. Edgar Lee
RALSTON, Jr. of New York City, son of the Rev. Edgar LEE and Mrs.
RALSTON of Murrysville formerly of Midway, were united in marriage at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, January 11, 1941, in the St. James Methodist church, Olney, Philadelphia. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr.
RALSTON, pastor of the Murrysville United Presbyterian church, assisted by the bride's pastor, the Rev. Alexander K.
SMITH. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mr. Harry BLACK.
Mrs. George CONSTABLE of Philadelphia was the matron of honor. Mr. Joseph C.
RALSTON of McDonald served as his brother's bestman and the ushers were Mr. George
CONSTABLE of Philadelphia and the Rev. Walter J. RALSTON of West Middletown, another brother of the bridegroom. Miss Marie
HINTERLEITER played the wedding music and Mr. Harold MUNCE sang.
A reception was held in the Old Yorke Road Country club. Seventy-five guests were present. The young couple took a Southern wedding trip.
Mr. RALSTON is resident physician of the Orthopedic hospital of New York. Mrs.
RALSTON is a popular musician. She is soprano for the Emanuel Lutheran church and soloist for the Strawbridge & Clothier chorus.
[ Edgar Lee RALSTON, Jr. to Mary Carmichael Black, 11 Jan 1941
] ralston_black_01-17-1941_ro (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 2, 1938, page unknown:
The leading afternoon daily newspaper of Columbus, Ohio, of last Saturday carried the following account of the RALSTON-EVANS wedding:
"Before a background of palms and ferns interwined with the lighter green of huckleberry leaves, Miss Ruby EVANS, daughter of Mrs. Earl EVANS, 1616
Clifton avenue, Columbus, spoke her wedding vows to Mr. Joseph C. RALSTON of McDonald, this afternoon.
"Two large baskets of rust, yellow and orange chrysanthemums decorated the altar of the United Presbyterian church for the ceremony, which was read by the Rev. Robert H. BELTON at 3 o'clock.
"The informal bridal gown and accessories were of chianti. The dress was made with a jacket, the lapels of which were trimmed with brilliants. Her
off-the-face hat had a waist-length veil and she wore a corsage of lavender orchids with red tips.
"A teal blue dress with a belt of sequins was worn by Miss Leota GIBSON, who was maid of honor and only attendant. Her accessories were of wine and she wore a corsage of yellow roses.
"Dr. Edgar RALSTON of Philadelphia, a brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and the ushers included Howard LEMMON of Columbus, the Rev. Walter RALSTON of West Middletown, Pa., brother of the bridegroom, who is the son of Rev. E. L. and Mrs. RALSTON of Murraysville, Pa.
"Mrs. Albert H. HEINZ presented a program of organ music preceding the ceremony. Rev. Albert H. HEINZ, assistant minister of the church sang, "I Love you Truly," and "Oh, Promise Me."
"Immediately following the ceremony, Mrs. EVANS was hostess at an informal reception at the church. For the occasion she wore a plum-colored gown with accessories of black and a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. RALSTON wore a slate blue gown with accessories and her flowers were gardenias.
"Mrs. Melville WAGY and Mrs. Doris Graham ZIRKLE were assisting hostesses at the reception, following which the couple left for a wedding trip East. After December 8 they will be at home at 223 Fourth street, McDonald, Pa., where Mr. RALSTON is an attorney."
Both the bride and the bridegroom are w [missing] known young people of the [missing] Presbyterian denomination,
[missing] are members of the National [missing] committee. Mrs. RALSTON is [missing] ng as chairman of the publicity committee and Mr. RALSTON is a member of the board.
Attorney RALSTON was graduated from Muskingum college and was later of the University of Pittsburgh. Following his graduation from law school he took up his practice with STONECIPHER & RALSTON in Pittsburgh. Since 1934 he has had an office in McDonald. He is a director of the First National Bank of McDonald.
[ Joseph C. RALSTON to Ruby Evans, no date, in 12-2-1938 paper ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 24, 1947, page unknown:
Virginia Brown WILHARM of Regent Square, Pittsburgh, and Joseph C. RALSTON of McDonald were united in marriage on Saturday,
October 18, in the Shadyside Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh. Dr. Howard SCHARFE performed the ceremony in the presence of the bride's and the groom's families and intimate friends. Miss Alice LONG, soprano, of Pittsburgh sang the wedding music and the organist was Russell WICHMAN of Pittsburgh. Following the ceremony a luncheon was served in the King Edward diningroom to the immediate families of Mr. and Mrs. RALSTON.
The bride for many years has been a prominent pianist and piano teacher in Pittsburgh. After a wedding trip to the Shenandoah Valley, Mr. and Mrs. RALSTON will be at home at 208 West Lincoln avenue, McDonald.
[ Joseph C. RALSTON to Virginia Brown Wilharm, 18 Oct 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 24, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Edith Mae McCUEN of Carnegie and Pvt. William Clark RALSTON of Keesler Field, Miss., formerly of Burgettstown, were united in marriage at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 7, 1942, in the Methodist parsonage, Biloxi, Miss., by the Rev. Clyde H. GUNN.
The bride wore a street-lenth dress of poudre blue with white accessories. She was accompanied by the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Ford RALSTON of Burgettstown, and by Mrs. James SNEDDEN of Midway. Pvt. David RAMSEY of Keesler Field served as best man.
Dinner was served immediately following the ceremony at the Palmer House in Biloxi. After a brief visit with her husband, Mrs. RALSTON returned home.
[ William Clark RALSTON to Edith Mae McCuen, 7 Jul 1942 ] ralston_mccuen_07-24-1942_ro
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Edgar Lee RALSTON, Jr. to Mary Carmichael Black, 11 Jan 1941
Joseph C. RALSTON to Ruby Evans, no date, in 12-2-1938 paper
Joseph C. RALSTON to Virginia Brown Wilharm, 18 Oct 1947
William Clark RALSTON to Edith Mae McCuen, 7 Jul 1942
This page was added July 19, 2007 ; updated Apr. 15, 2009 ; updated June 28, 2009 ; updated Sept. 1, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023