Bridegrooms by Surname Letter R
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 20, 1936, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles KLENNER of Fannie street, McDonald, announce the marriage of their daughter, Valerie Louise, to Harry
RAAB, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. G. RAAB of R.D. 4, McDonald. The ceremony was performed at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 18, 1936, in the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church, the Rev.
O.E. GARDNER, D.D., officiating. The bride was attired in blue velvet with matching accessories and wore a shoulder corsage. Miss Margaret DESCUTNER of McDonald, the bridesmaid, was attired in russet, with brown accessories. Mr. Otis SHAFFER of R.D. 4, McDonald, was the
bestman. A reception was held in the home of the bride's parents following the ceremony. The newlyweds will reside in R.D. 4, McDonald. Mrs. RAAB graduated from McDonald high school with the class of 1934 and Mr. RAAB is a graduate of the Hickory vocational school.
[ Harry RAAB to Valerie Louise Klenner, 18 Nov 1936 ] raab_klenner_11-20-1936_ro
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Carson L. RACH to Mary Hunter, 24 Sep 1894
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
July 17, 1897, page unknown:
John RAGINS and Mary A. FORD, both of McDonald.
[ John RAGINS to Mary A. Ford, no date, in 7-17-1897 paper ]
ragins_ford_07-17-1897_out (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Feb. 3, 1906:
Social Clubs, Weddings, Etc.
Married on Monday, Jan. 29, [1906], Glenn RAGLAND to Miss ___ LEWIS
of Laurel Hill.
[ Glenn RAGLAND to Miss ___ LEWIS, Mon., Jan. 29, 1906 ]
ragland_lewis-2-3-1906-outlook (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 12, 1934, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Lydia Marie HILL, daughter of Mrs. Mary HILL of Orchard street, and John RAGLAND, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John RAGLAND of Railroad street, took place at six o'clock Saturday evening, October 6, 1934. The ceremony was read by the Rev. H. E. TUCKER, pastor of the First Baptist church, in the livingroom of the bride's home before an embankment of beautiful fall flowers, which decorated the room. Only members of the immediate families were present. The bride, who was gowned in wine velvet
trimmed in sequens [sic] with matching turban, carried a bouquet of red roses. She was attended by her sister-in-law Mrs. Albert SMITH, who wore blue velvet and carried tea roses. The bride's brother, Marshall HILL, was
bestman. Miss Dorothy THORNTON was the flower girl and wore pale blue velvet and carried tea roses. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle William THORNTON. Following the ceremony a nupital
[sic] dinner was served. The bride's table was decorated with fall flowers. The newlyweds are residing for the present with the bride's mother. They intend to make their home in the near future in North McDonald street.
[ John, Jr. RAGLAND, to Lydia Marie Hill, 6 Oct 1934 ]
ragland_hill_10-12-1934_record-outlook (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 30, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Hazel Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones of Carnegie, and Pvt. Purcell Ragland, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ragland of Railroad street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 13, 1943, in the home of the bride's parents, by the Rev. John M. Clay, pastor of the First Baptist church, Carnegie.
The attendants were Pvt. John Haygood, stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Va., and his wife, the former Maud Ford of Carnegie, who were married Monday, July 12.
Private Ragland is with the military policy at Ft. Shanks, N.Y.
[ Purcell RAGLAND to Hazel Jones, 13 Jul 1943 ]
ragland_jones_07-30-1943_ro (CB)
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Harry RAAB to Valerie Louise Klenner, 18 Nov 1936
Carson L. RACH to Mary Hunter, 24 Sep 1894
Glenn RAGLAND to Miss ___ LEWIS, Mon., Jan. 29, 1906
John RAGINS to Mary A. Ford, no date, in 7-17-1897 paper
John, Jr. RAGLAND, to Lydia Marie Hill, 6 Oct 1934
Purcell RAGLAND to Hazel Jones, 13 Jul 1943
This page was added July 19, 2007 ; updated July 20, 2007 ; updated Apr. 15, 2009
; updated June 28, 2009 ; updated Sept. 7, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023